Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 81 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
What are hydrocarbons and how are they classified?
Why is methane molecule tetrahedral in shape?
How would you prepare propane from propene
How would you prepare propane from propyl bromide
How would you prepare propane from butanoic acid?
Explain why does iso-pentane have a lower boiling point as compared to that of n-pentane?
What is the limiting density of alkanes?
What happens when sodium acetate is heated with sodalime
What happens when ethyl bromide is treated with Zn and HCl
What happens when methane is burnt in an insufficient supply of oxygen
What happens when a mixture of acetylene and hydrogen is passed over heated nickel at 573 K?
Name the products obtained on treating a mixture of methyl bromide and ethyl bromide with sodium in presence of ether.
Explain the formation of carbon-carbon double bond in ethene.
Write all the possible isomers of `C_4H_8`
Give the IUPAC name of the following alkenes :
Give the IUPAC name of the following alkenes :
`CH_2 = CH - CH = CH_2`
Give the IUPAC name of the following alkenes :
`CH_3 - oversetunderset(|)(CH_3)(C)H - oversetunderset(|)(CH_3)(C) = CH - oversetunderset(|)(CH_3)(C)H - CH_3`
Give the IUPAC name of the following alkenes :
`(CH_3)_2C = C(CH_3)_2`
Which of the following can show geometrical isomerism?
(i) Propene (ii) But-1-ene (iii) But-2-ene (iv) Pent-2-ene
Explain why alkanes and alkynes are unable to show geometrical isomerism
Explain why cis-isomer is less stable as compared to trans isomer
Explain why cis and trans isomers do not change into one another under ordinary conditions?
Explain why compounds of the type aaC=Cab are unable to exhibit geometrical isomerism?
How would you prepare ethene from ethyl iodide
How would you prepare ethene from ethylene dibromide
How would you prepare ethene from ethanol
The reductive ozonolysis of an alkene gives a mixture of acetone and formaldehyde. What is the structural formula of the alkene?
How would you identify the position of double bond in a given unknown butene by reductive ozonolysis?
What happens when isopropyl bromide is heated with alcoholic KOH
What happens when Pent-2-ene reacts with HBr
What happens when ethene is treated with chlorine water
What happens when 2-methyl propene is heated with a concentrated solution of `KMnO_4`
Give the IUPAC names of the following alkynes :
`CH_3 - C -= C - oversetunderset(|)(C_2H_5)(C)H - CH_3`
Give the IUPAC names of the following alkynes :
`CH_3 - C -= C - oversetunderset(|)(CH_3)(C)H - CH_2 - CH_2 CH_3`
Give the IUPAC names of the following alkynes :
Give the IUPAC names of the following alkynes :
`CH -= C - CH_2 - oversetunderset(|)(CH_3)(C)H - C -= CH`
What are the states of hybridisation of carbon atoms forming a triple bond?
Why is acetylene molecule linear?
What type of isomerism is shown by But-2-yne and But-1, 3-diene?
Write the possible isomers with molecular formula `C_5H_8` .
How would you prepare acetylene from `CaC_2`
How would you prepare acetylene from Chloroform
How would you prepare acetylene from 1, 2-dibromoethane
How would you obtain Acetaldehyde compounds from acetylene?
How would you obtain Ethylene compounds from acetylene?
How would you obtain Lewisite compounds from acetylene?
Which of the following alkynes show acidic charater?
(i) Propyne (ii) But-1-yne (iii) But-2-yne (iv) Pent-2-yne
What happens when acetylene is treated with hypochlorous acid
What happens when acetylene is passed in a dilute solution of `H_2SO_4` containing `HgSO_4`
What happens when Baeyer's reagent reacts with acetylene
What happens when Propyne is passed through a red hot iron tube?
Name the monomers which constitute the Teflon polymers.
Name the monomers which constitute the Vinyl acetylene polymers.
Name the monomers which constitute the Oron polymers.
What are arenes? Give two examples.
Discuss the orbital structure of benzene.
Why is benzene extra ordinarily stable though it contains three double bonds?
Explain the resonance structure of benzene. What do you understand by resonance hybrid?
Write the possible isomers of the `C_7H_8`
Write the possible isomers of the `C_6H_4(OH)_2`
Write the possible isomers of the `C_6H_4(CH_3)_2 `
How would you account for the fact that C-C bond length in benzene is intermediate to that of C-C and C=C bonds?
Which of the following does not satisfy Huckel's rule?
(a) Benzene (b) 1, 3-cyclobutadiene (c) Naphthalene (d) Furan
Why are naphthalene and anthracene regarded as aromatic compounds?
Explain the following reactions withan example for each :
(i) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
(ii) Friedel - Crafts reaction.
Complete the reaction :
`C_6H_5COONa underset("heat")overset("sodalime")(to) A underset(AlCl_3) overset(C_2H_5Cl)(to) B`
Complete the reaction :
`C_6H_6 + HNO_3 overset(H_2SO_4)(to)A`
Explain why are electrophilic substitution reactions the most characteristic reactions of benzene?
What happens when benzene is treated with ozone and the product is subjected to hydrolysis
What happens when toluene is heated with acidified `KMnO_4`
What happens when phenol is heated with zinc dust
What happens when benzene is treated with acetyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous `AlCl_3`
What happens when benzene is treated with a mixture of concentrated `HNO_3` and concentrated `H_2SO_4`?
Explain, why does benzene not undergo addition reactions easily?
What products are obtained on the destructive distillation of coal ? How are aromatic compounds isolated from coal tar? Describe in detail.
What are the main constituents of coal tar?
Sort out the o- and p- and m-directing groups among the following:
`-CN, OH, -CH_3,-SO_3H, -CHO`
What do you understand by the directive influence of a group?
Out of -OH and `-NO_2` groups, which deactivates the benzene ring and why?
Why does `-NH_2` group directs the incoming group at the ortho and para positions of the ring?
How is benzene prepared in the laboratory? Write a note on its electrophilic substitution reactions.
REVEW EXERCISES questions and complete solutions for chapter HYDROCARBONS of NAGEEN CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) of Class 11