Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
Number Of Questions | 30 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
C is :
The correct increasing order of reactivity for following alkyl halides towards elimination reaction with alcoholic KOH is :
(I)`CH_3-undersetunderset(Cl)(|)CH-CH_3 " " (II)CH_3-undersetunderset(Br)(|)oversetoverset(CH_3)(|)C-CH_2CH_3 " " (III)CH_3-undersetunderset(Cl)(|)oversetoverset(CH_3)(|)C-CH_2CH_3`
In the given reaction :
[X] will be :
The major product of the above reaction is obtained by mechanism
Select the incorrect option of the following statements.
Complete the following reaction
Which of the following conformations of meso 2,3-dibromobutane will give bromoalkene with alcoholic KOH ?
2-Bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is
R is :
Complete the following reaction
The most probable product in the following reaction is `:`
Complete the following reaction
Which statement is false for elimination reaction .
Which of the following statement is correct regarding following reaction ?
Substrate that show E1 reaction
Which of the following compound will give three alkenes after dehydrohalogenation.
`PhSO_2CH_2-CH_2-OMeunderset(EtOD) overset(EtO^(theta))to"product"+underset("(recovered reactant)")(PhSO_2-oversetoverset(D)(|)CH-CH_2OMe`.
The product is :
Complete the following reaction
Typical features of E2 involve :
An alkyl chloride produces a single alkene on reaction with sodium ethoxide and ethanol. The alkene further undergoes hydrogenation to yield 2- methylbutane. Identify the alkyl chloride from amongst the following
The relative ease of dehydration of alcohols follows following order `:`
Which of the following is the correct major product for given reaction ?
Which of the following is a `beta`-elimination reaction ?
Correct order of `E_2//S_N2` ratio is :
The product C of the following sequence is :
The major product of the following reaction is
What is the correct sequence of reagents for the following conversion :
`CH_3-undersetunderset(Br)(|)CH-CH_3 to CH_3-CH_2-CH_2-I`
In which of the following reaction the single product formed is not the saytzeff's product
In the following reaction the correct order of percentage of products X, Y and Z is
The rate of elimination is fastest in
APSP PART-1 questions and complete solutions for chapter ORGANIC REACTION MECHANISMS-IV of RESONANCE ENGLISH of Class 11