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Complete Solutions to SOLVED EXAMPLE of chapter THERMAL CONDUCTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A uniform metal rod `AB` 80 cm long is heated at the end A and the end B is kept in ice. The temperature of the end A is 100°C and that of the end B is 0°C. The rod is covered with wool such that there is no loss of heat from the surface of the rod. Assuming steady state find (i) the temperature gradient along the rod, (ii) the temperature at a point D distance 60 cm from the end A and (iii) the distance of the point C from the end A where the temperature is 65°C.

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  2. The area of a glass window is `1.2 m^(2)`. The thickness of the glass is 2.2 mm. If the temperature outside is 36°C and the temperature inside is 26°, calculate the heat flowing into the room every hour. Thermal conductivity of glass is `0.8 Wm^(-1) K^(-1)`.

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  3. One of the faces of a copper cube of side 7.7 cm is maintained at 100°C and the opposite face at 30°C. If the thermal conductivity of copper is `385 "Wm"^(-1) "K"^(-1)`. Calculate the rate of heat flow through the cube?

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  4. A ‘thermacole’ icebox is a cheap and efficient method for storing small quantities of cooked food in summer in particular. A cubical icebox of side 30 cm has a thickness of 5.0 cm. If 4.0 kg of ice is put in the box, estimate the amount of ice remaining after 6 h. The outside temperature is `45^(@)C`, and co-efficient of thermal conductivity of thermacole is `0.01 J s^(–1) m^(–1) K^(–1)`. [Heat of fusion of water `= 335xx 103 J kg^(–1)]`

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  5. Two slabs of thickness `x_1 and x_2` and thermal conductivities `k_1 and k_2` are in thermal contact with each other as shown in Fig. 11.4. The temperature of their outer surfaces are `T_1 and T_2` respectively. `(T_1 gt T_2)`. Find the temperature at the surface.

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  6. A boiler is made of a copper plate 3 mm thick. The inner surface of the copper plate is coated with a layer of tin of thickness 0.3 mm. The surface of the plate exposed to the gas at 700°C is `150 "cm"^2`.Find the maximum amount of steam that could be produced per hour at atmospheric pressure. The coefficient of thermal conductivities of copper and tin are 397 Wm`""^(-1) "K"^(-1) and 63 "Wm"^(-1) "K"^(-1)`.

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  7. In an experiment to determine the thermal conductivity of copper with Searle's apparatus, 100 gm of water flowed in 4.2 minutes past the cold end of the copper bar, its initial and final temperatures being 25°C and 52°C respectively. If the temperature difference between two points in the bar 10 cm apart is 23°C and the area of cross-section of the bar is 5 `"cm"^2`, calculate the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper. Specific heat capacity of water `4,200 "J kg"^(-1) "K"^(-1)`

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  8. A bar of length 30 cm of uniform cross-section of 5 `cm^2` consists of two halved `AB` of copper and BC of iron welded together at B. The end A is maintained at 200°C and the end C at `0^(@)` C and the sides are thermally insulated. Find the rate of flow of heat along the bar when the steady state is reached. Thermal conductivities are copper `378 "Wm"^(-1) "K"^(-1)` and iron 50.4 `"Wm"^(-1) "K"^(-1)` (Fig. 11.12)

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  9. In fig. 11.13 two metal bars of thickness `x_1 and x_2` and coefficient of thermal conductivities `K_1 and K_2`, placed end to end. What is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a uniform slab of thickness `x_1 + x_2` whose conductivity is the same as that of the system of two bars ? Assume that there is no heat loss from the lateral sides.

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  10. `A, B and C` are three identical rods made of different materials and placed end-to-end as shown in Fig. 11.16. The thermal conductivity of A is twice that of B and four times that of C. The free end of A is kept at 100° and that of C is kept at 0°C. Find the temperature of the AB junction and the BC junction.

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  11. Calculate the rate of increment of the thickness of ice layer on a lake when thickness of ice is 10 cm and the air temperature is `-5^(@) C`. If thermal conductivity of ice is 0.008 cal `"cm"^(-1) "s"^(-1)°"C"^(-1)`, density of ice is `0.91 xx 10^(3) "kg m"^(-3)` and latent heat is `79.8` cal `"gm"^(-1)`. How long will it take the layer to become `10.1` cm ?

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  12. `A, B and C` are three identical rods made of different materials and placed end-to-end as shown in Fig. 11.16. The thermal conductivity of A is twice that of B and four times that of C. The free end of A is kept at 100° and that of C is kept at 0°C. Find the temperature of the AB junction and the BC junction.

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  13. An iron bar of uniform cross-section and length one metre is kept with its one end in contact with ice at `0°C` and the other end in contact with water at `100°C`. The temperature at a certain point of the bar is `150°C` so that during the steady state, the quantity of ice melting is equal to that of steam produced in the same interval of time. Find the distance of the point ? [See Fig. 11.17]

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  14. In Lee's disc experiment two discs are separated by gap of thickness 5 mm. The space between the discs contains a gas of thermal conductivity `3.88 xx 10^(-5) "Wm"^(-1) "K"^(-1)`. At the steady state the temperature, of the two sides of discs are `368K and 333K`. If the area of cross-section the slab is 25 `"cm"^(2)`, calculate the quantity of heat crossing the gas per second.

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SOLVED EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMAL CONDUCTION of S CHAND PHYSICS (ENGLISH) of Class 11