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Complete Solutions to Bernoulli'S Principle of chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSBernoulli'S Principle
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Bernoulli's equation for steady, non-viscous, incompressible flow expresses the

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  2. In old age arteries carrying blood in the human body become narrow resulting in an increase in the blood pressure, this follows from

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  3. Applications of Bernoulli's theorem can be seen in

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  4. A liquid flows through a horizontal tube as shown in figure. The velocities of the liquid in the two sections, which have areas of cross-section `A_(1)` and `A_(2)` and `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` respectively. The difference in the levels of the liquid in the two vertical tubes is `h`. then

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  5. Which of the following figures shown below is correct regarding the steady flow of a non viscous liquid ?

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  6. An aircraft of mass `4 xx 10^(5)kg` with total wing area `500m^(2)` in level flight at a speed of 720 `km h^(-1)`. The density of a at its height is `1.2 kgm^(-3)`. The fractional increases in the speed of the air on the upper surface of its wings relative to the lower surface is (take `g = 10 ms^(-2)`)

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  7. A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its two wings has an area of `25 m^(2)` . If the speed of the air on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are `270 km h^(-1)` and `234 km h^(-1)` respectively, then the mass of the plane is (Take the density of the air `=1 kg m^(-3)`)

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  8. A tank filled with fresh water has a hole in its bottom and water is flowing out of it. If the size of the hole is increased, then

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  9. A water barrel stands on a table of height `h`. If a small holes is punched in the side of the barrel at its base, it is found that the resultant stream of water strikes the ground at a horizontal distance `R` from the table. What is the depth of water in the barrel?

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  10. Torricelli's barometer used mercury but pascal duplicated it using French wine of density `984 kg m^(-3)` . In that case, the height of the wine column for normal atmospheric pressure is
    (Take the density of mercury `=1.36xx10^(3) kg m^(-3)`)

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  11. A cylinder of height 20 m is completely filled with water. The velocity of efflux of water through a hole on the side wall of the cylinder near its bottom is (Take `g=10 m s^(-2)`)

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  12. At What velocity does water emerge from an orifice in a tank in which gauge pressure is `3 xx 10^(5) Nm^(-2)` before the flow starts ? (Take the density of water `=1000 kg m^(-3)`.)

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  13. Which of the following device is used to measure the rate of liquid through a pipe ?

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  14. The flow of blood in a large artery of a anesthetized dog is diverted through a venturimeter. The wider part of the meter has a cross-sectional area equal to that of the artery. Ie., `10mm^(2)` . The narrower part has an area `5 mm^(2)`. The pressure drop in the artery is `22 Pa`. Density of the blood pressure drop in the artery is `22Pa`. Density of the blood pressure drop in the artery is `22Pa`. Density of the blood is `1.06xx10^(3)kgm^(-3)`. The speed of the blood in the artery is

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  15. Dynamic lift due to spinning is

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Bernoulli'S Principle questions and complete solutions for chapter MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11