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Complete Solutions to Practice Paper 3 of chapter PRACTICE PAPERS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions50
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A spherical soap bubble of radius 1 cm is formed inside another of radius 3 cm the radius of single soap bubble which maintains the same pressure difference as inside the smaller and outside the larger soap bubble is ____cm

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  2. A spherical metal ball of mass `m` and radius `(r )` is falling through a viscous medium. The value of its terminal velocity is proportional to

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  3. A vessel contains a mixtrue consisting of `m_(1) = 7g` of nitrogen `M_(1) = 28 and m_(2) = 11 g` of carbon dioxide `(M_(2) 44)` at temperature` T = 300 K` and pressure `p_(0) = 1` atm. Find the density of the mixture.

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  4. Two thermally insulated vessel 1 and 2 are filled with air at temperature `(T_1T_2), volume (V_1V_2)` and pressure `(P_1P_2)` respectively. If the valve joining the two vessels is opened, the temperature inside the vessel at equilibrium will be

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  5. A steel metre scale is to be ruled so that the millimetre intervals are accurate to within about `5 xx 10^(-5)`mm at a certain temperature. What is the maximum temperature variation allowable during the rulting ? Given `alpha` for steel `= 1.1 xx 10^(-5).^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  6. What is the relationship between time of flight T and horizontal range R?
    (where `theta` is angle of projection with the horizontal)

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  7. The disc of a siren revolves 600 times in one minute and it is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency 480 Hz. The number of holes in the disc is

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  8. Which of the following is dimensionless?

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  9. Given `vecF=(4hati-10hatj)and vecr=(5hati-3hatj)`. then torque `vectau` is

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  10. A man throws balls with the same speed vertically upwards one after the other at an interval of 2s. What should be the speed of the throw so that more than two balls are in the sky at any time ? (Given `g = 9.8 m//s^(2)`)

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  11. In uniform circular motion

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  12. A ball is rolled off along the edge of the table (horizontal ) with velocity ` 4 ms^(-1)` .It hits the ground after time ` 0.4 s. Which one of the following statements are wrong ? ( g= 10 ms^(-2)).

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  13. Three masses of 1kg, 6 kg and 3 kg are connected to each other with theads and are placed on a table as shown in figure. What is the acceleration with which the system is moving? ( Take `g=ms^(-2)`)

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  14. A liquid of density `rho` flows along a horizontal pipe of uniform cross-section `A` with a velocity v through a right angled bend as shown in fig. What force has to be exerted at the bend to hold the pipe in equilibrium ? .

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  15. A chain of uniform mass `m` and length `L` is held on a frictionless table in such a way that its `(1)/(n)`th part is hanging below the edge of table. The work done to pull the hanging part of chain is `:-`

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  16. For the same total mass, which of the following will have the largest moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centre of mass and perpendicular to the plane of the body

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  17. Kepler's second law is based on

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  18. A spaceship is launched into a circular orbit close to the Earth's surface. What additional velocity has to be imparted to the spaceship to overcome the gravitational pull?

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  19. A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The diameter of the hole is `4.24 cm` at `27.0^(@)C`. What is the change in the diameter of the hole when the sheet is heated to `227^(0)C`? `alpha` for copper `= 1.70 xx 10^(-5)K^(-1)`

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  20. Two blocks `M_1 and M_2` having equal masses are to move on a horizontal frictionless surface. `M_2` is attached to a massless spring as shown in figure. Initially `M_2` is at rest and `M_1` is moving toward `M_2` with speed v and collides head-on with `M_2`.

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  21. A block of mass m=2kg is resting on a rough inclined plane of inclination plane of inclination `30^(@)` as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is `mu=0.5`. What minimum force F should be applied perpendicular to the plane on the block, so that blocks does not slip on the plane? `(g=10m//s^(2))`

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  22. The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with a screw gauge, whose pitch is `0.5mm` and there are `50` divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the main scale is `2.5mm` and that on circular scale is `20` divisions. if the measured mass of the ball has a relative error of `2%`, the relative percentage error in the density is

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  23. A floor-mat of mass M made up of extensible material, is rolled along its length so as to form a cylinder of radius R and kept on a rough horizontal surface. If the mat is now unrolled, without sliding, to a radius `(R )/(2)`, the decrease in potential energy is

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  24. A liquid of density `rho_0` is filled in a wide tank to a height h. A solid rod of length L, cross-section A and density `rho` is suspended freely in the tank. The lower end of the rod touches the base of the tank and h=L/n (where n gt 1). Then the angle of inclination `theta` of the rod with the horizontal in equilibrium position is

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  25. A cyclic process `ABCA` is shown in the `V-T` diagram process on the `P-V`

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  26. Two pendulums differ in lengths by `22m`. They oscillate at the same place so that one of then makes 30 oscillations and the other makes 36 oscillations during the same time. The length `(` in `cm)` of the pendulum are `:`

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  27. A body of mass `30 kg` starts running rest along a ciruclar path of radius `6m` with constant tangential acceleration of magnitude `2 m//s^(2)`. After `2 sec` from start he feels that his shoes started slipping on ground. The friction coefficient between his shoes and ground is `: ( ` Take `g=10m//s^(2))`

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  28. A long glass tube is held vertically in water . A tuning fork is struck and held over the tube . Strong resonances are observed at two successive lengths `0.50 m and 0.84 m` above the surface of water . If the velocity of sound is `340 m//s`, then the frequency of the tuning fork is

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  29. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 2 cm . When the particle is at 1 cm from the mean position the magnitude of its velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in seconds is

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  30. A body of mass m thrown horizontally with velocity v, from the top of tower of height h touches the level ground at a distance of 250m from the foot of the tower. A body of mass 2m thrown horizontally with velocity `v//2`, from the top of tower of height 4h will touch the level ground at a distance x from the foot of tower. The value of x is

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  31. The Poisson's ratio of a material is 0.4. If a force is applied to a wire of this material, there is a decrease of cross-sectional area by 2%. The percentage increase in its length is

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  32. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane. It follows that

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  33. The maximum velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is v. If the amplitude is doubled and the time period of oscillation decreased to 1/3 of its original value the maximum velocity becomes

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  34. A particle moves in x-y plane according to the equations `x= 4t^2+ 5t+ 16 and y=5t` where x, y are in metre and t is in second. The acceleration of the particle is

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  35. Two stars of masses `m_(1)` and `m_(2)` distance r apart, revolve about their centre of mass. The period of revolution is :

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  36. Two projectiles A and B thrown with speeds in the ratio 1 : `sqrt(2)` acquired the same heights. If A is thrown at an angle of `45^(@)` with the horizontal, the angle of projection of B will be

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  37. A body executes simple harmonic motion. At a displacement x, its potential energy is `U_1`. At a displacement y, its potential energy is `U_2`. What is the potential energy of the body at a displacement (x + y)?

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  38. The pressure on the top surface of an aeroplane wing is `0.8xx 10^5` Pa and the pressure on the bottom surface is `0.75 xx 10^5` Pa. If the area of each surface is `50 m^2`, the dynamic lift on the wing is

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  39. If pressure of `CO_(2)` (real gas ) in a container is given by `P = (RT)/(2V - b) - (a)/(4b^(2))`, then mass of the gas in container is

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  40. A body is thrown up with a velocity `100ms^(-1)`. It travels 5 m in the last second of upward journey if the same body thrown up with velocity `200ms^(-1)`, how much distance (in metre) will it travel in the last second of its upward journey? `(g=10ms^(-2))`

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  41. A machine gun is mounted on a 2000kg car on a harizontal frictionless surface. At some instant the gun fires bullets of mass 10gm with a velocity of `500m/sec` with respect to the car. The number of bullets fired per second is ten. The average thrust on the system is

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  42. The radius of gyration of a solid sphere of radius R about a certain axis is also equal to R. If r is the distance between the axis and the centre of the sphere, then r is equal to

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  43. A cylindrical drum, open at the top, contains `30` litres of water. It drains out through a small opening at the bottom. `10` litres of water comes out in time `t_1`, the next `10`litres in a further time `t_2` and the last `10` litres in a further time `t_3` Then,

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  44. A body of mass 5 kg stJrls from the origin with an initial velocity `bar(u)=(30hati+40hatj)ms^(-1)` .If a constant force `(-6hati-5hatj)N` acts on the body, the time in velocity, which the y-component of the velocity becomes zero is.

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  45. One mole of gas of specific heat ratio 1.5 being initially at temperature 290 K is adiabatically compressed to increase its pressure 8 times. The temperature of the gas after compression will be

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  46. A man goes at the top of a smooth inclined plane. He releases a bag to fall freely and himself slides down on inclined plane to reach the bottom. If `u_1 and u_2` are the respective velocities of the man and bag at the bottom of inclined plane, then

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  47. A Carnot refrigerator extracts heat from water at `0^@C` and rejects it to room at `24.4^@C`. The work required by the refrigerator for every 1 kg of water converted into ice is
    (Latent heat of ice=`336 kJ kg^(-1)`)

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  48. A bullet is fired normally towards an immovable wooden block. If it loses `25 %` of its kinetic energy in penetrating through the block at thickness `x`, the distance penetrated by the bullet into the block is

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  49. Two identical flutes produce fundamental notes of frequency `300Hz` at `27^@C`. If the temperature of air in one flute is increased to `31^@C`, the number of the beats heard per second will be

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  50. A gas expands from i to f along the three paths indicated. The work done along the three paths denoted by `W_1, W_2 and W_3` have the relationship

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Practice Paper 3 questions and complete solutions for chapter PRACTICE PAPERS of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11