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Complete Solutions to EVALUATION of chapter QUANTUM MECHANICAL MODEL OF ATOM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions54
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Electronic configuration of species `M^(2+)` is `1s^(2) 2s^(2) 2p^(6) 3s^(6) 3d^(6)`and its atomic weight is 56. The number of neutrons in the nucleus of species M is

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  2. The energy of light of wavelength 45 nm is

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  3. The energies `E_(1)` and `E_(2)` of two radiations between their wavelenghts ie`lambda_(1)` and `lambda_(2)` will be

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  4. Splitting of spectral lines in an electric field is called

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  5. Based on equation `E = - 2.178 xx 10^(-18)J ((Z^(2))/(n^(2)))`, certain conclusions are written. Which of them is not correct ?

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  6. According to the Bohr Theory, which of the following transitions in the hydrogen atom will give rise to the least energetic photon?

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  7. Assertion : the spectrum of `He^(+)` is expected to be similar to that of hydrogen
    Reason : `He^(+) is also one electron system

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  8. Which of the following pairs of d-orbitals will have electron along the axes?

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  9. Two electrons occupying the same orbital are distinguished by

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  10. The electronic configuration of Eu (Atomic no. 63) Gd (Atomic no. 64) and Tb (Atomic no. 65) are

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  11. The maximum numbers of electrons in a sub shell is given by the expression

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  12. For d-electron,the orbital angular momentum is

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  13. What is the maximum numbers of electrons that can be associated with the following set of quantum numbers ? `n=3, I=1 and m=-1`

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  14. Assertion : Number of radial and angular nodes for 3p orbital are 1, 1 respectively.
    Reason: Number of radial and angular nodes depends only on principal quantum number.

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  15. The total number of orbitals associated with the principle quantum number n=3 is

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  16. If n=6, the correct sequence for filling of electrons will be,

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  17. How many electrons in an atom with atomic number 105 can have (n+1)=8 ?

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  18. Electron density in the yz plane of `3d_(x^2-y^2)` orbtial is

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  19. If uncertainty in position and momentum are qual, that minimum uncertainty in velocity is

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  20. A macroscopic particle of mass 100 g and moving at a velocity of `100 cm s^(-1)` will have a de Broglie wavelenght of

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  21. The ratio of de Broglic wavelengths of a deuterium atom to that of an a-particle, when the velocity of the former is five times greater than that of later, is

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  22. The energy of an electron in the 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom is-E. The energy of an electron in the first orbit will be

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  23. Time independent schrodinger wave equation is

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  24. Which of the following does not represent the mathematical expression for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

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  25. Which quantum number reveal information about the shape, energy, orientation and size of orbitals?

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  26. How many orbitals are possible for n=4?

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  27. How many radial nodes for`2_(s),4_(p), 5_(d) and 4f` orbitals exhibit? How many angular nodes?

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  28. The stabilisation of a half filled d-orbital is more prounced than that of the p-orbital why?

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  29. consider the following electronic arrangements for the `d^5` configuration.

    Which of these represents the ground state

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  30. consider the following electronic arrangements for the `d^5` configuration.

    Which configuration has the maximum exchange energy.

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  31. State and explain pauli's exclusion principal.

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  32. Define orbital? What are the n and I values for `3p_(x)` and `4d_(x^2-y^2)` electron?

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  33. Explain briefly the time independent schrodinger wave equation?

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  34. Calculate the uncertainty in position of an electron, if `Deltav = 0.1% and v = 2.2 xx 10^(6) ms^(-1)`.

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  35. Determine the values of all the four quantum numbers of the `8^(th)` electron in O-atom and `15^(th)` electron in CI atom .

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  36. The quantun mechanical treatment of the hydrogen atom gives the enrgy value:
    `E_(n) = (-13.6)/(n^2) eV "atom"^(-1)`.
    Use the expression to find `DeltaE` between n = 3 and n = 4.

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  37. The quantun mechanical treatment of the hydrogen atom gives the enrgy value:
    `E_(n) = (-13.6)/(n^2) eV "atom"^(-1)`.
    Calculate the wavelength corresponding to the above transition.

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  38. How fast must a 54g tennis ball travel in order to have a de Broglie wavelength that is qual to that of a photon of green light 54000Å ?

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  39. For each of the following, give the sub level designation, the allowable m values and the number of orbitals
    (i) `n = 4, l = 2`.

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  40. For each of the following, give the sub level designation, the allowable m values and the number of orbitals
    (ii) `n = 5, l = 3`.

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  41. For each of the following, give the sub level designation, the allowable m values and the number of orbitals
    (iii) `n = 7, l = 0`

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  42. Give the electronic confiuration of `Mn^(2+)` and `Cr^(3+)`.

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  43. Describe the Aufbau principal .

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  44. An atom of an element contains 35 electrons and 45 neutrons. Deduce.
    (i) the number of protons
    (ii) the electronic configuration for the element
    (iii) All the four quantum numbers for the last electron.

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  45. Show that the circumference of the Bohr orbital for the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the de Broglie wave lenght associated with the electron revolving arround the nucleus.

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  46. Calculate the energy required for the process.
    `He_(g)^(+) rarr He_((g))^(2+) + e^(-)`
    The ionisation energy for the H atom in its ground state is `-13.6 eV atom^(-1)`.

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  47. An ion with mass number 37 prossesses unit negative charg. If contains `11.1%` more neutrons than electrons. Find the symbol of the ion.

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  48. The `Li^(2+)` ion is a hydrogen like ion that can be described by the Bohr model. Calculate the Bohr radius of the thired orbital and calculate the energy of an electron in `4^(th)` orbital.

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  49. Protons can be acceleration in particle accelerators. Calculate the wavelength (in Å) of such accelerated proton moving at `2.85 xx 10^8 ms^(-1)` (the mass of proton is `1.673 xx 10^(-27) Kg)`.

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  50. What is the de Broglie wavelength (in cm) of a 160g cricket ball travelling at `140 Km hr^(-1)`.

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  51. Suppose that the uncertainty in determining the position of an electron in an orbital is 0.6 Å. What is the uncertainty in its momentum?

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  52. Show that if the measurement of the uncertainty in the location of the particle is equal to its de Broglie wavelength, the minimum uncertainty in the its velocity `(DeltaV)` Is equal to `1//4pi` of its velocity (V).

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  53. What is the de Broglie wave lenght of an electron, which is accelerated from the rest, through a potential difference of 100 V?

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  54. Identify the missing quantum numbers and the sub energy level

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EVALUATION questions and complete solutions for chapter QUANTUM MECHANICAL MODEL OF ATOM of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11