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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter THERMODYNAMICS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. State first law of thermodynamics.

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  2. What do you mean by "internal energy"?

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  3. What is the value of specific heat of water in S.I. units?

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  4. Which is greater : `C_p` or `C_v`?

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  5. Does the internal energy of an ideal gas change in an isothermal process

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  6. Does the internal energy of an ideal gas change in an adiable process?

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  7. Can the temperature of an isolated system change?

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  8. Why does a gas gets heated on compression?

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  9. Why cooling takes place when a gas suffer adiabatic expansion?

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  10. Can two isothermal curves intersect each other? Why?

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  11. What is heat engine?

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  12. What is heat pump?

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  13. How is heat engine differ from refrigerator?

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  14. Under what conditions can the efficiency of a Carnot engine be 100%?

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  15. Is it possible to convert internal energy into work?

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  16. Can whole of work be converted into heat? Is the reverse true?

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  17. Is rusting of iron a reversible process?

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  18. Is Carnot's engine a practical engine?

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  19. How is the efficiency of a Carnot engine affected by the nature of the working substance?

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  20. Can the temperature of a gas be increased by keeping its pressure and volume constant?

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  21. A geyser heats water flowing at the rate of 3.0 litres per minute from `27 ^@C` to `77 ^@C`. If the geyser operates on a gas burner, what is the rate of consumption of the fuel if its heat of combustion is `4.0 xx 10^4 J//g` ?

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  22. What amount of heat must be supplied to `2.0 xx 10^-2 kg` of nitrogen (at room temperature) to raise its temperature by `45 ^@C` at constant pressure ? (Molecular mass of `N_2 = 28, R = 8.3 J mol^-1 K^-1.`)

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  23. Explain why Two bodies at different temperatures `T_1 and T_2` if brought in thermal contact do not necessarily settle to the mean temperature `(T_1+T_2)//2`.

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  24. Explain why The coolant in a chemical or a nuclear plant (i.e., the liquid used to prevent the different parts of a plant from getting too hot) should have high specific heat.

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  25. Explain why Air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving.

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  26. A cylinder with a movable piston contains3moles of hydrogen atstandard temperature and pressure. The walls of the cylinder are made of a heat insulator, and the piston is insulated by having a pile of sand on it. By what factor does the pressure of the gas increase if the gas is compressed to half its original volume ?

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  27. In changing the state of a gas adiabatically from an equilibrium state A to another equilibrium state B, an amount of work equal to 22.3 Jis done on the system. If the gas is taken from state A to B via a process in which the net heat absorbed by the system is 9.35 cal, how much is the net work done by the system in the latter case ? (Take 1 cal = 4.19 J)

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  28. Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer the following : What is the final pressure of the gas in A and B ?

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  29. Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer the following : What is the change in internal energy of the gas ?

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  30. Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer the following : What is the change in the temperature of the gas ?

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  31. Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are connected to each other via a stopcock. A contains a gas at standard temperature and pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire system is thermally insulated. The stopcock is suddenly opened. Answer the following : Do the intermediate states of the system (before settling to the final equilibrium state) lie on its P-V-T surface ?

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  32. A steam engine delivers `5.4 xx 10^8J` of work per minute and services `3.6 xx 10^9J` of heat per minute from its boiler. What is the efficiency of the engine? flow much heat is wasted per minute?

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  33. An electric heater supplies heat to a system at a rate of 100W. If system performs work at a rate of 75 joules per second. At what rate isthe internal energy increasing?

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  34. A refrigerator isto maintain eatables kept inside at `9^@C`. If room temperature is `36^@C`, calculate the coefficient of performance.

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  35. An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the same initial state (Figure Four processes are adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and isochoric. Out of 1,2,3 and 4, which one is adiabatic?

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  36. If an average person jogs, he produces `14.5 xx 10^3` cal/min. This is removed by the evaporation of sweat. The amount of sweat evaporated per minute (assuming 1 kg requires `580 xx 10^3` cal for evaporation ) is

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  37. Consider two containers A and B containing identical gases at the same pressure, volume and temperature. The gas in container A is compressed to half of its original volume isothermally while the gas in container B is compressed to half of its original value adiabatically. The ratio of final pressure of gas in B to that of gas in A is

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  38. Three copper blocks of masses `M_{1}, M_{2}` and `M_{3}` kg respectively are brought into thermal contact till they reach equilibrium. Before contact, they were at `T_{1}, T_{2}, T_{3} (T_{1} > T_{2} > T_{3}` ). Assuming there is no heat loss to the surroundings, the equilibrium temperature T is (s is specific heat of copper)

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  39. Which of the process described below are irreversible?

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  40. An ideal gas undergoes isothermal process from some initial state I to final state f. choose the correct alternatives

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  41. Can a system be heated and its temperature remain constant?

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  42. A system goes from P to Q by two different paths in the P−V diagram as shown in Figure. Heat given to the system in path 1 is 1000 J. The work done by the system along path 1 is more than path 2 by 100 J. What is the heat exchanged by the system in path 2?

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  43. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open, the room in which the refrigerator is kept

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  44. Is it possible to increase the temperature of the gas without adding heat to it? Explain.

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  45. Explain why Air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving.

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  46. Consier a Carnot's cycle operating between `T_1 = 500 K` and `T_2 = 300 K` producing 1 k J of mechanical work per cycle. Find the heat transferred to the engine by the reservoirs.

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  47. A person of mass 60 kg wants to lose 5 kg by going up and down a 10 m high stairs. Assume he burns twice as much fat while going up than coming down. If 1 kg of fat is burnt on expending 7000 kilo calories, how many times must he go up and down to reduce his weight by 5 kg?

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  48. Consider a cycle tyre being filled with air by a pump. Let V be the volume of the tyre (fixed) and at each stroke of the pump ∆V(<< V) of air is transferred to the tube adiabatically. What is the work done when the pressure in the tube is increased from `P_1` to`P_2`.

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  49. In a refrigerator, one removes heat from a lower temperature and deposits to the surroundings at a higher temperature. In this process, mechanical work has to be done, which is provided by an electric motor. If the motor is of 1kW power, and heat is transferred from `-3^@ C to 27^@C`, find the heat taken out of the refrigerator per second assuming its efficiency is 50% of a perfect engine.

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  50. If the co-efficient of perormance of a refrigerator is 5 and operates at the room temperature `(27^@C)`, find the temperature inside the refrigerator.

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  51. The initial state of a certain gas is `(P_i,V_i,T_i)`. It undergoes expansion till its volume becomes `V_f` Consider the following case.
    the expansion takes place at constant temperature. Plot the P-V diagram.

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  52. The initial state of a certain gas is `(P_i,V_i,T_i)`. It undergoes expansion till its volume becomes `V_f` Consider the following case.
    The expansion takes place at constant pressure. Plot the P-V diagram.

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  53. A cycle followed by an engine (made of one mole of an ideal gas in a cylinder with a piston) is shown in the figure. Find heat exchanged by the engine, with the surroundings at constant volume of the cycle. `(C_v = (3/2) R)

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  54. Consider that an ideal gas (n moles) is expanding in a process given by P = f ( V ), which passes through a point `(V_0, P_0 )`. Show that the gas is absorbing heat at `(P_0, V_0)` if the slope of the curve P = f (V ) is larger than the slope of the adiabat passing through `(P_0, V_0)`

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  55. First law of thermodynamics can be explained on the basis of

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  56. A given system undergoes a change in which work done by the system equals decrease in its internal energy. The system must have undergone an

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  57. Heat capacity of a susbtance is infinite It means

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  58. Air in a cylinder is suddenly compressed by a piston, which is then maintained at the same position. With hpassage of time

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  59. The specific heat of a gas in an isothermal process is

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  60. Which of the following is not true about the processes?

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  61. Which of the following is not a state function

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  62. Which of the following parameters done not characterize the thermodynamic state of matter?

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  63. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the first law of thermodynamics?

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  64. "Heat cannot itself flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higiher temperature" is the statement or consequence of

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  65. Which one of the following statemetns is true in respect of usual quantities represented by `DeltaQ, DeltaU` and `DeltaW`

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  66. Which law of the thermodyamics leads us to conclude that it is not possible to convert whole of heat into work continuously

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  67. What is the temperature of the source in Carnot cycle of 10% efficiency when heat exhaussts at 270 K

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  68. For 100% effiiency of Carnot engine, temperature of the sink should be

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  69. Four engine are working between
    Which one has maximum efficiency?

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  70. A carnot engine works between 600 K and 300 K. In each cycle of operation, the engine draws 1000 J of heat energy from source. The efficiency of the engine is

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  71. A carnot engine works between constant temps. `T_1` and `T_2` of source and sink resp. For efficiency to be greatest

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  72. In a given process on an ideal gas dW = 0 and dQ < 0. Then for the gas

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  73. The efficiency of a Carnot engine working between the steam point and ice pint is

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  74. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open, the room in which the refrigerator is kept

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  75. Fill in the Blanks:
    A relation between pressure, volume and temperature of a system is called ______ state.

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  76. Fill in the Blanks:
    Increase in internal energy is taken as ____.

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  77. Fill in the Blanks:
    Air escaping from a cycle-tube becomes ______.

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  78. Fill in the Blanks:
    If a system is thermally insulated, there is _____ in internal energy of the system.

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  79. Fill in the Blanks:
    complete reversible process is _____________ possible.

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  80. Fill in the Blanks:
    Carnot engine is an ________ engine .

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  81. Fill in the Blanks:
    Complete _____ of heat into work is ___________ possible.

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  82. Fill in the Blanks:
    Ideal engine have ________ eficiency.

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  83. Fill in the Blanks:
    Efficiency of Carnot engine depends on ________ of source and _____ sink.

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  84. Fill in the Blanks:
    Efficiency of Carnot engine to independent of ________ substance.

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  85. Give two examples of isothermal changes

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  86. Give two examples of adiabatic changes.

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  87. Do the internal energy of ideal gas depend upon volume?

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  88. What is zeroth law of thermodynamics?

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  89. State first law of thermodynamics.

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  90. How does the internal energy of an ideal gas differ from real gas?

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  91. Why is a match stick lighted on rubbing it on the rough surface provided on the side of the match box?

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  92. An ideal gas is compressed at a contant temperature. Will its internal energy increase or decrease?

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  93. How is the heat absorbed used by a system in a cyclic process?

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  94. Write adiabatic gas equation

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  95. What thermodynamical variable is defined by Zeroth law

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  96. What thermodynamical variable is defined by First law?

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  97. If an inflated tyre bursts, the air escaping out is cooled. Why?

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  98. Can the temperature of a gas be increased by keeping its pressure and volume constant?

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  99. Explain why it is impossible to design a heat energy with 100% efficiency?

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  100. In a Carnot engine, the temperature of sink is increased. What will happen to it efficiency?

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMODYNAMICS of MBD of Class 11

All Exercises from MBD Class 11 PHYSICS THERMODYNAMICS