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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter SOLID STATE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. which of the following statement is true for ionic solids?

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  2. Which one is called pseudo solid?

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  3. Solid which do not show the same physical properties in different directions are called:

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  4. Graphite is an example of:

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  5. Amorphous solids are

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  6. Which type of solid crystals will conduct heat and electricity?

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  7. The bond length and bond angles in molecules in the solid state are calculated by:

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  8. if `a=b ne c` and `alpha=beta=gamma=90^(@)`, the crystal system is

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  9. Triclinic crystal has the following the cell parameters:

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  10. If all three interfacial angeles defining the unit cell, are equal in magniture, the crystal cannot be:

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  11. In a hexagoanl crystal:

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  12. Orthorhombic crystal has the following unit cell parameters:

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  13. Which of the crystal systems has maximum number of Bravais lacttices?

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  14. The most unsysmmetrical and symmeterical systems are, respectively:

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  15. Tetragonal crystal system has the following unit cell dimensions `:`

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  16. In the primitive cubic unit cell, the atoms are present at the:

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  17. In the body centered unit cell, the lattice point are present at the:

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  18. In the face centered per unit cell, the lattice points are present at the:

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  19. The number of atom per unit in a simple cubic, face - centered cubic and body - centered cubic are ….respectively

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  20. What would be the effective number of atoms per unit cell in end centred cubic uit cel, if this type of unit cell exist in nautre?

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  21. In the body centered cubic unit cell and simple unit cell, the radius of atoms in terms of edge length (a) of the unit cell is respectively:

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  22. In face -centered cubic unit cell of edge length a, radius is

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  23. The fraction of total volume occupied by the atom present in a simple cubic is

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  24. The fraction of volume occupied by atoms in a body centered cubic unit cell is:

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  25. The fraction of volume occupied by atoms in a face centered cubic unit cell is:

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  26. Which of the following crystal lattice has the miniumuum empty space?

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  27. Which of the following has the smallest packing efficency for atoms of a single type?

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  28. Polonium crystallizes in a simple cubic strtucture. The edge of the unit cell is 0.236nm. What is the radius of the polonium atoms:

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  29. Lithium crystallizes as body centered cubic crystals. If the length of the side of unit cell is 350 pm, the atomic radius of lithium is:

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  30. Metallic gold crystallises in face centred cubic lattice with edge-length `4.07Å`. Closest distance between gold atoms is:

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  31. The neon atoms has a radius of 160pm. What is the edge of the unit cell of a face centered structure of neon?

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  32. What are the number of atoms per unit cell and the number of nearest neighbours in a simple cubic structure?

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  33. What are the number of atoms per unit cell and the number of nearest neighbours in a face centered cubic structure?

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  34. What are the number of atoms per unit cell and the number of nearest neighbours in a body centered cubic structure?

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  35. Each edge of a cubic unit cell is 400pm long. If atomic mass of the elements is 120 and its desity is `6.25g//cm^(2)`, the crystal lattice is: `(use N_(A)=6 xx 10^(23))`

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  36. Tungsten has an atomic radius of 0.136nm. The density of tungsten is `19.4g//cm^(3)`. What is the crystal structure of tungsten ? `("Atomic mass" W=184)`

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  37. The density of argon (face centered cubic cell) is `1.83g//cm^(3) at 20^(@)C`. What is the length of an edge a unit cell? `("Atomic mass": Ar=40)`

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  38. The density of nickel (face centered cubic cell) is `8.94g//cm^(3) at 20^(@)C`. What is the radius of the atom? `("Atomic mass": Ni=59)`

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  39. The density of krypton (face centered cubic cell) is `3.19g//cm^(3)`. What is the radius of the atom? `("Atomic mass": Kr=84)`

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  40. The face centered cubic cell of platinum ha an edge length of 0.392nm. Calculate the density of platinum `(g//cm^(3))` : `("Atomic mass": Pt=195)`

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  41. Chromium metal crystallizes with a body-centred cubic lattice. The length of the unit cell edge is found to be `287`pm. Calculate the atomic radius. What woulds be the density of chromium in `g cm^(-3)`?

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  42. An elemetnts crystallizes in a face centered cubic lattice and the edge of the unit cell is 0.559nm. The density is `3.19g//cm^(3)`. What is the atomic mass?

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  43. The elements crystallizes in a body centered cubic lattice and the edge of the unit cell is 0.351nm. The density is `0.533g//cm^(3)`. What is the atomic mas?

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  44. An element `X (At.wt = 80 g//mol)` having fcc structure, calculate the number of unit cells in 8 g of X

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  45. Moldydenum `("At. mass=96g//mol"^(-1))` crystallizes as bcc crystal. If density of crystal is `10.3g//cm^(3)`, then radius of Mo atoms `(use N_(A)= 6 xx 10^(23))`:

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  46. What is the condition number of an atom for an element crystallizing with a cubic lattice? Calculate the corresponding coordination number for the simple, fcc and bcc lattics:

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  47. The most malleable metals (Cu,Ag,Au) have close-packaing of the type:

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  48. The co-ordination number of a metal crystallising in a hexagonal close paced structure is :

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  49. If the ratio of coordination no. of A to that iof B is x:y, then the ratio of no. of atoms of A to that no, of atoms of B in the unit cell is

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  50. The atomic radius of strontium `(Sr)` is `215 p m` and it crystallizes with a cubic. Closest packing . Edge length of the cube is `:`

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  51. By X-ray diffraction it is found tht nickel `("at mass"=59g "mol"^(-1))`, crystakkuzes with ccp. The edge length of the unit cell is `3.5 Å`. If density of Ni crystal is `9.0g//cm^(3)`, then value of Avogadro's number from the data is:

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  52. Stacking of square close packed layers give rise to:

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  53. In a hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure of spheres, the fraction of the volume occupied by the sphere is A. In a cubic close packed structure the fraction is B. The relation for A and B is:

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  54. The unit cell present in ABCABC, closet packing of atoms is:

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  55. The number of atoms present in a hexagonal close-packed unit cell is:

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  56. The unit cell present in ABAB, closest packing of atoms is:

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  57. The number of terrahedral and octahedral holes in a hexagonal primitive unit cell are respectively:

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  58. Which one of the following schemes of ordering closed packed sheets of equal sized spheres does not generate close packed lattice?

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  59. In the closet packing of atoms, there are:

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  60. Which of the following figure represent the cross section of an octahedral site? 

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  61. In which of the following pairs of structures, tetrahedral as well as octahedral holes are found?

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  62. The number of octahedral void in bcc structure is:

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  63. An ionic compound is expected to have octahedral structure if `r_(c)//r_(a)(r_(c) lt r_(a))` lies in the range of:

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  64. A ionic compound is expected to have tetrahedral structure if `r_(c)//r_(a)`:

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  65. An ionic compound is expected to have body centred type cubic unit cell if `r_(c)//r_(a)`:

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  66. In the closed packing of atoms A `("radius":r_(a))`, the radius of atom B that can be fitted into tetrahedral void is:

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  67. In closest packing of A type of atoms (radius `r_(A)`) the radius of atom B that can be fitted into octabedral voids is

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  68. How many nearest neighbours are there in an atom or ion for an octahedral hole of a closed packed structure?

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  69. How many "nearst" and "next nearst" neighbours, respectively, does potassium have in bcc lattice?

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  70. In the closest packing of atoms

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  71. The the ionic compound AB the ratio `r_(A+):r_(B-) is 0.414`. Indicate the correct statement among the following:

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  72. In the unit cell of KCl (NaCl type), Cl^(-) ions constitute ccp and `K^(+)` ion fall into the octahedral holes. These holes are:

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  73. Which is incorrect statement?

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  74. In the radius of the anion in an ionic acid solid is 200pm, what would be the radius of the cation that fits exactly into a cubic hole:

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  75. The CsCl type structure is exhibited by alkali halides only when the radius of the cation is large enough to keep touching its eight nearst neighbour aniion. Below what minimum raiton of cation of anion radii `(r^(+)//r^(-))` this contact is prevented

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  76. MgO crystallizes in a cubic type crystal system. The ionic radii for `Mg^(2+) and O^(2-)` are 0.066 abd 0.140nm respectively One can conclude that the `Mg^(2+)` ions occypy:

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  77. The unit cell of diamond is made up of:

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  78. In diamond, the coordination number of carbon is:

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  79. Predict coordination umber of the cation in crystals of the following compounds :
    `(1). MgO:r_(c)=0.65Å, r_(a)=1.40Å`
    `(2). MgS:r_(c)=0.65Å, r_(a)=1.84Å`

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  80. In a cubic cell, seven of the eight corners are occupied by atoms A and centres of faces are occupied by atoms B. The general formula of the compound is: 

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  81. CaS exists in a cubic close packed arrangement of `S^(2-)` ions in which `Ca^(2+)` ions occupy 1/2 of the available tetrahedral holes. How many `Ca^(2+)and S^(2-)` ions are contained in the unit cell?

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  82. In the spinel structur, oxides ions are cubical-closet packed whereas 1/8th of tetrahedral voids are occupied by `A^(2+)` cation and 1/2 of octahedral voids are occupied by `B^(+)` cations. The general formula of the compound having spinel structure is:

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  83. If the anion (A) form hexagonal closet packing and cation (C ) occupy only 2/3 octahedral voids in it, then the general formula of the comound is:

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  84. In a solid, oxide ions are arrnged in ccp, cations A occupy A occupy `(1/8)^th` of the tetrahedral voids and cation B occupy `(1/4)^(th)` of the octahedral voids. The formula of the compound is:

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  85. In a face centered cubic arrangement of A and B atoms whose A atoms are at the corner of the unit cell and B atoms at the face centers. One of the B atoms missing from one of the face in unit cell. The simplest formula of compounding is:

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  86. An alloy of Cu, Ag and Au is found to have copper onstituting the CCP lattice. If silver atoms occupy edge centres and gold atom ispresent at body centre, the alloy formula is 

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  87. Which of the following statements is correct in the rock-salt structure of ionic compounds?

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  88. Which of the following statement is correct for the body-centred cubic structure of an ionic compound?

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  89. Which of following statements is correct in the zinc-blende-type structure of an ionic compound?

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  90. Which of the following expressions is correct in the case of a sodium chloride unit cell (edge length, `a`)?

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  91. In an idaeal closet rock salt structure (edge length a) which of the following expression is correct?

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  92. Which of the following expression is correct in case of a CsCl unit cell (edge length, a)?

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  93. In NaCl the centres of two nearst like-charged ions are present at a distance of:

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  94. In sodium chloride crystal, the number of next nearst neighbours of each `Na^(+)` ion is:

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  95. In an ionic compound A+X', the radii of `A^(+)` and X ions are 1.0 pm and 2.0 pm respecti­vely. The volume of the unit cell of the crystal AX will be

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  96. The coordination number of cation and anion in fluorite `CaF_(2)` and anti-fluroite `Na_(2)O` are respectively:

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  97. Select the incorrect statement in a CsCl crystal:

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  98. The radius of a divaent cation `A^(2+)` is 94pm and of divalent anion `B^(2-)` is 146pm. The compound AB has:

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  99. A binary solid (AB) has a rock salt structure. If the edge length is 400pm, radius of cation is 80pm the radius of anion is:

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  100. For a solid with the structure shown in Fig, the coordination number of the points of the points A and ,B respectively are

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID STATE of NARENDRA AWASTHI of Class 11