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Complete Solutions to SELECTED PROBLEMS[FROM ESCAPE VELOCITY ] of chapter GRAVITATION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The escape speed of a body on the earth's surface is 11.2 km `s^(-1)`. A body is projected with thrice of this speed. The speed of the body when it escapes the gravitational pull of earth is

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  2. What is the escape velocity of a body from the solar system? Calculate using the following data. Mass of the sun `= 2xx 10^(30) kg`. The distance between earth and the sun `= 1.5 xx 10^(11) m`.

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  3. If the earth has mass 9 times and radius twice that of the planet Mars, calculate the minimum velocity required by a rocket to pull out of the gravitational force of Mars. Escape velocity on the surface of the earth in `11.2 km//s`

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  4. The escape velocity of a particle on earth ( radius R and mass M ) is 11.2 `kms^(-1)` . What is the escape velocity on another planet with radius `R//2` and mass `M//4` ?

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  5. Jupiter has a mass 318 times that of earth, and its radius is 11.2 times the earth's radius Estimate the escape velocity of a body from Jupiter's surface, given that the escape velocity from the earth's surface `11.2 kms^(-1)`.

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  6. Calculate the escape velocity of an atmospheric particle 1000 km above the surface of the earth. Given `R = 6.4 xx 10^(6)m` and `g = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  7. A stone has a mass of 500g. How much energy must be imparted to the stone in order that it escapes form the earth?

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  8. The radius of a planet is double that of earth but their average are the same. If the escape velocities at the planet and the earth are `v_(p)` and `v_( e)` respectively , then prove that `v_(p) = 2 v_(e)`.

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  9. What is the ratio of the escape velcoities from two planets of equal densities but different masses `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` ?

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  10. With what velocity a body of mass m be projected vertically upwards so that it may be able to reach a height nR above earth's surface

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  11. The escape velocity of a projectile on the earth's surface is `11.2 kms^(-1)` . A body is projected out with 4 times this speed. What is the speed of the body far way from the earth?

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  12. Find the orbital velocity of an artifical satellite of the earth in an orbital close to the earth?

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  13. An artifical satellite cicles round the earth at a distance of 3400 km. Calculate the orbital velocity. Given the radius of the earth is 6400km. G` = 9.8 ms^(-2)`.

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  14. What should be the percentage increase in the orbital velcoity to escape velocity ?

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  15. A spaceship is launched into a circular orbit close to the earth's surface . What additional velocity has now to be imparted to the spaceship in the orbit to overcome the gravitational pull. Radius of earth `= 6400 km`, `g = 9.8m//s^(2)`.

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  16. What should be the percentage increase in the kinetic energy of a satellite to enable it to escape?

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  17. An earth satellite makes a complete revolution around the earth in 120 minutes. If the orbit is circular calculate the height of satellite above the earth. Radius of the earth = 6400 km g = `9.8 ms^(-2)` .

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  18. Find the period of revolution of a satellite revolving the earth at a height of 200km above earth's surface ? Radius of earth = 6400 km

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  19. A satellite revolve round a planet in an orbit just above the surface of a planet. Taking `G = 6.67 xx 10^(-11) Nm^(2) kg^(2)` and mean density of the planet `5.51 xx 10^(3) kg//m^(3)` find the period of the planet.

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  20. A satellite is in a circular orbit about a planet of radius R. If the altitude of the satellite is h and its period is T, show that the density of the planet is `rho = ( 3pi )/( GT^(2)) [ 1+ ( h )/( R ) ]^(3)`

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SELECTED PROBLEMS[FROM ESCAPE VELOCITY ] questions and complete solutions for chapter GRAVITATION of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11