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Complete Solutions to Reflection Of Waves of chapter WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions31
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When sound wave is refracted from air to water, which of the following will remain unchanged?

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  2. The phenomenon of echo is an example of

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  3. A pulse of a wavetrain travels along a stretched string and reaches the fixed end of the string. It will be reflected back with

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  4. In case of a travelling wave, the reflection at a rigid boundary will take place with a phase change of

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  5. A man standing between two parallel hills, claps his hand and hears successive echoes at regular intervals of 1s. If velocity of sound is 340 m `s^(-1)`, then the distance between the hills is

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  6. A stone is dropped into a pond from the top of the tower of height h. If v is the speed of sound in air, then the sound of splash will be heard at the top of the tower after a time

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  7. A bat emits ultrasonic sound of frequency 100 kHz in air. If this sound meets a water surface, the wavelengths of the reflected and transmitted sound are (Speed of sound in air = 340 m `s^(-1)` and in water = 1500 m `s^(-1)` )

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  8. In a stationary longitudinal wave, nodes are points of

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  9. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  10. In an organ pipe of length L open at both ends, the fundamental mode has a frequency
    (where v is a speed of sound in air)

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  11. The transverse displacement of a string clamped at its both ends is given by
    where x and y are in cm and t is in s.
    Which of the following statements is correct?

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  12. One of the modes of resonance in a tube containing water at one end has been shown. The tube in the present case is in

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  13. Two open organs pipes of fundamental frequencies `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` are joined in series. The fundamental frequency of the new pipe so obtained will be

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  14. A second harmonic has to be generated in a string of length l stretched between two rigid supports. The point where the string has to be plucked and touched are

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  15. A string fixed at its both ends vibrates in 5 loops as shown in the figure. The number of nodes and antinodes respectively

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  16. Which of the following statements is incorrect for a stationary wave?

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  17. The fundamental note produced by a closed organ pipe is of frequency v. The fundamental note produced by an open organ pipe of same length will be of frequency

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  18. A steel rod of length 100 cm is clamped at the middle. The frequency of the fundamental mode for the longitudinal vibrations of the rod is
    (Speed of sound in steel = 5 km `s^(-1)`)

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  19. A pipe 30 cm long, is open at both ends. Which harmonic mode of the pipe resonates a 1.1 kHz source? (Speed of sound in air = 330 m `s^(-1)`)

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  20. The frequency of tuning fork is 256 Hz. It will not resonate with a fork of frequency

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  21. When a string fixed at its both ends vibrates in 1 loop, 2 loops, 3 loops and 4 loops, the frequencies are in the ratio

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  22. A pipe 17 cm long is closed at one end. Which harmonic mode of the pipe resonates a 1.5 kHz source? (Speed of sound in air = 340 m `s^(-1)`)

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  23. A resonance air column shows resonance with a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz at column lengths 33.4 cm and 101.8 cm. find (i) end-correction and (ii) the speed of sound in air.

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  24. A wire is stretched between two rigid supports vibrates in its fundamental mode with a frequency of 50 Hz. The mass of the wire is 30 g and its linear density is `4 xx 10^(-2)` kg m `s^(-1)`. The speed of the transverse wave at the string is

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  25. A guitar string is 90 cm long and has a fundamental frequency of 124 Hz. Where should it be pressed to produce a fundamatal frequecy of 186 Hz?

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  26. A stretched wire emits a fundamental note of2 56 Hz. Keeping the stretching force constant and reducing the length of wire by 10 cm, the frequency becomes 320 Hz, the original length of the wire is

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  27. A tuning fork of frequency 440 Hz resonates with a tube closed at one end of length 1.8 cm and diameter 5 cm in fundamental mode. The velocity of sound in air is

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  28. Two pipes are each 50 cm in length. One of them is closed at one end while the other is open at both ends. The speed of sound in air is 340 m `s^(-1)`. The frequency at which both the pipes can resonate is

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  29. A tuning fork vibrating with a frequency of 500 Hz is kept close to the open end of a tube filled with water, as shown in figure. The water level in the tube is gradually lowered When the water level is 17 cm below the open the open end, maximum intensity of sound is heard. If the room temperature is `20^(@)` C, the speed of sound in air at the temperature is

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  30. String A has a length L, radius of cross-section r, density of material p and is under tension T. String b has all these quantities double those of string A. If `v_(a)` and `v_(b)` are the corresponding fundamentals frequencies of the vibrating string, then

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  31. A glass tube of `1.0 m` length is filled with water . The water can be drained out slowly at the bottom of the tube . If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency `500 c//s` is brought at the upper end of the tube and the velocity of sound is `330 m//s`, then the total number of resonances obtained will be

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Reflection Of Waves questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of NCERT FINGERTIPS PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11