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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE 11 (a) of chapter INEQUALITIES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Yoy are given the following numbers :
    `-2.6" "5.1" "-3" "0.4" "1.2" "-3.1" "4.7`
    Fill in the blanks.
    (i) `A={x:xge-3}={...}`
    (ii) `B={x:xle1}={...}`

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  2. If the replacement set is `{-2,-1,+1,+2,+4,+5,+9}`, what is the solution set of each of the following mathematical sentences?
    (i) `x+3/2gt5/2`
    (ii) `2x-5ge10`
    (iii) `3y+2le5/2`

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  3. List the solution set of `30-4(2x-1)lt30`, given that x is a positive integer.

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  4. `x in{2,4,6,9}andy in{4,6,18,27,54}`. From all ordered pairs (x, y) such that x is a factor of y and `xlty`.

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  5. Find the truth set of the inequality `xgty+2` where

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  6. P is the solution set of `8x-1gt5x+2` and Q is the solution set of `7x-2ge3(x+6)`, where `x in N`. Find the set `PcapQ`.

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  7. Find the solution of the inequality
    `2le2p-3le5,p inR`
    Hence, graph the solution set on the number line.

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  8. If x is a negative integer, find the solution set of `2/3+1/3(x+1)gt0`.

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  9. Solve the inequaliy : `3-2xgex-12`, given that `x inN`.

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  10. Find the range of values of x which satisfies
    `-2(2)/3lex+1/3lt9(1)/(3),x inR`.
    Graph these values of x on the number line.

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  11. Find the range of values of x, which satisfy the inequality:
    `(-1)/5le(3x)/10+1lt2/5,x inR`
    Graph the solution set on the number line.

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  12. Find the range of values of x which satisfy
    `(-1)/3le(x)/2-1(1)/(3)lt1/6,x inR`
    Graph these values of x on the real number line.

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  13. Solve the following inequation, and graph the solution set, on the number line
    `2x-3ltx+2le3x+5,x inR`.

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  14. Solve the inequation on: `-3le3-2xlt9,x inR`

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  15. Find the values of x which satisfies the inequation
    `-2le1/2-(2x)/3le1(5)/(6),x inN`
    Graph the solution on a number line.

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  16. Solve and graph the solution set of `3x-4gt11or5-2xge7`.

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  17. P is the solution set of `7x-2gt4x+1` and Q is the solution set of `(9x-45)ge5(x-5)`, where `x inR`. Represent (i) `PcapQ` (ii) P - Q, (iii) `PcapQ'` on different lines.

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  18. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  19. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  20. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  21. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  22. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  23. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  24. Solve the following system of inequalities `(x inR)`.

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  25. Solve and graphs the solution set

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  26. Solve and graphs the solution set

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  27. Solve and graphs the solution set

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  28. Solve and graphs the solution set

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  29. Solve and graphs the solution set

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  30. `3|x-6|-4le11`

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  31. `2|3p-5|+1gt7`

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  32. `|5-(m-3)|+8lt15`

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EXERCISE 11 (a) questions and complete solutions for chapter INEQUALITIES of S CHAND MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from S CHAND Class 11 MATHS INEQUALITIES