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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE 2D of chapter Relations of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions14
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Let A and B be two nonempty sets.
    (i) What do you mean by a relation from A to B?
    (ii) What do you mean by the domain and range of a relation?

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  2. Let `A={2,3,5}" and "R={(2,3),(2,5),(3,3),(3,5)}.`
    Show that R is a binary relation on A. Find its domain and range.

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  3. Let `A={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}" and let "R={(a,b):a,b in A " and "2a+3b=12}.`
    Express R as a set of ordered pairs. Show that R is a binary relation on A. Find its domain and range.

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  4. If R is a binary relation on a set A, define `R^(-1)` on A.
    Let `R={(a,b):a,b inW" and "3a+2b=15}` where W is the set of whole numbers.
    Express R and `R^(-1)` as sets of ordered pairs.
    Show that (i) dom (R)=range `(R^(-1))` (ii) range (R)=dom`(R^(-1)).`

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  5. What is an equivalence relation?
    Show that the relation of'similarity' on the set S of all triangle in a plane is an equivalence relation.

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  6. Let `R={(a,b):a,b inZ" and "(a-b)" is even"}.`
    Then, show that R is an equivalence relation on Z.

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  7. Let `A={1,2,3}" and "R={(a,b):a,b in A" and "|a^(2)-b^(2)|le5.`
    Write R as set of ordered pairs.
    Mention whether R is (i) reflexive (ii) symmetric (iii) transitive.
    Give reason in each case.

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  8. Let `R={(a,b):a,b inZ" and "b=2a-4}." If "(a,-2)inR" and "(4,b^(2))inR.` Then, write the values of a and b.

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  9. If `R` is a relation defined on the set `Z` of integers by the rule `(x , y) in RhArrx^2+y^2=9,` then write domain of `Rdot`

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  10. Let `A\ ` be the set of first five natural numbers and let `R` be a relationobn A defined as follows `(x , y) in RhArrxlt=ydot` Express `R\ a n d\ R^(-1)` as sets of ordered pairs. Determine also The domain of `R^(-1)` The range of `Rdot`

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  11. A relation `R` is defined on the set `Z` of integers as: `(x ,y) in R x^2+y^2=25` . Express `Ra n dR^(-1)` as the sets of ordered pairs and hence find their respective domains.

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  12. Find `R^(-1)`, when
    (i) `R={(1,2),(1,3),(2,3),(3,2),(4,5)},`
    (ii) `R={(x,y):x,yinN,x+2y=8}.`

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  13. Let `A={a,b}.` List all relations on A and find their number.
    Hint `AxxA={(a,a),(a,b),(b,a),(b,b)}` and every subset of `AxxA` is a relation on A.
    So, their number`=2^(4)=16.`

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  14. Let `R={(a,b):a,binN" and "altb}.`
    Show that R is a binary relation on N, which is neither reflexive nor symmetric. Show that R is transitive.
    Hint Since `RsubNxxN`, so it is a binary relation on N.

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EXERCISE 2D questions and complete solutions for chapter Relations of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11

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