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Complete Solutions to Unsolved practicals of chapter ELASTICITY OF DEMAND of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions79
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The quantity demanded increases from 100 units to 200 units when the price decreases from ₹12 to ₹ 10. Calculate the elasticity of deamand.

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  2. As price of a commodity increases from ₹ 4 per unit to ₹ 5 per unit, demand falls from 20 units to 10 units. Find out the elasticity of demand.

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  3. The prices and quantites demanded of a commodity are given below. On this basis, find out the price elasticity of demand.

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  4. Price of a good falls from ₹ 10 to ₹8. As a result, its demand rises from 80 units to 100 units. What is the price elasticity of demand ?

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  5. Demand increases by 10 units when the price decreases by ₹2. As a result, deamand increases to 100 units and price decreases to ₹8 . Find out the price elasticity of demand .

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  6. Following is the market demand scheldule of commodity X. Calculate the coefficient of price elasticity of demand, when price increases from ₹ 3 per unit to ₹5 per unit. `{:("Price(Rs.)",7,6,5,4,3,2,1),("Demand(units)",500,750,1.250,2.000,3.250,4.750,8.000):}`

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  7. Suppose that originally, a product was being sold at ₹ 10 per unit and the quantity demanded was 1,000 units. The product price changes to ₹14 and, as a result, the quantity demanded changes to 500 units. Calculate the price ealstictiy of demand.

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  8. A consumer purchased 10 units of a commodity when its price was ₹ 5 per unit. He purchased 12 units of the commodity when its price fell to ₹ 4 per unit. What is the price elasticity of demand for the commodity ?

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  9. following are the demand schedules for commodities A and B . Which one of them has more elastic demand ?

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  10. following is the demand schedule of commodity Y:
    Calculate the elasticity of demand when ,(i) price rises from ₹ 15 to ₹ 20 , (ii) when price falls from ₹ 20 to ₹ 15 .

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  11. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand for a commodity is 0.2. when price was ₹ 10 per unit. The quantity demanded was 40 units. If the price falls to ₹ 5 per unit, how much will be its quantity demanded ?

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  12. Market dmand for good at price ₹ 10 per unit is 100 units. When its price changes, its market demand falls to 50 units. Find out the new price, if the price elasticity of demand is (-)2.

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  13. A consumer buys 160 units of a good a t a price of ₹ 8 per unit. Price falls to ₹ 6 per unit. How much quantity will the consumer buy at the new price, it price elasticity of demand is (-) 2 ?

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  14. A consumer buys 200 units of a good at a price of ₹5 per unit. With change in price, he buys only 100 units. If price elasticity is (-) 1, find out the changed price.

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  15. price of a commodity decreases from ₹ 10 to ₹ 5 per unit. If the price elasticity of demand is 3 and the original quantity demanded is 40 units. Calculate the new quantity demanded.

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  16. The elasticity of demand for sait is zero. If the demand is 2 kg at the price of ₹ 5 per kg. calculate the deamand if the price rises to ₹ 7.50 per kg ?

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  17. Price ealsticity of demand for a commodity is unity and a household demands 50 units of it when its price is ₹ 2 per unit. At what price will the household demands 45 units of the commodity ?

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  18. The quantity demanded of a commodity falls by 5 units when price rises by ₹ 1 per units. Its price elasticity of demand is (-) 1.5. calculate the price before change if it this price quantity demanded was 60 units.

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  19. What price of a commodity falls by ₹ 1 per unit , its quantitfy demanded rises by 3 units. Its price elasticity of demand is (-) 2. calculate its original quantity demanede if the price before the change was ₹ 10 per units.

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  20. As price of a 5 per cent fall in the price of a good, its demand rises by 12 % find out the price elasticity of demand.

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  21. A 3% fall in the price of X leads to a 9% rise in its demand. A 5% rise in the price of Y leads to a 5% fall in its demand. Calculate the price elasiticity of demand for X and Y. which one is more elastic ?

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  22. A 5 % fall in the price of X leads to a 10% rise in demand for X.A 2% rise in the price of Y leads to a 6 % fall in dmeand for Y. calculate elasticity of demand of X and Y.

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  23. As the price of a commodity falls from ₹ 8 and ₹ 6, its demand rises from 100 units to 125 unts. Find out the price ealsticity of demand by percentage method.

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  24. At a price of ₹ 20 per unit, the quantity demanded of commodity is 300 units. If the price falls by 10% , its qunatity demanded rises by 60 units. Calculate its price elasticity.

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  25. As a result of 10% rise in the price of a good, its demand falls from 100 unit to 90 units. Find out the price elasticity of deamand.

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  26. A household increases its demand for a commodity from 40 units to 50 units when its price falls by 10%. What is the price elasticity of demand of the commodity ?

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  27. As price of a commodity falls from ₹ 7 per kg to ₹ 5 per kg, the total expenditure on it increases from ₹ 3,500 to ₹ 6, 250 . Find out the elasticity fo demand .

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  28. A consumer spend ₹ 80 on a commodity at a price of ₹ 1 per unit and ₹ 100 at a price of ₹ 2 per unit. What is the price elasiticity of demand ?

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  29. Mr. Ram spent ₹ 200 on a commodity and bought 20 units of it . When its price changed , he spent ₹ 300 and bought 15 units. Find out the elasticity of demand.

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  30. On the basis of information given below, compare price elasticities of Goods A and B.

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  31. The price elasticity of demand of good X si double the price elasticity of demand of Good Y . A 10% rise in the price of good Y results in fall in its demand by 60 units. If original demand of commodity Y was 400, calculate percentage rise in quantity demanded of good X when its when its price falls from ₹ 10 to ₹ 8 per unit.

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  32. A consumer buys a certain quantity of a good at a price of ₹ 10 per unit. When price falls to ₹ 8 per unit she buys 40% more quantity. Calculate price elasticity of demand.

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  33. At a price of ₹ 5 per pen, the demand is 40 pens. The elasticity of demand is 0.75 and increases in price is ₹ 1 . Calculate the change in quantity of pens demanded.

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  34. The price elasticity of demand of commodity X is 1/2 of price elasticity of demand of commodity. When price of X falls by 40% , its demand rises by 20 units. Calculate price elasticity of demand of commodity X and Y, it originally 100 units of X were demanded at price of ₹ 5 per unit.

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  35. `if (DeltaP)/P =0.2` and price elasticity is (-) 2. calculate the percentage fall in demand. Also calculate the original expenditure if new expenditure is ₹ 180 at price of ₹ 6.

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  36. The dmeand function of good 'A' is given as: `Q_(A) = 40-5P_(A)`. Calculate its price elasticity when price rises from ₹ 4 to ₹ 6.

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  37. The ratio of change in price `(DeltaP)` to original price (P) is 0.4 and elasticity of demand is (-) 1.50 . Calculate the percentage change in demand.

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  38. Price elasticity of demand for a product is unity. Its demand is 25 units at a price of ₹ 5 per unit. If the price of product rises to ₹ 6 per unit, how much quantity of the product will be demanded ?

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  39. the price of a commondity is ₹ 12 per unit and its quantity demanded is 500 units. When price rises by ₹ 3 per unit, its quantity demanded falls by 150 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand. Is demand elastic ?

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  40. Commodities A and B have equal price elasticity of demand . The demand of X rises from 100 units to 150 units due to a 20 per cent fall in its price. Calculate the percentage fall in demand of Y if its price rises by 8 per cent.

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  41. The price of a commodity is ₹ 10 per unit and its quantity demanded at this price is 500 units. If its quantity demanded rise by 75 units due to fall in price by 10 per cent, calculate its price elasticity of demand.

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  42. Form the following data, calculate price elasticity of demand.

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  43. When price of a good is ₹ 13 per unit the consumer buys 11 units of that good, when price rises to ₹ 15 per unit, the consumer continues to buy 11 units. Calculate price elasticity of demand.

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  44. The price elasticity of demand of a commodity is -0.5 . At a price of ₹ 20 per unit, total expenditure on it is ₹ 2,000. its price is reduced by 10 per cent. Calculate its demand at the reduced rate.

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  45. A consumer buys 20 units of a good at a price of ₹5 per units. He incurs an expenditurs of ₹ 120 , when he buys 24 units. Calculate price elasticity of demand using the percentage method. Comment upon the likely shape of demand curve based on this information.

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  46. The price of commodity is ₹ 20 per unit and total expenditure on it ₹ 1,000. when its price falls to ₹ 18 per unit, total expenditure increases by 8 per cent. Calculate its price elasticity of demand by percentage in its demand.

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  47. The price elasticity of demand of X is (-) 1.25. its price falls from ₹ 10 to ₹8 per unit. Calculate percentrage change in its demand.

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  48. The price elasticity of demand for a good is -0.4 if its price increases by 5 percent, by what percentage will its demand fall ? Calculate.

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  49. The demand for good rises by 20 percent as a result of fall in its price elasticity of demand is (-) 0.8 . Calculate the percentage fall in price.

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  50. A 5 per cent fall in the price of a good raises its demand from 300 units to 318 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand.

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  51. Price of a good rises from ₹ 7 per unit to ₹ 9 per unit but its demand remains unchanged. Calculate price ealsticity of demand.

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  52. price elasticity of demand of a good is -0.75. calculate the percentage fall in its price that will result in 15 per cent rise in its demand.

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  53. Price of a good rises by per cent but there is no effect on demand of the good due to this price rise. Calculate price elasticity of demand.

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  54. A consumer spends ₹ 2,000 on a good priced at ₹ 8 per unit. Wgeb oruce rises by 25% the consumer continues to spend the same amount on the good. Calculate price elasticity of demand by 25% the consumer continues to spend the same amount on the good. calculate price elasticity of demand by the percentage method.

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  55. A consumer buys 18 units of a good at a price of ₹ 9 per unit. The price elasticity of demand for the good is (-)1. how many units the consumer will buy at a price of ₹ 10 per unit ? Calculate.

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  56. Price elasticity of demand of a good is (-) 1. when its price per units falls by one rupes, it demand rises from 16 to 18 units. Calculate the price before change.

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  57. A consumer buys 30 units of a good at a price of ₹ 10 per unit. Price elasticity of demand for the good is (-) 1. How many units the cosumer will by ata price of ₹ 9 per unit ? Calculate.

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  58. When price of a good falls from ₹ 15 per unit to ₹ 12 per unit. Its demand rises by 25 percent. Calculate price elasticity of demand.

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  59. Price elasticity of demand of a good is (-)1. calculate the percentage change in price that will raise the demand from 20 units to 30 units.

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  60. Price elasticity of demand of two good A and B (-) 3 and (-)4 erspectively. Which of the two goods has higher elasticity and why ?

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  61. The quantity demanded of a good is 1,500 units at the price of ₹ 10 per unit. Its price ealsticity of demand is (-) 1.5. calculate its quantity demanded, when its price falls to ₹ 8 per unit.

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  62. The price elasticity of demand of a good is (-) 0.5. At a price fo ₹ 20 per unit its demand is 300 units. At what price will its demand increase by 10 percent ?

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  63. A consumer spends ₹ 1,000 on a good piced at ₹ 8 per unit. When price rises by 25 per cent, the consumer contines to spend ₹ 1,000 on the good. Calculate price elasticity of demand percentage method.

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  64. A consumer spends ₹ 60 on a good priced at ₹ 5 per unit. When price falls by 20 per cent, the consumer continues to spend ₹ 60 on the good. Calculate price elasticity of demand by percentage method.

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  65. A cossumer spends ₹ 100 on good priced at ₹ 4 per unit. When price falls by 50 per cent , the consumer continues to spend ₹ 100 on the good. Calculate price elasticity of demand by percentage method.

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  66. A cossumer spend ₹ 1,000 on a good priced at ₹ 10 per unit. When price falls by 20 percent , the consumer spends ₹ 800 on the good. Calculate the price elasticity of demand by the percentage method.

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  67. Price elasticty of demand of good X is -2 and of good Y is -3. which of the two goods is more price elastic and why ?

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  68. What will be the effect of 10 percent rise in price of a good on its demand if price elasticity of demand is (a) zero , (b), -1 © -2.

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  69. Price elasticity of demand of a good X and Y are zero and (-) 1 respectively. Which of the two is more elastic and why ?

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  70. Price of a commodity fall from ₹ 20 to ₹ 15 per unit. Its demand rises from 600 units to 750 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand.

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  71. The demand curve for the commondity is given as `D_(x)=10 +2P` . If slope of the demand curve is given to be (-2), calculate price elaticity of demand for the commodity when demand is 10 units.

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  72. The demand curve of a commodity is expressed as `D_(x)20 - 2P`. If slope of the demand curve is given to be (-2). Calculate price elasticity of demand for the commodity when demand is 10 units.

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  73. Price of a commodity falls from ₹ 40 to ₹ 30 per unit. Quantity demanded intially was 60 units. By how much the quantity will rise if elasticity of demand is established to be unitary ?

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  74. When price of a commodity X falls by 10 per cent, its demand rises from 150 units to 180 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand . How much should be the percentage fall in its price so that its demand rises from 150 to 210 units.

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  75. When price of good rises form ₹10 to ₹12 per unit its quantity demanded falls by 20%. Calculate its price elasticity of demand. How much would be the percentage change in its quantity demanded, if the price rises from ₹10 per units to ₹13 per units ?

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  76. When the price of commodity A falls from ₹10 to ₹5 per unit, its quantity demanded doubles. Calculate its elasticity of demand. At what price will its quantity demanded fall by 50 percent ?

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  77. Due to 10 percent fall in the pirce of X , its demand rises 100 units to 120 units. How much percentage will its demand fall due to 10 percent rise in its price ?

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  78. When price of a good falls by 50 percent, its demand rises by 60 percent . Calculate its price ealsticity of demand.

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  79. When price of a good falls from ₹ 10 per unit to ₹ 7 per unit, quantity demanded of the good rises from 100 to 160 units. Calculate its elasticity of demand.

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Unsolved practicals questions and complete solutions for chapter ELASTICITY OF DEMAND of SANDEEP GARG ECONOMICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11