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Complete Solutions to Practice Work of chapter SEQUENCE AND SERIES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n) = (n^(3)+1)/(2)`

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  2. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= 2n^(2)-n+1`

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  3. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= (n)/(n^(2)+1)`

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  4. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= n^(th)` prime number

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  5. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= 3n+1`

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  6. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= (3-n)/(2)`

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  7. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= cos ((n pi)/(2))`

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  8. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` terms are as following
    `a_(n)= 8- n^(3)`

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  9. Find the indicated terms in each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` term is given:
    `a_(n)= (n-1) (n+2)(n-3), a_(10)`

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  10. Find the indicated terms in each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` term is given:
    `a_(n)= n^(3)-2n, a_(8)`

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  11. Find the indicated terms in each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` term is given:
    `a_(n)= 2n^(2) -1, a_(7)`

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  12. Find the indicated terms in each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` term is given:
    `a_(n)= (-1)^(n) (n^(2)-1), a_(13)`

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  13. Find the indicated terms in each of the sequences whose `n^(th)` term is given:
    `a_(n)= n^(2)-n+ 1, a_(5)`

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  14. Write the first five terms of each of the sequences and obtain the corresponding series:
    `a_(1)=3,a_(n)=3a_(n-1)+2` for all `n gt 1`

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  15. Write the first five terms of the sequences in obtain the corresponding series:
    `a_(1)= 2, a_(n)= a_(n-1) + 3, AA n ge 2`

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  16. Write the first five terms of the sequences in obtain the corresponding series:
    `a_(1)= a_(2)= 1, a_(n)= a_(n-1) + a_(n-2), n gt 2`

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  17. Find the sum: `5+ 13+ 21+ …..+ 181`

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  18. Find the sum of all three digit natural numbers divisible by 7

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  19. Find the sum of all numbers between 250 and 1000. Which are divisible by 3

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  20. Solve: (Find x) `1 + 6+ 11+ 16+ ….+x= 148`

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  21. Show that the sum of an AP whose first term is a, the second term is b and the last term is c is equal to `((a+c)(b+c-2a))/(2(b-a))` .

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  22. `S_(n)` is the sum of n terms of an A.P. If `S_(2n)= 3S_(n)` then prove that `(S_(3n))/(S_(n))= 6`

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  23. How many terms of the A.P. 54, 51, 48,……are needed to give the sum 513?

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  24. How many terms of the A.P. 18, 16, 14, 12,…. are needed to give the sum 78?

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  25. If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of the first q terms, then find the sum of the first (p + q) terms.

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  26. If the sum of n terms of an A.P. is `3n + 2n^(2)`, find the common difference

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  27. The sum of n terms of two A.P are in the ratio `(7n-5): (5n+ 17)`. Show that their `6^(th)` term are equal

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  28. If the sum of n terms of an A.P. is `3n^2 + 5n` and its `m^("th")` term is 164, find the value of m .

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  29. The sum of n terms of two A.P are in the ratio `(3n+6): (5n-13)`. Find the ratio of their `11^(th)` terms

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  30. If the `n^(th)` terms of an A.P. 9, 7, 5,….. is equal to the `n^(th)` term of an A.P. 15, 12, 9……then find n

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  31. In an A.P. the `24^(th)` term is twice of its `10^(th)` term. Prove that its `72^(th)` term is twice of its `34^(th)` term

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  32. For an A.P., `S_(1)=6 and S_(7)= 105`. Prove that `S_(n): S_(n-3) = (n+ 3): (n-3)`

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  33. The sum of the n terms of two A.P. are in the ratio `(2n-1): (4n+ 3)`. Find the ratio of their `25^(th)` terms.

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  34. For arithmetic sequence `a_(1),a_(2),a_3` ........ If `a_(1)+a_(5)+a_(10)+a_(15)+a_(20)+a_(24)= 225` then `s_(24) = ............ `

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  35. If the 12th term of an AP is -13 and the sum of its first four terms is 24, what is the sum of its first 10 terms ?

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  36. Find an A.P whose sum of n terms is equal to three times the square of n.

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  37. Insert 6 arithmatic mean between 3 and 24.

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  38. Suppose x and y are two real numbers such that the `r^(th)` mean between x and 2y is equal to the `r^(th)` mean between 2x and y. When n arithmatic means are inserted between them in both the cases. Show that `(n+ 1)/(r )- (y)/(x)=1`

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  39. Insert for A.M's between `(1)/(2)` and 3 and prove that `A_(1) + A_(2) + A_(3) + A_(4)= 7`

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  40. If n arithmetic means are inserted between 20 and 80. Such that the ratio of first mean to the last mean is `1: 3`, then find the value of n.

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  41. The income of a person is Rs 3,50,000 in the first year. He gets Rs 15,000 as incriment each year. How much his income is in `15^(th)` year? Find the total amount he received in 15 years.

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  42. Bhargav saves Rs 50 in first week. In each week after the first, he saved Rs 17.50 more than he did in the preceeding week. His savings at `n^(th)` week is Rs 207.50. Find n and also find his total savings.

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  43. The sum of four consecutive terms of an A.P is 32. The product of the second and the third term is 60. Find these terms.

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  44. x,y and z are in A.P. `A_(1)` is the A.M. of x and y. `A_(2)` is the A.M of y and z. Prove that the A.M. of `A_(1) and A_(2)` is y.

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  45. Insert the n A.M's between 7 and 71 in such a way that the `5^(th)` A.M. is 27. Find the numbers of A.M's.

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  46. The sum and product of three consecutive terms of an A.P. are 24 and 312 respectively. Find these terms.

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  47. Find the `n^(th)` term and `12^(th)` term of the sequence `6, 18, 54` ……

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  48. Find `6^(th)` term of a G.P. `sqrt3, (1)/(sqrt3), (1)/(3 sqrt3)`……

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  49. If the `4^(th) and 7^(th)` term of a G.P. are 27 and 729 respectively, then find the G.P.

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  50. The `4^(th)` term of a G.P is 4. Find the product of its first five terms.

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  51. For G.P. 5, 10, 20,…..and 1280, 640, 320…., their `n^(th)` terms are equal then find n.

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  52. Which term of the sequence `sqrt2, (1)/(sqrt2), (1)/(2 sqrt2)`……is `(1)/(512 sqrt2)` ?

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  53. Which term of the sequence `18, -12, 8`,….is `(512)/(729)` ?

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  54. For what values of x, the number `(x+ 9), (x-6)` and 4 are in G.P.?

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  55. a,b,c,d are in G.P. Prove that `a^(2)-b^(2),b^(2)-c^(2), c^(2)-d^(2)` are also in G.P.

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  56. Find the `9^(th)` term of the G.P. whose `3^(rd)` term is 18 and `6^(th)` term is 486.

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  57. Find the sum of 7 terms of the sequence 2, 6, 18,……

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  58. Find the sum of the sequence `(2)/(9), -(1)/(3), +(1)/(2), -(3)/(4)……`5 - terms.

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  59. Evaluate `underset(n=2)overset(10)Sigma 4^(n)`

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  60. How many terms of the G.P.`3,(3)/2,3/4` ..........are needed to give the sum `(3069)/512` ?

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  61. If the sum of n terms of G.P. 3, 6, 12,…….is 381 then find n

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  62. How many terms of the sequence `sqrt3, 3, 3 sqrt3`…… must be taken to make the sum `39 + 13 sqrt3` ?

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  63. Show that the ratio of the sum of first n terms of a G.P. to the sum of terms from `(n + 1)^("th") " to " (2n)^("th")` term is `1/r^n` .

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  64. The sum of the first three terms of a G.P. is 21 and the sum of the next three terms is 168. Find the sum of first five terms.

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  65. The sum of first two terms of a G.P. is `(9)/(2)`. Its `6^(th)` term is 8 times its `3^(rd)` term. Find the sequences.

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  66. The first term of a G.P. is 27 and its eight term is `(1)/(81)`. Find the sum of its first 10 terms.

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  67. Find the sum of the series `0.3+ 0.33 + 0.333+` ……to n terms

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  68. Find the sum of the sequence 7, 77, 777, 7777, ... to n terms.

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  69. Find the sum of `x(x+y) + x^(2) (x^(2) + y^(2)) + x^(3) (x^(3) + y^(3))+`…… n terms

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  70. Find the sum of `(x + (1)/(x))^(2), (x^(2) + (1)/(x^(2)))^(2), (x^(3) + (1)/(x^(3)))^(2)`, …… n terms

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  71. If `p^(th), q^(th), r^(th) and s^(th)` terms of an A.P. are in G.P, then show that (p – q), (q – r), (r – s) are also in G.P.

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  72. If x,y, z are three consecutive terms of a G.P. then prove that `(1)/(x+y) + (1)/(y+ z)= (1)/(y)`.

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  73. If a, b, c are in G.P. and `a^(1/x) =b^(1/y)=c^(1/z)` , prove that x, y , x are in A.P

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  74. Three real numbers a, b, c are inG.P. If `a+b + c = xb` then prove that `x lt -1 or x gt 3`

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  75. A G.P. consists of an even number of terms. If the sum of all the terms is 5 times the sum of terms occupying odd places, then find its common ratio.

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  76. Let S be the sum, P the product and R the sum of reciprocals of n terms in a G.P. Prove that `P^(2)R^(n) = S^n` .

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  77. Find two number whose arithmetic mean is 5 and the geometric mean is 4.

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  78. a,b,c are positive numbers. Prove that, `a^(2) + b^(2) + c^(2) gt ab + bc + ca`

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  79. Insert five number between 576 and 9. So that the resulting sequence is an G.P.

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  80. If A is the arithmatic mean and `G_(1) and G_(2)` be two geometric means between any two numbers then prove that, `(G_(1)^(2))/(G_(2)) + (G_(2)^(2))/(G_(1))=2A`

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  81. Find two positive numbers whose difference is 12 and whose A.M. exceeds the G.M. by 2.

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  82. The numbers of bacteria increases at the rate of 4% every hour. If there were 40 beacteria present originally, then how many bacteria will be present at the end of `4^(th)` hour ? How many bacteria will be there in `4^(th)` hour?

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  83. A man buys a motorcycle in Rs 60,000. If its price decreases every year 10%, then what will be its price at the end of fourth year?

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  84. The side of a given square is 10cm. The mid points of its sides are joined to form a new square. Again the mid poind of the sides of this new square are joined to form another square. This process is continued indefinitely. Find the sum of the area.

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  85. After striking a floor a certain ball rebounds `((4)/(5))^(th)` of the height from which it has fallen. Find the total distance that it travels before coming to rest, if it is gently dropped from a height of 120 meters

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  86. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `1^(3) + 4^(3) + 7^(3)+`……..

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  87. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `2.1 + 5.3 + 8.5 +` ……..

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  88. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `3^(2) + 7^(2) + 11^(2) +`……

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  89. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `(5^(4) -1^(4)) + (8^(4) -4^(4)) + (11^(4)-7^(4)) +`……..

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  90. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `1^(2) + ((1^(2) + 2^(2))/(2)) + ((1^(2) + 2^(2) + 3^(2))/(3))`+ …..

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  91. Find the sum of n terms of each of the following
    `1 +5 + 12 + 22+ 35+`…….

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  92. Find the sum of the series whose `n^(th)` term is as following:
    `2n^(2)-3n+ 5`

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  93. Find the sum of the series whose `n^(th)` term is as following:

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  94. Find the sum to n terms of the series in whose `n^(th)` terms is given by

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  95. Find the sum: `1 + (1)/(2) (1 + 2) + (1)/(3) (1 + 2 + 3) +`……up to 16 terms.

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  96. Find the `(3^(3) -2^(3)) + (5^(3)-4^(3)) + (7^(3) - 6^(3)) +`……up to 10 terms

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  97. Find the sum: `1^(1) -2^(2) + 3^(2)-4^(2)+ 5^(2)- 6^(2)+`……up to n terms

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  98. Find the `20^(th)` term of the series `2 xx 4 + 4 xx 6 + 6 xx 8 + ... + n` terms.

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  99. Find sum: `(1)/(2) + (1)/(3^(2)) + (1)/(2^(3)) + (1)/(3^(4)) + (1)/(2^(5)) + (1)/(3^(6))+ …..oo`

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  100. If `x=a + (a)/(r ) + (a)/(r^(2)) + …..oo, y= b - (b)/(r ) + (b)/(r^(2))-……..oo ` and
    `z= c + (c )/(r^(2)) + (c )/(r^(4))+ ….oo` then prove that `(xy)/(z)= (ab)/(c )`

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Practice Work questions and complete solutions for chapter SEQUENCE AND SERIES of KUMAR PRAKASHAN KENDRA MATHS (GUJRATI ENGLISH) of Class 11