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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. State in each case, whether the motion is one, two or three dimensional. An ant crawling on globe

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  2. State in each case, whether the motion is one, two or three dimensional. A piece of paper flying in the sky.

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  3. State in each case, whether the motion is one, two or three dimensional. A speeding bus on a straight highway Moon revolving around the earth.

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  4. Is it possible that displacement is zero, but not the distance? Give example.

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  5. Can earth be regarded as a point object when it is describing its yearly journey around the sun?

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  6. Can a body have a constant velocity but varying speed?

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  7. Can a body have a constant speed but a varying velocity?

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  8. What will be the nature of x - t graph for a uniform motion?

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  9. Can x - t graph be a striaght line parallel to position axis?

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  10. Define kinematics.

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  11. Can the speed of a body be negative?

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  12. What can you say about the motion of object whose distance - time graph is a straight line parallel to time axis ?

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  13. What does the slope of position-time graph represents?

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  14. Under what condition is the average velocity equal to instantaneous velocity?

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  15. What is the numerical ratio of velocity to speed of an object?

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  16. Show that rest and motion are relative terms.

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  17. What do you understand by positive and negative time?

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  18. What does slope of (v-t) graph represent?

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  19. A ball is thrown straight up. What is its velocity ad acceleration at the highest point?

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  20. Why does time occur twice in a unit of acceleration?

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  21. Can a body have zero velocity and still be accelerated?

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  22. What is the acceleration of a particle moving with a uniform velocity?

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  23. What is the nature of acceleration-time graph when the body moves with constant acceleration ?

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  24. If the instantaneous velocity of a particle is zero will its instantaneous acceleration be necessarily zero?

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  25. Can the velocity of an object be in a direction other than the direction of acceleration?

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  26. Two balls of different masses (one lighter and other heavier) are thrown vertically upward with same initial speed. Which one will rise to the greater height)?

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  27. Which of the two velcotiy and acceleration, gives the direction of motion of the body? Explain.

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  28. In which of the following examples of motion, can the body be considered approximately a point object:

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  29. A woman starts from her home at 9.00 am, walks with a speed of `5 km h^-1` on a straight road up to her office 2.5 km away, stays at the office up to 5.00 pm, and returns home by an auto with a speed of `25 km h^-1`.Choose suitable scales and plot the x-t graph of her motion.

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  30. A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward, followed again by 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward, and so on. Each step is 1 in long and requires 1 s. Plot the x-t graph of his motion. Determine graphically and otherwise how long the drunkard takes to fall in a pit 13 m away from the start.

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  31. A jet airplane travelling at the speed of `500 km h^-1`' ejects its products of combustion at the speed of `1500 km h^-1`' relative to the jet plane. What is the speed of the latter with respect to an observer on the ground ?

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  32. A car moving along a straight highway with speed of `126 km h^-1' is brought to a stop within a distance of 200 m. What is the retardation of the car (assumed uniform), and how long does it take for the car to stop ?

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  33. Two trains A and B of length 400 m each are moving on two parallel tracks with a uniform speed of `72 km h^-1` in the same direction, with A ahead of B. The driver of B decides to overtake A and accelerates by `1 m s^-2`. If after 50 s, the guard of B just brushes past the driver of A, what was the original distance between them ?

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  34. On a two-lane road, car A is travelling with a speed of `36 km h^-1` . Two cars B and C approach car A in opposite directions with a speed of `54 km h^-1` each. At a certain instant, when the distance AB is equal to AC, both being 1 km, B decides to overtake A before C does. What minimum acceleration of car B is required to avoid an accident ?

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  35. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus service with a bus leaving in either direction every T minutes. A man cycling with a speed of `20 km h^-1` in the direction A to B notices that a bus goes past him every 18 min in the direction of his motion, and every 6 min in the opposite direction. What is the period Tof the bus service and with what speed (assumed constant) do the buses ply on the road?

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  36. A player throws a ball upwards with an initial speed of `29.4 m s^-1` :- What is the direction of acceleration during the upward motion of the ball ?

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  37. A player throws a ball upwards with an initial speed of `29.4 m s^-1` :- What are the velocity and acceleration of the ball at the highest point of its motion ?

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  38. A player throws a ball upwards with an initial speed of `29.4 m s^-1` :- What are the velocity and acceleration of the ball at the highest point of its motion ?

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  39. A boy standing on a stationary lift (open from above) throws a ball upwards with the maximum initial speed he can, equal to `49 m s^-1` . How much time does the ball take to return to his hands? If the lift starts moving up with a uniform speed of `5 m s^-1` and the boy again throws the ball up with the maximum speed he can, how long does the ball take to return to his hands ?

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  40. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons and examples, if it is true or false :- A particle In one-dimensional motion:- with zero speed at an instant may have non-zero acceleration at that instant

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  41. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons and examples, if it is true or false :- A particle In one-dimensional motion:- with zero speed may have non-zero velocity,

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  42. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons and examples, if it is true or false :- A particle In one-dimensional motion:- with constant speed must have zero acceleration,

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  43. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons and examples, if ti is true or false: A particle in one dimensional motion.
    with positive value of acceleration must be speeding up.

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  44. A ball is dropped from a height of 90 m on a floor. At each collision with the floor, the ball loses one tenth of its speed. Plot the speed-time graph of its motion between t = 0 to 12 s.

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  45. Explain clearly, with examples, the distinction between :- magnitude of displacement (sometimes called distance) over an interval of time, and the total length of path covered by a particle over the same interval,

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  46. Explain clearly, with examples, the distinction between :- magnitude of average velocity over an interval of time, and the average speed over the same interval. [Average speed of a particle over an interval of time is defined as the total path length divided by the time interval]. Show in both (a) and (b) that the second quantity is either greater than or equal to the first. When is the equality sign true ? [For simplicity, consider one-dimensional motion only].

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  47. A man walks on a straight road from his home to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of `5 km h^-1` . Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back home with a speed of `7.5 km h^-1`. What is the :- magnitude of average velocity, and

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  48. A man walks on a straight road from his home to a market 2.5 km away with a speed of `5 km h^-1` . Finding the market closed, he instantly turns and walks back home with a speed of `7.5 km h^-1`. What is the :- magnitude of average velocity, and

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  49. In Exercises 3.13 and 3.14, we have carefully distinguished between average speed and magnitude of average velocity. No such distinction is necessary when we consider instantaneous speed and magnitude of velocity. The instantaneous speed is always equal to the magnitude of instantaneous velocity. Why ?

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  50. Look at the graphs (Fig. 3.20) carefully and state, with reasons, which of these cannot possibly represent one-dimensional motion of a particle.

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  51. Figure 3.21 shows the x-t plot of one-dimensional 4 motion of a particle. Is it correct to say from the graph that the particle moves in a straight line for t< 0 and on a parabolic path for t >0 ? If not, suggest a suitable physical context for this graph.

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  52. A police car running on a highway with a speed of `30 km//h` fires on the vehicle of thiefs running in the same direction at a speed of` 192 km//h`. If the velocity of the bullet is `150 m//s`then with what velocity the bullet will hit the thiefs ?

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  53. Suggest a suitable physical situation for each of the following graphs:

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  54. In the figure gives the (x-t) plot of a particle executign one-dimensional simple harmonic motion. Give the signs of position, velocity and acceleration variables of the particle at t = 0.3 s, 1.2 s, - 1.2 s.

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  55. Figure 3.24 gives the x-t plot of a particle in one-dimensional motion. Three different equal intervals of time are shown. In which interval is the average speed greatest, and in which is it the least ? Give the sign of average velocity for each interval.

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  56. In the figure gives a speed-time graph of a particle in motion along a constant direction. Three equal intervals of time are shwon. In which interval is the average acceleration greatest in magnitude ? In which interval is the average speed greatest ? Choosing the positive direction as the constant direction of motion, give the signs of v and a in the three intervals. What are the acceleration at the points A,B,C and D?

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  57. A three-wheeler starts from rest, accelerates uniformly with `1 m s^-2` on a straight road for 10 s, and then moves with uniform velocity. Plot the distance covered by the vehicle during the 11th second (n = 1,2,3....) versus 11. What do you expect this plot to be during accelerated motion : a straight line or a parabola ?

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  58. A boy standing on a stationary lift (open from above) throws a ball upwards with the maximum initial speed he can, equal to `49 m s^-1` . How much time does the ball take to return to his hands? If the lift starts moving up with a uniform speed of `5 m s^-1` and the boy again throws the ball up with the maximum speed he can, how long does the ball take to return to his hands ?

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  59. On a long horizontally moving belt (Fig. 3.26), a child runs to and fro with a speed `9 km h^-1` (with respect to the belt) between his father and mother located 50 m apart on the moving belt. The belt moves with a speed of `4 km h^-1`. For an observer on a stationary platform outside, what is the:- speed of the child running in the direction of motion of the belt ?.

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  60. On a long horizontally moving belt (Fig. 3.26), a child runs to and fro with a speed `9 km h^-1` (with respect to the belt) between his father and mother located 50 m apart on the moving belt. The belt moves with a speed of `4 km h^-1`. For an observer on a stationary platform outside, what is the:- speed of the child running opposite to the direction of motion of the belt ?

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  61. On a long horizontally moving belt (Fig. 3.26), a child runs to and fro with a speed `9 km h^-1` (with respect to the belt) between his father and mother located 50 m apart on the moving belt. The belt moves with a speed of `4 km h^-1`. For an observer on a stationary platform outside, what is the:- time taken by the child in (a) and (b) ? Which of the answers alter if motion is viewed by one of the parents ?

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  62. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 200 m high with initial speeds of `15 m s^-1` and 30 m s^-1`. Verify that the graph shown in Fig. 3.27 correctly represents the time variation of the relative position of the second stone with respect to the first. Neglect air resistance and assume that the stones do not rebound after hitting the ground. Take g = `10 m s^-2`. Give the equations for the linear and curved parts of the plot.

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  63. The speed-time graph of a particle moving along a fixed direction is shown in Fig. 3.28. Obtain the distance traversed by the particle between:-t = 0 s to 10 s,

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  64. The velocity-time graph of particle in one dimensional motion is shown in the fig.

    Which if the following formulae are correct for describing the motion of the pawrticle over the time interval `t_1 to t_2`
    `v(t_2) = v(t_1) + a(t_2 - t_2)`, `v_(average) = ([x(t_2) - x(t_1)])/((t_2 - t_1))`, ` x(t_2) - x(t_1) `= area under the v - t curve. bounded by the t-axis and the dotted line shown.

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  65. A lift is coming form 8th floor and is just about to reach 4th floor. Taking ground floor as origin and positive direction upwards for all quantities, which one of the folowing is correct?

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  66. In one dimensional motion, instaneous speed v satisfies `0 lev < v_0`

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  67. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed `V_1` and the other half with dspeed `v_2`, then its average speed is

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  68. The displacement of a particle is given by ` x = (t-2)^2` where x is in metres and t in seconds. The distance covered by the particle in first 4 seconds is

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  69. At a metro station, a girl walks up a stationary esclator in time `t_1`. If she remains stationary on the escalator, then the escalator take her up in time `t_2`. The time taken by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be

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  70. The variation of quantity A with quantity B, plotted in fig. describes the motion of a particle in a straight line.

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  71. A graph of x versus t is shown in fig. choose corredt alternatives from below.

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  72. A particle executes the motion described by `x(t) = x_0 (1-e^(-gammat) , t le 0, x_0 > 0`. Where does the particle start and with what velocity?

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  73. A spring with one end attached to a mass and the other to a rigid suppord is stretched and released.

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  74. A ball is bouncing elastically with a speed 1 m/s between walls of a railways compartment of size 10 m in a direction perpendicular to wals. The train is moving at a constant velocity of 10 m/s parallel to the direction of motion of the ball . As seen from the ground

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  75. Refer to the graph in fig match the following graph characteristic.

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  76. A uniformly moving cricket ball is turned back by hitting it with a bat for a very short time interval. Show the variation of its acceleration with time. (Take acceleration in the bakward direction as positive).

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  77. Give examples of a one-dimensional motion where the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves forward.

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  78. Give examples of a one-dimensional motion where the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves backward.

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  79. Give example of a motion wehre x > 0. v < 0, a > 0 at a particular instant.

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  80. An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by a = g - bv where g = gravitational acceleration and b is constant. After a long time of release, it is observed to fall with constant speed.What must be the value of constant speed?

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  81. A particle executes the motion described by `x(t) = x_0 (1-e^(-gammat) , t le 0, x_0 > 0`. Where does the particle start and with what velocity?

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  82. A particle executes the motion described by `x(t) = x_0 (1-e^(-gammat) , t le 0, x_0 > 0`. Find maximum and minimum vlaues of x(t), v(t), a (t). Show that x (t) and a (t) increase with time and v (t) decreases with time.

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  83. A bird is tossing (flying to and fro 0 between two cars moving towards each other on a straight road. On car has a speed of 18 km /h while the other has the speed of 27 km /h. The bird starts moving from first caer towards the other and is moving with the speed of 36 km /h and when the two cars were separated by 36 km. What is the total distance comered by the bird ? What is the total displacement of the bird ?

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  84. A man runs across the roof-top of a tall building and jumps horizontally with the hope of landing on the roof of the next building which is of a lower height than the first. If his speed is 9 m/s, the distance between the two buildings is 10 m and the height difference is 9 m, will he be able to land on the next building?

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  85. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about a kilometer altitude above the ground.
    If a rain drop falls from such a height freely under gravity, what will be its speed? Also calculate in km/h. `(G = 10 m//s^2)`.

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  86. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about a kilometer altitude above the ground.
    A typical rain drop is about 4 mm diameter. Momentum is mass `xx` speed in magnitude. Estimate its momentum when it hits the ground.

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  87. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about a kilometer altitude above the ground.
    If the diameter of the rain drop is 4mm then Estimate the time required to flatten the drop.

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  88. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about a kilometer altitude above the ground.
    Rate of change of momentum is force. Estimate how much force such a drop would exert on you.
    (`g = 10 m / s^2` and diameter of drop = 4mm)

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  89. It is a common observation that rain clouds can be at about a kilometer altitude above the ground.
    Estimate the order of magnitude force on umbrella. Typical lateral separation between two rain drops is 5 cm.
    (`g = 10 m / s^2` and diameter of drop = 4mm)

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  90. A motor car moving at a speed of 72 km /h can not come to a stop in less than 3.0 s while for a truch this time interval is 5.0s On a highway the car is behind the truck both moving at 72 km /h The truck geives a signal that it is going to stop at emergency. At what distance the car should be from the truck so that it does bot bump onto (collide with) the truck. Human responde time id 0.5 s. (comment : This is to illustrate why vehicles carr the message on the rear side. "Keep safe Distance").

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  91. A monkey climbs up a slippery pole for 3 seconds and susequently slips for 3 seconds. Its velocity at time t is given by v (t) = 2t (3-t) , 0 < t < 3 and v (t) = - t-3) (6-t) for 3 < t < 6 s I m/s. It repeats this cycle till it reaches the height of 20 m.
    At what time is its velocity maximum?

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  92. A monkey climbs up a slippery pole for 3 seconds and susequently slips for 3 seconds. Its velocity at time t is given by v (t) = 2t (3-t) , 0 < t < 3 and v (t) = - t-3) (6-t) for 3 < t < 6 s I m/s. It repeats this cycle till it reaches the height of 20 m.
    At what time is its average velocity maximum?

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  93. A monkey climbs up a slippery pole for 3 seconds and susequently slips for 3 seconds. Its velocity at time t is given by v (t) = 2t (3-t) , 0 < t < 3 and v (t) = - t-3) (6-t) for 3 < t < 6 s I m/s. It repeats this cycle till it reaches the height of 20 m.
    At what time is its average velocity maximum?

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  94. A monkey climbs up a slippery pole for 3 seconds and susequently slips for 3 seconds. Its velocity at time t is given by v (t) = 2t (3-t) , 0 < t < 3 and v (t) = - t-3) (6-t) for 3 < t < 6 s I m/s. It repeats this cycle till it reaches the height of 20 m.
    How many cycles (counting fractions) are required to reach the top?

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  95. A man is standing on top of a building 100 m high. He throws two balls vertically, one at t = 0 and other after a time interval (less than 2 s). The later ball is thrown at a velocity of half the first. The vertical gap between first and second ball is 15 m at t = 2 s. The gap is found to remain constant. The velocities with which the balls were thrown.

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  96. Choose the correct statement from the followoing:

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  97. The study of motion, without consideration of its cause is stuidied in

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  98. The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity and average speed of a body is always:

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  99. In 1.0 s, a particle goes form point A to point B, moving in a semicircle of radius 1.0 m. The magntiude of average ve3lcity is :

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  100. Which one of the following graphs represents motoin with unifrom speed?

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE of MBD of Class 11