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Complete Solutions to Advanced problems of chapter SOLID STATE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPAdvanced problems
Number Of Questions19
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A bcc lattic is made up of hollow spheres of X. spheres of soldid 'Y,' are present in hollow spheres of X. The radius of 'Y' is half of the radius of 'X' . Calculate the ratio of the total volume of spherees of 'X' unoccupied by Y in a unit cell and volume of the unit cell ?

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  2. A metal crystallizes into two cubic phases, face-centred cubic and body-centred cubic, which have unit cell lengths `3.5` and `3.0 A`, respectively. Calculate the ration of densities of fcc and bcc.

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  3. The density of solid argon is `1.65g//mL ` at `-233^(@)C` . If the argon atom is assumed to be sphere of radius `1.54xx10^(-8)cm`, what percentage of solid argon is apparentaly empty space ? `(At. Wt. of Ar=40)`

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  4. In the cubic crystal of `CsCl (d = 3.97 g cm^(-3))`, the eight corners are occupied by `Cl^(Θ)` with a `Cs^(o+)` at the centre and vice versa. Calculate the distance between the neighbouring `Cs^(o+)` and `Cl^(Θ)` ions. What is the radius of the two ions? (`Aw` of `Cs = 132.91` and `Cl = 35.45)`

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  5. An ionic compound AB has a rock salt structure with A :B = 1:1. the formula mass of AB is 6.023 y amu and the closest A-B distance is ` y^(1//3)` nm.
    (a) Calculate the density of the attice.
    (b) If the observed density of the lattice is found to be ` 20 " kg m"^(-3) ` . then predict the type of defect.

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  6. An element crystallises in `f.c.c.` lattice having edge length `400 p m`. Calculate the maximum diameter, which can be placed in interstitial sites without disturbing the structure.

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  7. In diamond lattice, all attice point and alternate tetrahedral voids are occupied by carbon atoms.
    if diamond crystallizes in fcc form with edge length 'a' find out .
    (b) distance between the next nearest neighbours.

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  8. A metallic crystal cystallizes into a lattice containing a sequence of layers `ABABAB…`. Any packing of spheres leaves out voids in the lattice. What percentage by volume of this lattice is empty spece?

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  9. Calculate the distance between (111) planes in a crystal of calcium. Repeat the calculation for (222) planes. Which palnes are closer ? (a = 0.556 nm)

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  10. Determine the miller indices of the shaded plane. Coordinates of the corner of the plane

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  11. The coordinate of the three corners of a shaded face on a cubic unit cell are ` (1/2 , 1/2 ,1) , ( 0,1, 1/2) and ( 1,1, 1/2)` as shown in the figure. Determine the Miller indices of the plane.

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  12. The density of sodium chloride at `25^(@)C "is" 2.163 xx 10 ^(3) " kg m" ^(-3)` When X -rays rom a palladium target having waveleth of 58.1 pm are used, the (200) reflection of sodium chloride occurs at an angle of ` 5.90^(@)` . How many `Na^(+) and Cl^(-)` ions are present in the unit cell ? ( Molar mass of NaCl = 58.5 `" mol" ^(-1) sin 5.9 ^(@) = 0.1028)`

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  13. What fraction (n/N) of the lattice sites are vacant at 298 K for a crystal in which the energy required to make a defect is 1 eV.`(1 eV = 1.602 xx 10^(-19) J)`

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  14. Metallic magnesium has a hexagonal close packed structure and a density of `1.74 g//cm^3`. Assuming magnesium atoms to be spherical, calculate the volume of each atom and atomic radius of Mg atom (Atomic mass of Mg =24)

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  15. Calculate the packing fraction and density of diamond if a = 3.57Å . Diamond crystallizes in fcc lattice with some more carbon atoms in alternate tetrahedral voids.

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  16. Calculate the packing effeciency of a fcc crystal in which all the tetrahedral and octahedral voids are occupied by the largest spheres without disturibing the lattice.

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  17. Using X -rays of wavelength 154.1 pm and staring from the glancing angle, the reflection fro sliver crystal was found to occur at ` theta = 22.20^(@)`. Calculate the spacing between the planes of Ag atoms that gave rise to the above reflection. `(sin 22.20^(@) = 0.3778)`

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  18. A reflaction from (111) planes of a cubic crystal was observed ad at a glancing angle of ` 11.2^(@)` when X -rays of wavelength 154 pm were used. What is the length of the side of the unit cell ? `( sin 11.2^(@) = 0.1944)`

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  19. When an electron in an excited state of Mo atom falls L to K -shell, an X -ray is emitted. These X -rays are diffranted at angle of ` 7.75^(@)` by planes with a sepration of 2.64Å . What is the difference in energy between K-shelll and L -shell in Mo, assuming a first order diffraction ? ` ( sin 7.75^(@) = 0.1349)

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Advanced problems questions and complete solutions for chapter SOLID STATE of PRADEEP CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11