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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A reversible reaction is one which

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  2. The equilibrium constant `K_(c)` for the reaction `P_(4(g)) hArr 2P_(2(g)) ` is 1.4 at `400^(@)`C. Suppose that 3 moles of `P_(4(g))` and 2 moles of `P_(2(g))` are mixed in 2 litre container at `400^(@)`C. What is the value of reaction quotient `(Q_(c))` ?

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  3. In a chemical reaction, equilibrium is said to have been established when the

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  4. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is K, and the reaction quotient is Q . For a particular reaction mixture , the ration `(K)/(Q)` is 0.33. this means that:

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  5. Consider the reaction `2SO_(2(g)) + O_2(g) harr 2SO_(3(g))` for which `K_c = 278 M^(-1) 0.001` mole of cash of the reagents `SO_(2(g))`, `O_2(g)` and `SO_3(g)` are mixed in a 1.0`l` flask. Determine the reaction quotient of the system and the spontaneous direction of the system.

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  6. In Q.No .5, if the mixture of gases was allowed to come to quilibrium .The volume of the reaction vessel was then rapidly increased by a factor of two .As a result of the change in the reaction quotient `(Q_(c))` would:

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  7. For the reaction `A_((g)) + 3B_((g)) hArr 2C_((g)) ` at `27^(@)C`.2 mole of A, 4 moles of B and 6 moles of C are present in 2 lit vessel. If `K_(c)` for the reaction is 1.2, the reaction will proceed in

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  8. For a reversible gaseous reaction `N_(2)+3H_(2)hArr2NH_(3)` at equilibrium , if some moles of `H_(2)` are replaced by same number of moles of `T_(2)` (T is tritium , isotope of H and assume isotopes do not have different chemical properties ) without affecting other parameters , then:

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  9. For the synthesis of ammonia by the reaction `N_(2)+3H_(2)hArr2NH_(3)` in the Haber's process ,the attainment of equilibrium is correctly predicated by the curve

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  10. The figure shows the change in concentration of species A and B as a function of time.
    The equilibrium constant `K_(c)`for the reaction` A(g)hArr2B(g)` is :

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  11. Attainment of the equilibrium `A(g)hArr2C(g)+B(g)`gave the following graph . Find the correct option .(% dissociation=Fration dissoiated`xx100`)

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  12. Using moler concentrations, what is the unit of `K_(c)` for the reaction ?

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  13. What is the unit of `K_(p)` for the reaction ?

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  14. What is the equilibrium expression for the reaction, `P_(4(s)) + 5O_(2(g)) hArr P_(4)O_(10(s))` ? .

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  15. At `527^(@)C`, the reaction given below has`K_(c)=4`
    what is the `K_(p)` for the reaction ?

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  16. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
    `N_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g) hArr 2NO(g)`
    at temperature T is `4xx10^(-4)`.
    The value of `K_(c)` for the reaction
    `NO(g) hArr 1/2 N_(2)(g)+1/2 O_(2)(g)`
    at the same temperature is

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  17. The equilibrium constant `K_(c)` for the following reaction at `842^(@)C` is `7.90xx10^(-3)` .What is `K_(p)`at same temperature ?

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  18. The equilibrium constant `K_(p)` for the following rection at `191^(@)C` is 1.24. what is`K_(c)`?

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  19. For the equilibrium `SO_(2)Cl_(2(g)) hArr SO_(2(g)) + Cl_(2(g))` . What is the temperature at which `(K_(p)(atm))/(K_(c)(M)) = 3 ` ?

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  20. For the reversible reaction
    `N_(2 (g)) + 3 H_(2 (g)) hArr 2 NH_(3 (g))` at `500^(@) C` . The value of `K_(p)` is `1.44 xx 10^(-5)` , when partial pressure is measured in atmosphers . The corresponding value of `K_(c)` with concentration in mol `L^(-1)` is

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  21. For the reaction `CO_((g)) + Cl_(2(g)) hArr COCl_(2(g)). The K_(p)//K_(c) ` is equal to

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  22. Why the concentrations of pure liquids and pure solids are ignored from equilibrium constant expressions?

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  23. A catalyst

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  24. What is the effect of temperature on a system at equilibrium?

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  25. The equilibrium constant for the reaction `N_(2(g)) +O_(2(g)) hArr 2NO_((g))` is `4 xx 10^(-4)` at 200K. In presence of a catalyste, equilibrium is attaincd ten times faster. Therefore, the equilibrium constant in the presence of the catalyst at 200K is

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  26. For the reaction `H_(2)(g)+I_(2)(g)hArr2HI(g)`
    the equilibrium constant `K_(p)` changes with

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  27. For the following three reactions a, b and c equilibrium constant are given
    a) `CO_((g))+H_2O_((g)) harr CO_(2(g))+H_(2(g)) , K_1`
    b) `CH_(4(g))+H_2O_((g)) harr CO_((g))+3H_(2(g)) , K_2`
    c) `CH_(4(g))+2H_2O_((g)) harr CO_(2(g))+4H_(2(g)) , K_3`
    Which of the following relations is correct?

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  28. For the reaction `2NO_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)hArrN_(2)O_(5)(g)` if the equilibrium constant is `K_(p)`, then the equilibrium constant for the reaction `2N_(2)O_(5)(g)hArr4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`would be :

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  29. The equilibrium constant `(K_(c))` for the reaction
    is `4xx10^(-34)`at `25^(@)C` .what is the equilibrium constant for the reaction ?

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  30. At a certain temperature , the following reactions have the equilibrium constants as shown below:
    what is the equilibrium constant `K_(c)`for the reaction at tahea same temperature?

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  31. Given
    The equilibrium constant for
    will be

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  32. In the reaction `X_((g))+ Y_((g)) hArr 2Z_((g))`, 2 moles of X, I mole of Y and I mole of Z are placed in a 10 lit vessel and allowed to reach equilibrium. If final concentration of Z is 0.2 M, then `K_(c)`. for the given reaction is

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  33. An equilibrium mixture for the reaction, `2H_(2)S(g) hArr 2H_(2) (g) + S_(2) (g)` has 1 mole of `H_(2)`S, 0.2 mole of `H_(2)` and 0.8 mole of `S_(2)` in 2 L flask . The value of `K_(C)` in mol `L^(-1)` is

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  34. Given `[CS_(2)]=0.120M,[H_(2)]=0.10,[H_(2)S]=0.20 and [CH_(4)]=8.40xx10^(-5)M ` for the following reaction at `900^(@)`C at eq.Calculate the equilibrium constant `(K_(c))`.
    `CS_(2)(g) +4H_(2)(g)rarrCH_4(g)+2H_(2)S(g)`

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  35. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction is 10.5 at 500 K .A system at equilibrium has `[CO]=0.250M and [H_(2)]=0.120 M "what is the "[CH_(3)OH]`?

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  36. When sulphur ( in the form of `S_(8))` is heated at temperature `T`, at equilibrium , the pressure of `S_(8)` falls by `30%` from `1.0 atm`, because `S_(8)(g)` in partially converted into `S_(2)(g)`.
    Find the value of `K_(P)` for this reaction.

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  37. 9.2 g of `N_(2) O_(4 (g))` is taken in 1 lit vessel and heated . At equilibrium , 50 % is dissociated . Equilibrium constant (mol/lit) [MW = 92]

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  38. Two moles of `NH_(3)` when put into a proviously evacuated vessel (one litre) pertially dissociate into `N_(2)` and `H_(2)`. If at equilibrium one mole of `NH_(3)` is present, the equilibrium constant is

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  39. In the presence of excess of anhydrous ( in torr) of water taken up is governed by `K_(p)=10^(12)atm^(-4)` for the following reaction at `273K`
    What is equilibrium vapour pressure ( in torr) of water in a closedvessel that contains `SiCl_(2).2H_(2)O(s)` ?

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  40. `CuSO_(4) .5H_(2)O_((g)) hArr CuSO_(4), 3H_(2)O_((s)) + 2H_(2) O_((g)) , K_(p) = 4 xx 10^(-4) atm^(2)`. If the vapour pressure of wateris 38 torr then percentage of relative humidity is: (Assume all data at constant temperature)

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  41. `NH_(4)HS(s)hArrNH_(3)(g)+H_(2)S(g)`
    The equilibrium pressure at `25^(@)C` is 0.660 atm . What is `K_(p)` for the reaction ?

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  42. for the reaction `2A_((g)) hArr B_((g)) + 3C_((g))`, at a given temperature, `K_(c)` = 16. What must be the volume of the falsk, If a mixture of 2 mole cach A, B and C exist in equilibrium ?

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  43. When I mole of pure ethyl alcohol `(C_(2)H_(5)OH)` is mixed with 1 mole of acetic acid at `25^(@)C` with one lit volume, the equilibrium mixture contains `2//3` mole each of ester and water.
    `CH_(2)OH_((l)) +CH_(3)COOH_((l)) harr CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5(l))+H_(2)O_((l))`
    The `DeltaG^(@)` for the reaction at 298 K is:

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  44. `I_(2(aq)) + I_((aq))^(-) hArr I_(3(aq))^(-). ` We started with I mole of `I_(2)` and 0.5 mole of `l^(-)` in one litre flask. After equilibrium is reached, excess of `AgNO_(2)` gave 0.25 mole of yellow precipitate. Equilibrium constant is

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  45. At `87^(@)C` , the following equilibrium is established
    `H_(2) (g)+S(s)hArrH_(2)S(g), K_(p)=7xx10^(-2)`
    If 0.50 mole of hydrogen and 1.0 mole of sulphur are heated to `87^(@)C` in 1.0 L vessel, what will be the partial pressure of `H_2S` at equilibrium?

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  46. For the equilibrium `2SO_3(g) leftrightarrow 2SO_2(g)+O_2(g)` the partial pressure `SO_3,SO_2 and O_2` gases , at 650 K are respectively 0.3 bar ,0.6 bar and 0.4 bar. IF the moles of both the oxides of sulphur are so adjusted as equal, what will be the partial pressure of `O_2`.

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  47. Peqfor `NH_(4)COONH_(2(s)) harr 2NH_(3(g))+ CO_(2(g))` at certain temperature is 0.9 atm. Then, partial pressure of Ammonia at equilibrium (in atm)

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  48. In the system `A_((s)) hArr 2B_((g)) + 3C_((g))` . If the concentration of C at equilibrium is increased by a factor of 2. It will casuse the equilibrium concentration of B to change to:

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  49. For the reaction ` A + B hArr C + D` , the concentrations of A and B are equal . The equilibrium concentration of C is twice that of A . `K_(C)` of the reaction is

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  50. The equilibrium constant `K_(c)` for the `SO_(2(g)) + NO_(2(g)) hArr SO_(3(g)) + NO_((g))` reaction is 16. if 1 mole of each of all the four gases is taken in `ldm^(3)` vessel, the equilibrium concentration of NO would be

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  51. Discuss the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction.

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  52. A: A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction.
    R: In presence of a catalyst, the activation energy of the reaction increases.

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  53. At a certain temperature , only 50% HI is dissociated at equilibrium in the following reaction:
    the equilibrium constant for this reaction is:

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  54. The equilibrium constant for the reaction ,
    `H_(2) (g) + CO_(2) (g) hArr H_(2) O (g) + CO (g)` is 16 at `1000^(@) C` . If 1.0 mole of `H_(2)` and 1.0 mole of `CO_(2)` are placed in one litre flask , the final equilibrium concentration of `CO` at `1000^(@) C` is

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  55. A1 273 K and I atm, I Lof `N_(2)O_(4(g))` decomposes to `NO_(2(g))` as given, `N_(2)O_(4(g)) 2NO_(2(g))`, At equilibrium . original volume is 25% lessthan the exisiting volume percentage decomposition of `N_(2)O_(4(g))` is thus,

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  56. The equilibrium constant for the reaction `CO_((g)) + H_(2) O_((g)) hArr CO_(2(g)) + H_(2(g)) ` is 5. How many moles of `CO_(2)` must be added to I lit container already containing 3 moles of each of CO and `H_(2)`O to make 2M equilibrium concentration of CO ?

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  57. `N_(2(g)) + 3H_(2(g)) hArr 2NH_(3(g))` for the reaction initially the mole ratio was 1: 3 of `N_(2). H_(2)`. At equilibrium 50% of each has reacted. If the equilibrium pressure is p, the partial pressure of `NH_(3)` at equilibrium is

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  58. Ammonia under a pressure of 1.5 atm at `27^(@)`C is heated to `374^(@)`C in a closed vessel in the presence of a catalyst. Under the conditions, `NH_(3)` is partially decomposed according to the equation. `2NH_(3) hArr N_(2) + 3H_(2)` the vessel is such that the volume remains etfectively constant where as pressure increases to 50 atm. Calculate the percentage of `NH_(3)` actually decomposed

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  59. 0.1 mole of `N_(2)O_(4)(g)` was sealed in a tube under one atmospheric conditions at `25^(@)C` Calculate the number of moles of `NO_(2)(g)` preesent , if the equilibrium `N_(2)O_(4)(g)hArr2NO_(2)(g)(K_(P)=0.14)` is reached after some time :

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  60. 5 moles of `SO_(2)`and 5 moles of `O_(2)` are allowed to react .At equilibrium , it was found that `60%` of `SO_(2)` is used up .If the pressure of the equilibrium mixture is one atmosphere, the partial pressure of `O_(2)` is :

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  61. `N_(2(g)) + 3H_(2(g)) hArr 2NH_(3(g))` for the reaction initially the mole ratio was 1: 3 of `N_(2). H_(2)`. At equilibrium 50% of each has reacted. If the equilibrium pressure is p, the partial pressure of `NH_(3)` at equilibrium is

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  62. 2.0 mole of`PCl_(5)` were nttoducedd in a vessel of 5.0 L capacity of a particular temperature At equilibrium, `PCl_(5)` was found to be 35 % dissociated into `PCl_(3)and Cl_(2)` the value of `K_(c)` for the reaction

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  63. At certain temperature compound `AB_(2)(g)` dissociates accoring to the reacation
    `2AB_(2)(g) hArr2AB (g)+B_(2)(g)`
    With degree of dissociation `alpha` Which is small compared with unity, the expression of `K_(p)` in terms of `alpha` and initial pressure P is :

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  64. At a given temperature, Ke is 4 for the reaction `H_(2(g)) + CO_(2(g)) hArr H_(2)O_((g)) + CO_((g))`. Initially 0.6 moles each of `H_(2) and CO_(2)` are taken in 1lit flask. The equilibrium concentration of `H_(2) O_((g))` is

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  65. If `D_(T)and D_(o)` are the theoretical and observed vapour densities at a definite temparature and `alpha` be the degree of dissocition of a substance ,then`aplha` in the terms of `D_(o),D_(T)` and n (number of moles of products formed formed from 1 mole reactant ) is calculated by the formula :

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  66. For the dissociation of `PCI_(5)` into `PCI_(3) and Cl_(2)` in gaseous phase reaction, If "d' is the observed vapour density and 'D' theoretical vapour density with `'alpha'` as degree of dissociation. Variation of `(D)/(d)` with `'alpha'` is given by which graph?

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  67. At `27^(@)C` and 1 atm pressure ,`N_(2)O_(4)` is 20% dissociation into `NO_(@)` .What is the density of equilibrium mixture of `N_(2)O_(4) and NO_(2)` at `27^(@)C` and 1 atm?

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  68. `COCl_(2)` gas dissociates according to the equation, `COCl_(2)hArrCO(g)+Cl_(2)(g)`. When heated to 700 K the density of the gas mixture at 1.16 atm and at equilibrium is `1.16 g//litre` The degree of dissociation of `COCl_(2)` at 700K is :

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  69. The degree of dissociation of `I_(2)` molecule at `1000^(@)C` and under `1.0 atm` is `40%` by volume. If the dissociation is reduced to `20%` at the same temperature, the total equilibrium pressure on the gas will be:

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  70. Determinre the value of equilibrium constant `(K_(C))` for the reaction
    if 10 moles of `A_(2)` ,15 moles of`B_(2)` and 5 moles of AB are placed in a 2 litre vessel and allowed to come to equilibrium . The final concentration of AB is 7.5 M:

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  71. At `87^(@)C` , the following equilibrium is established
    `H_(2) (g)+S(s)hArrH_(2)S(g), K_(p)=7xx10^(-2)`
    If 0.50 mole of hydrogen and 1.0 mole of sulphur are heated to `87^(@)C` in 1.0 L vessel, what will be the partial pressure of `H_2S` at equilibrium?

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  72. Pure `PCl_(5) ` is introduced into an evacuated chamber and to equilibrium at `247^(@)C` and 2.0 atm .The equilibrium gases mixure contains 40% chlorine by volume .
    Calculate `K_(p)` at `247^(@)C` for the reaction

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  73. For the reaction `SnO_(2(s)) + 2H_(2(g)) hArr 2H_(2) O_((g)) + Sn_((d)) `. Calculate `K_(p)` at 900K, where the equilibrium steam hydrogen mixture was 45% `H_(2)` by volume.

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  74. For the reaction `XCO_(3)hArrXO(s)+CO_(2)(g), K_(p)=1.642 atm" "at727^(@)C " If 4 moles of" XCo_(3)(s)` was put into a 50 litre container and heated to `727^(@)C`
    What mole percent of the `XCO_(3)` remains unreacted at equilibrium ?

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  75. `Fe_(2)O_(3)(s)` may be converted to Fe by the reaction
    `Fe_(2)O_(3)(s)+3H_(2)(g)hArr2Fe(s)+3H_(2)O(g)` for which `K_(c)=8 `at temp . `720^(@)c`.
    What percentage of the `H_(2)` ramains unreacted after the reaction hascome to equilibrium ?

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  76. `AB_(3)(g)`is dissociates as `AB_(3)(g)hArrAB_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)B_(2)(g)`
    When the initial pressure of `AB_(3)` is800 torr and the pressure developed at equilibrium is 900 torr , what fraction of AB (g)` is dissociated?

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  77. At 1000 K , a sample of pure `NO_(2)` gases decomposes as :
    The equilibrium constant `K_(P)` is 156.25 atm .Analysis showns that the partial pressure of `O_(2)` is 0.25 atm at equilibrium .The parital pressure o f`NO_(2)` at equilibrium is :

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  78. pure nitrosyl chloride (NOCl) gas was heated to `240^(@)C` in a 1.0L container .At equilibrium the total pressure was 1.0 atm and the NOCl pressure was 0.64 atm . What would be the value of `K_(P)` ?

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  79. At a certain temperature the equilibrium constant `K_c` is 0.25 for the reaction `A_(2(g))+B_(2(g)) harr C_(2(g))+D_(2(g))` If we take 1 mole of each of the four gases in a 10 litre container, what would be equilibrium concentration of `A_(2(g))`?

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  80. At `200^(@) C PCl_(5)` dissociates as follow , `PCl_(s(g)) hArr PCl_(3(g)) + Cl_(2(g)) `. It was found that the equilibrium vapour. are 62 times as heavy as hydrogen. The degree of dissociation of `PCl_(5)` at `200^(@)` C is nearly.

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  81. For the dissociation reaction `N_(2)O_(4) (g)hArr 2NO_(2)(g)`, the degree of dissociation `(alpha)`in terms of `K_(p)` and total equilibrium pressure P is:

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  82. Consider the following equilibrium
    Then the select the correct graph , which shows the variation in concentratins of `N_(2)O_(4)` Against concentrations of `N`O `:

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  83. The vapour pressure of mercury is 0.002 mm Hg at `27^(@)C` .`K_(c)` for the process `Hg(l)hArrHg(g) `is :

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  84. Calculate the equilibrium constant `(K_(c))` for the reaction given below , if at equilibrium maxture contains 5.0 mole of `A_(2)`,3 mole of `B_(2)` and 2 mole of `AB_(2)` at 8.21 atm and 300K

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  85. For the reaction (1)and(2)
    ` X(g) hArr2y(g)`
    Given , `K_(p1):K_(p2)=9:1`
    If the degree of dissocition of A(g) and X(g) be same then the toal pressure at equilibrium
    (1)and(2) are in the ratio:

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  86. `N_(2(g)) + 3H_(2(g)) hArr 2NH_(3(g))`. If some HCl gas is passed into the reaction mixture at the equilibrium of this R reaction,

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  87. In which of the following equilibrium ,change in volume of the system does not alter the number of moles:

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  88. For the reaction
    `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)hArr2NH_(3)(g),Delta H=-93.6KJmol^(-1)`
    The number of moles of H at equilibrium will increase If :

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  89. The volume of the reaction vessel containing an equilibrium mixture is increased in the following reaction `SO_(2) Cl_(2(g)) hArr SO_(2(g)) + Cl_(2(g))` when equilbrium is re-establised.

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  90. Some inert gas is added at constant volume to the following reaction at equilibrium. `NH_(4)H_(5(s)) hArr NH_(3(g)) + H_(2)S_((g)) `predict the effect of adding the inert gas.

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  91. Consider thr reaction where `K_(p)=0.497 `at 500K
    If the three gasses are mixed in a right container so that the partial pressure of each gas in initially 1 atm ,then which is correct observation ?

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  92. The prepation of `SO_(3)(g)` by reaction `SO_(2)(g)+(1)/(2)O_(2)(g)hArrSO_(3)(g)` is an exothermic reaction .If the preparation follows the following temperature -pressure relationship for % yield , then for temperatures `T_(1),T_(2)andT_(3)` the correct option is:

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  93. In a vessel containing `N_(2),H_(2)` and `NH_(3)` at equilibrium , some helium gas is introduced do that total pressure increase while temperature and volume ramain constant .According to Le Chatelier's principle , the dissociation of `NH_(3)`:

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  94. Le - Chatelier principle is not applicable to :

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  95. Consider the following reactions .In which case the formation of product is favoured by decreasing pressure?
    (2)`N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g)hArr2NH_(3)(g) hArr2NH_(3)(g),DeltaH^(@)=-91.8KJ`
    (3) `N_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)hArr2NO(g),DeltaH^(@)=181KJ`
    (4) `2H_(2)O(g)hArr2H_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g),DeltaH^(@)=484.6KJ`

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  96. In which of the following reactions, the formation of product is favoured by decrease in temperature ?
    (1)`N_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)hArr2NO(g), DeltaH^(@)=181`
    (2)`2CO_(2)(g)hArr2CO(g)+O_(2)(g), DeltaH^(@)=566`
    (3)`H_(2)(g)+I_(2)hArr2HI(g), DeltaH^(@)=-9.4`

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  97. For which of the following reactions is product formation favoured by low pressure and high temperature

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  98. For which of the following reactions is product formation favoured by low pressure and high temperature

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  99. Which of the following reactions will get affected by increasing the pressure? Also mention whether chasnge will cause the reaction to go into forward or backward direction.
    (i) `COCl_(2)(g)hArrCO(g)+Cl_(2)(g)`
    (ii) `CH_(4)(g)+2S_(2)(g)hArrCS_(2)(g)+2H_(2)S(g)`
    (iii) `CO_(2)(g)+C(s)hArr2CO(g)`
    (iv) `4NH_(3)+(g)+5O_(2)(g)hArr4NO(g)+6H_(2)O(g)`

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  100. If the pressure in a reaction vessel for the following reaction is increased by decreasing the volume ,what will happen to the concentrations of CO and `CO_(2)`?
    `H_(2)O(g)+CO(g)hArrH_(2)(g)+CO_(2)(g) +Heat`

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11