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Complete Solutions to Example of chapter WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions7
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Given below are some examples of wave motion. State in each case if the wave motion is transverse , longitudinal or a combination of both:
    (a) Motion of a kink in a longitudinal spring produced by displacing one end of the spring sideways.
    (b) Waves produced in a cylinder containing a liquid by moving its piston back and forth.
    (c) Waves produced by a motorboat sailing in water.
    (d) Ultrasonoic waves in air produced by a vibrating quartz crystal.

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  2. A wave travelling along a string is discribed by.
    `y(x,t) = 0.005 sin (80.0 x - 3.0 t)`.
    in which the numerical constants are in SI units `(0.005 m, 80.0 rad m^(-1), and 3.-0 rad s^(-1))`. Calculate (a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, and (c ) the period and frequency of the wave. Also, calculate the displacement y of the wave at a distance x = 30.0 cm and t = 20 s ?

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  3. A steel wire 0.72 m long has a mass of `5.0 xx 10^(-3) kg`. If the wire is under a tension of 60 N. What is the speed of transverse waves on the wire ?

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  4. Estimate the speed of sound in air at standard temperature and pressure. Athe mass of 1 mole of air is `29.0 xx 10^(-3) kg`.

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  5. A pipe, 30.0 cm long. Is open at both ends. Which harmonic mode of the pipe resonates a 1.1 kHz source? Will resonance with the same source be observed if one end of the pipe is closed ? Take the speed of sound in air as `330 m s^(-1)`.

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  6. Two sitar strings A and B playing the note .Dha. are slightly out of tune and produce beats of frequency 5 Hz. The tension of the string B is slightly increased and the beat frequency is found to decrease to 3 Hz. What is the original frequency of B if the frequency of A is 427 Hz ?

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  7. A rocket is moving at a speed of `200 m s^(-1)` towards a stationary target. While moving, it emits a wave of frequency 1000 Hz. Some of the sound reaching the target gets reflected back to the rocket as an echo. Calculate (1) the frequency of the sound as detected by the target and (2) the frequency of the echo as detected by the rocket.

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Example questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of NCERT PHYSICS(TELUGU) of Class 11

All Exercises from NCERT TELUGU Class 11 PHYSICS WAVES