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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE-1C of chapter SETS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. State in each case whehter ` A sub B or A cancel(sub)B`.
    (i) `A={0,1,2,3} ,B={1,2,3,4,5}`
    `(ii) A=phi, B ={0} `
    `(iii) A= {1,2,3} , B= {1,2,4}`
    `(iv) A ={x:x in Z, x^2=1}, B={x:x in N X^2=1}`
    (v) ` A= {x:x " is a even natural number "},B={x:x " is a integer " }`
    (vii) `A={x:x " is a real number "}, B= {x:x " is a complex number"}`
    `(viii) A={x :x " is an isosceles triangle in a planel",`
    `B={x:x " is an equilateral triangle in the same plane "}`
    `(ix) A={x:x " is a square in a plane "}`
    `B={x:x " is a rectangle in the same plane "}`
    ` (x) A={x:x " is a triangle in a plane "}`,
    ` B=(x:x " is a rectangle in the same plane"}`,
    `(xi) A={x:x " is an even natural number less than " 8}`
    `B={x:x " is a natural number which divides" 32}`.

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  2. Esamine whether the following statements are true or false :
    ` (i) {a,b} cancel(sub) {b,c} (ii) {a} in {a,b,c}
    (iii) ` {phi} sub {a, b, c } `
    (iv) `{a,e} sub {x:x " is a vowel in the English alphabet "}`
    ` (v) {x:x in W, x+5 =5}=phi`
    `(vi) a in {{a} , b}`
    `(vii) `{a} sub {{a},b}`
    ` (viii) {b,c} sub {a, c}}`
    `(ix) {a,a,b,b}={a,b}`
    (x) {a,b,a, b,a,b...}` " is an infinte set".
    (xi) If `A=` set of all circles of unit radius in a plane and B= set of all circles in the same plane then ` A sub B`.

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  3. If `A = {1} and B= {{1},2} "then show that " A cancel(sub)B`.

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  4. Write down all subsets of each of the following sets:
    `(i) A= {a}`
    `(ii) B={a,b}`
    `(iii) C={-2,3}`
    `(vi) F={2,{3}}`
    `(vii) G={3,4,{5,6}}`

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  5. Express each of the following sts as an interval :
    `(i) A={x:x in R, -4 , lt x lt 0}`
    `(ii) B={x:x in R, 0 le x lt 3}`
    `(iii) C= {x:x in R, 2 lt x le 6}`
    `(iv) D= {x:x in R, -5 le x le 2 }`
    `(v) E= {x:x in R, -3 le x lt2)`
    ` (vi) F={x:x in R, -2, le x lt 0}`

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  6. Write each of the following intervals in the set- builder form :
    (i) `A= (-2,3)`
    (ii)` B= [4,10]`
    (iii) `C=[-1,8]`
    (iv) ` D=(4,9]`
    ` (v) E=[-10,0)`
    `(vi) F=(0,5]`

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  7. If `A= {3,{4,5},6}`, find which of the following statements are true.
    `(i) {4,5}subeA`
    `(ii) {4,5} in A`
    (iii) ` {{4,5 }}sube A `
    (iv) `4 in A`
    ` (v) {3}sube A`
    (vi) ` {phi}sube A`
    (vii) `phi sube A`
    (viii) {3,4,5} sube A `
    (ix) {3,6} sube A `

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  8. If ` A ={a,b,c }`, find `P(A) and n{P(A)}`.

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  9. IF ` A={1,{2,3}}`, find ` P(A) and n {P(A)}`.

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  10. If ` A=phi ` then write `P(A)`.

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  11. If the sets `A = {1,3,5}, B = {2,4,6}` and `C = {0,2,4,6,8}`. Then, the universal set of all the three sets A, B and C can be `"………"`

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  12. Prove that `A sube B, Bsube C` and `C sube A => A=C.`

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  13. For any set A, prove that `A sube phi hArr A =phi`.

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  14. State whether the given statement is true or false :
    (i) if `A sub B and x lin ` then x lin A`.
    (ii) If `A sube phi` then A = phi `
    (iii) If `A,B and C` are three sets such that ` in B and B sub C then A sub C `.
    (iv) If A, B and C are three sets such that `A sub B and B in C `" then "`A in C`.
    (v) If A, B and C are three sets such taht ` A cancel(sub) B and B cancel(sub)C` " then " A cancel(sub)C`.
    (vi) If A, B are sets such that ` x in A and A in B` then `x in B`.

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EXERCISE-1C questions and complete solutions for chapter SETS of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11