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Complete Solutions to EXAMPLE of chapter COMBINATORICS AND MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions90
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Suppose one girl or one boy has to be selected for a competition from a class comprising 17 boys and 29 girls. In how many different ways can this selection he made?

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  2. Consider the 3 cities Chennai, Trichy and Triunelveli. In order to reach Tirunelveli from Chennai, one has to pass through Trichy. There are 2 roads connecting Chennai with Trichy and ther are 3 roads connecting with Tirunelveli. What are the total number of ways of travelling from Chennai to Tirunelveli.?

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  3. A school library has 75 books on Mathematics, 35 books on Physics. A student can chose only book. In how many ways a student can chose a book on Mathematics or physics?

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  4. If an electricity consumer has the consumer number say 238:110:29, then describe linking and count the number of house connections upto the 29 the consumer connection linked to the larger capacity tranformer number 238 subject to the condition that each smaller capacity transformer can have a maximal consumer link of say 100.

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  5. A person wants to buy a car. There are two brands of car available in the market and each brand has 3 variant models and each model comes in five different colours as in figure 4.3 in how many ways she can choose a car to buy?

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  6. A woman wants to select one silk saree and sungudi saree from a textile shop located at Kancheepuram. In that shop, there are 20 different varieties of silk sarees and 8 different varieties of sungudi sarees. In how many ways she can select her sarres?

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  7. In a village out of the total number of people, 80 percentage of the people own coconut groves and 65 percent of the people own Pady fields. What is the minimum percentage of people own both?

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  8. Find the number of strings of length 4, which can be formed using the letters of the word BIRD, without repetition of the letters.

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  9. How many strings of length 5 can be formed out of the letters of the word PRIME taking all the letters at a time without repetition.

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  10. How many strings of length 6 can be formed using letters of the world FLOWER if
    (i) either starts with F or ends with R?
    (ii) neither starts with F nor ends with R?

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  11. How many licence plates may be made using either two distinct letters followed by four digits or two digits followed by 4 distinct letters where all digits and letters are distinct?

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  12. Count the number of positive integers greater than 7000 and less than 8000 which are divisible by 5, provided that no digits are repeated.

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  13. How many 4 -digit even numbers can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3 and 4, if repetition of digits are not permitted?

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  14. Find the total number of outcomes when 5 coins are tossed once.

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  15. In how many ways (i) 5 different balls be distributed among 3 boxes? (ii) 3 different balls be distributed among 5 boxes?

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  16. There are 10 bulbs in a room. Each one of them can be operated independently. Find the number of ways in which the room can be illuminated.

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  17. Find the value of

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  18. Find the value of

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  19. Find the value of

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  20. Simplify: `(7!)/(2!)`

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  21. Evaluate `(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)` when

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  22. Evaluate `(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)` when

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  23. Evaluate `(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)` when
    For any n with r=3

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  24. Let N denote the number of days. If the value of N! is equal to the total number of hours in N days then find the value of N?

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  25. If `(6!)/(n!)=6` then find the value of n

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  26. If `n!+(n-1)!=30` then find the value of n

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  27. What is the unit digit of the sum `2!+3!+4!+……….+22!`?

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  28. If `1/(7!)+1/(8!)=A/(9!)` then fin the value of A.

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  29. Prove that `((2n)!)/(n!)=2^(n)(1.3.5…..(2n-1))`

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  30. Evaluate:

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  31. Evaluate:

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  32. Evaluate:

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  33. Evaluate:

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  34. If `""^((n+2))P_(r)=42xx""^(n)P_(2)`, find n

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  35. If `""^(10)P_(r)=""^(7)P_(r+2)` find r

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  36. How many letter strings together can be formed with the letters of the word VOWELS so that
    the strings begin with E

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  37. How many letter strings together can be formed with the letters of the word VOWELS so that
    the strings begin with E and end with W

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  38. A number of four different digits is formed with the use of digits 1,2,3,4, and 5 in all possible ways. Find the following
    How many such numbers can be formed?

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  39. A number of four different digits is formed with the use of digits 1,2,3,4, and 5 in all possible ways. Find the following
    How many of these are even?

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  40. A number of four different digits is formed with the use of digits 1,2,3,4, and 5 in all possible ways. Find the following
    How many of these are exactly divisible by 4?

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  41. How many different strings can be formed together using the letters of the word EQUATION so that
    the vowels always come together?

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  42. How many different strings can be formed together using the letters of the word EQUATION so that
    the vowels never come together?

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  43. There are 15 candidates for an examination 7 candidats are appearing for mathematics examination while the remaining 8 are appearing for different subjects. In how many ways can they be seated in a row so that no two mathematics candidates are together?

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  44. In how many ways 5 boys and 4 girls can be seated in a row so that no two girls are together.

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  45. 4 boys and 4 girls form a line with the boys and girls alternating. Find the number of ways of making this line.

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  46. A has 8 seats. If has two seats in the front with two rows of three seats behind. The van belongs to a family consisting of seven members, `F,M,S_(1),S_(2),S_(3), D_(1),D_(2)`. How many ways can the family sit in the van if
    There are no restriction?

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  47. A has 8 seats. If has two seats in the front with two rows of three seats behind. The van belongs to a family consisting of seven members, `F,M,S_(1),S_(2),S_(3), D_(1),D_(2)`. How many ways can the family sit in the van if
    Either F or M drives the van?

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  48. A has 8 seats. If has two seats in the front with two rows of three seats behind. The van belongs to a family consisting of seven members, `F,M,S_(1),S_(2),S_(3), D_(1),D_(2)`. How many ways can the family sit in the van if
    `D_(1),D_(2)` sits next to a window and F is driving?

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  49. If the letters of the word TABLE are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order (alphabetical order), find the ranks of the words

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  50. If the letters of the word TABLE are permuted in all possible ways and the words thus formed are arranged in the dictionary order (alphabetical order), find the ranks of the words

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  51. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word BANANA.

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  52. Find the number of ways of arranging the letters of the word RAMANUJAN so that the relative positions of vowels and consonants are not changed.

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  53. Three twins pose for a photograph standing in a line. How many arrangements are there (i) when there are no restrictions.

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  54. Three twins pose for a photograph standing in a line. How many arrangements are there
    when each person is standing next to his or her twin?

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  55. How many numbers can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,2,1 such that even digits occupies even place?

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  56. How many paths are there from start to end on a `6xx4` grid as shown in the picture?

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  57. If the different permutations of all letters of the word BHAKARA are listed as in a disctionary how many strings are there in this list before the first word starting with B?

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  58. If the letters of the word IITJEE are permuted in all possible ways and the strings thus formed are arranged in the lexicographic order, find the rank of the word IITJEE.

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  59. Find the sum of all 4-digit numbers that can be formed using thedigit 1,2,4,6,8.

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  60. Evaluate the following

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  61. Evaluate the following

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  62. Evaluate the following

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  63. Evaluate the following

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  64. Find the values of `""^(5)C_(2)` and `""^(7)C_(2)` using the property 5

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  65. If `""^(n)C_(4)=495` What is n?

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  66. If `""^(n)P_(r)=11880` and `""^(n)C_(4)=495` Find n and r

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  67. Prove that `""^(24)C_(4)+sum_(r=0)^(4)""^((28-r))C_(3)=""^(29)C_(4)`

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  68. Prove that `""^(10)C_(2)+2xx""^(10)C_(3)+""^(10)C_(4)=""^(12)C_(4)`

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  69. If `""^((n+2))C_(7):""^((n-1))P_(4)=13:24` find n

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  70. A salad at a certain restaurant consists of 4 of the following fruits. Apple, banana, guava, pomegranate, grapes, papaya and pineapple. Find the total possible number of fruit salads.

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  71. A matematics club has 15 memebts.In that 8 are girls 6 of the members are to be selected for a competition and half of them should be girls. How many ways of these selections are possible?

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  72. In rating 20 brands of cars, a car magazine picks a first, second, third, fourth and fifth bestbrand and then 7 more as acceptable.In how many ways can it be done?

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  73. From a class of 25 students, 10 students are to be chosen for an excursion party. There are 4 students who decise that either all of them will join ornone of them will join. In how many ways can the excursion party be chosen?

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  74. A box of one dozen apple contais a rotten apple.If we are choosing 3 apples simultaneously, in how many ways one can get only good apples.

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  75. An exam paper contains 8 question 4 in part A and 4 in part B. Examiners are required to answer 5 questions. In how many ways can this be done if
    There are no restrictions of choosing a number of questions in either parts.

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  76. An exam paper contains 8 question 4 in part A and 4 in part B. Examiners are required to answer 5 questions. In how many ways can this be done if
    At least two questions from Part A must be answered.

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  77. Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many strings of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can be formed?

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  78. Find the number of strings of 5 letters that can be formed with the letters of the word PROPOSITION

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  79. If a set of m parallel lines intersect another set of n parallel lines (not parallel to the lines in the first set), then the find the number of parallelograms formed in this lattice structure.

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  80. How many diagonals are there in a polygon with n sides?

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  81. By the principle of mathematical induction, prove that for all integers `nge1`,

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  82. Prove that the sum of first n positive odd numbers is `n^(2)`.

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  83. By the principle of mathematical induction, prove that for all integers `n ge 1`

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  84. Using the Mathematical induction, show that for any natural number n,

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  85. Prove that the for any natural number `n,a^(n)-b^(n)` is divisible by a-b where `a gt b`

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  86. Prove that `3^(2n+2)-8n-9` is divisible by 8 for all `n ge 1`

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  87. Using the Mathematical induction show that for any integer
    `n ge 2, 3n^(2)gt(n+1)^(2)`

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  88. Using the Mathematical induction, show that for any integer
    `n ge 2, 3^(n)gt n^(2)`

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  89. By the principle of mathematical induction prove that for `n in NN`
    `cos alpha+cos (alpha+beta)+cos (alpha+2beta)+………+cos (alpha+(n-1)beta)=cos(alpha+((n-1)beta)/2)xx(sin((n beta)/2))/(sin((beta)/2))`

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  90. Using the Mathematical induction, show that for any natual number n, with the assumption `i^(2)=-1`
    `(r(cos theta +I sin theta))^(n)=r^(n)(cos n theta+I sin n theta)`

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