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Complete Solutions to MODULE 1 (ELASTICITY)FROM YOUNG.S MODULUS of chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A wire of length 15m and diameter 4 mm elongates 0.3mm when stretched by weigth of 2.20kg. Calulate the Young's modulus of the material of the wire.

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  2. A wire one square centimeter area of cross-section is stretched by a force to double its original length. Calculate the force. Young's modulus = 90 GPa. Assume that the wire does not break.

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  3. How much will a 30m steel tape 1 cm wide and 0.05 cm thick stretch unde a pull of a force of 300N if Young's modulus of steel is `2 xx 10^(11) Nm^(-2)`

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  4. Find the stress to be applied to a steel wire to stretched it by 0.025% of its original length. Y for steel is 90 GPa.

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  5. A uniform wire 6m long weighing 0.04 kg elongates by 0.8 mm when stretched by a load of 1 kg . If its density is 8.9 gm `//` cc, find the Young's modulus of the material.

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  6. The breaking stress of a material is `10^(8) Nm^(-2)`. Find the greatest length of a wire that could hang vertically without breaking? Density of material `= 3000 kg m^(-3)`.

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  7. Find the percentage increase in length of a wire subjected to a stress of 1 gm. Wt `// m m^(2)` . Young's modulus of the material of the wire = 100 Gpa.

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  8. A steel wire of length 1m and diameter 0.8 mm is kept stretched between two rigid supports. What additional stretching force the wire will experience when its temperature falls by 30K? Linear expansivity of steel `alpha = 12 xx 10^(-6) //k` . Young's modulus of steel `Y = 20 xx 10^(10) N //m^(2)`.

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  9. How much a hollow cylindrical piller of height 6m and external diameter 28cm and internal diameter 22cm will contract under a load of 60,000 kg? Given Young's modulus of the material to be `21 xx 10^(10) N //m^(2)`.

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  10. Two wire mode of the same material are subjected to force in the ratio of `1:2`. Their lengths are in the ratio `8:1` and diameters in the raio `2:1`. Find the ratio of their extension.

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  11. A wire longates by 9 mm when a load of 10kg is suspended from it. What is the elongation when its radius is doubled, iff all other quantities are same as before ?

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  12. Four identical hollow cylindrical columns of mild steel support a big structure of mass 50,000 kg. The inner and outer radil of each column are 30 and 60 cm respectively. Assuming the load distribution to be uniform, calculate the compressional strain of each column.

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  13. To one end of a steel wire of unstretched length 3m and cross-section area 1` m m^(2)` a small ball of mass 150 gm is attached. The other end of the wire is fixed and the ball is allowed to revolved in a horizontal circle. If the ball makes 600 revolutions per minute find the radius of the uniform circular motion. Y for steel `= 2xx 10^(11) Pa`.

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  14. A uniform wire of steel of length 2.5m and of density `8000kg m^(-3)` weigths 0.05kg. When stretched by a force of 10kg wt the length increases by 2mm. Calculate the Young's modulus for steel.

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  15. Two parallel wires A and B are fixed to a right support at the upper ends and are subjected to the same load at the lower ends. The lengths of the wire are in the ratio ` 4:5` and their radius are in the ratio `4:3`. The increase in length of the wire A is 1mm.Calculate the increase in length of the wire B.

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  16. Calculate the force required to incrase the length of wire of cross-sectional area ` 10^(-6) m^(2)` by 50% if the Young's modulus of the material of the wire is `90 xx 10^(9) Pa`.

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  17. A uniform wire of length 6m and a cross-sectional area 1.2 `cm^(2)` is stretched by a force of 600N . If the Young's modulus of the material of the wire `20xx 10^(10) Nm^(-2)` , calculate (i) stress (ii) strain and (iii) increase in length of the wire.

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  18. A steel wire and copper wire of the same diameter and of length 1m and 2m respectively are connected end to end and a force is applied. The increase in length of the combination is 0.01m.Calculate the elongation produced in the individual wires. Given that Y of copper is `12 xx 10^(10) Nm^(2)` and that of steel is `20 xx 10^(10) N m^(-2)`.

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  19. The maximum stress that can be applied to the material of a wire used to suspend an elevator is `1.3 xx 10^(8) Nm^(-2)`. If the mass of the elevator is 900 kg and it moves up with an acceleration of `2.2 ms^(-2) ` , what is the minimum diameter of the wire?

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MODULE 1 (ELASTICITY)FROM YOUNG.S MODULUS questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11