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Complete Solutions to NUMERICAL PROBLEMS of chapter GASEOUS STATE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the pressure of 5 mole `Cl_(2)` gas filled in a 2 littre vassel at `27^(@)C` temperature.

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  2. Find the moles of `O_(2)` gas having presure 250 bar in 500 ml vessle at 350 K temperature.

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  3. Find the pressure of neon gas having density `0.9 gm lit^(-1) "at" 350 K` temperature.

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  4. At `27^(@)C` temperature and 4 bar pressure CO is filled in 2 litrre vessel. Find the pressure if it is filled in 4 litre vessel at `77^(@)C` temperature.

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  5. A neon-dioxygen mixture contains `60.8` dioxygen and `167.5 g` neon. If pressure of the mxiture of gases in the cylinder is 20 bar, what is the partial pressure of dioxygen and neon in the mixture ?

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  6. If a gas diffuses at the rate of one-half as fast as `O_(2)`, find the molecular mass of the gas.

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  7. 75 ml of gas A effuses through a pin hole in 73 seconds the same volume of `SO_(2)` under indential conditions effuses in seconds. Calculate the molecular mass of A.

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  8. Vanderwaal's constant for a gas (g) are`a=6.34 atm "lit"^(-2), and b =52.6 ml "mol"^(-1)`. Find the critical temperature and critical pressure of the gas.

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  9. Vanderwaal's constant for a gas `a=3.67 atm "lit"^() "mol"^(-1) b=0.0408 '"lit mol"^(-1)`. Find the critical temperautre and critical pressure of the gas.

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  10. The vanderwaal's constant `a=2.095 "lit"^(-2) atm "mol"^(-1) and b=0.0189 "lit mol"^(-1)` respectively. Calculate the inversion temperature.

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  11. If a scuba diver takes a breath at the surfae filling his lungs with `5.82 dm^(3)` of air what volume will the air in his lungs occupy when he drives to a dept where the pressure is `1.92 atm`. (aausme temperature is constant and the pressure at the surface ix excatly)

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  12. Inside a certain automobile engingen, the valume of air in a cylinder is `0.475 dm^(3)`, when the pressure is `1.05 atm`. When the gas is compressed, the pressure increased ato 5.65 atm. At the same temperature. What is the volume of compressed air ?

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  13. Effect of temperature on volume of the gas to verify Charles law
    All the container a,b and c have same pressure of atm. If `T_(1), T_(2) and T_(3)` are, respectively, at 200, 300 and , K, and `V_(1)-0.3 dm^(-3)`, calculate `V_(2) and V_(3)`.

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  14. Find the ratio of effusion rates of hydrogen and krypton gas.

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  15. If the wather balloon at a pressure `0.0965 atm`. At ground level has a valume of `10.0m^(3)`. What will be the pressure at an altitude of 5300 m where its volume is `20.0 m^(3)?`

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  16. At sea level a balloon has volume of `785xx10^(-3) dm^(3)`. What will be its volume, if it taken to a place where the pressure is 0.052 atm. Less than the atmospheric pressure of 1 atm.

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  17. When the temperature of a gas increases from `0^(@)C` the valume of the gas increases by a factor of `1.25`what is the final temperature ?

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  18. In an experiment of verification of Charle's law, the following are the set of readings taken by a student

    What is the average value of the constant of proportionality ?

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  19. A helium filled balloon had a volume of 400 ml, when it is cooled to `-120^(@)C`. What will be its volume if the balloon is warmed in an overn to `100^(@)C` assuming changes in pressure.

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  20. Suppose a 375 ml sample of neon gas at `78^(@)C` is cooled to `22^(@)C` at constant pressure. What will be the new volume of neon sample ?

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  21. Which of following flasks has higher pressure ,
    5.00 L containing `4.15 g` of Helium at 298 K

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  22. Which of following flasks has higher pressure ,
    10.0 L containing 56.2 g Argon at 303 K

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  23. At what temperature would `4.285g `o foxygen gas `O_(2)` exert a pressure of `1.21` atm. In a `2.15 dm^(3)` flask.

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  24. For a gaseous mixtue of `2.41g` of helium and `2.79g` of neon in an evacuated `1.04 dm^(3)` container at 298 K Calculate the partial pressure of each gas and hence find the total pressure of the mixture.

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NUMERICAL PROBLEMS questions and complete solutions for chapter GASEOUS STATE of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11