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Complete Solutions to Collisions of chapter WORK , ENERGY AND POWER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Consider the following statements A and B. Identify the correct choice in the given answers
    A. In a one dimensional perfectly elastic collision between two moving bodies of equal masses the bodies merely exchange their velocities after collision.
    B. If a lighter body at rest suffers perfectly elastic collision with a very heavy body moving with a certain velocity, then after collision both travel with same velocity.

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  2. When two spheres of equal masses undergo glancing elastic collision with one of them at rest after collision they will move

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  3. A spherical ball of mass `m_(1)` collides head on with another ball of mass `m_(2)` at rest . The collision is elastic . The fraction of kinetic energy lost by `m_(1)` is `:`

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  4. Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by

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  5. Which of the following potential energy curves in figure., cannot possibley describly describe the elastic collision of two billiard balls ? Here r is distance between centres of the balls.

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  6. A particle of mass 1 g moving with a velocity `vecv_1=3hati-2hatj` `m s^(-1)` experiences a perfectly in elastic collision with another particle of mass 2 g and velocity `vecv_2=4hatj-6 hatk` `m s^(-1)`. The velocity of the particle is

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  7. A ball falls under gravity from a height of 10 m with an initial downward velocity u. It collides with the ground, losses 50% of its energy in collision and then rises back to the same height. The initial velocity u is

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  8. A ball of mass m moving with a speed `2v_0` collides head-on with an identical ball at rest. If e is the coefficient of restitution, then what will be the ratio of velocity of two balls after collision?

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  9. The bob A of a pendulum released from horizontal to the vertical hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table as shown in figure.
    If the length of the pendulum is 1m, calculate
    (a) the height to which bob `A` will rise after collision.
    (b) the speed with which bob `B` starts moving.
    Neglect the size of the bobs and assume the collision to be elastic.

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  10. A ball is dropped from a height h on to a floor . If the cofficient of restitution is e, calculate the height the ball first rebounds ?

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  11. A ball of mass m collides with a wall with speed v and rebounds on the same line with the same speed. If the mass of the wall is taken as infinite, then the work done by the ball on the wall is

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  12. A sphere P of mass m and velocity `v_i` undergoes an oblique and perfectly elastic collision with an identical sphere Q initially at rest. The angle `theta` between the velocities of the spheres after the collision shall be

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  13. A spherical ball A of mass 4 kg, moving along a straight line strikes another spherical ball B of mass 1 kg at rest. After the collision, A and B move with velocities `v_1 m s^(-1) and v_2 m s^(-1)` respectively making angles of `30^@ and 60^@` with respect to the original direction of motion of A. The ratio `v_1/v_2` will be

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  14. A neutron collides, head-on with a deuterium at rest. What fraction of the neutron's energy would be transferred to the deuterium?

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  15. A neutron in a nuclear reactor collides head on elastically with the nucleus of a carbon atom initially at rest. The fraction of kinetic energy transferred from the neutron to the carbon atom is

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Collisions questions and complete solutions for chapter WORK , ENERGY AND POWER of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11