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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter PARABOLA of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions82
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If the focus and vertex of a parabola are the points (0, 2) and (0, 4), respectively, then find the equation

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  2. Find the equation of the directrix of the parabola `x^2-4x-3y+10=0`

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  3. If the vertex of a parabola is the point `(-3,0)` and the directrix is the line `x+5=0` , then find its equation.

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  4. Find the angle made by a double ordinate of length `8a` at the vertex of the parabola `y^2=4a xdot`

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  5. Find the coordinates of points on the parabola `y^2=8x` whose focal distance is `4.`

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  6. An equilateral triangle is inscribed in the parabola `y^2=4a x` whose vertex is at of the parabola. Find the length of its side.

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  7. The coordinates of the focus of the parabola `x^(2)-4x-8y-4=0`

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  8. If `y_1, y_2, y_3` be the ordinates of a vertices of the triangle inscribed in a parabola `y^3=4a x ,` then show that the area of the triangle is `1/(8a)|(y_1-y_2)(y_2-y_3)(y_3-y_1)|dot`

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  9. The are of the triangel inscribed in the parabola `y^(2)=4x` the ordinates of whose vertices are 1, 2 and 4 square units, is

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  10. The length of the latusrectum of the parbola whose focus is (3, 3) and directrix 3x-4y-2=0, is

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  11. The length of the latus rectum of the parabola whose focus is `((u^2)/(2g)sin2alpha,-(u^2)/(2g)cos2alpha)` and directrix is `y=(u^2)/(2g)` is `(u^2)/gcos^2alpha` (b) `(u^2)/gcos^2 2alpha` `(2u^2)/gcos^2 2alpha` (d) `(2u^2)/gcos^2alpha`

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  12. PQ is a double ordinate of a parabola `y^2=4a xdot` Find the locus of its points of trisection.

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  13. If the segment intercepted by the parabola `y=4a x` with the line `l x+m y+n=0` subtends a right angle at the vertex, then `4a l+n=0` (b) `4a l+4a m+n=0` `4a m+n=0` (d) `a l+n=0`

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  14. The length of a focal chord of the parabola `y^2=4ax` making an angle `theta` with the axis of the parabola is `(a> 0)`is`:`

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  15. Show that the parametric point `(2+t^(2),2t+1)` represents a parabola. Show that its vertex is (2,1).

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  16. The ratio in which the line segment joining the point (4, -6) and (3, 1) si divided by the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` is

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  17. If (a, b) is the midpoint of a chord passing through the vertex of the parabola `y^2 = 4x`, then (A) `a=2b` (B) `2a=b` (C) `a^2=2b` (D) `2a=b^2`

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  18. If the vertex and focus of a parabola are (3, 3) and (-3, 3) resepectively, then its equation, is

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  19. The locus of the middle points of the focal chord of the parabola `y^(2)=4ax`, is

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  20. If `y_(1),y_(2)` are the ordinates of two points P and Q on the parabola and `y_(3)` is the ordinate of the intersection of tangents at P and Q, then

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  21. If the line` x + y = 1 `touches the parabola `y^2-y + x = 0`, then the coordinates of the point of contact are:

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  22. The locus of foot of the perpendiculars drawn from the vertex on a variable tangent to the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` is

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  23. The equation to the line touching both the parabolas `y^2 =4x` and `x^2=-32y` is

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  24. If `t` is the parameter for one end of a focal chord of the parabola `y^2 =4ax,` then its length is :

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  25. Find the equation of normal to the parabola `y^2=4ax`at point `(at^2, 2at)`

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  26. The normal at the point `P(ap^2, 2ap)` meets the parabola `y^2= 4ax` again at `Q(aq^2, 2aq)` such that the lines joining the origin to P and Q are at right angle. Then (A) `p^2=2` (B) `q^2=2` (C) `p=2q` (D) `q=2p`

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  27. The length of the subnormal to the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` at any point is equal to

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  28. The two parabolas `y^(2)=4x" and "x^(2)=4y` intersect at a point P, whose abscissas is not zero, such that

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  29. A set of parallel chords of the parabola `y^2=4a x` have their midpoint on any straight line through the vertex any straight line through the focus a straight line parallel to the axis another parabola

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  30. Find the point on the curve `y^2=a x` the tangent at which makes an angle of 45^0 with the x-axis.

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  31. The line `2x+y+lamda=0` is a normal to the parabola `y^(2)=-8x,` is `lamda`=

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  32. Find the angle at which the parabolas `y^2=4x` and `x^2=32 y` intersect.

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  33. The normal at `(a,2a)` on `y^2 = 4ax` meets the curve again at `(at^2, 2at)`. Then the value of `t=`

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  34. If a chord which is normal to the parabola at one end subtend a right angle at the vertex, then angle to the axis is

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  35. Find the equations of the normals at the ends of the latus- rectum of the parabola `y^2= 4ax.` Also prove that they are at right angles on the axis of the parabola.

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  36. The normal at the point `P(ap^2, 2ap)` meets the parabola `y^2= 4ax` again at `Q(aq^2, 2aq)` such that the lines joining the origin to P and Q are at right angle. Then (A) `p^2=2` (B) `q^2=2` (C) `p=2q` (D) `q=2p`

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  37. If the normals at points `t_1a n dt_2` meet on the parabola, then `t_1t_2=1` (b) `t_2=-t_1-2/(t_1)` `t_1t_2=2` (d) none of these

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  38. If the normals at two points P and Q of a parabola `y^2 = 4ax` intersect at a third point R on the curve, then the product of ordinates of P and Q is (A) `4a^2` (B) `2a^2` (C) `-4a^2` (D) `8a^2`

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  39. The angle between the tangents drawn from the origin to the paraboala `y^(2)=4a(x-a)`, is

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  40. The angle between the tangents drawn from the point (-a, 2a) to `y^2`=4ax is

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  41. The angle between the tangents to the parabola `y^2=4a x` at the points where it intersects with the line `x-y-a=0` is `pi/3` (b) `pi/4` (c) `pi` (d) `pi/2`

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  42. P(-3, 2) is one end of focal chord PQ of the parabola `y^2+4x+4y=0`. Then the slope of the normal at Q is

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  43. If `x=my+c` is a normal to the parabola `x^(2)=4ay`, then the value of c, is

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  44. Find the equations of the tangent and the normal to the given curve at the indicated point :
    `y^(2) = 4ax " at " ((a)/(m^(2)), (2a)/(m))`

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  45. f the normal at the point `P (at_1, 2at_1)` meets the parabola `y^2=4ax` aguin at `(at_2, 2at_2),` then

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  46. If the vertex of the parabola `y=x^(2)-8x+c` lies on x-axis, then the value of c, is

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  47. If the chord `y = mx + c` subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola `y^2 = 4ax`, thenthe value of c is

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  48. The equation of the tangent at the vertex of the parabola `x^(2)+4x+2y=0,` is

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  49. The locus of the point of intersection of the perpendicular tangents to the parabola `x^2=4ay` is .

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  50. If `y=2x+3` is a tangent to the parabola `y^2=24 x ,` then find its distance from the parallel normal.

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  51. If the normal at(1, 2) on the parabola `y^(2)=4x` meets the parabola again at the point `(t^(2), 2t)` then the value of t, is

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  52. The normals at three points `P,Q,R` of the parabola `y^2=4ax` meet in `(h,k)` The centroid of triangle `PQR` lies on `(A) `x=0` (B) `y=0` (C) `x=-a` (D) `y=a`

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  53. If the point P(4, -2) is the one end of the focal chord PQ of the parabola `y^(2)=x,` then the slope of the tangent at Q, is

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  54. If `P S Q` is a focal chord of the parabola `y^2=8x` such that `S P=6` , then the length of `S Q` is 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) none of these

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  55. The angle between the normals to the parabola `y^(2)=24x` at points (6, 12) and (6, -12), is

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  56. Find the equation of the common tangent of `y^2=4a x` and `x^2=4a ydot`

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  57. The equation of the common tangent touching the circle `(x-3)^2+y^2=0` and the parabola `y^2=4x` above he x-axis is

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  58. The length of the subtangent to the parabola `y^(2)=16x` at the point whose abscissa is 4, is

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  59. if P is a point on parabola `y^2=4ax` such that subtangents and subnormals at P are equal, then the coordinates of P are:

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  60. The normal to the parabola `y^(2)=8ax` at the point (2, 4) meets the parabola again at the point

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  61. The graph represented by `x=sin^2t, y=2cost` is

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  62. The subtangent, ordinate and subnormal to the parabola `y^2 = 4ax` are in

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  63. f the normal at the point `P (at_1, 2at_1)` meets the parabola `y^2=4ax` aguin at `(at_2, 2at_2),` then

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  64. The equation of the parabola whose vertex is at(2, -1) and focus at(2, -3), is

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  65. The ends of a line segment are `P(1, 3) and Q(1,1)`, R is a point on the line segment PQ such that `PR : QR=1:lambda`.If R is an interior point of the parabola `y^2=4x` then

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  66. The vertex of the parabola `y^2+6x-2y+13=0` is

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  67. The Cartesian equation of the directrix of the parabola whose parametrix equations are `x=2t+1, y=t^(2)+2`, is

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  68. If the vertex of a parabola is (0, 2) and the extremities of latusrectum are (-6, 4) and (6, 4) then, its equation, is

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  69. A line L passing through the focus of the parabola `(y-2)^(2)=4(x+1)` intersects the two distinct point. If m be the slope of the line I,, then

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  70. Let `y=f(x)` be a parabola, having its axis parallel to the y-axis, which is touched by the line `y=x` at `x=1.` Then, `2f(0)=1-f^(prime)(0)` (b) `f(0)+f^(prime)(0)+f^(0)=1` `f^(prime)(1)=1` (d) `f^(prime)(0)=f^(prime)(1)`

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  71. If two tangents drawn from the point `(alpha,beta)` to the parabola `y^2=4x` are such that the slope of one tangent is double of the other, then prove that `alpha=2/9beta^2dot`

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  72. The angle between the tangents drawn form the point (3, 4) to the parabola `y^(2)-2y+4x=0`, is

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  73. set of values of m for which a chord of slope m of the circle `x^2 + y^2 = 4` touches parabola `y^2= 4x`, may lie in intervel

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  74. The mid-point of the line joining the common points of the line `2x-3y+8=0" and "y^(2)=8x,` is

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  75. Tangents PQ and PR are draqn to the parabola `y^(2)=20(x+5)" and "y^(2)=60(x+15)` respectively such that `/_RPQ=pi/2,` the locus of point P, is

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  76. `PC` is the normal at P to the parabola `y^2=4ax, C` being on the axis. `CP` is produced outwards to disothat `PQ =CP` ; show that the locus of Q is a parabola.

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  77. From a fixed point A three normals are drawn to the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` at the points P, Q and R. Two circles `C_(1)" and "C_(2)` are drawn on AP and AQ as diameter. If slope of the common chord of the circles `C_(1)" and "C_(2)` be `m_(1)` and the slope of the tangent to teh parabola at R be `m_(2)`, then `m_(1)xxm_(2)`, is equal to

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  78. The tangent to the parabola `y=x^2` has been drawn so that the abscissa `x_0` of the point of tangency belongs to the interval [1,2]. Find `x_0` for which the triangle bounded by the tangent, the axis of ordinates, and the straight line `y=x0 2` has the greatest area.

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  79. A circle drawn on any focal AB of the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` as diameter cute the parabola again at C and D. If the parameters of the points A, B, C, D be `t_(1), t_(2), t_(3)" and "t_(4)` respectively, then the value of `t_(3),t_(4)`, is

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  80. Let F be the focus of the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` and M be the foot of perpendicular form point `P(at^(2), 2at)` on the tangent at the vertex. If N is a point on the tangent at P, then `(MN)/(FN)"equals"`

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  81. The focus of a parabola is (0, 0) and vertex (1, 1). If two mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to a parabola from the circle `(x-2)^(2)+(y-3)^(2)=r^(2)`,then

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  82. The point P on the parabola `y^(2)=4ax` for which | PR-PQ | is maximum, where R(-a, 0) and Q (0, a) are two points,

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter PARABOLA of DHANPAT RAI & CO MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11