Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
R SHARMA | Follow-up Test |
Number Of Questions | 100 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Cathod rays are not waves but are composed of electrically charged particles as they are deflected by
Thomson found that cathode rays move at about__________the speed of light.
An electron is a fundamental subatomic particle which carries one unit negative charge and has a mass nearly equal to `1//186` the mass of an_______atom.
The forerunner of today's television tube is the
A strong fluoresence, i.e., emission of light is observed is bombarded by the electrons.
Canal ray particles have `e//m` ratio many times smaller than those of electrons due to their
When difference elements are present in the discharged tube positive ions with different_______are observed.
(i) charges (ii) masses (iii) `e//m` ratios
In Millikan's experiment, static electric charge on the oil droplets two obtained by shining `X` rays. If the static electric charges on an oil drople is `-1.282xx10^(-18)C`, the number of electrons captured by the droplet is
Which of the following forces act on oil drops in Millikan's experiment?
It is possible to take an `X` ray photograph (radiograph) of the bones of a living person because
Which of the following is incorrect?
Alpha `(alpha)` particles are
Studies on the phenomenon of radioactivity supported the conclusion that the
(i) atom was divisible
(ii) atom could spilt into netural particles
(iii) atom could split into charged particles
(iv) atom was indivisible
Which of the following is incorrect for Thomson's model of the atom?
Rutherford's experiment on the scattering of `alpha` particles slowed for the first time that the atom has
Rutherford's scattering experiment is related to the________of the nucleus.
Rutherfords experiments , which established the nuclear model of atom , used a beam of:-
The radius of an atomic nucleus is of the order of
Ordinary ''lead'' pencils actually are made of a form of carbon called graphite. If a pencil line is `0.35 mm` wide and the diameter of a carbon atom is `1.5 xx 10^(-10)m`, how many `C` atom wide is the line?
Rutherford's `alpha` particle scattering experiment eventually led to the conclusion that
Which of the following symbols are not acceptable ?
(i) `._(35)^(79)Br` (ii) `.^(79)Br`
(iii) `._(79)^(35)Br` (iv) `._(35)Br`
The increasing order (lowest first) for the values of `e//m` (charge//mass) for electron `(e)`, proton `(p)`, neutron `(n)`, and alpha particle `(alpha)` is
Which of the following characterize `X `rays?
(i) `X` rays have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays.
(ii) The radiation can ionize gases.
(iii) They are deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
(iv) They cause `ZnS` to fluoresce.
An isotone of `._(32)^(76)Ge` is
(i) `._(33)^(77)As` (ii) `._(34)^(77)Se`
(iii) `._(34)^(78)Se` (iv) `._(32)^(77)Ge`
Many elements have non-intergral atomic masses because
(1)the constituents neutrons, protons, and electrons, commbine to give fractional masses
(2) they have isotopes
(3) their isotopes have nonintergal masses
(4) their isotopes have different masses
The sun of the number of neutrons and protons in the isotope of hydrogen is
The atomic nucleus contains
(i) protons (ii) neutrons
(iii) quarks (iv) leptons
Decrease in atomic numebr is not observed during
Which of the following is incorrect?
Avogardo's number is the number of atomic mass units in one
Mass sepctrometers are instruments that measure
(i) the charge-to mass ratio of charged particels
(ii) mass of isotopes
(iii) isotopic abundance
A beam of `Ne^(+)` ions in the mass spectrometer is split into________segments.
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of a continuous range of wavelengths and frequencies, form_________at the lowest frequency end to_____at the highest frequency end.
Electromagnetic waves in the_______region have a wave length that is approximately the same as the diameter of an atom `(10^(-10)m)`.
Different kinds of electromagnetic radiations are simply electromagnetic waves with different
(i) wavelengths (ii) frequencies
(iii) speeds
The intensity of radient enegry, according to the wave theory, is proportional to the square of the
Which of the following are not electromagnetic waves?
(i) sound waves (ii) radiowaves
(iii) `X` rays (iv) water waves
Each type of electromagnetic radiation is spread over a specific range of wavelengths (and frequencies). The visible region ranges from
Which of the electromagnetic waves result from charges within the nucleus of the atom?
In `1873`, James Maxwell proposed that visible light consists of electromagnetic waves. According to Maxwell's theory, an electromagnetic wave has an electric. Field component and a magnetic field compound. Which of the followong is incorrect regarding the two components?
Which of the following is not correct?
Which of the following is not correct?
Calculate the wavenumber of yellow radiaiton having wave length `5800Å`.
Each photon of light has a particaular amount (a quantum) of enegry. The amount of energy possessed by a photon depends on the_________of the light.
(i) speed (ii) frequency
(iii) wavelength
Enegry of one mole of photons of radiation whose frequency is `5xx10^(4)Hz` is_____`kJ mol^(-1)`.
A 100 watt buble emits monochromatic light of wavelength 400 nm. Then the number of photons emitted per seccond by the buble is nearly -
Find the ratio ofenergy of a photon of ` 2000Å` wavelength radiation to that of `4000Å` radiation .
Which of the following are high-enegry radiations?
(i) Ultraviolet rays (ii) Infrared rays
(iii) `X` rays (iv) `gamma` rays
The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is related to the stopping potential `(v_(0))` thorugh the relation
A sodium `(Na)` surface is illuminated with light of wavelength `300 nm`. The work function for `Na` metal is `2.46eV`. The kinetic enegry of the ejected photoelectrons is
The ejection of the photoelectron from the silver metal in the photoelectric effect exeriment can be stopped by applying the voltage of `0.35 V` when the radiation `256.7 nm` is used. Calculate the work function for silver metal.
The sodium lamp has some advantage over the mercury lamp such as
(i) for a given input of electricity, the sodium lamp gives off greater light intensity than does the mercury lamp.
(ii) yellow light has a longer wavelength than bluish-green light.
(iii) human eye exhibits its greatest reponse for yellow color.
Which of the following is correct?
(i) A fluorescent lamp, like the ones commonly found in offices, is a discharged tube in which the inner surface is coated with a fluoresecnet material such as zinc sulphide which is also used on `TV` screen.
(ii)The fluorescent tube is filled with ercury vapor at low pressure. Excitation of the `Hg` atoms by electron bombardment cause the emission of light in the green, blue, and ultraviolet `(UV)` regions.
(iii) When the light strike the inner glass wall, most of the `UV` light is abosorbed by the fluorescent material, which then emits a multitude of longer wavelengths that combine to produce white light.
(iv) Fluorescent lamps are more enegry-efficient and, hence, cheaper to operate than tungsten lamp (ordinary light bulbs).
Which of the following gases can be used to make neon signs?
(i) Neon (ii) Argon
(iii) Krypton
Line spectrum is the characteristic of a sample of atoms in the
When a narrow beam while light is passed through a glass prism, the different wavelength travel thorugh the glass at
Rutherford's nuclear model of atom was rejected because it failed to explain
(i) the line spectra of atoms
(ii) the alpha particle scattering experimeny results
(iii) the stability of atom
The____of lines are the only linesin the hydrogen spectrum which appear in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The wavelength of the various lines in the hydrogen atomic emission spectrum can be related by a mathematical equation:
`(1)/(lambda) = R ((1)/(n^(2))-(1)/(m^(2)))`
What is the value of `n` for the Pfund series of lines?
What is the value of `m` in the Rydberg formula for the third spectral line of the Lyman series?
According to Bohr's frequency rule, the frequency of radiotion obsorbed or emitted when transtion occurs between two stationary states that differ in enegry by `DeltaE` is given by
Bohr's radius `(a_(0))` is the radius of the______stationary state of hydrogen atom.
Enegry associated with an electron of hydrogen atom is given by the expression
Which of the following is correct?
(i) The energy of an electron in an `H` atom has a negative sign for all possible orbits.
(ii) The enegry of an electron in the atom is lower than the enegry of a free electron at rest.
(iii) A free electron at rest is an electron that is infinitely far away form the nucleus and is assigned the enegry value of zero.
(iv) As the electron gets closer to the nucleus (as `n` decreases), `E_(n)` becomes larger in absolute value and more and more negative.
Bohr's theory can be applied to the hydrogen-like species `(He^(+), Li^(2+),Be^(3+)`, and so on). With the increase of `Z` (atomic number), the value of enegry becomes_____and that of radius becomes________.
The magnitude of velocity of the electron______with increase of positive charge on the nucleus and___with increase of pricipal quantum number.
If in a gaseous sample of one mole of `H`atoms in the ground state the electron in very `H` atom is excited to the `5th` orbit, then how many spectral lines would appear in its absorption spectrum?
If in a gaseous sample of one mole of hydorgen atoms, the electron in every `H` atom is present in the `5th` orbit, then how many spectral lines would appear in its emission spectrum?
What is the wavelength of a photon emitted during a transition form the `n_(i) = 5` state to the `n_(f) = 2` state in the `H` atom?
Which of the following is cprrect regarding Bohr's theory?
(i) Elecrtronic energy is quantized.
(ii) Bohr showed the physical meaning of the two whole numbers `n` and `m` in the Balmer-Rydeberg equation.
(iii) Electrons can only be in certain discrete orbits.
(iv) Electrons absorb or emit enegry in discrete amounts as they more form one orbit to anothe.
Materials that have a color, such as dyed textiles and painted walls, appear colored because of the absorption of light. When white light falls on a substance that absorbs red light, the color components that are not absorbed are reflected. The substance thus appears.
The splitting of spectral lines in an external magnetic field is known as the
How many Bohr-Sommerfeld orbits are possible for `n = 4`?
Which of the following is correct?
(i) A particle of light, a photon, has a definite enegry `E = hv`.
(ii) The photon has momentum, `mc`.
(iii) The momentum of photon is related to the wavelength of the light.
Which of the following is the limatation of de Broglie's analysis?
Which of the following equations implies that a particle in motion can be treated as a wave and a wave can exhibit the properties of a particle?
The standing waves are generated by plucking a guitar string. The length of the string `(l)`must be equal to a whole number times
The kinetic enegry of a moving electron is `3.0 xx 10^(-25)J`. Calculate its wavelength.
A particle of charge `q` and mas `m` si accelerated from set through a potential difference `V`. Its de Broglie wavelength is equal to
Find out the number of waves made by a bohr electron in one complete revolution in its third orbit.
The uncertainty principle is one of the basis principle of modern science. This principle rules out the existence of definite trajectroies but we continue to talk of paths of cars, balls, planets, etc., because
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is the direct consequence of
(i) wave nature of radiation
(ii) wave-particle dualoty of radiation
(iii) particle nature of matter
(iv) wave-particle duality of matter
The solutions (there are many) to the Schrddot(o)dinger equation are called
(i) wave functions (ii) orbitals
(iii) orbits (iv) trajectories
The best way to think about a wave function is to regard it as an expression whose______defines the probability of finding the electron within a given volume of space around the nucleus.
`A1`though quantum mechanics tells us that we cannot pinpoint an electorn in an atom, it does define the region where the electron might be at a given time. The concept of_______gives the probability that an electron will be found in a particular region of an atom.
The mathematical approach of quantum mechanics involves treating the electon in an atoms as a __________wave.
In `1926`, Erwin Schrddot(o)dinger modified an existing equation that described a three-dimensional standing wave by imposing wavelength restrictions suggested by de Broglie's idea. It is a differential equation of the type
The Schrddot(o)dinger equation has been solved exactly only for
(i) `H` (ii) `He^(+)`
(iii) `Li^(2+)` (iv) `b^(3+)`
Quantum mechancial model of atom is the picture of the structure of the atom which emerges from the application of the Schrddot(o)dinger equation to atoms. Which of the following is the incorrect feature of the euantum mechanical model of atom?
Which of the following is not ture for the quantum mechanical model of the atom?
According to quantum mechanics, each electron in an atom is described by___different quantum numbers.
A wave function for an electron in an atom is called
The enegry of an electron in an atom//ion depends principally on
Orbitals of the same quantum state____are said to belong to the same shell.
Which of the following quantum numbers relates to the average distance of an electron from the nucleus in a particular orbital?
Maximum number of orbitals is given shell identified by the principal quantum number `n` is equak to
Which of the following quantum numbers distinguishes the orbitals of given `n` having different shapes?
Within the `M` shell, there are__________kinds of orbitals, each having a different shape for the region where the electron is most likely to be found.
`A1`though the energy of an orbital is principally determined by the `n` quantum number, the energy also depends some what on the `l` quantum number except for_______atom//ion.
(i) `H` (ii) `Li^(+)`
(iii) `He^(+)` (iv) `Be^(2+)`
Orbitals of the same__________but different__________are said to belong to different subshells of a given shell.
Follow-up Test questions and complete solutions for chapter STRUCTURE OF ATOM of R SHARMA CHEMISTRY (HINGLISH) of Class 11