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Complete Solutions to Additional questions of chapter HYDROCARBONS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONAdditional questions
Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Benzene reacts with chlorine in presence of sun light gives a compound`(A)`. The compound and its use are

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  2. The difference in potential energy between eclipsed and staggered from of ethane is .

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  3. Eclipsed form of ethane has higher energy due to

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  4. The angle strain in cyclopentane is

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  5. Which one is most stable ?

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  6. `C-C-C` bond angle in benzene is

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  7. The chair form is ___________ stabole than boat form by potential energy _______`kJ//mol`.

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  8. Which one is not prepared by wurtz reaction ?

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  9. In which alkane isomeraiztion will not occur ?

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  10. `C_(6)H_(5)CH_(2)CH_(2)CH_(3)` is when oxidised in the presence of `*kMnO_(4)` ,the product obtained is

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  11. The number of axial hydrogen atoms in chair form of cyclohexane is

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  12. `CH_(3)-overset(CH_(3))overset(|)(C )H-CH_(2)-CH3overset(Cl_(2))underset(UV "light")(to)underset("Major")((A))`, the compound `'A'` is

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  13. Bond angle in chair from of cyclohexane is

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  14. In `E1` ,reaction,the intermediate formed is

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  15. In a attempt to prepare propane by Wurtz reation `1` mole of methyl bromide and `1` mole of ethyl bromide are treated with sodium . Assuming equal probability for all possible reaction . How many 'g' of propane will be obtained ?

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  16. Which of the following is used for the preparation of benzene ?

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  17. The number of `pi` and `sigma`-bonds in toluene is respectively

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  18. Which of the following has maximum angle strain ?

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  19. Total number of conformations possible in cyclohexane is

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  20. Conformation arise due to rotation around

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  21. Which of the following is the most stable cycloalkane?

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  22. The most stable conformation of Butane is

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  23. Torsion strain is the repulsive interaction between

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  24. Which form of cyclohexane is free from angle strain ?

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  25. Which of the following conformers for ethylene glycol is most stable ?

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  26. Select the correct statement

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  27. In which of the following geometrical isomerism is possible ?

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  28. Identify the product in the following reaction

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  29. How many structural isomers are possible for the molecular formula `C_(4)H_(8)` which can undergo ozonolysis?

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  30. Acetylene reacts with ammonical `Cu_(2)Cl_(2)` to give precipitate of

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  31. Carbon - carbon bond lengh in benzene is

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  32. The reasonance energy of benzene is

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  33. The bond length between central carbon atom and other carbon atom is minimun in

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  34. Which of the following is the most reactive towards electrophilic substitution reaction ?

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  35. How many stereoisomers does the molecules have ? `CH_(3)CH=CHCH_(2)CHBrCH_(3)`

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  36. The order of decreasing reactivity towards an electophilic reagent, for the following would be
    `(a)` Benzene `(b)` Toluene
    `(c )` Chlorobenzene `(d)` Phenol

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  37. Which is maximum stable ?

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  38. Geometrical isomers differ in

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  39. The correct order of reactivity towards the electophilic substitution of the compounds aniline `(I)`, benzene `(II)` and nitrobenzene `(III)` is

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  40. The cylindrical shape of alkyne is due to

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  41. In the commercial gasonlines , the type of hydrocarbons which are more desirable is

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  42. The most stable conformation of n-butane is

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  43. Which one of these is not compatible with arenes ?

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  44. `2`- butene shows geometrical isomerism due to

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  45. Which one is not aromatic compound ?

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  46. The incorrect match is

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  47. Which of the following is incorrect ?

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  48. Which of the following is incorrect ?

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  49. Assertion (A) : paraffin is the older name for the alkane group family of compounds .
    Reason (R ) : This name comes from the Latin which means 'little activity'.

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  50. Assertion (A) : Stream reforming process is a well established industrial process is a well etablished industrial process for the production of `H2` gas from hydrocarbons .
    Reason (R ) : Production of the gas from methane is known as steam reforming process .

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  51. Which of the following is incorrect ?

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Additional questions questions and complete solutions for chapter HYDROCARBONS of SURA CHEMISTRY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11