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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter GASEOUS STATE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following statements is not correct about the three states of matter, i.e., solid, liquids and gas?

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  2. Which of the following plots does not represent Boyle's law?

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  3. A sample of gas has a volume of 0.2 lit measured at  1 atm pressure and `0^@C`. At the same pressure, but at `273^@C`, its volume will become

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  4. Among the following curves, which is not according to Charle's law ?

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  5. Initial temperature of an ideal gas is `75^(@)C.` At what temperature, the sample of neon gas would be heated to double its pressure, if the initial volume of gas is reduced by 15%?

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  6. Which is correct curve for Charle's law, when the curve is plotted at 0.821 atm pressure for 10 mole ideal gas?

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  7. At constant volume, for a fixed number of moles of a gas, the pressure of the gas increases with a rise in temperature, due to 

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  8. which in not correct curve for Gay-luacc's law ?

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  9. Three flasks of equal volumes contain `CH_(4),CO_(2),` and `Cl_(2)` gases respectively. They will contain equal number of molecules if :

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  10. Which is incorrect curve for Boyle's law ?

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  11. Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number of particles. This statement is a direct consequence of

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  12. A 2.24 litre cylinder of oxygen at NTP is found to develop a leakage. When the leakage was plugged the pressure dropped to 570 mm of Hg. The number of moles of gas that escaped will be: 

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  13. Which of the following curve is correct for an ideal gas ?

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  14. In the equation of state of an ideal gas PV =nRT , the value of the universal gas constant is not correct :

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  15. At `0^(@)C` and one atm pressure, a gas occupies 100 cc. If the pressure is increased to one and a half-time and temprature is increased by one-third of absolute temperature, then final volume of the gas will be:

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  16. 10 g of a gas at 1 atm and 273 K occupies 5 litres. The temperature at which the volume becomes double for the same mass of gas at the same pressure is:

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  17. Which of the following curve does not represent Gay-Iusacc's law?

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  18. Densities of two gases are in the ratio `1: 2` and their temperatures are in the ratio `2:1`, then the ratio of their respective pressure is

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  19. Two separate bulbs contain ideal gas `A` and `B`. The density of a gas `A` is twice that of a gas `B`. The molecular mass of `A` is half that of gas `B`. The two gases are at the same temperature. The ratio of the pressure of `A` to that gas `B` is

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  20. Volume of the air that will be expelled from a vessel of `300 cm^(3)` when it is heated from `27^(@)C` to `37^(@) C` at the same pressure will be

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  21. For an ideal gas `V - T` curves at constant pressure `P_(1)` & `P_(2)` are shown in figure, from the figure

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  22. Two flasks A and B of 500 mL each are respectivelly filled with `O_(2)" and "SO_(2)` at 300 K and 1 atm. Pressure . The flasks will contain:

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  23. 2.8 g of a gas at 1atm and 273K occupies a volume of 2.24 litres. The gas can not be:

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  24. Five grams each of the following gases at `87^(@)C` and 750 mm pressure are taken. Which of them will have the least volume ?

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  25. At what pressure a quantity of gas will occupy a volume of 60 mL, if it occupies a volume of 100mL at a pressure of 720 mm (while temperature is constant) :

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  26. At 1 atm and 273 K the density of gas, whose molecular weight is 45, is:

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  27. A small bubble rises from the bottom of a lake, where the temperature and pressure are `8^(@)C` and `6.0 atm`, to the water's surface, where the temperature is `25^(@)C` and pressure is `1.0 atm`. Calculate the final volume of the bubble if its initial volume was `2mL`.

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  28. Argon is an inert gas used in light bulbs to retard the vaporization of the filament. A certain light-bulb containing argon at 1.25 atm and `18^(@)C` is heated to `85^(@)C` at constant volume. Calculate its final pressure.

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  29. Calculate the volue of `O_(2)` at 1 atm and 273 K required for the complete combustion of 2.64 L of acetylene `(C_(2)H_(2))` at 1 atm and 273 K. `2C_(2)H_(2)"(g)"+5O_(2)"(g)"rarr4CO_(2)"(g)"+2H_(2)O(l)`

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  30. The density of `O_(2)"(g)" ` is maximum at :

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  31. At `27^(@)C` a sample of ammonia gas exerts a pressure of 5.3 atm. What is the pressure when the volume of the gas is reduced to one-tenth of the original value at the same temperature ?

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  32. A certen amount of gas at `2.5^(@)C` and at a pressure of 0.80 atm is kept in a glass vessel. Suppose that the vessel can withstand a pressure of 2.0 atm. How high can you raise the temperature of the gas without bursting the vessel?

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  33. Which one of these graphs for an ideal gas havinga fixed amount, the arrow indication, is incorrectly marked ?

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  34. The pressure of sodium vapour in a 1.0 L container is 10 torr at `1000^(@)C`. How many atoms are in the container?

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  35. An ideal gaseous mixture of ethane `(C_2H_6)` and ethene `(C_2H_4)` occupies 28 litre at 1 atm and `273K`. The mixture reacts completely with `128 gO_2` to produce `CO_2 and H_2O`. Mole fraction at `C_2 H_6` in the mixture is :

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  36. A certain hydrate has the formula `"MgSO"_(4).xH_(2)O`. A quantity of 54.2 g of the compound is heated in an oven to drive off the water. If the steam generated exerts a pressure of 24.8 atm in a 2.0 L container at `120^(@)C`, calculate `x`.

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  37. Air entering the lungs ends up in tiny sacs called alveoli.From the alveoli, the oxygen diffuses into the blood. The average radius of the alveoli is 0.0050 cm and the air inside contains 14 per cent oxygen. Assuming that the pressure in the alveoli is 1.0 atm and the temperature is `37^(@)C`, calculate the number of oxygen molecules in one of the alveoli.

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  38. Starting out on a trip into the mountains, you inflate the tires on your automobile to a recommended pressure of `3.21xx10^(5)` Pa on a day when the temperature is -`5.0^(@)C`. You drive to the beach, where the temperature is `28.0^(@)C`. Assume that the volume of the tire has increased by 3%. What is the final pressure in the tyres?

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  39. A compressed cylinder of gas contains `1.50xx10^(3)` g of `N_(2)` gas at a pressure of `2.0xx10^(7)` Pa and a temperature of `17.1^(@)C`. What volume of gas has been released into the atmosphere if the final pressure in the cylinder is `1.80xx10^(5)` Pa ? Assume ideal behaviour and that the gas temperature is unchanged.

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  40. A high-altitude balloon is filled with `1.41xx10^(4)L` of hydrogen at a temperature of `21^(@)C` and a pressure of 745 torr. What is the volume of the balloon at a height of 20 km, where the temperature is `-48^(@)C` and the pressure is 63.1 torr?

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  41. The atmospheric pressure on Mars is o.61 kPa. What is the pressure in mm Hg?

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  42. The density of liquid gallium at `30^(@)C` is 6.095 g/mL. Because of its wide liquid range (30 to `2400^(@)C`), gallium is used as a barometer fluid at high temperature. What height (in cm) of gallium will be observed on a day when the mercury barometer reads 740 torr? `
    ` (The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL.)

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  43. A weather balloon is inflated with helium. The balloon has a volume of 100 `m^(3)` and it must be inflated to pressure of 0.10 atm. If 50 L gas cylinders of helium at a pressure of 100 atm are used, how many cylinders are needed? Assume that the temperature is constant.

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  44. A balloon contains 14.0 L of air at 760 torr. What will be the volume of the balloon when it is taken to a depth of 10 ft. in a swimming pool? Assume that the temperature of the air and water are equal. (density : Hg=13.6g/mL.)

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  45. A 0.50 L container is ocupied by nitrogen at a pressure of 800 torr and a temperature of `0^(@)C`. The container can only withstand a pressure of 3.0 atm. What is the highest temperature `("^(@)C)` to which the container may be heated?

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  46. Equal volumes of oxygen gas and a second gas weigh 1.00 and 2.375 grams respectively under the same experimental conditions. Which of the following is the unknown gas?

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  47. A high altitude balloon contains 6.81 g of helium in `1.16xx10^(4)" L at"-23^(@)C.` Assuming ideal gas behaviour, how many grams of helium would have to be added to increase the pressure to `4.0xx10^(-3)` atm?

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  48. A 4.40 g piece of solid `CO_(2)` (dry ice) is allowed to sublime in a balloon. The final volume of the balloon is 1.00 L at 300 K. What is the pressure (atm) of the gas?

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  49. For a closed container containing 10 moles of an ideal gas, at constant pressure of `0.82` atm, which graph correctly represent, variation of log V us log T where volume is in litre and temp. in kelvin :

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  50. The intercept on y-axis and slope of curve plotted between P/T vs. T
    ( For an ideal gas having 10 moles in a closed rigid container of volume 8.21 L. (P= Pressure in atm and T = Temp. in K, `log_(10)2=0.30))` are respectively :

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  51. A He atom at 300 K is released from the surface of the earth to travel upwards. Assuming that it undergoes no collision with other molecules, how high will it be before coming to the rest?

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  52. The density of gas `A` is twice that of B at the same temperature the molecular weight of gas B is twice that of A. The ratio of pressure of gas A and B will be :

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  53. Two inflated ballons I and II (thin skin) having volume 600 mL and 1500 mL at 300 K are taken as shown in diagram. If maximum volume of inner and outer balloons are 800 mL and 1800 mL respectively then find the balloon which will burst first on gradual heating.

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  54. An open flask containing air is heated from 300 K to 500 K. What percentage of air will be escaped to the atmosphere, if pressure is keeping constant?

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  55. An open flask containing air is heated from `300K` to `500K`. What percentage of air will be escaped to the atmosphere, if the pressure is kept constant ?

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  56. The value of the universal gas constant R depends upon the 

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  57. A manometer attached to a flask contains with ammonia gas have no difference in mercury level initially as shown in diagram. After sparking into the flask, ammonia is partially dissociated as `2NH_(3)" (g)"rarr N_(2)" (g)"+3H_(2)" (g)"` now it have difference of 6 cm in mercury level in two columns, what is partial pressure of `H_(2)" (g)"` at equilibrium?

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  58. An ideal gas is collected by downward displacement of water. Select the correct expression for `P_(gas)` according to the diagram `[d_(Hg)=13.6 g//cm^(3)]`:

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  59. A bubble of gas released at the bottom of a lake increases to four times its original volume when it reaches the surface. Assuming that atmospheric pressure is equivalent to the pressure exerted by a column of water 10 m high, what is the depth of the lake?

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  60. Calculate the number of moles of gas present in the container of volume 10 L at 300 K, if the manometer containing glycerine shows 5 m difference in level as shown diagram.
    (Given : `d_("glycerin")=2.72g//mL," "d_("mercury")=13.6g//mL`)

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  61. A rigid vessel of volume ` 0.50m^(3)` containing `H_(2) ` at `20.5^(@)C` and a pressure of `611 xx 10^(3)` Pa is connected to a second rigid vessel of volume 0.75`m^(3)` containing Ar at `31.2^(@)C` at a pressure of `433xx10^(3)` Pa. A value separating the two vessels is opened and both are cooled to a temperature of `14.5^(@)C`. What is the final pressure in the vessels?

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  62. Two glass bulbs A and B are connected by a very small tube having a stop cock. Bulb A has a volume of 100 `cm^(3)` and contained the gas, while bulb B was empty. On opening th stop cock. The pressure fell down to 40%. The volume of the bulb B must be:

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  63. A mixture of `C_(2)H_(2)` and `C_(3)H_(8)` occupied a certain volume at 80 mm Hg. The mixture was completely burnt to `CO_(2)` and `H_(2)O(l)`. When the pressure of `Co_(2)` was found to be 230 mm Hg at the same temperature and volume, the mole fraction of `CO_(3)H_(8)` in the mixture is :

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  64. The total pressure of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is 1.0 atm. The mixture is ignited and the water is removed. The remaining gas is pure hydrogen and exerts a pressure of 0.40 atm when measured at the same values of T and V as the original mixture. What was the composition of the original mixture in mole fraction ?

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  65. Two closed vessel A and B of equal volume of 8.21 L are connected by a narrow tube of negligible volume with open valve. The left hand side container is found to contain 3 mole `CO_(2)` and 2 mole of He at 400 K. What is the partial pressure of He in vessel B at 400 K?

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  66. At STP a contains has 1 mole of `H_(2)` 2 mole `Ne,` 3 mole `O_(2)` and 4 mole `N_(2)`. Without changing total pressure if 2 mole of `O_(2)` is removed, the partial pressure of `O_(2)` will be decreased by

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  67. `821mLN_(2) (g)` was collected over liquid water at 300 K and 1 atm.If vapour pressure of `H_(2)O` is 30 torr then moles of `N_(2) (g)` in moist gas mixture is :

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  68. Let P and `P_(s)` be the partial pressure of `H_(2)O(g)` and vapour pressure of `H_(2)O(l)` respectively. Then the % relative humidity is given by:

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  69. The vapour pressure of water at `80^(@)C` is 355 mm of Hg. 1 L vessel contains `O_(2)` at `80^(@)C`, which is saturated with water and the total pressure being 760 mm of Hg. The contents of the vessel were pumped into 0.3 L vessel at the same temperature. What is the partial presure of `O_(2)`?

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  70. Which of the following gaseous mixture does not follow Dalton's law of partial pressure?

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  71. Equal weights of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 250C. The fraction of the total pressure exerted by oxygen is

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  72. A box of 1 L capacity is divided into two equal compartments by a thin partition which are filled with 2g `H_(2)` and 16 g`CH_(4)` respectively. The pressure in each compartment is reorded as P atm. The total pressure when partition is removed will be:

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  73. If `10^(-4) dm^(3)` of water is introduced into a 1.0 `dm^(3)`. Flask at 300 K, calculate the number of moles of water is in vapour phase when equililbrium is established ? (V.P. of `H_(2)O` at 300 K is 3170 Pa )

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  74. Dalton's law of partial pressures is not applicable to

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  75. 56 g of nitrogen and 96 g of oxygen are mixed isothermaly and at a total pressure of 10 atm. The partial pressures of oxygen and nitrogen (in atm) are respectively :

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  76. The closed containers of the same capacity and at the same temperature are filled with 44 g of `H_(2)` in one and 44 g of `CO_(2)` in the other . If the pressure of carbon dioxide in the second container is 1 atm , then pressure of hydrogen in the first container would be :

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  77. A jar contains a gas and a few drops of water at `TK` The pressure in the jar is `830 mm` of Hg The temperature of the jar is reduced by `1%` The vapour pressure of water at two temperatures are 300 and 25 mm of Hg Calculate the new pressure in the jar .

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  78. `O_(2)` and `SO_(2)` gases are filled in ratio of 1 : 3 by mass in a closed container of 3 L at temperature of `27^(@)C`. The partial pressure of `O_(2)` is 0.60 atm, the concentration of `SO_(2)` would be

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  79. A gaseous mixture of three gases A, B and C has a pressure of 10atm. The total number of moles of all the gases is 10. The partial pressure of A and B are 3 and I am respectively. If C has a molecular weight of 2, what is the weight of C in grams present in the mixture?

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  80. A rigid container contains 5 mole `H_(2)` gas at some pressure and temperature. The gas has been allowed to escape by simple process from the container due to which pressure of the gas becomes half of its initial pressure and temperature become `(2//3)^(rd)` of its initial. The mass of gas remaining is :

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  81. Pressure of 1 g ideal gas X at 300 K is 2 atm. When 2 g of another gas Y is introduced in the same vessel at same temperature, the pressure become 3 atm. The correct relationship between molar mass of X and Y is :

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  82. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. A 0.050 g sample of dry ice is placed in an evacuated 4.6 L vessel at `30^(@)C`. Calculate the pressure inside the vessel after all the dry has been converted to `CO_(2)` gas.

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  83. A mixture of helium of neon gases is collected over water at `28.0^(@)C` and 745 mmHg. If the partial pressure of helium is 368 mmHg, what is the partial pressure of neon?

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  84. Consider the following apparatus. Calculate the partical pressure of He after opening the valve. The temperature is remain constant at `16^(@)C`

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  85. Oxygen gas generated by the decomposition of potassium chlorate is collected. The volume of oxygen collected at `24^(@)C` and atmospheric pressure of `760 m m Hg` is `128 mL`. Calculate the mass `(` in grams `)` of oxygen gas obtained. The pressure of water vapour at `24^(@)C` is `22.4 m m Hg`.

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  86. The quantity `(PV)/(k_(B)T)` represents the (` k_(B):`Boltzmann constant)

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  87. Which of the following statements about kinetic energy (K.E.) is true?

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  88. The Ne atom has 10 times the mass of `H_2`. Which of the following statements is true?
    I) At `25^@C` the both have the same kinetic energy
    II) Ten moles of `H_2` would have the same volume as 1 mole of Ne at same temperature and pressure
    III) One mole of Ne exerts the same pressure as one mole of `H_2` at STP.
    IV) `AH_2` molecule travels 10 times faster than Ne atom at same temperature.
    V) At STP, one litre of Ne has 10 times the density of 1 litre of `H_2`

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  89. Which of the following is NOT a postulate of the kinetic molecular theory of gases ?

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  90. Which one of the following relationships when graphed does not give a straight line for helium gas?
    I. K.E. and T at constant pressure and volume
    II. P v/s V at constant temperature for a constant mass
    III. V v/s 1/T at constant pressure for a constant mass

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  91. Consider three one-litre flasks labeled A, B and C filled with the gases NO, `NO_(2)` and `N_(2)O` respectively, each at 1 atm and 273 K. In which flask do the molecules have the highest average kinetic energy?

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  92. Which of the following statements is false?

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  93. Which is not correct in terms of kinetic theory of gases?

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  94. Two flasks A and B have equal volumes. A is maintained at 300 K and B at 600 K, while A contains `H_(2)` gas, B has an equal mass of `CO_(2)` gas. Find the ratio of total K.E. of gases in flask A to that of B.

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  95. Kinetic energy and pressure of a gas of unit volume are related as:

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  96. Two flask A and B of equal volumes maintained at temperature `300K` and `700K` contain equal mass of `He(g)` and `N_(2)(g)` respectively. What is the ratio of total translational kinetic energy of gas in flask A to that of flask B ?

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  97. Which of the following change is observed occurs when a substance X is converted from liquid to vapour phase at the standard boiling point?
    I. Potential energy of the system cecreases
    II. The distance between molecules increases
    III.The average kinetic energy of the molecules in both phases are equal

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  98. A mixture of Ne and Ar kept in a closed vessel at 250 K has a total K.E.=3 kJ. The total mass of Ne and Ar is 30 g. Find mass % of Ne in gaseous mixture at 250 K.

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  99. In two vessels of 1 litre each at athe same temperature 1g of `H_(2)` and 1g of `CH_(4)` are taken. For these gases:

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  100. Four particles have speed 2,3,4 and 5 cm/s respectively. Their rms speed is :

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter GASEOUS STATE of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11