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Complete Solutions to NCERT QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES WITH ANSWERS of chapter EQUILIBRIUM IN PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROCESSES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapour in a sealed container at a fixed temperature. The volume of the container is suddenly increased.
    a. what is the initial effect of the change on vapour pressure?
    b. How do rates of evaporation and condensation change initially?
    c. What happens when equilibrium is restored finally and what will be the final vapour pressure?

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  2. What is `K_(c )` for the following equilibrium concentration of each substance is:
    `[SO_(2)]=0.60 M, [O_(2)]=0.82 M` and `[SO_(3)]=1.90 M`?

    `2SO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g) hArr 2SO_(3)(g)`

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  3. At a certain temperature and a total pressure of `10^(5)` Pa, iodine vaour contain 40% by volume of iodine atmos `[I_(2) (g) hArr 2 I (g) ]. " Calculate " K_(p)` for the equilibrium.

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  4. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant `K_(c )` for each of the following reactions:
    a. `2NOCl(g) hArr 2NO(g)+Cl_(2)(g)`
    b. `2Cu(NO_(3))_(2)(s) hArr 2CuO(s)+4NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    c. `CH_(3)COOC_(2)H_(5)(aq)+H_(2)O(1) hArr CH_(3)COOH(aq)+C_(2)H_(5)OH(aq)`
    d. `Fe^(3+)(aq)+3OH^(Θ)(aq) hArr Fe(OH)_(3)(s)`
    e. `I_(2)(s)+5F_(2) hArr 2IF_(5)`

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  5. Find out the value of `K_(c )` for each of the following equilibrium from the value of `K_(p)`:
    a. `2NOCl(g) hArr 2NO(g)+Cl_(2)(g), K_(p)=1.8xx10^(-2)` at `500 K`
    b. `CaCO_(3)(s) hArr CaO(s)+CO_(2)(g), K_(p)=167` at `1073 K`

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  6. For the following equilibrium, `K_(c )=6.3xx10^(14) at 1000 K`
    `NO(g)+O_(3)(g) hArr NO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g)`
    Both the forward and reverse reactions in the equilibrium are elementary bimolecular reactions. What is `K_(c )`, for the reverse reaction?

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  7. Explain why pure liquids and solids can ignored while writing the equilibrium constant expression?

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  8. Reaction between nitrogen and oxygen takes place as following:
    If a mixture of `0.482 "mole" N_(2)` and `0.933 "mole"` of `O_(2)` is placed in a reaction vessel of volume `10 litre` and allowed to form `N_(2)O` at a temperature for which `K_(c)=2.0xx10^(-37)litre mol^(-1)`. Determine the composition of equilibrium mixture.

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  9. Nitric oxide reacts with bromine and gives nitrosyl-bromide as per reaction given below:
    When `0.087 "mole"` of `NO` and `0.0437 "mole"` of `Br_(2)` are mixed in a closed container at constant temperature, `0.0518 "mole"` of `NOBr` is obtained at equilibrium. Calculate equilibrium amount of nitric oxide and bromine.

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  10. At `450 K, K_(p)=2.0xx10^(10)//` bar for the given reaction at equilibrium.
    `2SO_(2)(g)+O_(2)(g) hArr 2SO_(3)(g)`
    What is `K_(c )` at this temperature?

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  11. A sample of `HI(g)` is placed in flask at a pressure of `0.2 atm`. At equilibrium. The partial pressure of `HI(g)` is `0.04 atm`. What is `K_(p)` for the given equilibrium?
    `2HI(g) hArr H_(2)(g)+I_(2)(g)`

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  12. A mixture of `1.57 mol` of `N_(2), 1.92 mol` of `H_(2)` and `8.13 mol` of `NH_(3)` is introduced into a `20 L` reaction vessel at `500 K`. At this temperature, the equilibrium constant `K_(c )` for the reaction `N_(2)(g)+3H_(2)(g) hArr 2NH_(3)(g)` is `1.7xx10^(2)`. Is the reaction mixture at equilibrium? If not, what is the direction of the net reaction?

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  13. The equilibrium constant expression for a gas reaction is :
    `K_(c) = ([NH_(3)]^4[O_(2)]^5)/([NO]^(4)[H_(2)O]^(6))`
    Write the balanced chemical equation corresponding to this expression.

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  14. One mole of `H_(2)O` and one mole of `CO` are taken in a `10 litre` vessel and heated to `725 K`. At equilibrium, `40 per cent` of water (by mass) reacts with carbon monoxide according to the equation,
    Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction.

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  15. At `700 K` equilibrium constant for the reaction, `H_(2(g))+I_(2(g))hArr2HI_((g))`
    is `54.8`. If `0.5 mol litre^(-1)` of `HI_((g))` is present at equilibrium at `700 K`, what are the concentrations of `H_(2(g))` and `I_(2(g))`, assuming that we initially started with `HI_((g))` and allowed it to reach equilibrium at `700 K`.

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  16. What is the equilibrium concentration of each of the substance in the equilibrium when the initial concentration of `ICl` was `0.78 M`?
    `2ICl(g) hArr I_(2)(g)+Cl_(2)(g), K_(c)=0.14`

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  17. `K_(p)=0.04 atm` at `899 K` for the equilibrium shown below. What is the equilibrium concentration of `C_(2)H_(6)` when it is placed in a flask at `4.0 atm` pressure and allowed to come to equilibrium?
    `C_(2)H_(6)(g) hArr C_(2)H_(4)(g)+H_(2)(g)`

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  18. Ethyl accetate is formed by the reaction between ethanol and acetic acid and the equilibrium is represented as :
    ` CH_(3) COOH (l) + C_(2) H_(5) OH (l) hArr CH_(3) COOC_(2) H_(5)(l) + H_(2)O (l).`

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  19. A sample of pure `PCl_(5)` was introduced into an evacuted vessel at `473 K`. After equilibrium was attained,concentration of `PCl_(5)` was found to be `0.5xx10^(-1)mol litre^(-1)`. If value of `K_(c)` is `8.3xx10^(-3) mol litre^(-1)`. What are the concentrations of `PCl_(3)` and `Cl_(2)` at equilibrium ?

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  20. One of the reaction that takes plece in producing steel from iron ore is the reduction of iron(II) oxide by carbon monoxide to give iron metal and `CO_(2)`.
    `FeO(s)+CO(g) hArr Fe(s)+CO_(2)(g), K_(p)=0.265` atm at `1050 K`
    What are the equilibrium partial pressure of `CO` and `CO_(2)` at `1050 K` if the partical pressure are: `p_(CO)=1.4 atm` and `p_(CO_(2))=0.80 atm`?

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  21. Equilibrium constant, `K_(c) " for the reaction" , N_(2) (g) + 3 H_(2) (g) hArr 2 NH_(3) (g) " at " 500 K " is " 0*061.` At a particular time, the analysis shows that composition of the reaction mixture is `3*0" mol "L^(-1) N_(2), 2*0 " mol "L^(-1) H_(2) and 5*0 "mol " L^(-1) NH_(3). ` Is the reaction at equilibrium ? If not , in which direction does the reaction tend to reach equilibrium ?

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  22. Bromine monochloride, `(BrCl)` decomposes into bromine and chlorine and reaches the equilibrium.
    For which `K_(c)=32` at `500 K`. If initially pure `BrCl` is present at a concentration of `3.30xx10^(-3) mol litre^(-1)`, what is its molar concentration in the mixture at equilibrium?

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  23. At `1127 K` and `1 atm` pressure, a gaseous mixture of `CO` and `CO_(2)` in equilibrium with solid carbon has `90.55% CO` by mass:
    Calculate `K_(c)` for the reaction at the above temperature.

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  24. Calculate `(a) DeltaG^(Theta)` and (b) the equilibrium constant for the formation of `NO_(2)` from NO and `O_(2)` at 298 K
    `NO(g) +1//2 O_(2) (g) hArr NO_(2)(g)` where
    `Delta_(f) G^(Theta) (NO_(2)) =52 .0 kJ//mol, Delta_(f) G^(Theta) (NO) =87.0 kJ//mol, Delta_(f) G^(Theta) (O_(2)) =0kJ//mol.`

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  25. Does the number of moles of reaction products increase , decrease or remain same when each of the folllowing equilibria is subjected to a decrease by increasing the volume ?

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  26. Which of the following reactions will get affected by increasing the pressure? Also, mention whether change will cause the reaction the reaction to go into forward of backward direction.
    a. `COCl_(2)(g) hArr CO(g)+Cl_(2)(g)`
    b. `CH_(4)(g)+2S_(2)(g) hArr CS_(2)(g)+2H_(2)S(g)`
    c. `CO_(2)(g)+C(s) hArr 2CO(g)`
    d. `2H_(2)(g)+CO(g) hArr CH_(3)OH(g)`
    e. `CaCO_(3)(s) hArr CaO(s)+CO_(2)(g)`
    f. `4NH_(3)(g)+5O_(2)(g) hArr 4NO(g)+6H_(2)O(g)`

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  27. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction is `1.6xx10^(5)` at `1024 K`
    `H_(2)(g)+Br_(2)(g) hArr 2HBr(g)`
    find the equilibrium pressure of all gases if `10.0` bar of `HBr` is introduced into a sealed container at `1024 K`.

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  28. Dihydrogen gas is obtained from natural gas by partial oxidation with steam as per following endothermic reaction:
    `CH_(4)(g)+H_(2)O(g) hArr CO(g)+3H_(2)(g)`
    a. Write an expression for K_(p) for the above reaction.
    b. How will the value of K_(p) and composition of equilibrium mixture be affected by
    i. Increasing the pressure
    ii. Increasing the temperature
    iii. Using a catalyst?

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  29. Decribe the effect of:
    a. Addition of `H_(2)`
    b. Addition of `CH_(3)OH`
    c. Removal of `CO`
    d. Removal of `CH_(3)OH`
    on the equilibrium of the reaction:
    `2H_(2)(g)+CO(g) hArr CH_(3)OH(g)`

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  30. At `473 K`, equilibrium constant `K_(c )` for decomposition of phosphorus pentachloride, `PCl_(5)` is `8.3xx10^(-3)`. If decomposition is depicted as,
    `PCl_(5)(g) hArr PCl_(3)(g)+Cl_(2)(g) Delta_(r)H^(Θ)=124.0 kJ mol^(-1)`
    a. Write an expression for `K_(c )` for the reaction.
    b. What is the value of `K_(c )` for the reverse reaction at the same temperature?
    c. What would be the effect on `K_(c )` if
    i. More `PCl_(5)` is added
    ii. Pressure is increased
    iii. The temperature is increased?

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  31. Dihydrogen gas used in Haber's process is produced by reacting methane from natural gas with high temperature steam. The first stage of the two `2` stage reaction involves the formation of `CO` and `H_(2)`. In second stage, `CO` formed in first stage is reacted with more steam in water gas shift reaction,
    `CO(g)+H_(2)O(g) hArr CO_(2)(g)+H_(2)(g)`
    If a reaction vessel at `400^(@)C` is charged with an equimolar mixture of `CO` and steam such that `p_(CO)=p_(H_(2)O)=4.0` bar, what will be the partial pressure of `H_(2)` at equilibrium? `K_(p)=0.1` at `400^(@)C`.

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  32. Predict which of the following reaction will have appreciable concentration of reactants and product : ` (a) Cl_(2) (g) hArr 2 Cl (g), K_(c) = 5 xx 10^(-39)`
    (b) ` Cl_(2) (g) = 2 NO (g) hArr 2 NOCl (g) , K_(c)= 3*7 xx 10^(8)`
    ( c ) ` Cl_(2) (g) + 2 NO_(2) (g) hArr 2 NO_(2)Cl (g) , K_(c) = 1*8`

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  33. The value of ` K_(c) " for the reaction , " 3 O_(2) (g) hArr 2 O_(3) (g) , "is " 2*0 xx 10^(-50) " at " 25^(@)C. " If the equilibrium concentration of " O_(2) " in air at " 25^(@)C " is " 1*6 xx 10^(-2), " What is the concentration of " O_(3) ? `

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  34. The reaction , `CO(g) + 3 H_(2) (g) hArr CH_(4) (g) + H_(2)O (g),` is at equilibrium at 1300 K in a 1 L flask. It also contains 0*30 mol of CO, 0*10 mol of `H_(2) and 0*02 " mol of " H_(2)O` and an unknown amount of `CH_(4) " in the flask. Determine the concentration of " CH_(4)` in the mixture. The equilibrium constant, `K_(c)`, for the reaction at the given temperature is` 3*90`.

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