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Complete Solutions to Part - I (Answer All the questions:) of chapter PUBLIC EXAMINATION - MARCH 2019 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONPart - I (Answer All the questions:)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Many of the organic compounds are inflammable because of its :

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  2. When `Deltan_(g)` is negative in chemical equilibrium reaction then :

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  3. `CaO+3Coverset(3273K)rarr overset(A)("_____")+CO`

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  4. Splitting of spectral lines in an electric field is called:

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  5. Which of the following specles does not exert a reasonance effect ?

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  6. Match the following
    `{:(,"Compound",,"Uses"),((1),"Chloro picrin",(i),"Delection of primary"),((2),"Methyl Isocyanide",(ii),"DDT"),((3),"Chloro benzene",(iii),"Paint remover"),((4),"Methylene chloride",(iv),"Soil sterilizer"):}`

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  7. Use of hot air ballon in meteorological observatory is an application of :

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  8. What is pH of rain water ?

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  9. The name 'Blue John' is given to which of the following compounds ?

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  10. The element with positive electron gain enthalpy is

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  11. Which of the following molecule does not contain `pi` bond ?

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  12. Which of the following compound(s) has /have percentage of carbon same as that in ethylene `(C_2H_4)` .

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  13. The SI unit of Molar heat capacity is :

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  14. What percentage of solution of `H_(2) O_(2) ` is called as "100 - Volume " `H_(2) O_(2)`

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  15. Osmotic pressure `(pi)`

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  16. Which one of the following represents 180g of water ?

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  17. Which of the following compound(s) has/have percentage of carbon same as that in ethylene (`C_(2)H_(4)` )?

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  18. Match the following
    `{:(A,1s^(2)" " 2s^(2)" "2p_(x)^(1)" "2p_(y)^(1)" "2p_(z)^(1),1,"Heisenberg'suncertainty principle"),(B,1slt 2slt2plt3slt3p,2,"Hund's rule"),(C,n= 1, l = 1 , m = 0 s = +1//2,3,"Aufbau principle"),(D,Delta xx.Deltapge(h)/(4pi),4,"Pauli's exclusion principle"):}`

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  19. How many electrons is an atom with atomic number 30 can have (n + l0 = 4) ?

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  20. A certain third period element has the following successive values of ionization energies in K . J . `mol^(-1)`
    the element is

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  21. Which of the following orders of ionic radii is correct ?

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  22. The cause of permanent hardness of water is due to

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  23. Water is a

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  24. The suspension of slaked lime in water is known as

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  25. The alkali metal used in devising photo electric cell is

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  26. If temperature and volume of an ideal gas is increased to twice its values, the initial pressure P becomes

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  27. Equal moles of hydrogen and oxygen gas are placed in a container, with a pin-hole through which both can escape what fraction of oxygen esacpes in the time required for one-half of the hydrogen to escape.

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  28. An ideal gas expands from the volume of `1xx10^(-3) m^(3) " to "1xx10^(-2)m^(3) " at " 300K` against a constant pressure at `1xx10^(5) Nm^(-2)` . The work done is

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  29. Which of the following is not a thermodynamic function?

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  30. Assertion : Alkali metals act as good reducing agents
    Reason : Alkali metals have higher ionization energies.

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Part - I (Answer All the questions:) questions and complete solutions for chapter PUBLIC EXAMINATION - MARCH 2019 of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11