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Complete Solutions to Equilibrium Of A Rigid Body of chapter SYSTEM OF PARTICLES AND ROTATIONAL MOTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSEquilibrium Of A Rigid Body
Number Of Questions13
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A rigid body is said to be in partial equilibrium, when it is in

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  2. Moment of couple is called

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  3. A couple produces.

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  4. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

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  5. Which of the following relations is correct?

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  6. A rigid rod of length `2 L` is acted upon by some forces. All forces labelled `F` have the same magnitude. Which cases have a non-zero net torque acting on the rod about its centre ?

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  7. (1) Centre of gravity (C.G.) of a body is the point at which the weight of the body acts,
    (2) Centre of mass coincides with the centre of gravity if the earth is assumed to have infinitely large radius,
    (3) To evaluate the gravitational field intensity due to any body at an external point, the entire mass of the body can be considered to be concentrated at its C.G..,
    (4) The radius of gyration of any body rotating about ab axis is the length of the perpendicular dropped from the C.G. the body to the axis. which one of the following pairs of statements is correct ?

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  8. A non-uniform bar of weight `W` and length `L` is suspended by two strings of negligible weight as shown in figure. The angles made by the strings with the vertical are `theta_1` and `theta_2` respectively.
    The distance `d` of the centre of gravity of the bar from left end is.

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  9. A uniform rod of length `1 m` mass `4 kg` is supports on tow knife-edges placed`10 cm` from each end. A `60 N` weight is suspended at `30 cm` from one end. The reactions at the knife edges is.

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  10. A car weighs `1800 kg`. The distance between its front and back axles is `1.8 m`. Its centre of gravity is `1.05 m` behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by the level ground on each front wheel and each back wheel.

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  11. A `3m` along ladder weighing `20 kg` leans on a frictionless wall. Its feet rest on the floor `1 m` from the wall. Find the reaction forces of the wall and the floor.

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  12. A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass `5 g` are put one on of the other at the `12 cm` mark, the stick is found to balanced at `45 cm`. The mass of the metre stick is.

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  13. A uniform cube of mass `m` and side a is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. A vertical force `F` is applied to the edge as shown in Fig. Match the following (most appropriate choice) :
    (a)`mg//4 lt F lt mg//2` (p) Cube will move up.
    (b) `F gt mg//2` (q) Cube will not exhibit motion.
    (c ) `F gt mg` (r) Cube will begin to rotate and slip at `A`.
    (d) `F = mg//4` (s) Normal reaction effectively at `a//3` from A, no motion.

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Equilibrium Of A Rigid Body questions and complete solutions for chapter SYSTEM OF PARTICLES AND ROTATIONAL MOTIONS of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11