Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
P BAHADUR | Exercise 3B |
Number Of Questions | 19 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Select the correct statements :
Which sets of quantum no. are consistent with the thory ?
Which statements are correct ?
An electron jumps from nth level to the first level .The correct face (s) about H atomic is//are
Many elements have non-integral atomic masses because
When alpha particle are sent through a thin metal foil ,most of them go straight through the foil because
Which fo the following statement (s) is are correct ?
Decrease in atomic mnumber is boserved during :
A metal surface having ` v_0` as threshode frequency is incident by light of frequency (v) then select the correct :
Which of the following reflectst the wave nature of light ?
The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition ` n_1 rar n_2` wher `n_1` and ` n_2` are the principal quuantum numbers fo the two states . Assume the Bohr model to gbe veloid the time pertiod fo the electron in the initial state is eight times that tin the final state . The posible velues of ` n_1` and `n_2` are :
Which fo the following product in a hdrogen atom are independent fo the principal quantum bumber (n) ?
Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature fo light because :
In which of the following situations, the heavier of the two particles has smaller de broglie wavelength ? The two particle
Ionisation enrgy of a h-like ion (A) is greater than that of another H-like ion (B) Let r, u, e and (L) represent the radius fo the orbit speeed of the electron , energy of the atom and orbital angualr momentum of the electron repectively . In groun state :
The mangnitue of spin angular momentum of electron is givenby :
A photon of wavelenght is ` 4.0 xx 10^(-7) m` strikes on a mnetal surfce , the work function of metal being ` 3. 4xx 10^(-19) J`. Select the correct statyements :
Select the incrorect statement (s) :
Select the correct statements (s) :
Exercise 3B questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE of P BAHADUR CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11