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Complete Solutions to All Questions of chapter INTRODUCTIONS TO 3-D COORDINATE GEOMETRY of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
MathematicsAll Questions
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `A(-2,2,3)a n dB(13 ,-3,13)` are two points. Find the locus of a point `P` which moves in such a way that `3P A=2P Bdot`

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  2. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the joint of `P(2,-1,4)a n dq(4,3,2)` in the ratio 2:3 (i) internally (ii) externally.

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  3. Show that the plane `a x+b y+c z+d=0` divides the line joining the points `(x_1, y_1, z_1)a n d(x_2, y_2, z_2)` in the ratio `(a x_1+b y_1+c z_1+d)/(a x_2+b y_2+c z_2+d)` .

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  4. Find the ratio in which the line joining the points `(1,2,3)a n d(-3,4,-5)` is divided by the `x y-p l a n e` . Also, find the coordinates of the point of division.

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  5. The mid-points of the sides of a triangle are `(1,5,-1),(0,4,-2)a n d(2,3,4)dot` Find its vertices.

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  6. Find the distance between the points `P` `(1,3,4)` and `Q` `(4,1,2)` .

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  7. Prove by using distance formula that the points `P(1,2,3),Q(-1,-1,-1)a n dR(3,5,7)` are collinear.

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  8. Determine the point in `X Y-p l a n e` whcih is equidistant from three points `A(2,0,3),B(0,3,2)a n dC(0,0,1)dot`

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  9. Show that the points `A(0,1,2),B(2,-1,3)a n dC(1,-3,1)` are vertices of an isosceles right-angled triangle.

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  10. Find the coordinates of a point equidistant from th four points `O(0,0,0),A(a ,0,0),B(0,b ,0)a n dC(0,0,c)dot`

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  11. Find the point on `y`-axis which is equidistant from the points `(3,1,2)` `a n d` `(5,5,2)dot`

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  12. Prove that the triangle formed by joining the three points whose coordinates ere `(1,2,3),(2,3,1)a n d(3,1,2)` is an equilateral triangle.

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  13. Prove that the lines joining the vertices of a tetrahedron to the centroids of opposite faces are concurrent.

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  14. Using the section formula, prove that the three points `A(-2,3,5),B(1,2,3)` and `C(7,0,-1)` are collinear.

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  15. Find the coordinates of the points which trisect the line segment `A B ,` given that `A(2,1,-3)` and `B(5,-8,3)`

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  16. Find the ratio in which the join the `A(2,1,5)a n dB(3,4,3)` is divided by the plane `2x+2y-2z=1.` Also, find the coordinates of the point of division.

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  17. Planes are drawn parallel to the coordinate planes through the point `P(x_1, y_1,\ z_1)` and `Q(x_2, y_2, z_2)` . Find the length of the edges of the parallelopiped so formed.

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  18. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (5,2,3)

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  19. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (-5,-4,7)

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  20. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (-5,4,3)

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  21. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (-5,-3,-2)

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  22. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (4,-3,5)

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  23. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (2,-5,-7)

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  24. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (7,4,-3)

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  25. Name the octants in which the following points lie: (-7,2,-5)

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  26. Find the image of: (-2,3,4) in the yz-planes.

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  27. Find the image of: 5,2,-7) in the xy-planes.

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  28. Find the image of: (-4,0,0) in the xy-planes.

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  29. Find the image of: (-5,4,-3) in the xz-planes.

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  30. Find the image of point: (-5,0,3) in the xz-planes.

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  31. A cube of side 5 has one vertex at the point (1,0,1) and the three edges from this vertex are respectively, parallel to the negative `x\ a n d\ y\ ` axes and positive `z` axis. Find the coordinates of the other vertices of the cube.

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  32. Planes are drawn parallel to the coordinate planes through the points (3,0,-1) and (-2,5,4). Find the lengths of the edges of he parallelepiped so formed.

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  33. Planes are drawn through the points (5,0,2) and(3,2,-5) parallel to the coordinate planes find the lengths of the edges of the rectangular prallelopiped so formed.

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  34. Find the distances of the point `P(-4,3,5)` from the coordinate axes.

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  35. The coordinates of a point are (3,-2,5). Write down the coordinates of seven points such that the absolute values of their coordinates are the same as those of the  coordinates of the given point.

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  36. Find the locus of the point which is equidistant from the points `A(0,2,3)a n d\ B(2,-2,1)dot`

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  37. Find the distance between the following pairs of point: P(1,-1,0) and Q(2,1,2)

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  38. Find the distance between the following pairs of point:`Q(3,2,-1)a n d\ B(-1,1,-1)dot`

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  39. Find the distance between the points `P\ a n d\ Q` having coordinates (-2,3,1) and (2,1,2).

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  40. Using distance formula prove that the following points are collinear: `A(4,-3,-1),\ B(5,-7,6)a n d\ C(3,1,-8)`

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  41. Using distance formula prove that the following points are collinear: `P(0,7,-7),\ Q(1,4,-5)a n d R(-1, 10 ,-9)`

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  42. Using distance formula prove that the following points are collinear: `A(3,-5,1), B(-1,0,8)\ a n d C(7,-10 ,-6)`

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  43. Determine the points in i. xy-plane which re equidistant from the points `A(1,-1,0),\ B(2,1,2),\ a n d\ C(3,2,-1` )

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  44. Find the points on z-is which are t a distance `sqrt(21)` from the point (1,2,3).

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  45. Show that the points (0,7,10), (-1,6,6) and(-4,9,6) are the vertices of an isosceles right angled triangle.

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  46. Show that the points `A(3,3,3,),\ B(0,6,3),\ C(1,7,7)a n d\ D(4,4,7)` are the vertices of a square.

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  47. Prove that the point `A(1,3,0),\ B(-5,5,2),\ C(-9,-1,2)\ a n d\ D(-3,-3,0)` taken in order are the vertices of a parallelogram. Also, show that ABCD is not a rectangle.

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  48. Show that the points `A(1,3,4),\ B(-1,6, 10),\ C(-7,4,7)a n d\ D(-5,1,1)` are have vertices of a rhombus.

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  49. Prove that the tetrahedron with vertices at the points `O(0,0,0),\ A(0,1,1), B(1,0,1)a n d\ C(1,1,0)` is a regular one.

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  50. Show that the points (3,2,2), (-1,4,2), (0,5,6), (2,1,2) lie on a sphere whose centre is (1,3,4). Find the also its radius.

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  51. Find the coordinates of the point which is equidistant from the four points `O(0,0,0),\ A(2,0,0),\ B(0,3,0)a n d\ C(0,0,8)dot`

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  52. Find the locus of `P\ if\ P A^2+P B^2=2k^2w h e r e\ A\ a n d\ B` are points (3,4,5) and (-1,3,7).

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  53. Are the points `A(3,6,9),\ B(10 , 20 , 30)a n d\ C(25 ,-41 ,5),` the vertices of a right angled triangle?

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  54. Verify the following: (0,7,-10), (1,6,-6) and (4,9,-6) are vertices of an isosceles triangle.

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  55. Find out whether the points `(0, 7, 10), (-1,6,6) and (-4,9,6)` are the vertices of a right angled triangle.

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  56. Verify the following: (-1,2,1), (1,-2,5), (4,-7,8) and (2,-3,4) are vertices of a parallelogram.

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  57. Verify the following: (5,-1,1),(7,-4,7), (1,-6,10) and (-1,-3,4) are the vertices of a rhombus.

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  58. Find the locus of the points which are equidistant from the points (1,2,3) and (3,2,11).

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  59. Find the locus of the point, the sum of whose distances from the points `A(4,0,0)a n d\ B(-4,0,0)` is equal to 10.

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  60. Show that the points `A(1,2,3),\ B(-1,-2,-1),\ C(2,3,2)a n d\ D(4,7,6)` are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD but not a rectangle.

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  61. Find the equation of the set of the points `P` such that is distances from the points `A(3,4,-5)` and `B(-1,2,4)` are equal.

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  62. Given that `P(3,2,-4),\ Q(5,4,-6)\ a n d\ R(9,8,-10)` are collinear. Find the ratio in which `Q` divides `P Rdot`

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  63. Three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD are `A(3,-1,2),\ B(1,2,-4)a n d\ C(-1,1,2)dot` Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

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  64. Find the lengths of the medians of the triangle with vertices `A(0,0,6),\ B(0,4,0)a n d\ C(6,0,0)dot`

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  65. Let `A(3,2,0),\ B(5,3,2),\ C(-9,6,-3)` be three points forming a triangle. The bisector `A D\ of\ /_B A C` meets sides in D. Find the coordinates of D.

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  66. If the origin is the centroid of the triangle with vertices `P(2a ,\ 2,6),\ Q(-4,3b ,-10) a n d \ R(8, 14 ,2c)` , find the values of `a\ a n d\ bdot`

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  67. A point `R` with x-coordinates 4 lies on the line segment joining the points `P(2,-3,4)a n d\ Q(8,0, 10)dot` Find the coordinates of the point `Rdot`

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  68. Show that the coordinates off the centroid of the triangle with vertices `A(x_1, y_1, z_1),\ B(x_2, y_2, z_2)a n d\ (x_3, y_3, z_3)` are `((x_1+x_2+x_3)/3,(y_1+y_2+y_3)/3,(z_1+z_2+z_3)/3)`

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  69. Let `P\ a n d\ Q` be any two points. Find the coordinates of the point `R\ ` which divides `P Q` externally in the ratio 2:1 and verify that `Q` is the mid point of `P R` .

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  70. The vertices f the triangle are `A(5,4,6),\ B(1,-1,3)n a d\ C(4,3,2)dot` The internal bisector of angle A meets BC at D. Find the coordinates of D and the length AD.

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  71. A point C with z-coordinate 8 lies on the line segment joining the point `A(2,-3,4)\ a n d\ B(8,0, 10)dot` Find its coordinates.

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  72. Show that the three points `A(2,3,4),\ B(-1,2,-3)a n d\ C(-4,1,-10)` are collinear and find the ratio in which C divides AB.

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  73. Find the ratio in which the line joining (2,4,5) and (3,5,4) is divided by the yz-plane.

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  74. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (2,-1,3) and (-1,2,1) is divided by the plane `x+y+z=5.`

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  75. If the points `A(3,2,-4),\ B(9,8,-10)a n d\ C(5,4,-6)` are collinear, find the ratio in which C divides AB.

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  76. The id points of the sides of a triangle ABC are given by `(-2,3,5),(4,-1,7)a n d\ (6,5,3)dot\ ` Find the coordinates of the angle `/_B A C` meets BC.

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  77. Find the ratio in which the sphere `x^2+y^2+z^2=504` divides the line joining the points (12,-4,8) and (27,-9,18).

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  78. Find the centroid of a triangle, mid points of whose sides are (1,2,-3), (3,0,1) and (-1,1,-4).

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  79. The centroid of a triangle ABC is at the point (1,1,1). If the coordinates of A and B are (3,-5,7) and (-1,7,-6) respectively, find the coordinates of the point C.

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  80. Find the coordinates of the points which trisect the line segment joining the points `P(4,-2,-6)\ a n d\ Q(10 ,-16 ,6)dot`

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  81. Using section formula, show that the points `A(2,-3,4),\ B(-1,2,1)\ a n d\ C(0,1/3,2)\ ` are collinear.

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  82. Given that `P(3,2,-4),\ Q(5,4,-6)a n d\ R(9,8,-10)` are collinear. Find the ratio in which `Q` divides `P Rdot`

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  83. Find the ratio in which the segment joining the points (4,8,10) and (6,10,-8) is divided by the yz-plane.

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  84. Write the distance of the point `P(2,3,5)` from the xy-plane.

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  85. Write the distance of the point `P(3,4,5)` from z-axis.

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  86. If the distance between the points `P(a ,2,1)a n d\ Q(1,-1,1)` is 5 units find the value of `adot`

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  87. The coordinates of the mid points of sides AB, BC and CA of ` A B C` are `D(1,2,-3),\ E(3,0,1)a n d\ F(-1,1,-4)` respectively. Write the coordinates of its centroid.

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  88. Write the coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from the point (1,2,3) on y-axis.

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  89. Write the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point `P(3,5, 12)` on x-axis.

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  90. Write the coordinates of third vertex of a triangle having centroid at the origin and two vertices at (3,-5, 7) and (3,0,1).

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  91. What is the locus of a point `(x , y , z)` for which `y=0, z=0?`

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  92. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (2,4,5) and (3,-5,4) is divide by the yz-plane.

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  93. Find the point on y-axis which is at a distance of `sqrt(10)` units from the point(1,2,3).

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  94. Find the point on x-axis which is equidistant from the points `A(3,2,2)a n d B(5,5,4)dot`

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  95. Find the coordinates of a point equidistant from the origin and pints `A(a ,0,0),\ B(0, b ,0)a n d\ C(0,0, c)dot`

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  96. Write the coordinates of the point `P` which is five sixth of the way from `A(-2,0,6)to\ B(10 ,-6,-12)dot`

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  97. If a parallelepiped is formed by the planes drawn through the points (2,3,5) and (5,9,7) parallel to the coordinate planes, then write the lengths of edges of the parallelopiped and length of the diagonal.

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  98. Determine the point on yz-plane which is equidistant from points `A(2,0,3),\ b(0,3,2)a n d\ C(0,0,1)dot`

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  99. If the origin is the centroid of a triangle ABC having vertices `A(a ,1,3),\ B(-2, b ,-5)a n d\ C(4,7, c)` , find the values of `a , b , cdot`

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  100. The ratio in which the line joining (2,4,5) and (3,5,-9) is divided by the yz-plane is a. 2:3            b. 3:2             c. -2:3           d. 4:3

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All Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTIONS TO 3-D COORDINATE GEOMETRY of RD SHARMA MATHS (ENGLISH) of Class 11

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 11 MATHS INTRODUCTIONS TO 3-D COORDINATE GEOMETRY