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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter DILUTE SOLUTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The vapour pressure of a give liquid will decrease if :

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  2. The normal boiling point of water is 373K . Vapour pressure of water at temperature T is 19 mmHg . If enthalpy of vaporization is `40.67 kJ//"mol"`, then temperature T would be

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  3. A sample of the liqid `H_(2)O` at 18.0 g is injected into an evacuated 7.6 L flask maintained at `27.0^(@)C`. If vapour pressure of `H_(2)O` at `27.0^(@)C` is 24.63 mm Hg, what weight percentage of the water will be vaporised when the system comes to equilibrium? Assume water vapours behaves as an ideal gas. The volume occupied by the liquid water is negligible compared to the volume of the container:

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  4. Raoult's low is obeyed by each constituent of s binary liquid solution when :

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  5. For a binary ideal liquid solution, the total vapour of the solution is given as:

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  6. For an ideal liquid solution with `P_A^(@)gtP_B^(@)`, which relation between` X_(A)` ((mole fraction of A in liquid phase) and `Y_(A)`(mole fraction of A in vapour phase) is correct ?

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  7. `X_(A)` and `X_(B)` are the mole fraction of A and B respectively in liquid phase `y_(A)` and `y_(B)` are the mole fraction of A and B respective in vapour phase. Find out the slope of straight line if a graph is plotted `(1)/(y_(A))` along Y-axis against `(1)/(x_(A))` along X-axis gives straight line `[p_(A)^(@)` and `p_(B)^(@)` are vapour pressure of pure components A and B].

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  8. For a dilute solution, Raoult's law states that:

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  9. The solubility of a speific non-volatile salt is 4 g in 100 g of water at `25^(@)C. If 2.0 g, 4.0 g and `6.0 g of the salt added of 100 g of water at `25^(@)`, in system X, Y and Z. The vapour pressure would be in the order:

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  10. The pair of boiling point and compound ar given as, 
    `{:(C_6H_6, CH_3OH, C_6H_5NO_2, C_6H_5NH_2),(80^@C, 65^@C, 212^@C, 184^@C),(I,II,III,IV):}`
    Which will show lowest vapour pressure at room temperature

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  11. 6.0 g of urea (molecules mass = 60)was dissolved in 9.9 moles of water. If the vspour presssure of pure water is `P^(@)`, the vapour pressure of solution is :

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  12. An ideal solution was found to have a vapour pressure of 80 torr when the mole fraction of a non-volatile solute was 0.2. What would be the vapour pressure of the pure solvent at the same temperature?

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  13. If the vapor pressure of a dilute aqueous solution of glucose is `750 mm` of Hg at `373 K`, then molality of solute is

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  14. Estimste the lowering of vapour pressure due to the solute (glucose) in a 1.0 M aqueous solution at `100^(@)C`:

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  15. Calculate the weight of non`-` volatile solute having molecular weight 40, which should be dissolvd in `57 gm` octane to reduce its vapour pressure to `80% :`

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  16. Equal mass of a solute are dissolved in equal mass of two solvents A and B and formed very dilute solution. The relative lowering of vapour pressure for the solution B has twice the relative lowering of vapour pressure for the solution A. If `m_(A) "and" M_(B)` are the molecular mass of solventds A and B respectively, then :

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  17. For an ideal solution of two components A and B, If `x_A` and `y_A` are mole fractions of component 'A' in solution and vapour phase respectively, then the slope of linear line in the graph drawn between `1//x_A` and `1//y_A` is

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  18. At `25^(@)C`, the vapour pressure of pure liquid A (mol. Mas = 40) is 100 torr, (mol. = 80). The vapour pressure at `25^(@)C` of a solution containing 20 g of each A and B is :

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  19. Two liquids A and B form an Ideal solution. At 300K, the V.P of solution containing one mole of 'A' and 4 mole 'B' is 560mm Hg. At the same temp. If one mole of 'B' is taken out from the solution the V.P of the solution has decreased by 10mm Hg, the V.P, of pure A & B are (in min)

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  20. Two liquids A and B have vapour pressure in the ratio `P_(A)^(0):P_(B)^(0)=1:3` at a certain temperature . Assume A and B from an ideal solution and the ratio of mole fraction of A to B in the vapour phase is `4:3` . Then the mole fraction of B in the solution at the same temperature is :

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  21. Two liquids A and B have `P_A^(@)" and P_B^(@)` in the ratio of 1 : 3 and the ratio of number of moles of A and B in liquid phase are 1 : 3 then mole fraction of 'A' in vapour phase in equilibrium with the solution is equal to :

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  22. Which represents correct difference when non-volatile solute is present in an ideal solution?

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  23. Select correct statement :

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  24. Select correct statement :

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  25. The vapour pressure curves of the same solute in the same solvent are shown below. The curves are parallel to each other and does not intersect. The concentrations of solutions are in order of :

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  26. Boiling point composition diagram of the liqid-vapour equilibrium for A and B is shown in the figure. If a binary liquid mixture of A and B is distilled fractionally, which of the following would be correct observation ?

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  27. The boiling point of an azeotropic mixture of water and ethyl alcohol is less than that of the theoretical value of water and alcohol mixture. Hence the mixture shows

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  28. Formation of a solution from two componets can be considered as :
    (i) pure solvent `rarr` separated solvent molecules, `/_\H_(1)`
    (ii) Pure solute `rarr`separated molecules,`/_\H_(2)`
    (iii) separated solvent and solute molecules`rarr`solution, `/_\H_(3)`
    solution so formed will be ideal if :

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  29. Total vapour pressure of mixture of 1 mol X (`P_X^(@)` = 150 torr) and 2 mol` Y(P_Y^(@))` = 300 torr is 240torr. In this case :

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  30. In a mixture of A and B, components show positive deviation when:

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  31. A liquid mixture ohaving composition corresponding to point Z in the figure shown is subjected to distillation at constant pressure. Which of the following statements is correct about the process?

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  32. Which will from maximum boiling azeotrope ?

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  33. Total vapour pressure of mixture of 1 mole of volaile components A (`P_(a^(%)`)=100 mm Hg) and 3 mole of volatile component B(`P_B^(@) =80 mm Hg`) is 90 mm Hg. For such case:

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  34. The azeotropic mixture of water (`B.P. = 100^(@)C`) and HCl(`B.P. =86^(@)C`)boils at about `120^(@)C`. During fractional distillation of this mixture it is possible to obtain :

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  35. Azeotropic mixture of water and `C_(2)H_(5)OH` boils at 351 K. By distilling the mixture it is possible to obtain

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  36. Anazeotropic mixture of two liquid has a boiling point higher than either of them when it :

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  37. If two liquids A (`P_A^(@) =100`torr) and (`P_B^(@)` =200 torr ) which are completely immiscible with each other (each one will behave indepenently of the othere)are present in a closed vessel, the total vapour pressure of the system will be :

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  38. When a liquid that is immiscible with water was steam distilled at `95.2^(@)C` at a total pressure of 748 torr, the distilled contained 1.25 g of the liquid per gram of water . The vapour pressure of water is 648 torr at `95.2^(@)C`, what is the molar mass of liquid?

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  39. Which of the following is a colligative property

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  40. The degree of an electrolyte is a and its Van't Hoff factor is i. The number of ions obtained by complete dissociation of 1 molecules of electrolyte as :

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  41. One mole of a soulte A is dissolved in a given volume of a solvent. The association of the solute take place as folloes:

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  42. The van't Hoff factor i for a compound which undergoes dissociation in one solvent and association in other solvent is respectively

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  43. Which solution has the highert vapour presssure ?

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  44. An aqueous solution is 1.00 molal in KI. Which change will cause the vapour pressure of the solution to increase ?

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  45. Four solutions of `K_(2)SO_(4)` with the concentrations 0.1m .0.01,0.001 m, and 0.0001 m are available . The maximum value of colligative property corresponds to :

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  46. Moles of `K_(2)SO_(4)` to be dissolved in 12 mol water to lowest its vapour pressure by 10 mm of Hg at a temperature at which vapour pressure of pure water is 50 mm is :

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  47. A very diluted saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt `X_(3)Y_(4)` has a vapour pressure of 20 mm Hg temperature T, while pure water exerts a pressure of 20.0126 mm Hg at the same temperature . Calculate molality (m)at temperature T :

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  48. When 1 mole of a solute is dissolved in 1 kg of `H_(2)O `, boiling point of solution was found to be `100.5^(@)`C. `K_(b)` for `H_(2)O` is :

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  49. Chloroform , `CHCl_(3)`, boils at `61.7^(@)`C. If the `K_(b)` for choroform is `3.63^(@)C//"molal"`, what is the boiling point of a solution of 15.0 kg of` CHCl_(3)` and 0.616 kg of acenaphthalene, `C_(12)H_(10)` ?

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  50. A compound has the empirical formula `C_(10)H_(8)Fe`. A solution of 0.26 g of the compound in 11.2 g of benzene (`C_(6)H_(6)`)boils at `80.26^(@)C`. The boiling point of benzene is `80.10^(@)C`, the` K_(b)` is `2.53^(@)C`/molal. What is the molecules formula of the compound?

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  51. A solution of 0.640 g of azulene in 100.0 g of benzene is `80.23^(@)C`. The boilingpoint of benzeneis `80.10^(@)C`, and` K_(b)` is `2.53^(@)C`/molal What is the moleculer mass of azulene?

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  52. One molal solution of a carboxylic acid in benzene shows the elevation of boiling point of 1.518 K. The degree of association for simerization of the acid in benzene is (`K_(b)` for beznene = `2.53 K kg mol^(-1)` ):

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  53. The boiling point elevation for toluene is `3.32` K `kg "mol"^(-1)` . The normal boiling point of toluence is `110.7^(@)C` . The enthalpy of vapourization of the toluene would be nearly :

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  54. Which of the following aqueous solutions should have the highest boiling point ?

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  55. Calcuate the percentage degree of dissociation of an electrolyte `XY_(2)` (Normal molar mass = 164) in water if the observed molar mass by measuring elevation in boiling point is 65.6

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  56. if the elevation in boiling point of a solution of non-volatile, non-electrolytic and non-associating solute in solvent (`K_(b) =x Kkg"mol"^(-1)`)is y K, then the depression in freezing point of solution of same concentration would be
    (`K_(f)` )of the solvent = `"mol"^(-1)`)

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  57. When a solution containing non- volatile solute freezes, which equilibrium would exist?

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  58. Bromoform has a normal has freezing point of `7.734^(@)C` and `K_(f)=14.4^(@)C// m`.a solution of 2.60 g of an unknown substance in 100 g of freezes at `5.43^(@)C`. What is the molecules mass of the unknown substance ?

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  59. `C_(6)H_(6)` freezes at `5.5^(@)C`. At what tempreature will a solution of 10.44 g of `C_(4)H_(10)` in 200 g of `C_(6)H_(6) " freeze" K_(f)(C_(6)H_(6))= 5.12^(@)C//m`

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  60. How much ethyl alcohol must be added to `1.00 L` of water so that the solution will not freeze at `-4^(@)F`?

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  61. The freezing point of a solution of 2.40 g of biphenyl(`C_(12)H_(10)`) in 75.0 g of benzene (`C_(6)H_(6)`) is `4.40^(@)C`. The normal freezing point of benzene is `5.50^(@)C`. What is the molal freezing point constant for benzene ?

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  62. A solution containing 1.8 g of a compound (empirical formula `CH_(2)O`) in 40 g of water is observed to freeze at `-0.465^(@)`C. The molecules formula of the compound is (`K_(f)` of water =1.86kg K`mol^(-1)`):

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  63. Freezing point of the following equilibrium, liquid solvent `hArr` solid solvent is :

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  64. Freezing point of a solution is smaller than freezing point of a solvent. It is due to :

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  65. When 36g of a non-volatile, non-electrolytic solute having the empirical formula `CH_(2)O` is dissolved in 1.2 kg of water, the solution freezes at `-0.93^(@)C`. The molecular formula of the solute is (`K_(f)` of water = 1.86 K kg `mol^(-1)`)

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  66. When 36g of a non-volatile, non-electrolytic solute having the empirical formula `CH_(2)O` is dissolved in 1.2 kg of water, the solution freezes at `-0.93^(@)C`. The molecular formula of the solute is (`K_(f)` of water = 1.86 K kg `mol^(-1)`)

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  67. Assertion:Camphor is used as solvent in the experi mental determination of molecular mass of naphthalene and anthracene
    Reason: Camphor has high cryoscopic constant

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  68. How is molar mass related to the depression in freezing point of a solution ?

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  69. Which of the following solutions `(1 molal)` will have the maximum freezing point, assuming equal ionization in each case?

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  70. Calculate depression of freezing point for 0.56 molal aq. Solution of KCl.
    (Given : `K_f(H_(2)O) = 1.8 kg mol^(-1)`).

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  71. A complex is represented as `CoCl_(3).xNH_(3)`. Its 0.1 molal solution in water shows `Delta T_(f)=0.558k. K_(f)` for `H_(2)O` is `1.86K//"mol"`. Assuming `100%` ionisation of complex and coordination number of Co in six . The formula of complex is

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  72. The freezing point of equimolal aqueous solution will be highest for

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  73. The freezing point of equimolal aqueous solution will be highest for

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  74. Depression in freezing point of 0.01 molal aqueous HCOOH solution is 0.02046. one molal aqueous urea solution freezes at `-1.86^(@)C`, assuming molality equal to molari ty, pH of HCOOH solution is :

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  75. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide, the

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  76. The solution of acetic acid in benzene conains

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  77. The temperature of a city was found to be `-9.3^(@)`C. A car used, whose radiator was filled with 5 L of water . What minimum quantity of antifreezing agent ethylene glycol were added to water of radiator in order to use the car for teavelling? (`K_(f)`of water 1.86 k `mol^(-1))`

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  78. The cryoscopic constant of water is 1.86 K kg `mol^(-1)`. A 0.01 molal acetic acid solution produces a depression of `0.0194^(@)C` in the freezing point. The degree of dissociation of acetic acid is :

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  79. In a 0.5 molal solution KCl, KCl is 50% dissociated. The freezing point of solution will be (`K_(f)` = 1.86 K kg `mol^(-1)`):

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  80. A 1.0 g sample of co`(NH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(2)NH_(2))_(3)Cl_(3)` is dissolved in 25.0 g if water and the freezing point of the solution is `-0.87^(@)C`. How many ions are produced per mole of compound? The `K_(f)` of water is `1.86^(@)C//"molal"`

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  81. An aqueous solution contain 3% and 1.8% by mass. Urea and glucose respectively. What is the freezing point of solution ? (`K_(f)=1.86^(@)C//m`)

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  82. phenol associates in benzene to a certain extent in dimerisation reaction. A solution containing 0.02 kg of phenol in 1.0 kg of benzene has its freezing point depressed 0.69 k Hence degree of dissociation of phenol dimerises will be. [`K_(f)(C_(6)H_(6)) =5.12 k "mol"^(-1)`]

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  83. The first ionisation potential is maximum for

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  84. In a 0.2 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid HX the degree of dissociation is 0.25. The freezing point of the solution will be nearest to: (`K_(f)=1.86 K kg "mol"^(-1)`)

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  85. An aqueous solution of 0.01 M KCl cause the same elevation in boiling point as an aqueous solution of urea. The concetration of urea solution is :

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  86. when some NaCl was dissolved in water, the freezing point depression was numerically equal to twice the molal f.p. depression constant. The relative lowering of vapour pressure of the solution in nearly :

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  87. Which one of the following statement is false ?

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  88. 0.1 molal aqueous solution of an electrolyte `AB_(3)` is 90% ionised. The boiling point of the solution at 1 atm is (`K_(b(H_(2)O)) = 0.52 kg " mol"^(-1)`)

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  89. Which of the following aqueous solutions has osmotic pressure nearest to pure solvent ?

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  90. 0.1 M NaCl and 0.05 M `BaCl_(2)` solutions are separated by a sami-premeable membrane in a container. For this system, choose the correct answer

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  91. Two aqueous solutions, A and B, are separated by a semi- permeable membrane. The osmotic pressure of solution A immediately begins to decrease. Which of the following statement is ture ?

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  92.  Which one of the following pair of solutions is an isotonic?

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  93. The empirical formula of a non-electrolyte is `CH_(2)O`. A solution containing 3 g `L^(-1)` of the compound exerts the same osmotic pressure as that of 0.05 M glucose solution. The molecules formula of the compound is :

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  94. A semipermeable membrane used in the measurement of osmotic pressure of a solution allows the passage of

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  95. In osmosis the water always moves towards ....

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  96. The osmotic pressures of equimolar solutions of urea,`BaCl_(2)" and "AlCl_(3)`willl be in the order :

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  97. Assuming each salt to be `90%` dissociated which of the following will have the highest osmotic pressure?

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  98. cansider 0.1 M solutions of two solutesX and Y. The behaves as a univalent electrolyte while the solute Y dimerises in solution. Which of the following statement are correct regarding these solutions?
    (1) The boiling point of the solution of X will be higher than that of Y
    (2) The osmotic pressure of the solution of Y will be lower than that of X
    (3) The freezing point of the solition of X will be lower than that of Y
    (4) The relative lowering of vapour pressure of both the solutions will be the same lt brgt Select the correct answer from the option given below

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  99. If `M_("normal")` is the normal molecular mass and `alpha` is the degree of ionsation of `K_(3)[Fe(CN)_(6)]`, then the abnormal molecular mass of the complex in the solution will be

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  100. Equal volumes of 0.1 M urea and 0.1 M glucose are mixed. The mixture will have :

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter DILUTE SOLUTION of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11