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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions36
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the number of subsets of A if `A={(x:x=4n+1,2lenle5,n in NN)}`.

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  2. In a survey of 5000 persons in a town, it was found that 45% of the persons know language A, 25% know language B, 10% know Language C, 5% know Language A and B, 4% know Languages Band C, and 4% now Languages A and C. If 3% of the persons know all the three Languages find the number of persons who knows only Language A.

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  3. Prove that

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  4. If `X={1,2,3…………10}` and `A={1,2,3,4,5}` find the number of sets `BsubeX` such that `A-B={4}`.

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  5. If A and B are two sets so that `n(B-A)=2n(A-B)=4n(AnnB)` and if `n(AuuB)=14`, then find `n(cc(P)(A))`.

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  6. Two sets have m and k elements. If the total number of subsets of the first set is 112 more than that of the second set, find the values of m and k.

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  7. If `n(A)=10` and `n(AnnB)=3` find `n((AnnB)'nnA)`

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  8. If `A={1,2,3,4}` and `B={3,4,5,6}` find `n((AuuB)xx(AnnB)xx(ADeltaB))`.

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  9. If `cc(P)(A)` denotes the power set of A then find `n(cc(P)(cc(P)(cc(P)(O/))))`.

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  10. Check the relation `R={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),…….,(n,n)}` defined on the set `S={1,2,3,…………,n}` for the three basic realtions.

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  11. Let `S={1,2,3}` and `rho={(1,1),(1,2),(2,2),(1,3),(3,1)}`.
    (i) If `rho` refelxive? If not, state the reason and write the minimum set of ordered pairs to be included to `rho` so as to make it reflexive.
    (ii) Is `rho` symmetric ? If not, state the reason, write minimum number of ordered pairs to be included to `rho` so as to make it symmetric and write minimum number of ordered pairs to be deleted from `rho` so as to make it symmetric.
    (iii) Is `rho` transitive? If not, state the reason, write minimum number of ordered pairs to be included to `rho` so as to make it transitive and write minimum number of ordered pairs to be deleted from `rho` so as tomake it transitive.
    (iv) Is `rho` an equivalence relation? If not, write the minimum ordered pairs to be included to `rho` so as to make it an equivalence relation.

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  12. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    not reflexive, not symmetric, not transitive

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  13. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    not reflexive, not symmetric, transitive

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  14. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    not reflexive, symmetric, not transitive

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  15. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    not reflexive, symmetric, transitive

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  16. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    reflexive, not symmetric, not transitive

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  17. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    reflexive, not symmetric, transitive

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  18. Let `A={0,1,2,3}` . Construct relations on A of the following types:
    reflexive, symmetric, non transitive

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  19. In the set `ZZ` of integers, define m Rn if m-n is multiple of 12. Prove that R is an equivalence relation.

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  20. Check whether of the following functions are one to one and onto.
    (i) `f:NN to N` defined `f(n)=n+2`
    (ii) `f:NNuu{-1,0}toNN` defined by `f(n)=n+2`.

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  21. Check the following functions for one to oneness and onto ness and ontoness.
    (i) `f:NNtoNN` defined by `f(n)=n^(2)`
    (ii) `f:RtoR` defined by `f(n)=n^(2)`

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  22. Check whether the following for one to one ness and ontoness.
    (i) `f:RRtoR` defined by `f(x)=1/x`
    (ii) `f:R-{0}toRR` defined by `f(x)=1/x`

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  23. If `f:RR-{-1,1}toRR` is defined by `f(x)=x/(x^(2)-1)` , verify whether f is one to one or nto.

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  24. If `f:RtoR` is defined as `f(x)=2x^(2)-1` find the pre images of 17,4 and -2.

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  25. If `f:[-2,2]toB` is given by `f(x)=2x^(3)` then find B so that f is onto.

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  26. Check whether the function `f(x)=x|x|` defined on `[-2,2]` is one to one or not. If it is one to one find a suitable co domain so that the function becomes a bijection.

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  27. Find the largest possible domain for the real valued function f defined by `f(x)=sqrt(x^(2)-5x+6)`

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  28. Find the domain of `f(x)=1/(1-2cos x)`

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  29. Find the range of the function `f(x)=1/(1-3cosx)`

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  30. Find the largest possible domain for the real valued function given by `f(x)=(sqrt(9-x^(2)))/(sqrt(x^(2)-1))`

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  31. Let `f={(1,2),(3,4),(2,2)}` and `g={(2,1),(3,1),(4,2)}` Find g o f and f o g.

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  32. Let `f={(1,4),(2,5),(3,5)}` and `g={(4,1),(5,2),(6,4)}`. Find g o f. Can you find f o g ?

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  33. Let f and g be the two functions from `RR` to `RR` defined by `f(x)=3x-4` and `g(x)=x^(2)+3`. Find g o f and f o g

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  34. Show that the statement.
    if f and g of are one to one then g is one to one is not true.

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  35. Let `f,g: RR to RR ` be defined as `f(x)=2x-|x|` and `g(x)=2x+|x|`. Find f o g .

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  36. If `f:RR to RR` is defined by `f(x)=2x-3` prove that f is a bijection and find its inverse.

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EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS of FULL MARKS MATHEMATICS(TAMIL) of Class 11