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Complete Solutions to MCQs of chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The frequency of light in air is `5 xx 10^(14)` Hz . What will be the frequency of light when it travels in the water ?

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  2. If `V_(g) , V_(w) and V_(d)` represent the velocities of light in glass , water and diamond respectively , then

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  3. The wavelength of light from a given sources is 6000 Å . The wavelength of this light when it travels through a medium of refractive index 1.5 is

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  4. A beam of monochromatic blue light of wavelength 4200 Å in air , travels in water of refractive index `(4)/(3)` . What is the its wavelength in water ?

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  5. A ray of light travelling inside a rectangular glass block of refractive index`sqrt 2 `is incident on the glass-air surface at an angle of incidence of `45^(@)`. The refractive index of air is one. Under these conditions the ray will

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  6. A ray of light incident normally on a glass slab of refractive index 3/2, travels a distance of 6 cm in glass in time t. What will be the distance travelled by the ray in the same time (t) if it travels in air ?

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  7. The speed of light in dense flint glass is 3/5 of its speed in air. The refractive index of dense flint glass is

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  8. Ray optics is valid when characteristic dimensions are

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  9. Refractive indices of water an glass are `4//3 and 3//2` respectively. A ray of light travelling in water is incident on the water glass interface at `30^@`. Calculate the angle of refraction.

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  10. A beam of monochromatic light is refacted from vacuum into a medium of refracticve index `1.5` The wavelength of refracted light will be

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  11. A ray of light is travelling from medium A to medium B . The refractive index of the medium B does not depend upon

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  12. Time taken by sunlight to pass through a window of thickness `4 mm` whose refraactive index is `(3)/(2),` is

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  13. Light travels through a glass plate of thickness t and refractive index `mu.` If c is the speed of light in vacuum, the time taken by light to travel this thickness of glass is

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  14. The frequency of a light wave in a material is `4 xx 10^(14)` Hz and wavelength is 5000 Å . What is the refractive index of the material ?

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  15. The index of refraction of diamond is 2.0, velocity of light in diamond in cm/second is approximately

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  16. If `""_(x) mu_(y)` represents the refractive index when a ray of light goes from medium x to medium y , then the product `""_(2) mu_(1) xx ""_(3) mu_(2) xx ""_(4) mu_(3)` is equal to

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  17. The refractive index of glass is `(3)/(2)` and the refractive index of water is `(4)/(3)` . The speed of light in glass is `2.00 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)` . What is the speed of light in water in `ms^(-1)` ?

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  18. The velocity of light in glass whose refractive index w.r.t, air is ` 1.5 ` is ` 2 xx 10^(8) m//s `. In a certain liquid, the velocity of light is found to be ` 2.5 xx 10^(8) m//s `. The refractive index of the liquid w.r.t. air is

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  19. Light entering air to glass `(mu = 1.5)` boundary is partly reflected and partly refracted. If the incident and reflected rays are at right angles to each other, the angle of refraction r is given by

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  20. The R.I. of the glass w.r.t. glycerine is `((1.5)/(1.4))` . What is the speed of light in glycerine , if the speed of light in glass is `2 xx 10^(8)` m/s ?

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  21. A ray of light of frequency `5 xx 10^(14)` Hz is passed through a liquid . The wavelength of light measured inside the liquid is found to be 450 nm . Calculate (i) wavelength of light in vacuum (ii) refractive index of liquid (iii) velocity of light in the liquid . Take velocity of light in vacuum as ` 3 xx 10^(8) ms^(-1)`

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  22. A ray of light is incident on a medium at an angle i. It is found that the reflected ray is at right angles to the refracted ray . The refractive index of the medium is given by

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  23. A wave of light having frequency `4 xx 10^(14)`Hz. And speed of light `3 xx 10^8` m/s enters glass of R.I. 1.5. Change in wavelength is

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  24. The velocity of light in glass whose refractive index w.r.t, air is ` 1.5 ` is ` 2 xx 10^(8) m//s `. In a certain liquid, the velocity of light is found to be ` 2.5 xx 10^(8) m//s `. The refractive index of the liquid w.r.t. air is

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  25. The wave number of two waves are `2.5 xx 10^(6)` / metre and `2 xx 10^(6)` / metre . What is the difference between their wavelength ?

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  26. The optical path of a monochromatic light is the same if it travels through 4 cm of glass or 4.5 cm of water . If the refractive index of galss is 1.5, then the refractive index of water is

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  27. A ray of light is incident on a galss slab making on angle of ` 30^(@)` with the surface . If the angle of refraction in glass is ` 33^(@)`, the angle of deviation of the ray during its passage through the galss slab is

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  28. Light of certain colour has 2000 waves per millimetre in air . What will be the wavelength of this light in a medium of refractive index 1.25 ?

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  29. The light travels a distance of 500 m in water . It is given that `mu` for water is `(4)/(3)` and the velocity of light in vacuum is `3 xx 10^(10)` cm/s . What is the equivalent optical path ?

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  30. A ray of light is lncident on a glass plate at `60^(@)`. The reflected and refracted rays are found to be mutually perpe:ndiwlar. The refractive index of the glass is

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  31. The optical path of a monochromatic light is the same if it goes through 2.00 cm of glass or 2.25 cm of water. If the refractive index of water is 1.33, what is the refractive index of glass?

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  32. An object is immersed in a fluid. In order that the object becomes invisible, it should

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  33. The refractive index of glass w.t.r. a medium is `4/3` . If `v_m - v_g = 6.25 xx 10^(7)`m/s. then the velocity oflight in the medim will be

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  34. Electromagnetic waves of frequency `6 xx 10^(12)` Hz are travelling through free space . In which region of the e.m. spectrum , the waves will lie ?

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  35. Monochromatic light to wavelength 6000Å travels through glass of refractive index `(3)/2`. The distance travelled by the wavefront 1 picosecond is

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  36. An electromagnetic wave , whose wave normal makes an angle of `45^(@)` with the vertical , travelling in air strikes a horizontal liquid surface . While travelling through the liquid it gets deviated through `15^(@)` . What is the speed of the e.m. wave in the liquid , if the speed of electromagnetic wave in air is `3xx 10^(8)`m/s ?

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  37. A water film is formed on a glass block . A light ray is incident on water film from air at an angle `60^(@)` . What is the angle of incidence on the glass block ?
    (Refractive index of glass = 1.5 , Refractive index of water = 4/3)

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  38. The number of waves in a glass slab of thickness 4 cm is the same as in a water column of height 5 cm ,when the same monochromatic ray of light travels through them .what is the refractive index of water if the refractive index of glass is `(5)/(3)` ?

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  39. An endoscope is employed by a physician to view the internal parts of body organ. It is based on the principle of

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  40. In an optical fibre ,the refractive index of the core material is

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  41. In an optical fibre ,the refractive indices of the core and the cladding are given by `n_(1)` and `n_(2)` respectively . Light can travel through the optical fibre if

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  42. The optical fibres are made from

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  43. A diver in a lake wants to signal his distress to a person sitting on the edge of the lake flashing his waterproof torch. He should direct the beam

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  44. Light travels in two media A and B with speeds `1.8 × 10^(8) m s^(–1) and2.4 × 10^(8) m s^(–1)` respectively. Then the critical angle between them is

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  45. Wavelength of given light waves in air and in a medium are 6000 Å and 4000 Å respectively . The critical angle for the medium is given by

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  46. The critical angle of a medium with respect to air is `45^(@)` . The refractive index of medium is

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  47. If refractive index of glass is 1.50 and of water is 1.33, then criticle angle is

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  48. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vacuum is `30^(@)`, the velocity of light in the medium is

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  49. A ray of light travelling inside a rectangular glass block of refractive index `sqrt(2)` is incident on the glass–air surface at an angle of incidence of `45^(@)`. The refractive index of air is 1. Under these conditions the ray

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  50. When the surface of a lake is calm , a fish submerged in water will see the entire outside world within an inverted cone whose vertex is situated at the eye of the fish . What is the vertex angle of the cone ?
    `(""_(a) n_(w) = (4)/(3))` and `sin 49^(@) = 0.75`

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  51. The refractive index of water is 4 / 3 and that of glass is 5/3. What will be the critical angle for the ray of light entering water from the glass

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  52. The speed of light in medium A is `2.0xx10^8m//sec` and that in medium B is `2.4xx10^8m//sec`. The critical angle of incidence for light tending to go from medium A to medium B is

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  53. The critical angle for light going from medium X into medium Y is `theta` . The speed of light in medium X is v. The speed of light in medium Y is

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  54. A fish situated at a depth h below the surface of water in a lake ,can see the outside objects in air through a circular aperature of radius r . What is the radius of the aperture in terms of h and n ,where `n = ""_(a) n_(w) `? `[ ""_(a) n_(w)` = R.I. of water w.r.t. air]

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  55. When a ray of light travels from medium A to medium B , its speed increases from ` 2 xx 10^(8) ` m/s to `2.4xx10^(8)` m/s . What is the sine of the critical angle for the two media ?

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  56. For an optical fibre ,the ratio of the refractive index of the core to the refractive index of the cladding is 1.25 . What is the critical angle at the core cladding interface ?

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  57. A ray of light travels from an optically denser to rarer medium. The critical angle of the two media is C. The maximum possible deviation of the ray will be

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  58. A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive index of water is `(4)/(3)` and the fish is 12 cm below the surface, the radius of this circle is cm is

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  59. The refractive index of water is `4//3`. Determine the angle of the cone within which the entire outside view will be confined for a fish under water.

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  60. A ray falls on a prism ABC (AB = BC) and travels as shown in the figure . The minimum refractive index of the prism material should be

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  61. Glass has refractive index `mu` with respect to air and the critical angle for a ray of light going from glass to air is `theta`. If a ray of light is incident from air on the glass with angle of incidence `theta`, the corresponding angle of refraction is

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  62. A ray of light travelling from glass to air is incident at `50^(@)` from the glass air boundary . What is the angle of deviation if the critical angle is `42^(@)` ?

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  63. Light takes `t_(1)` second to travel a distance x cm in vacuum and the same light takes `t_(2)` second to travel 10x cm in medium. The critical angle for the corresponding medium is

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  64. A small coin is resting on the bottom of a beaker filled with a liquid . A ray of light from the coin travels upto the surface of the liquid and moves along its surface as shown in the figure .

    How fast is the light travelling in the liquid ?

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  65. A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a rarer medium at angle of incidence `i`. The refrected and the refracted rays make an angle of `90^@` with each other. The angles of reflection and refraction are r and `r^'` respectively. The critical angle is
    (i) `sin^-1(tanr)`
    (ii) `sin^-1(tani)`
    (iii) `sin^-1(tanr)`
    (iv) `tan^-1(tani)`

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  66. Critical angle is minimum when a light ray passes from

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  67. A light ray is incident perpendicular to one face of a `90^(@)` prism and is totally internally reflected at the glass-air interface . If the angle of reflection is `45^(@)` , then the refractive index n is

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  68. The critical angle is maximum when light travels from

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  69. A ray of light incident at angle of `40^(@)` , on a glass slab , is deviated through `15^(@)` , while passing through glass . What is the critical angle for the glass air surface ?

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  70. A beam of white light is incident on a hollow glass prism having very thin glass walls . Then ,

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  71. The refractive angles of two crown glass prisms are `10^(@)` and `20^(@)` respectively . What is the ratio of their dispersive the material of the same prism then

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  72. If D is the deviation of a normally falling light beam on a thin prism of anlge A and `omega` is the dispersive power of the same prism then

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  73. When a monochromatic ray of light is passed through an equilatorial glass prism , it is found that the refracted ray in glass is parallel to the base of the prism . If `i` and e denote the angles of incidence and emergence respectively then

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  74. A ray of light is incident on one face of a prism at an angle of `50^(@)` with the normal . The ray is deviated by the prism through `42^(@)` . What is the angle of the prism , if the angle of emergence is `51^(@)` ?

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  75. A monochromatic ray of light is incident on an equilateral glass prism placed on a horizontal table . Which of the following is true ?

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  76. A beam of monochromatic light is incident at an angle of `55^(@)` on one face of an equilateral prism . The angle of deviation is `delta` and the angle of emergence is `46^(@)` . If the angle of minimum deviation `(delta_(m))` for the same prism is `45^(@)` , then

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  77. A ray of light is incident at an angle of `50^(@)` on one face of an equilateral prism . What is the angle ,which the emergent ray makes with the second face of the prism , if the deviation produced by the prism is `42^(@) ` ?

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  78. Two beam of red and violet colors are made to pass separately through a prism (angle of the prism is `60^(@)`). In the position of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction will be

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  79. A prism of refractive angle `60^(@)` and refractive index 1.5 is kept in water of refractive index 1.33 . What is the angle of minimum deviation for a monochromatic ray of light in water ?
    (Given `sin 34^(@) = 0.56`)

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  80. A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to `3//4` of the angle of the prism. The angle of deviation is

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  81. The refractive index of a glass is 1.520 for red light and 1.525 for blue light. Let `D_1` and `D_2` be angles of minimum deviation for red and blue light respectively in a prism of this glass. Then,

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  82. A thin prism `P_(1)` with angle `4degree` and made from glass of refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism `P_(2)` made from glass of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of the prism `P_(2)` is

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  83. Angle of prism is `A` and its one surface is silvered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence `2 A` on first surface return back through the same path after suffering reflection at second silvered surface. Refraction index of the material of prism is

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  84. A ray is ihncident at an angle of incidence ii on one surface of a prism of small angle A and emerge normally from opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of prism is `mu.` the angel of incidance I is nearly equal to

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  85. A glass prism A deviates the red and blue rays through `10^(@)` and `12^(@)` respectively . A second prism (B) deviates them through `8^(@)` and `10^(@)` respectively . What is the ratio of their dispersive powers ?

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  86. A ray of light passing through an equilateral traingular glass prism from air undergoes minimum deviation when angle of incidence is `3//4` th of the angle of prism. Calculate the speed of light in the prism.

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  87. A ray of light suffers minimum deviation, while passing through a prism of refractive index `1.5` and refracting angle `60^@`. Calculate the angle of deviation and angle in incidence.

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  88. In an equilateral triangular prism , the angle of minimum deviation for monochromatic ray of light is `38^(@)` . What is corresponding angle of incidence ?

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  89. A ray of light suffers minimum deviation when incident on an equilateral prism of refractive index `sqrt2` . What is the angle of incidence ?

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  90. A ray is ihncident at an angle of incidence ii on one surface of a prism of small angle A and emerge normally from opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of prism is `mu.` the angel of incidance I is nearly equal to

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  91. The refracting angle of the prism is `60^(@)`.What is the angle of incidence for minimum deviation? The refractive index of material of prism is`sqrt(2)`.

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  92. The angle of minimum deviation produced by a `60^(@)` prism is `40^(@)`. Calculate the refractive index of the material of the prism.

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  93. A thin glass prism has a refracting angle `6^(@)` . The refractive indices of the material of the prism for red and violet colours are `1.56` and `1.6` respectively . What is the angular dispersion ?

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  94. Prism X deviates red ray through `10^(@)` and violet ray through `16^(@)` , while the prism Y deviates red ray through `8^(@)` and violet ray through `14^(@)` , respectively . If `omega_(X)` and `omega_(Y)` are the dispersive powers of X and Y , then

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  95. The angle of a crown glass prism of refractive index 1.52 is `6^(@)` . What should be the angle of a flint glass prism of refractive index `1.65` , so that the two prisms produce a direct vision prism ?

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  96. It is required to form an achromatic combination of two prisms of dispersive powers 0.04 and 0.06 respectively . If the first prism has a refracting angle of `10^(@)` and mean refractive index of `1.52` , what must be the refracting angle of the second prism , if its mean refractive index is `1.56` ?

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  97. The refractive angle of a prism is `60^(@)` . What is the angle of minimum deviation, if the refractive index of the material of the prism is `sqrt2` ?

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  98. A monochromatic ray of light is incident at an angle of `50^(@)` on one of the refracting surfaces of an equilateral prism . What is the refractive index of the material of the prism , if the angle of emergence is also `50^(@)` ?
    [ sin `50^(@) = 0.767]`

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  99. When an equilateral prism is placed in the position of minimum deviation , the incident ray makes an angle of `37^(@)` with the refracting surface . What is the material of the prism , if the angle of `37^(@)` with the refracting surface . What is the angle of minimum deviation ?

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  100. A ray of light suffers minimum deviation while passing through a prism of refracting angle A . If the angle of incidence `i` = Refractive angle and n =` sqrt3` , find the angle of the prism .

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MCQs questions and complete solutions for chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of MARVEL PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11