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Complete Solutions to Higher Order Thinking Skills of chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSHigher Order Thinking Skills
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A stone is projected from level ground with speed u and ann at angle `theta` with horizontal. Somehow the acceleration due to gravity (g) becomes double (that is 2g) immediately after the stone reaches the maximum height and remains same thereafter. Assume direction of acceleration due to gravity always vertically downwards.
    Q. The horizontal range of particle is

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  2. In the question number 1, the angle `phi` which the velocity vector of stone makes with horizontal just before hitting the ground is given by

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  3. Airplanes `A` and `B` are flying with constant velocity in the same vertical plane at angles `30^(@)` and `60^(@)` with respect to the horizontal respectively as shown in figure . The speed of `A` is `100sqrt(3) m//s`. At time `t = 0 s`, an observer in `A` finds `B` at a distance of `500 m`. The observer sees `B` moving with a constant velocity perpendicular to the line of motion of `A` . If at `t = t_(0)`, `A` just escapes being hit by `B ,t_(0)` in seconds is

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  4. A large , heavy box is sliding without friction down a smooth plane of inclination `theta` . From a point `P` on the bottom of the box , a particle is projected inside the box . The initial speed of the particle with respect to the box is `u` , and the direction of projection makes an angle `alpha` with the bottom as shown in Figure .
    (a) Find the distance along the bottom of the box between the point of projection `p` and the point `Q` where the particle lands . ( Assume that the particle does not hit any other surface of the box . Neglect air resistance .)
    (b) If the horizontal displacement of the particle as seen by an observer on the ground is zero , find the speed of the box with respect to the ground at the instant when particle was projected .

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  5. in the question number 4, if the horizontal displacement of the particle as seen by an observer on the ground is zero, the speed of the box with respect to the ground at the instant when particle was projected is

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  6. A train is moving along a straight line with a constant acceleration 'a' . A boy standing in the train throws a ball forward with a speed of `10 m//s `, at an angle of `60^@` to the horizontal. The boy has to move forward by `1.15 m ` inside the train to catch the ball back at the initial height . the acceleration of the train , in `m//s^(2)` , is

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  7. A body falling freely from a given height `H` hits an inlclined plane in its path at a height `h`. As a result of this impact the direction of the velocity of the body becomes horizontal. For what value of `h//H`, the body will take the maximum time to reach the ground.

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  8. A body is projected with the velocity `u_(1)` from the point A as shown in Figure. At the same time another body is projectd vertically upwards with the velocity `u_(2)` from the point B. What shold be the value of `(u_(1))/(u_(2))` for both the bodies to collide.

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Higher Order Thinking Skills questions and complete solutions for chapter MOTION IN A PLANE of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11