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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE of chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How many seconds are there in a light fermi?

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  2. Which of the following pairs have same dimentional formula for both the quantities?
    `1)`Kinetic energy and torque `2)` Resistance and inductance ` 3)` Young's modulus and pressure

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  3. Give the names of four dimensionless physical quantities.

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  4. The dimensions of plank constant are the same as that of ................

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  5. A physical quantity `P=sqrt(abc^2)/d^3` is determined by measuring a,b,c and d seperately with the percentage error of `2%`, `3%`, `2%` and `1%` respectively. Minimum amount of error is contributed by the measurement of

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  6. The number of significant figures in `11.118×10^(-6)` is

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  7. What is the number of significant figures in `0.06070`?

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  8. If `f=x^2`, What is the relative error in f?

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  9. Which is the following measurement is more accurate?

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  10. Which of the following measurements is most accurate?

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  11. Name three physical quantities having same dimension.

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  12. Use your definition to explain how simple harmonic motion can be represented by the equation `y=a sin omega t`
    Show that the above equation is dimensionally correct

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  13. The curved surface area of a solid cylinder of radius `2 cm` and height `20 cm` is ...............`m^2` (Write answer in `3 ` significant digits)

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  14. Fill in the blanks. 1m=

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  15. Give a physical quantity with a unit and no dimension.

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  16. Arrange the following in the descending order. `1 `light year, `1 `par sec, `1` astronomical unit.

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  17. Magnitude of force F experienced by a certain object moving with speed V is given by `F=KV^2`. Where K is a constant. Find the dimensions of K.

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  18. What is the maximum percentage error in the measurement of kinetic energy if percentage errors in mass and speed are `2%` and `3%` respectively?

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  19. Solve the following with regard to significant figures.
    `5.8 +0.125`

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  20. Solve the following with regard to significant figures.

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  21. What is maximum fractional error in `(a+b)`
    Given ∆ a and ∆b are absolute errors in measurements a and b.

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  22. What is maximum fractional error in `a-b`
    Given ∆ a and ∆b are absolute errors in measurements a and b.

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  23. What is maximum fractional error in `ab`
    Given ∆ a and ∆b are absolute errors in measurements a and b.

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  24. What is maximum fractional error in `a/b`
    Given ∆ a and ∆b are absolute errors in measurements a and b.

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  25. What is the maximum fractional error in `a^n`? (Given absolute error in a is ∆a)

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  26. What is absolute error in the measurement according to least count? `3.0 kg`

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  27. What is absolute error in the measurement according to least count? `25s`

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  28. What is absolute error in the measurement according to least count? `5.62 cm`

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  29. A stone is thrown upwards from the ground with a velocity `u`. What is the maximum height attained by the stone?

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  30. A stone is thrown upwards from the ground with a velocity `u`. What is the maximum height attained by the ball? Check the correctness of the equation thus obtained using the method of dimensional analysis.

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  31. Derive an empirical relationship for the force experienced on the car in terms of mass of the car m, velocity v, and radius of the track r using dimensional analysis.

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  32. What is the dimensional formula of coefficient of viscosity?

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  33. Write any two drawbacks of dimensional analysis.

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  34. Principle of homogeneity is based on the fact that two quantities of same nature can be added. What do you mean by principal of homogeneity?

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  35. Principle of homogeneity is based on the fact that two quantities of same nature can be added. Velocity V depends on the time t as `V=at^2+bt+c`. find dimension of constants a, b, and c.

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  36. if `x=a+bt+ct^2` where x is in metre and t in second. if error in the measurement of time is `2%`. what will be the error in x?

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  37. Rahul measure the height of Ramesh in different trials as `1.67m`, 1.65m`, `1.64m`, and `1.63m`. find the mean absolute error?

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  38. Rahul measure the height of Ramesh in different trials as `1.67m`, 1.65m`, `1.64m`, and `1.63m`. find the percentage error?

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  39. in a particular experiment Ramu use the relation `F=AB+(P+Q)Y` to calculate force. which principle is used to check the correctness of the equation.

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  40. in a particular experiment Ramu use the relation `F=AB+(P+Q)Y` to calculate force. in the dimensional formula of Y is `M^0L^1T^(-1). then find the dimensional formula of P.

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  41. Which of the following is the most precise device for measuring length ? (a) a vernier calliper with 20 divisions on the sliding scale, coinciding with 19 main scale divisions (b) a screw gauge of pitch 1mm and 100 divisions on the circular scale (c ) an optical instrument that can measure length to within a wavelength of light.

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  42. is it possible to increase the accuracy of screw gauge by increasing the number of divisions on the head scale?

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  43. in an experiment with a common balance the mass of a ring found to be 2.52g, 2.5g, 2.51g, 2.49g and 2.54g in successive measurements. calculate the mean value of the mass of the ring.

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  44. in an experiment with a common balance the mass of a ring found to be 2.52g, 2.5g, 2.51g, 2.49g and 2.54g in successive measurements. calculate the absolute error in each measurement.

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  45. In the experiment with common balance the mass of a body is found to `2.52g`, `2.53g`, `2.51g`, `2.49g` and `2.54g` in successive measurement. Calculate relative error and relative percentage error.

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  46. while discussing the period of a pendulum one of the student argued that period depends on the mass of the bob. what is your opinion?

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  47. while discussing the period of a pendulum one of the student argued that period depends on the mass of the bob. how will you prove your argument dimensionally?

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  48. in an experiment with a common balance the mass of a ring found to be 2.52g, 2.5g, 2.51g, 2.49g and 2.54g in successive measurements. calculate the mean value of the mass of the ring.

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  49. in an experiment with a common balance the mass of a ring found to be 2.52g, 2.5g, 2.51g, 2.49g and 2.54g in successive measurements. calculate the absolute error in each measurement.

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  50. in an experiment with a common balance the mass of a ring found to be 2.52g, 2.5g, 2.51g, 2.49g and 2.54g in successive measurements. calculate the absolute error in each measurement.

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  51. The volume of a cube of side 1 cm is equal to …….`m^(3)`.

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  52. Fill in the blanks: the surface area of a solid cylinder of radius `2.0 cm` and height `10.0cm` is equal to _______ `(mm)^2`.

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  53. Fill in the blanks: A vehicles moving with speed of `18kmh^(-1)` covers ________m in 1s.

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  54. Fill in blanks: the relative density of lead is `11.3`. its density is ______ g `cm^-3` or _______ `kgm^(-3)`.

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  55. Fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units: `1kgm^2s^(-2) = ..................... g cm^2s^(-2)`.

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  56. Fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units: `1m=_____ly`

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  57. fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units: `3.0ms^(-2) = ..................... kmh^(-2)`.

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  58. fill in the blanks by suitable conversion of units: `G=6.67×10^(-11)Nm^2(kg)^(-2)=...................(cm)^3s^(-2)g^(-1)`.

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  59. a calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2J, where `1J=1kgm^2s^(-2)`. suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals `alpha`kg, the unit of length equals `beta` meter, the unit of time is second. show that a calorie has a magnitude `4.2alpha^(-1)beta^(-2)gamma^2` in terms of new units.

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  60. Which of the following is the most precise device for measuring length - An optical instrument, a vernier calliper, or a screw gauge?

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  61. state the number of significant figures in `0.007m^2`

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  62. state the number of significant figure? `2.64×10^24kg`

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  63. state the number of significant figure? `0.2370gcm^(-3)`

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  64. state the number of significant figure? `6.320 J`

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  65. state the number of significant figure? `6.032 Nm^(-2)`

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  66. state the number of significant figure? `0.0006032m^2`

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  67. The length breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal are `4.234m`, `1.005m` and `2.01cm` respectively. give the area and volume of the sheet to correct significant figures.

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  68. A Physical quantity P is related to four observables a,b,c and d as follows:
    `P=(a^3b^2)/(sqrtc d)`
    The percentage errors of measurement in a,b,c and d are `1%`,`3%`,`4%` and `2%` respectively. What is the percentage error in the quantity P? If the value of P calculated using the above relation turns out to be `3.763`, to what value should you round off the result?

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  69. A famous relation in physics relates 'moving mass' m to the 'rest mass' `m_0` of a particle in terms of its speed v and the speed of light c. (This relation first arose as a consequence of special relativity due to Albert Einstein). Boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put the constant c. He writes:
    Guess where to put the missing c.

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  70. Mechanical power is represented by `P=Fv+Av^3p` where, F is the force ,v is the velocity, A is the area and rho is the density.
    The dimensional formula of power is .............

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  71. Mechanical power is represented by `P = Fv+Av^3p` where, F is the force ,v is the velocity, A is the area and rho is the density.
    Check the dimensional validity of the above equation.

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  72. Which of the following equations can't be obtained by the dimensional method? (k is a constant)

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  73. Give examples for the following: A dimensionless, unitless physical quantity.

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  74. Give examples for the following: A dimensionless physical quantity but having unit in SI system.

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  75. Give examples for the following: Two physical quantities which have the same dimensions.

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  76. A company manufacturing PVC pipes claims in an advertisement that the volume of water flowing out through the pipe in a given time is as per the equation `V=KA^2ut` where A is the area of cross section of the pipe, u is the speed of flow, t is the time and K is a dimensionless constant.
    Name the principle that can be used to check the dimensional correctness of this equation.

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  77. A company manufacturing PVC pipes claims in an advertisement that the volume of water flowing out through the pipe in a given time is as per the equation `V=KA^2ut` where A is the area of cross section of the pipe, u is the speed of flow, t is the time and K is a dimensionless constant.
    Check the equation and state whether the claimis correct.

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  78. A student was asked to write the equation for displacement at any instant in a simple harmonic motion of amplitude'a'. He wrote the equation as
    `y= asin((2π upsilon t)/k)`
    Where 'v' is the velocity at instant 't'. For the equation to be dimensionally correct. what should be the dimensions of k?

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  79. What is the area of a square of side `1.4 cm` in proper significant figures?

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  80. To measure distance we use different units. Which of the following is the largest unit of length?

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  81. Which of the following measurment is more accurate?Why?

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  82. All Physical quantities can be expressed in terms of dimension.
    Write the physical quantities of the following dimensions:`[M^1L^1T^-1]`

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  83. All Physical quantities can be expressed in terms of dimension.
    Write the physical quantities of the following dimensions: `[M^1L^2T^-2]`

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  84. Check whether the equation
    `T=2πsqrt ( m/g)` is dimensionally correct.Where `T` is the Time period of a simple pendulum , `m` is the mass of the bob and `g` is the acceleration due to gravity

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  85. Which measurement is most precise?
    Vernier Callipers having `5` divisions on sliding scale, or Vernier Callipers having `10` divisions on sliding scale.

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  86. Which measurement is most precise?
    Vernier Callipers having `10` divisions on sliding scale or Vernier Callipers having `20` divisions on sliding scale.

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  87. Which measurement is most precise?
    Vernier Callipers having `20` divisions on sliding scale, or Vernier Callipers having `25` divisions on sliding scale.

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  88. What happens to the accuracy when the least count is decreased?

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  89. A boy recalls the relativistic mass wrongly as `m=m_0/sqrt(1-V^2)`
    Using dimensional method put the missing 'C' at proper place.

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  90. Pick out the fundamental unit from the following:

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  91. Velocity of sound depends on density (rho) and modulus of elasticity (E). (The dimensional formula of E is` (MI^-1T^-2)`.
    State the principle of homogeneity.

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  92. Velocity of sound depends on density (rho) and modulus of elasticity (E). (The dimensional formula of E is` (MI^-1T^-2)`.
    Using the above principle , arrive at an expression for the velocity of sound.(Take` K=1`)

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  93. The correctness of an equation is checked using the principle of homogeneity.
    For an equation, `x=a+bt+ct^2`, where `x` is in metre and `t` in second. What will be the dimension of `b`?

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  94. Significant figures determine the accuracy of the measurement of a physical quantity.
    The radius of a sphere is given by `R=1.03m`. How many significant figures are there in it?

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  95. Significant figures determine the accuracy of the measurement of a physical quantity.
    If the percentage error in calculating the radius of the sphere is `2%`, what will be the percentage error in calculating the volume?

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  96. Choose the correct alternative.
    Gravitational force/weak nuclear force is the weakest fundamental force.

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  97. The centripetal force on a body in circular motion is given by `F=(mv^2)/r`.
    Write the dimension of force.

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  98. The centripetal force on a body in circular motion is given by `F=(mv^2)/r`.
    Using the above formula, write an equation to find `%` error in centripetal force.

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  99. The centripetal force on a body in circular motion is given by `F=(mv^2)/r`.
    What is the number of significant figures in `0.050N`?

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  100. Dimension method helps in converting the units from one system into another. Name the principle used for the above purpose.

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EXERCISE questions and complete solutions for chapter UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS of MAXIMUM PUBLICATION of Class 11