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Complete Solutions to Multiple Choice Question of chapter REDOX REACTIONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

PRADEEPMultiple Choice Question
Number Of Questions84
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Oxidation state of `P` in `H_(4)P_(2)O_(5), H_(4)P_(2)O_(6), H_(4)P_(2)O_(7)` are respectively

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  2. The oxidation sates of iodine in `HIO_(4), H_(3)IO_(5)` and `H_(5)IO_(6)` are respectively :

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  3. Identify the cases(s) where there in change in oxidation number.

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  4. The correct order of N-compounds in its decreasing order of oxidation states is

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  5. In which of the following compounds, nitrogen exhibits highest oxidation state?

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  6. Which is the strongest acid in the following ?

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  7. The pair of compounds having metals in their highest oxidation state is .

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  8. The number of electrons that are involved in the reduction of permanganate to managanes (II) salt managanate and managanese dioxide respecitvely are

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  9. A metal ion `M^(3+)` loses three electrons , its oxidation number will be

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  10. The oxidate state of Co in `[Co(H_2O)_5Cl]^(2+)` is

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  11. Which of the following statements is correct

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  12. Which of the following processes does not involve oxidation of iron ?

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  13. Oxidation state of each CI in `CaOCI_(2)` is / are

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  14. The oxidation states of S atom in `S_(4)O_(6)^(2-)` from left to right respectively are

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  15. The oxidation numbers of the sulphur atoms in pcroxy- monosulphuric acid `(H_(2)SO_(5))` and peroxydisulphuric acid `(H_(2)S_(2)O_(8))` are respectively.

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  16. In acidic medium, `H_(2)O_(2)` changes `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` to `CrO_(5)` which has two (-O-O-) bonds. Oxidation state of Cr in `CrO_(5)` is

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  17. The oxidation state of chromium in the final product formed by the reaction between Kl and acidified potassium dichromate solution is `:`

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  18. Acidified `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution turns green when `Na_(2)SO_(3)` is added to it. This is due to the formation of

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  19. A mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and sulphuric acid is heated. During the reaction which element undergoes maximum change in the oxidation number?

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  20. Choose the disproportionation reaction among the following redox reactions.

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  21. Which of the following is an example of redox reaction ?

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  22. The reaction `3ClO^(-)(aq)rarrClO_(3)^(-)(aq)+2Cl^(-)(aq)` an example of :

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  23. When `CI_(2)` gas reacts with hot and concentrated sodium hydroxide solution ,the oxidation number of chlorine changes from:

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  24. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous `NaOH` gives phosphine along with another phosphorus containing compound. The reacation type, the oxidation states of phosphorus in phosphine and the other product are respectvely:

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  25. In which of the following compounds, carbon exhibits a valency of four but oxidation state of -2 ?

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  26. Hot concentrated sulpuric acis is a moderatly strong oxidizing agent. Which of the following reaction does not shwo oxidizing behaviour?

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  27. In the redox reaction `MnO_(4)^(-) +8H^(+)+Br^(-)rarrMn^(2+)+4H_(2)O+5//2br_(2)` which one is the reducing agent ?

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  28. The standard readuction potential at 298 k for the followng half cell reaction are
    `Zn^(2)+2e^(-)rarrZn(s),E^(@)=-0.7623 V`
    `Cr^(3+)(aq)+3e^(-)rarrCr(s),E^(@)=-0.70 v`
    `F_(2)+2e^(-)rarr 2f^(-)(aq)=2.87V`
    which of the following is the strongest reducing agent

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  29. Given `E_(Cl_(2)//Cl^(-))^(@)=1.36V,E_(Cr^(3+)//Cr)^(@)=-0.74V`
    Among the following, the strongest reducing agent is

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  30. Which of the following is a set of reducing agents ?

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  31. Which of the following species can functon as an oxidising as well as reducing agent ?

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  32. The pair of compounds that can exist together is:

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  33. Small quantities of compounds TX, TY and TZ are put into separate test tubes containing X, Y and Z solutions. TX does not react with any of these. TY reacts with both X and Z. TZ reacts only with X. The decreasing order of ease of oxidation of the anions `X^(-),Y^(-) and Z^(-)` is

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  34. Which of these will not be oxidised by ozone

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  35. When acidified `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` solution is added to `Sn^(2+)` salts then `Sn^(2+)` changes to

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  36. In the standardization of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` using `K_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)` by iodometry, th equivalent weight of `K_(2)Cr_(2)O` is

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  37. The equivalent mass of potassium permanganate in alkaline medium is

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  38. 21 Mol of `FeSO_(2)` (atomic weight of Fe is 55.84 g `mol^(-1))` is oxidized to `Fe_(2)(SO_(4))^(3)` calculate the equivalent weight of ferrous ion

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  39. If the moleucar wt of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` and `I_(2)` are `M_(1)` and `M_(2)` respectivly then what will be the equivalent wt of `Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` and `I_(2)` in the following reaction

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  40. `aK_(2)Cr_(2)O_(7)+bKCl+cH_(2)SO_(4)rarrxCrO_(2)Cl_(2)+yKHSO_(4)+zH_(2)O`
    The above equation balances when

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  41. In the redox reactin

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  42. `KMnO_(4)` acts as an oxidising agent in alkaline medium when alkaline `KMn_(4)` is treated with KI iodide ion is oxidised to

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  43. In the balanced chemical reaction
    `a, b,c`, and `d`, respectively, correspond to

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  44. In the following redox reaction,
    the value of coefficients x,y and z respectively, are

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  45. Consider the following reaction :
    `xMnO_(4)^(-)+yC_(2)O_(4)^(2-)+zH^(+) to xMn^(2+)+2yCO_(2)+(z)/(2)H_(2)O`
    The value of x, y and z in the reaction are, respectively.

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  46. For the redox reaction
    `MnO_(4)^(-) + C_(2)O_(4)^(2-) + H^(+) rarr Mn^(2+) + CO_(2) + H_(2)O`
    The correct coefficients of the reactants for the balanced reaction are

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  47. In aqueous alkaline solution two electron reduction of `HO_(2)^(-)` gives

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  48. For decolourisation of `1 "mol of" KMnO_(4)`, the moles of `H_(2)O_(2)` required is

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  49. The number of moles of `KMnO_(4)` reduced by `1 "mol of" KI` in alkaline medium is

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  50. The number of moles of `KMnO_(4)` needed to react with one mole of `SO_(3)^(2-)` in acidic solution is

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  51. Consider the titraton of potassium dichromate solution with acidfied mohr salt solution using dmiethylamine as incdicator the number of moles of mohr salt required per mole of dichromate

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  52. Number of moles of `MnO_(4)^(-)` required to oxidise one mole of ferrous oxalate completely in acidic medium will be

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  53. `3.92 g` of ferrous ammonium sulphate crystals are dissolved in `100 ml` of water, `20 ml` of this solution requires `18 ml` of `KMnO_(4)` during titration for complete oxidation. The weight of `KMnO_(4)` present in one litre of the solution is

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  54. `MnO_(4)^(-)` ions are reduced in acidic conditions to `Mn^(2+)` ions whereas they are reduced in neutral condition to `MnO_(2)`. The oxidation of 25 mL of a solution `x` containing `Fe^(2+)` ions required in acidic condition 20 mL of a solution y containing `MnO_(4)` ions. What value of solution y would be required to oxidize 25 mL of solution x containing `Fe^(2+)` ions in neutral condition ?

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  55. Stannous sulphate `(SnSO_(4))` and potassium permanganate are used as oxidising agents in acidic medium for oxidation of ferrrous ammnium sulphate to ferric sulphate. The ration of number of moles of stannous sulphate required per mole of ferrous ammonium sulphate to the number of moles of `KMnO_(4)` required per mole of ferrous ammonium sulphate, is:

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  56. How many mL of 0.125 M `Cr^(3+)` must be rected with 12.00 mL of 0.200 M `MnO_(4)^(-)` if the redox products are `Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)` and `Mn^(2+)` ?

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  57. Assuming complete ionization, same moles of which of the following compounds will require the least amount of acidified `KMnO_(4)` for complete oxidation ?

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  58. Zine can be coated on iron to produce galvanize3d iron but the reverse is not possible it is because

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  59. If a half cell `A+E^(-)rarrA^(-)` has a large negative potential it follows that

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  60. A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1M `Y^(-)` and 1M `Z^(-)` at `25^(@)C`. If the reduction potential of `ZgtYgtX`, then

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  61. Given
    `E_(cr^(3+)//Cr)^(0)=-0.74 V, E_(MnO_(4)//Mn^(2+))^(0)=1.51 cm`
    `E_(Cr_(2)O_(7)^(2-)//Cr^(3+))^(0)=1.33 V, E_(Cl//Cl^(-))^(0)=1.36 V`
    Based on the data given above, strongest oxidising agent will be:

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  62. Using tha data given below is reducing potenial.
    `E_(Cr_2O_7^(2-)//Cr^(3+))^@`=1.33 V , `E_(Cl_2//Cl^-)^@`=1.36 V
    `E_(MnO_4^(-)//Mn^(2+))^@`=1.51 V , `E_(Cr^(3+) // Cr)^@` =- 0.74 V
    find out which of the following is the strongest oxidising agent.

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  63. Standard electrode potentials are
    `Fe^(2+)//Fe, E^(@) = -0.44 V`
    `Fe^(3+)//Fe^(2+), E^(@) = +0.77 V`
    If `Fe^(3+), Fe^(2+)`, and Fe block are kept together, then

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  64. Standard electrode potential of three metal `X, Y` and `Z` are `-1.2 V, +0.5 V` and `-3.0 V` respectively. The reducing power of these metals will be:

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  65. On the basis of the following `E^(@)` values, the stongest oxidizing agent is `[Fe(CN)_(6)]^(4-) rarr [Fe(CN)_(6)]^(3-)+e^(-), E^(@) = -0.35 V`
    `Fe^(2+) rarr Fe^(3+)+e^(-), E^(@) = -0.77 V`

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  66. Standard reduction potentails of the half reactions are given below:
    `F_(2)(g)+2e^(-) rarr 2F^(-)(aq.),, E^(ɵ)= +2.87`
    `Cl_(2)(g)+2e^(-) rarr 2Cl^(-)(aq.),, E^(ɵ)= +1.36 V`
    `Br_(2)(g)+2e^(-) rarr 2Br^(-)(aq.),, E^(ɵ)= +1.09 V`
    `I_(2)(s)+2e^(-) rarr 2l^(-)(aq.),, E^(ɵ)= +0.54 V`
    The strongest oxidizing and reducing agents respectively are:

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  67. The products formed when an aqueous solution of `NaBr` is electrolysed in a cell having inert electrodes are `:`

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  68. In the electrolysis of aqueous solutoin of copper suphate using copper stirps as anode and cathode the anode rection is

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  69. Which of the following statement is / are true for an electronchemical cell ?

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  70. Consider the following relations for `emf` of a electrochemical cell
    (i) emf of cell = (Oxidation potential of anode)-(Reduction potential of cathode)
    (ii) emf of cell = (Oxidation potential of anode)+(Reduction potential of cathode)
    (iii) emf of cell = (Reduction potential of anode)+(Reduction potential of cathode)
    (iv) emf of cell = (Oxidation potential of anode)-(Oxidation potential of cathode)
    Which of the above realtions are correct?

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  71. For a standard cell
    `Zn(s)|Zn^(2+)(1 M)||Cu^(2+)(1 M)|Cu(s)`
    Write the electrode reaction and cell reaction. Also find the e.m.f. of cell if ?
    `E_(Zn^(2+)|Zn)^(@)=-0.76" V",`
    `E_(Cu^(2+)|Cu)^(@)=+0.34" V"`.

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  72. The emf of the cell involving the following reaction, `2Ag^(+) +H_(2) rarr 2Ag +2H^(+)` is `0.80` volt. The standard oxidation potential of silver electrode is:-

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  73. The oxidation potentials of Zn, Cu, Ag, `H_(2)` and Ni are 0.76, -0.34, 0.80, 0 and 0.25 volt respectively. Which of the following reactions will provide maximum voltage ?

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  74. Consider the redox reaction

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  75. Which of the following statements about the following reaction is`//`are Wrong?

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  76. For the reaction : `I^(-)+ClO_(3)^(-)+H_(2)SO_(4) to Cl^(-)+HSO_(4)^(-)+I_(2)`
    The correct statement(s) in the balanced equation is/are:

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  77. Which of the following act both as an oxidising as well as reducing agent ?

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  78. Which of the following substances undergo(s) disproportionation reactions under basic medium?

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  79. A 2.5 mol of hydrazine `N_(2)H_(4)` loses 25 mole of electrons is being converted to a new compound X. Assuming that all of the nitrogen appears in the new compound, what is the oxidation state of nitrogen in compound X ?

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  80. The concept of oxidation number (O.N) is very important in under standing redox reaction s it helps to identify the oxidant / reductant in a redox reaction it also helps to (i) find oiut the possible molecular formula of any neutral compound and (ii) to balance redox reaction
    A compound contains atoms of three elements A b and c if the oxidation umber of A is + 2 B is +5 and that of C is -2 the possible formula of the compund is

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  81. The concept of oxidation number (O.N) is very important in under standing redox reaction s it helps to identify the oxidant / reductant in a redox reaction it also helps to (i) find oiut the possible molecular formula of any neutral compound and (ii) to balance redox reaction
    when copper is treated with a certain concentraton of nitric acid oxide and nitrogen dioxide are liberated in equal volume according to the equation
    the coefficeents of x and y are

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  82. The concept of oxidation number (O.N) is very important in under standing redox reaction s it helps to identify the oxidant / reductant in a redox reaction it also helps to (i) find oiut the possible molecular formula of any neutral compound and (ii) to balance redox reaction
    A compound contains atoms of three elements A b and c if the oxidation umber of A is + 2 B is +5 and that of C is -2 the possible formula of the compund is

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  83. Bleaching powder and bleach solution are produced on a large scale and used in several hous-hold products. The effectiveness of bleach solution id often measured by iodometry.
    Bleaching powder contains a salt of an oxoacid as one of its components. The anhydride of that oxoacid is:

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  84. Bleaching powder and bleach solution are produced on a large scale and used in several hous-hold products. The effectiveness of bleach solution id often measured by iodometry.
    `25 mL` of household bleach solution was mixed with `30 mL` of `0.50 M KI` and `10 mL` of `4N` acetic acid. In the titration of the liberated iodine, `48 mL` of `0.25 N Na_(2)S_(2)O_(3)` was used to reach the end point. The molarity of the household bleach solution is :

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Multiple Choice Question questions and complete solutions for chapter REDOX REACTIONS of PRADEEP CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11