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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A cell reaction would be spontaneous if the cell potential and `/_\_rG` are respectively:

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  2. which of the following statement is correct?

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  3. Electrolytes when dissolved in water dissociate into ions because:

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  4. The electric charge required for electrode deposition of one gram-equivalent of a substance is :

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  5. The amount of an ion liberated on an electrode during electrolysis does not depend upon:

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  6. How many electrons are there in one coulomb of electricity?

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  7. How many coulombs are provided by a current 0.010 mA in the calculator battery that can operate for 1000 hours?

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  8. How many minutes are required to deliver `3.21xx10^(6)` coulombs using a current of 500 A used in the commercial production of chlorine?

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  9. Passage of a current for 548 seconds through a siver coulometer results in the deposition of 0.746g of silver.What is the current (in A)?

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  10. Electrolysis can be used to determine atomic masses. A current of 0.550 A deposits 0.55g of a certain metal in 100 minutes. Calculate the atomic mass of the metal if eq. mass=mole. Mass/3

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  11. Beryllium occurs naturally in the form of beryl. The metal is produced from its ore by electrolysis after the ore has been converted to the oxide and then to the chloride.How many grams of Be(s) is deposited form a`BeCl_2` solution by a current of 5.0 A that flows for 1.0 h? (Atomic weight:Be=9)

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  12. How many minutes will it take to plate out 5.2g of cr from a `Cr_2(SO_4)_3` solution using a current of 9.65 A ? (Atomic mass:Cr=52.0)

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  13. Calculate the current ( in ma ) required to deposit 0.195 gr of platinum metal in 5.0 hours from a solution of `PtCl_6^(-2)` ( Atomic weight : pt 195)

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  14. How many Faradays are required to reduce 0.25g of Nb (V) to the metal?

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  15. One gm metal `M^(3+)` was discharged by the passage of `1.81xx10^(23)` electrons.What is the atomic mass of metal?

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  16. The charge required for the oxidation of one mole of `Mn_3O_4 " to " MnO_4^(2-)` in alkaline medium is_____

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  17. The electrolytic decomposition of dilute sulphuric acid with platinum electrode, cathodic reaction is :

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  18. Of the following metals that cannot be obtained by electolysis of the aqueous solultion of their salts is /are

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  19. A solution of sodium sulphate in water is electrolysed using inert electrodes. The products at the cathode and anode are respectively.

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  20. The passage of current through a solution of certain electrolyte results in the evolution of `H_2`(g) at cathode and `Cl_2`(g) at anode. The electrolytic solution is :

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  21. when an aqueous solution of `H_2SO_4` is electrolysed the product at anodes is :

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  22. An aqueous solution of `Na_2SO_4` is electrolysed using Pt electrodes. The products at the cathode and anode are respectively:

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  23. If Pt is used as cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl solution, the ion reduced at cathode is :

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  24. A dilute aqueous solution of `CuSo_4` is electrolysed using platinum electrods. The products at the anode and cathode are:

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  25. what products are formed during the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride?
    (I) `Cl_2`(g) at anode (II) NaOH as electrolyte (III) `H_2`(G) At cathode

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  26. Which of the following aqueous solution produces metal after electrolysis?

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  27. How much time is required for complete decomposition of 4 moles of water using 4 ampere?

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  28. An aqueous solution containing `1M` each of `Au^(3+),Cu^(2+),Ag^(+),Li^(+)` is being electrolysed by using inert electrodes. The value of standard potentials are `:`
    `E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80 V,E_(Cu^(+)//Cu)^(@)=0.34V` and `E_(Au^(+3)//Au)^(@)=1.50,E_(Li^(+)//Li)^(@)=-3.03V`
    will increasing voltage, the sequence of deposition of metals on the cathode will be `:`

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  29. If 0.50L of a 0.60M `SnSO_4` solution is electrolysed for a period of 30.0min using a current of 4.60 A. If inert electrods are used, what is the final concentration of `Sn^(2+)` remaining in the solution?[at.mass of Sn=119]

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  30. A 100.0mL dilute solution of `Ag^(+)` is electrolysed for 15.0 minutes with a current of 1.25mA and the silver is removed completely. What was the initial`[Ag^+]`?

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  31. A 250.0 mL sample of a 0.20M `Cr^(3+)` is electrolysed with a current of 96.5 A. If the remaining `[Cr^(3+)]` is 0.1 M, the duration of process is:

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  32. The element indium is to be obtained by electrolysis of a molten halide of the element. Passage of a current of 3.20 A for a period of 40.0 min results in formation of 3.05 g of In. What is the oxidation state of indium in the halide melt ? (At.wt of In = 114.81)

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  33. An electrolysis of a oxytungsten complex ion using 1.10 A for 40min produces 0.838 g of tungsten. What is the charge on tungsten in the material? (Atomic mass of W=184)

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  34. In the electrolysis of aqueous `NaCl` ,what volume of `Cl_2`(g) is produced in the time that it takes to liberate 5.0 liter of `H_2`(g) ? Assume that both gases are measured at STP.

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  35. How many grams of Cr are deposited in the electrolysis of solution of Cr`(NO_3)_3` in the same time that it takes to deposite 0.54g of Ag in a silver coulometer arranged in series with the `Cr(NO_3)_3` cell? (Atomic mass: Cr=52.0,Ag=108)

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  36. In the electolysis of a `CuSO_4` solution, how many grams of Cu are plated out on the cathode in the time that it takes to liberate 5.6 litre of `O_2`(g) , measured at 1 atm and 273 K, at the node?

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  37. Ammonium perchlorate, `NH_4ClO_4` , used in the solid fuel in the booster rockets on the space shuttle, is prepared from sodium perchlorate, `NaClO_4` , which is produced commercially by the electrolysis of a hot, stirred solution of sodium chloride. How many faradays are required to produce 1.0kg of sodium perchlorate?

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  38. In the commercial preparation of aluminum,aluminum oxide `(Al_2O_3)` is electrolysed at `1000^(@)` C. How many coulombs of electricity are required to give 54kg of aluminum ? Assume following reaction takes place at cathode:
    `Al^(3+)+3e^-to Al`

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  39. When molten lithium chloride (LiCl) is electrolysed, lithium metal is formed at the cathode. If current efficiency is 75% then how many grams of lithium are liberated when 1930 C charge pass through the cell? (Atomic mass of Li=7)

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  40. Sodium metal is produced commercial by the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and chlorine is produced as a by product. How many litres of chlorine at 1.8 atm and `27^(@)` C will be produced if a current of `1.0xx10^3` A is passed through NaCl (l) for 9.65 h?

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  41. `H_2`(g) and `O_2`(g), can be produced by the electrolysis of water. What total volume (in L) of `O_2` and `H_2` are produced at 1 atm and 273K when a current of 30 A is passed through a `K_2SO_4` (aq) solution for 193 min?

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  42. The cost of 2Rs/kWh of operating an electric motor for 10hours takes 10amp at 110V is:

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  43. A 1 M solution of `H_2SO_4` is electrolysed. Select correct statement in respect of products obtain at anode and cathode respectively:
    Given : `2SO_4^(2-) toS_2O_8^(2-)+2e^-,E^(@)=-1.23V`

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  44. Cadmium amalgam is prepared by electrolysis of a sodium of `CdCl_2` using a mercury cathode. How long should a current of 4 A be passed in order to prepare 10% by mass Cd in Cd-Hg amalgam on cathode of 4.5 g Hg? (atomic mass of Cd=112)

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  45. What are the uses of electrolysis in daily life?

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  46. When a solution of `AgNO_3` (1 M) is electrolysed using platinum anode and copper cathode, what are the products obtained at two electrodes?
    Given :`E_(cu^(2+)|cu)^(@)=+0.34 "volt", E_(O_2,H^+|H_2O)^(@)=+1.23"volt",E_(H^+|H_2)^(@)=+0.0"volt" E_(ag^+|Ag)^(@)=+0.8 "volt"`

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  47. Which of the following statement is(are) correct ?

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  48. The `E^(ɵ)` for `Cl_2//Cl^(-)` is + 1.36, for `I_2 //I^(-)` is + 0.53, for `Ag^(+)//Ag` is + 0.79, `Na^(+)//Na` is -2.71 and for `Li^(+)//Li is -0.35`. Arrange the following ionic species in decreasing order of reducing strength :
    `I^(-), Ag, Cl^(-), Li, Na`

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  49. when two half-cells of electrode potential of `E_1` and `E_2` are combined to form a half cell of electrode potential `E_3` , then
    (when `n_1,n_2and n_3` are no. of electrons exchanged in first second and combined half-cells:

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  50. The function of a salt bridge is

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  51. Saturated solution of `KNO_3` is used to inake salt bridge because

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  52. (A): A salt bridge allows the flow of current by completing the electrical circuit
    (R) : A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality of the two half cells

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  53. The nature of curve of `E_(cell)^(@)` vs. log `K_c` is :

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  54. Consider the following equations for a cell reaction
    `A+BiffC+D, E^(@)=x"volt",K_(eq)=K_1`
    `2A+2Biff2C+2D, E^(@)=y"volt",K_(eq)=K_2` then:

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  55. The Nernst equation , `E = E^(0) -(RT)/(nF)` . In Q indicates that the equilibrium constant `K_(c)` will be equal to Q when :

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  56. The cell reaction `2Ag^+(aq)+H_2(g)to2H^+(aq)+2Ag(s)`,best represented by :

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  57. The cell reaction `Hg_2Cl_2(s)+cu(s)to cu^(2+)(aq)+2Cl^-"(aq)+2Hg(l)`,best represented by :

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  58. The cell reaction `Cr_2O_7^(2-)(aq)+14H^+(aq)+6Fe^(2+)(aq)to6Fe^(3+)(aq)+2Cr^(3+)(aq)+7H_2O(l)` is best represented by:

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  59. Select the correct cell reaction of the cell `Ag(s)|Ag^+(aq)"||"cu^(2+)(aq)"|"cu(s)`:

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  60. Select the correct cell reaction of the cell `Pt(s)|Cl_2(g)|Cl^(-)(aq)"||"Ag^+(aq)|Ag(s)`:

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  61. Standard electrode potential of SHE at 298 K is :

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  62. The emf of the following three galvanic cells are respresented by `E_(1), E_(2)` and `E_(3)` respectively.
    Which of the following is correct?
    (i) `Zn//Zn^(2+) (1M)// //Cu^(2+)(1M)//Cu`
    (ii) `Zn//Zn^(2+) (0.1M)// //Cu^(2+)(1M)//Cu`
    (iii) `Zn//Zn^(2+)(1M)// //Cu^(2+)(0.1M)//Cu`

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  63. Based on the cell notation for a spontaneous reaction, at the anode:

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  64. Given the listed standard electrode potentials, what is `E^(@)` for the cell:

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  65. what is the standard electrode potential for the reduction of HClO?
    Given: `Cr^2(aq)toCr^(3+)(aq)+e^(-),E^(@)=0.41V`

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  66. From the fllowing half-cell reactions and their standard potentials ,what is the smallest possible standard e.m.f for spontaneous reactions?
    `PO_4^(3-)(aq)+2H_2O(l)+2e^(-)toHPO_3^(2-)+3OH^(-)(aq), E^(@)=-1.05V`
    `PbO_2(s)+H_2O(l)+2e^(-)toPbO(s)+2OH^(-)(aq),E^(@)=+0.28 V`

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  67. Determine which substance is the best reducing agent ?

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  68. Which substance is the best oxidizing agent ?

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  69. Consider the following half-cell reaction and associated standerd half-cell potentials and determine the maximum voltage thatr can be obtained by combination resulting in spontenous process :
    `AuBr_(4)^(-)(aq)+3e^(-)toAu(s)+4BR^(-)(aq), E^(@)=-086V`
    `Eu^(3+)(aq)+e^(-)toEu^(2+)(aq), E^(@)=-043V`
    `Sn^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-)toSn(s), E^(@)=-0.14V`
    `IO^(-)(aq)+H_(2)O(l)+2e^(-)toI^(-)(aq)+2OH^(-), E^(@)=+0.49V`

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  70. The position of some metals in the electrochemical series in dectreasing electropositeve character is given as ` Mg gt Al gt Zn gt Cu gt Ag`. What will happen if a copper spoon is used to stir a solution of aluminimum nitrate ?

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  71. Zn can displace :

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  72. Based on the following information arrange four metals `A,B,C` and `D` in order of decreasing ability to act as reducing agents `:`
    `(I)` Only A,B, and C react with `1M HCl` to give `H_(2)(g)`
    `(II)` When C is added to solutions of the other metal ions, metallic B and D are formed
    `(III)` Metal C do not reduced `A^(n+)`

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  73. When an aqueous solution of `CuSO_(4)` is stirred with a silver spoon then :

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  74. Based on the following information arrange four metals `A,B,C` and `D` in order of decreasing ability to act as reducing agents `:`
    `(I)` Only A,B, and C react with `1M HCl` to give `H_(2)(g)`
    `(II)` When C is added to solutions of the other metal ions, metallic B and D are formed
    `(III)` Metal C do not reduced `A^(n+)`

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  75. In the reaction :
    which of the following statement is incorrect ?

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  76. Which of the following is displaced by Fe ?

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  77. The standard Potentials at `25^@C` for the half reactions are given against them below:
    `Zn^(2+) + 2e^(-) to Zn,E^@ = -0.762V`
    `Mg^(2+) + 2e^(-) to Mg, E^@ = -2.37V`
    When Zn dust is added to a solution of `MgCl_2`

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  78. The element which can displace three other halogens from their compounds is

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  79. Using the standerd half-cell potential listed, calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction :
    `Co(s)+2H^(+)(aq)toCo^(2+)(aq)+H_(2)(g)" at 298 K"`
    `Co^(2+)(aq)+2e^(-)toCo(s) E^(@)=-0.277 V`

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  80. The `E^@` at `25^@C ` for the following reaction is 0.22 V ` H_(2(g)) + 2AgCl_((s)) to 2Ag_((s)) + 2HCl_((aq))` . If the equilibrium constant at ` 25^@ C ` is ` 2.8 xx 10^(x)` , x is

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  81. Electrode potential of the half Pt(s)|Hg(l)|`Hg_(2)Cl_(2)(s)`|`Cl^(-)(aq)` can be incresed by :

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  82. The equilibrium constant for the following general reaction is ` 10^(@).` Calculate `E^(@)` for the cell at 298 K. ` 2X_2(s) + 3Y^(2+)(aq) to 2X_(2)^(3+)(aq) + 3Y (s) `

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  83. A solution containing `H^(+)` and `D^(+)` ions is in equilibrium with a mioxture of `H_(2)` and `D_(2)` gases at `25^(@)`C. If the partial pressures of both gases are 1.0 atm, find the ratio of `[D^(+)`]`//`[H^(+)]` :
    (Given : `E_(D^(+)//(D_(2)))^(@)`=-0.003V]

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  84. The `E^(@)` at `25^(@)`C for the following reaction is 0.55 V. Calculate the `DeltaG^(@)` in kJ`//`mol :

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  85. Use the following standard electrode potentials, calculate `DeltaG^(@)` in kJ`//`mol for the indicated reaction :
    `MnO_(4)^(-)(aq)+8H^(+)(aq)+5e^(-)toMn^(2+)(aq)+4H_(2)O(l), E^(@)=+1.51 V`
    `Ce^(4+)(aq)+e^(=)toCe^(3+)(aq)" "E^(@)=+1.61 V`

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  86. Consider an electrochemical cell in which the following reaction occurs and predict which changes will decrease the cell voltage :

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  87. Consider the following equation for an electrochemical cell reaction. Which of the following changes in condition will increase the cell voltage ?
    (I) addition of concentrated `HClO_(4)` in the cell solution
    `{:(,(II),"Increase the pressure of "H_(2)(g),(III),"increase the amount of " Pb(s)):}`

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  88. The standard electrode potential for the following reaction is + 1.33V.What is potential at pH=2.0?
    `Cr_2O_7^(2-) (aq. 1M) + 14H^(+)(aq) + 6e^(-) to 2Cr^(3+) (aq. 1M0 + 7H_2O(l)`

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  89. The standard electrode potential for the following reaction is `-0.57` V. What is the potential at pH=12.0 ?

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  90. Co|`Co^(2+)(C_(2) )`||`Co^(2+)(C_(1))`|Co, for this cell, `DeltaG` is negative if :

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  91. What will be the emf for the given cell ?

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  92. For the electro chemical cell `Pt(s)|underset(1 atm)(H_(2))(g)|H^(+)(1M)||Cu^(2+)(1M)|Cu(s)`, which one of the following statements are true ?

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  93. In a concentration cell the same reagents are present in both the anode and the cathode compartments , but at different concentrations. Calculate the emf of a cell of a cell containing 0.40 M. `Cr^(3+)` in one compartment and 1.0 M `Cr^(3+)` in the other if Cr electrodes are used in both.

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  94. A 1.0 M solution of `Cd^(+2)` is added to excess iron and the system is allowed to reach equilibrium . What is the concentration of `Cd^(+2) `? `Cd^(2+)(aq) + Fe(s) to Cd(s) + Fe^(2+) (aq) , E^(0) = 0.037`

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  95. The `E^(@)` at ` 25^(@)C` for the following reaction at the indicated concentrations is 1.50 V . Calculate the `DeltaG ` in kJ at ` 25^(@)C , Cr(s) + 3Ag^(+) (aq. 0.1 M)to Ag(s) + Cr^(3+) (aq. 0.1 M)`

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  96. Calculate the standard voltage that can be obtained from an ethane oxygen fuel cell at `25^(@)`C

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  97. `I_(2)(s) | I^(-) (0.1M)` half cell is connected to a `H^(+)(aq) | H_2("1 bar ") | Pt ` half cell and e.m.f is found to be `0.7714 V `. If ` E_(I_2|I^(-))^(@) = 0.535 V ` , find the pH of `H^(+) | H_2` half - cell .

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  98. Estimate the `E^(c-)` reduction for `Cu|CuS` electrode.
    Given `: K_(sp) ` of `CuS=8.0 xx 10^(-36),E^(c-)._((Cu|Cu^(2+)))=-0.34V`

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  99. Given the following standard electrode potentials , `PbBr_2(s) + 2e^(-) to Pb(s) + 2Br^(-) (aq) , E^@ - 0.248 V `
    ` Pb^(2+)(aq) + 2e^(-) to Pb(s) , E^(@) - 0.126 V `. If the `K_(sp)` for ` PbBr_2` is `7.4 xx 10^(-x)` , x is

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  100. The standerd free energy change for the following reaction is -210kJ`//`mol. What is the standerd cell potential?

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTROCHEMISTRY of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11