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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (STANDARD LEVEL) of chapter VECTORS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions84
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following is a scalar quantity ?

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  2. Which one of the following is a vactor quantity ?

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  3. Which one of the following quantities is a scalar ?

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  4. The magnitude of a vector cannot be :

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  5. You are given two vectors `vec A and vec B`. Which one of the following operation cannot be performed ?

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  6. Which one of the following is not a characteristics of displacement ?

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  7. What is the magnitude of the sum of the vectors `vec P = 3 hat I and vec Q = 4 hat j` ?

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  8. A vector is represented by `vec P = `3 hat I` + `hat j `+`2 hat k`. What is its length in the XY plane ?

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  9. If two vectors `vec A_(1) = hati-3hati+5hatk and vecA_(2)=hati-3hatj+a hatk` are equal, then the value of a is

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  10. The (x,y,z) co -ordinates of two points A and B are give respectively as (0,3,- 1) and (-2,6,4) The displacement vector from A to B is given by

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  11. Which one of the following vector equations is wrong ?

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  12. The magnitude of vectors `vec A, vec B and vec C` are 3, 4 and 5 units respectively. If `vec A + vec B= vec C`, the angle between `vec A and vec B` is

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  13. 3 forces acting on a particle are given by
    (1) `(2hati+3hatj-2hatk)N`
    (2) `(3hati+hatj-3hatk)N`
    (3) `(-5hati-2hatj+hatk)N` The particle will move in

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  14. A particle has a displacement of 12 m towards east and 6 m towards north and then 8 m vertically upwards. The magnitude of the sum of these displacements is

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  15. What is the angle between A and the resultant of `(vec A + vec B) and (vec A -vec B)` ?

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  16. The component of vector `A=a_(x)hati+a_(y)hatj+a_(z)hatk` and the directioin of `hati-hatj` is

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  17. Three vectors `vec(A),vec(B)` and `vec(C)` are such that `vec(A) = vec(B)+vec(C)` and their magnitude are 5,4 and 3 respectively. Find the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(C)`.

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  18. A plumb line is suspended from a celling of a car moving with horizontal acceleration of a. What will be the angle of inclination with vertical?

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  19. What is the anlge between a vector `vec A = 4 hati+3hatj+5hatk` and the x-axis ?

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  20. If the resultant of `n` forces of different magnitudes acting at a point is zero, then the minimum value of `n` is

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  21. Can the resultant of two vectors be zero ?

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  22. The angle subtended by vector `vecA = 4 hati + 3hatj + 12hatk` with the x-axis is :

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  23. Two vectors of equal magnitudes having a sum of resultant equal to either of them, than the angel between them will be

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  24. Two forces each of magnitude 2N, act at an angle of `60^(@)`. What is the magnitude of the resultant force ?

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  25. Two equal forces (P each) act at a point inclined to each other at an angle of `120^(@)`. The magnitude of their resultant is

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  26. Which one of the following is a correct statement ? If `vec P and vec Q` are two non zero vectors of different magnitudes, then

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  27. A force `vec F_(1)` of magnitude 9 N makes an angle of `30^(@)` with the X-axis. Another force `vec F_(2)` of magnitude 12 N, makes an angle of `120^(@)` with the X-axis. What is the magnitude of the resultant force ?

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  28. The maximum value of the magnitude of the resultant of two vectors `vec P and vec Q` is 24 units and the minimum value of the magnitude of their resultant is 4 units. What is the ratio of the magnitudes of the vectors `vec P and vec Q` ?

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  29. The magnitude of the resultant `vec R` of two forces `vec P and vec Q" is 20 N. "vec R` make an angle of `30^(@)` with `vec P` and an angle of `60^(@)` with `vec Q`. What are the magnitudes of `vec P and vec Q` ?

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  30. Three forces `vec F_(1) =5hati+6hatj+7hatk, vec F_(2) =-3hati-2hatj-2hatk and vec F_(3) =-2hati-4hatj-3hatk` act on a body. What is the direction of the resultant force acting on the body ?

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  31. If `vec A=vec B + vec C,` and the magnitude of `vec A, vec B and vec C` are `5,4 and 3` units respectively. the angle between `vec A and vec C` is

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  32. The sum of the magnitudes of two vectors P and Q is 18 and the magnitude of their resultant is 12. If the resultant is perpendicular to one of the vectors, then the magnitudes of the two vectors are

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  33. What is the angle between two forces of equal magnitude P, if the magnitude of their resultant is `(P)/(2)` ?

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  34. Which one of the following cannot be the resultant of the vectors of magnitude 5 and 10 ?

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  35. The magnitude of vector `vec(A),vec(B)` and `vec(C )` are respectively 12,5 and 13 unit and `vec(A)+vec(B)= vec(C )` then the angle between `vec(A)` and `vec(B)` is

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  36. What is the magnitude of a vector obtained by addition of two vectors, `6hati+7hatj and 3 hati+4hatj` ?

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  37. Two vectors `vec A_(1) and vec A_(2)` each of magnitude A are inclinded to each other such that their resultant is equal to `sqrt(3) A.` What is the magnitude of the resultant of `vec A_(1) and -vec A_(2)` is

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  38. Resultant of two vectors `vecA and vecB` is of magnitude P, If `vecB` is reversed, then resultant is of magnitude Q. What is the value of `P^(2) + Q^(2)` ?

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  39. The resultant of two forces acting an anlge of `120^(@)` is 10 kg wt and is perpendicular to one of the forces. That force is

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  40. The resultant of `vec A xx vec 0` will be equal to

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  41. The maximum number of components into which a vector in space can be resolved is

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  42. Two vectors `vec A and vec B` are such that `vec A + vec B = vec A- vec B`, then

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  43. With respect to a rectangular Cartesian co-ordinate system, three vectors are expressed as `vec a = 4hati -hatj, vec b =-3hati +2hatj, vec c=-hatk` where `hati, hatj, hatk` are unit vectors, along the x, y and z-axes respectively. The unit vector `hatr` along the direction of the sum of these three vectors is given by

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  44. One of the rectangular components of a force of 40 N is `20 sqrt(3) N.` What is the other rectangular component ?

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  45. What is the angle between `hati+hatj and hati` ?

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  46. If a unit vector is represented by `0.4 hati+0.7 hatj + chatk` then the value of c is

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  47. If `hatn` is a unit vector in the direction of the vector `vecA`, them :

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  48. Given :
    `vec A = hati + hatj +hatk and vec B =-hati-hatj-hatk` What is the angle between `(vec A - vec B) and vec A` ?

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  49. Three vector `vec(A)`,`vec(B)`, `vec(C )` satisfy the relation `vec(A)*vec(B)=0`and `vec(A).vec(C )=0`. The vector `vec(A)` is parallel to

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  50. The work done by a force is defined by `W= vec F cdot vec S cdot` It is found that the work done is zero, even if `vec F and vec s` are not equal to zero. From this we conclude that

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  51. A particle has a displacement of `vecs=hati+2hatj+hatk` metre under the action of a force `vec F =3hati -2hatj+5hatk`. What is the work done ?

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  52. The angle between two vectors `vec P and vec Q` of magnitudes 3 and 5 units is `60^(@)`. What is the dot product of the two vectors ?

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  53. The vector projection of a vector `3hat(i)+4hat(k)` on y-axis is

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  54. Given : `vec A =2hati +3hatj and vec B = hati +hatj`. What is the component of vector `vec A` along the vector `vec B` ?

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  55. A particle moves with a velocity `v=(5hati-3hatj + 6hatk) ms^(-1)` under the influence of a constant force
    `F =(10hati + 10hatj + 20hath) N`, the instantaneous power applied to the particle is.

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  56. The conditions under which the vector `vec P + vec Q and vec P - vec Q` will be at right angles to each other is

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  57. Work done by a force in displacing a body is an example of

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  58. What is the angle between two vectors `vec P =2hati +3hatj +hatk and vec Q =-3hati +6hatk`.

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  59. A student was asked to find the work done by taking the dot product of `vec r and vec F.` Instead of that he found out the cross product `vec r xx vec F`. Which physical quantity will be represented by `vec r xx vec F` ?

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  60. What is the angle between two vectors `vec P =2hati +3hatj +hatk and vec Q =-3hati +6hatk`.

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  61. If `vec P = a_(1) hati +a_(2) hatj and vec Q =b_(1) hati+b_(2)hatj` are perpendicular to each other, then

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  62. If `vec A=hati +7hatj +hatk and vec B =2 hati+3hatj +4hatk` then the component of `vec A` along `vec B` is

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  63. A body constrained to move in y direction is subjected to a force given by `vec(F)=(-2hat(i)+15hat(j)+6hat(k))` N . What is the work done by this force in moving the body through a distance of `10 m` along y-axis ?

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  64. The angles between the two vectors `vecA=3hati+4hatj+5hatk` and `vecB=3hati+4hatj-5hatk` will be

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  65. An engine exerts a force `F=(20hati-3hatj+5hatk)` N and moves with velocity `v=(6hati+20hatj-3hatk) ms^(-1)`. The power of the engine (in watt) is

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  66. A force `(3 hat(i)+4 hat(j))` acts on a body and displaces it by `(3 hat(i)+4 hat(j))m`. The work done by the force is

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  67. A particle moves with a velocity of `6hati-4hatj+3hatk m//s` under the application of a constant force `vec F =20 hati+15 hatj-5hatk N.` What is the instantaneous power applied to the particle ?

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  68. A force `vec F=(2hati+2hatk)` N displaces a body by an amount `vec S=(2hati+2hatj)` m in 8 s. What is the power developed ?

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  69. `vec P and vec Q` are two perpendicular vectors. If `vec P = 5 hati +7hatj-3hatk and vec Q=2hati+2hatj-aveck` then the value of a is

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  70. What is the angle between two vectors `2 vec i+3vecj+veck and -3vec i+6vec k` ?

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  71. Under a force `(10hati-3hatj+6hatk)` newton a body of mass 5 kg moves from position `(6hati+5hatj-3hatk)` m to position `(10hati-2hatj+7hatk)`m. deduce the work done.

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  72. What is the work done when a force `vec F =2hati +3hatj-5hatk` units acts on a body, producing a displacement `vec S =2hati+4hatj+3hatk` units ?

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  73. What is the anlge between `vec P xx vec Q and vec Q xx vec P` is

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  74. If `|vec P xx vec Q|=PQ` then the angle between `vec P and vec Q` is

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  75. If `|vec P xx vec Q|=PQ` then the angle between `vec P and vec Q` is

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  76. The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors is `sqrt(3)` times their scalar product. The angle between the two vectors is

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  77. Two vectors `vec P and vec Q` of the same type with tails at a point O are inclined at angle `theta`. The diagonal of the parallelogram, drawn with `vec P and vec Q` as adjacent sides, represents their resultant. Then the area of the parallelogram is given by

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  78. You are given two vectors `vec P=2hati-3hatj-hatk and vec Q =-6hati+9hatj+3hatk` From their vector product, we find that

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  79. If `vec A cdot vec B =0 and vec A xx vec C=0`, then the angle between B and C is

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  80. The linear velocity of a particle on a rotating body is given by `vec v = vec omega xx vec r" where "vec omega` is the angular velocity and `vec r` is the radius vector. What is the value of |v| if `vec omega = hati -2hatj+2hatk and vec r =4hatj-3hatk` ?

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  81. The torque of the force `vecF=(2hati-3hatj+4hatk)N` acting at the point `vecr=(3hati+2hatj+3hatk)m` about the origin be

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  82. O is the centre of an equilateral triangle ABC. `vec F_(1), vec F_(2) and vec F_(3)` are the three forces acting along the sides AB, BC and AC as shown in the figure. What should be the magnitude of `vec F_(3)` so that the total torque about O is zero ?

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  83. If `vec(A) xx vec(B) = vec(B) xx vec(A)`, then the angle between `A to B` is

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  84. If `vec(a) and vec(b)` are two vectors then the value of `(vec(a) + vec(b)) xx (vec(a) - vec(b))` is

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (STANDARD LEVEL) questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTORS of MARVEL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11