Complete Solutions to CASE PROBLEM of chapter SOURCES OF BUSINESS FINANCE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Trinity Ltd. Is a company which manufactures blankets. The company needs addition capita for exansion of business. So it issue 50,000 shares of the face value of Rs. 100 each. Before, issuing shares the management of the company decided that they would issue such shares which will not impose any fixed financial charges. In the processus they investors woul be able to earn extra dividends. Teh company collected money from the public and the company' s business expanded.
    Identify and explain the type of shares issued by Trinity Ltd.

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  2. Radhika Ltd. Has good growth prospects . So it si planning to expand their business. For this the company needs addtional funds. The finance manger reports that the company is not in a positionto bear extra burden of paying any fixed inancial charges like intrest or divident. They do not want to bear any flotation costs even. Alos, the equity shareholders insists not to issue further shares as there is risk of dilution of control.
    Suggest and expalin the source of finance most suitable for Radhika Ltd.

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  3. Krishana Pvt. Ltd. Is facintg the shortages of long-term finance as it is a period of depression in the economy.
    The experts were consultd determine the source of finance the company should raise. One financial advisor, Mr. Ram, adviser that the company should use such a security on which it has a tax advantage and there is no dilution of controle of the shareholders. another finance specialist, Mr. Shiv advised that the company should not issued any debt or equity security but raise such a source of long-term finance which can be redeemed in easy instalments.
    Ouoting the relevant lines form the above para, identify and exaplain the source of finance sugested by the two specialists, Mr. Ram and Mr. Shiv

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  4. A seminanwas held in New York on the problesm of finance. It topic was The Different Finance Sources availabe at the Global Level in the Modern Contex'200 representatives from different countries participated in this seminar. All the representatives their respective opinions. Once of the source of finance discussed in the semina was such through which the foreign companies could issue their securities in India. Looking at the great psoobilities of obtaining capital from the investors in India, of them showed a great inteste in the discussion of the source. Another source of finance which created interst in everyone was the source through which money could be obtained very big area, the number of people who took interst in it was alos, large. One of the the Indial representatives threw light on the special characteristics of this source . His presentation was appreciated by one all. In the final session of hte seminar, the discussion took place on such a source of finace which could be used only in America. in the end of the seminar, the organisera thanked all the guests, and the seminar came to a succesful conclusion.
    In the above paragraphs, three internation sources of finance were discusses. Ouoting the relevant lines identift those and explain them .

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  5. Madhave Sales Pvt. Ltd owns the energy of different food products, which sells goods of different brands to retailers after purchasing them from several companies . It purchases almost all goods for cash while its all sales are on credit of the one months. So the company keeps struggling witht eh short tern finance. To overcome this problem, the company's finace departement held a metting. the chariperson of the meeting asked the memebers of thier views on the solution of this problem. The first person said, '' we should use a source of finance which does nto involve any bureaucracy and legal problems and the market of which maintains secrecty.'' The second person's opinion was that the comapny often needs cash credit and overdraft. therefore, the source of the finace should selected considering this facts. The view of the third person was that the company alos should buy goods on credit. The chariperson of the meeting listened to the suggestion of all and, to take the final decision, asked them to be present in a meeting the next week.
    Ouoting the relevant lines from the above para, identify and explain the source of finance as suggestedby different person.

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  6. Subham Ltd. Has decided to exonad its proeduction capacity by modernising its plant and machinery at an estimated cost Rs. 2 corore. IT does not have adequate reserves to finace the expansion. Suggest any four source for the company.

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  7. Shobhit has Rs. 50,000 for investement purpose. Should he invest in equity shares, preferece shares, public deposits or debentures ? Justy your answer.

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  8. The Direction of Sheetsl Ltd. Have decided to expand the business activities by increasing the stock of the compnay, advise the directors about the various methods open to the company to raise necessary finance for this purpose

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  9. A company needs to increase its stock of raw material and finished goods, which will required funds of Rs. 40 lakh. What are the various options available with company to finnace this amount? Explain.

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