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Complete Solutions to Additional Questions (I. Multiple Choice Questions :) of chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

SURA PUBLICATIONAdditional Questions (I. Multiple Choice Questions :)
Number Of Questions56
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Define the term sphere of influence.

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  2. If a spherical ball contract in volume by 1% under a normal uniform pressure of 200 atmophere, then the compressibility of the material of the ball is
    (1 atmosphere `= 10^(5) Nm^(-2)`)

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  3. An air bubble of diameter 4 mm rises steadily through a solution of density `1500 kgm^(-3)` at the rate of `30 cm^(-1)` the coefficient of viscosity of the solution is

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  4. Water rises in a capillary tube to a certain height such that the upward force due to the durface tension is balanced by `62.84 xx 10^(-5)N` force due to the weight of the liquid column. If the surface tension of water is `70 xx 10^(-3) Nm` the radius of the capillary tube is

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  5. The work done against surface tension in blowing a soap bubble from a radius of 5 cm to 15 cm is (surface tension of soap solution is `30 xx 10^(-3) Nm^(-1)`)

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  6. A wooden blocks is taken to the bottom of a deep column lake of watre and then released it rises up with a

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  7. If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?

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  8. The rate of low of liquids in a tube of radius V length l, whose ends are maintained at a pressure difference p is `V = (pi Q p r^(4))/(eta l)`, where `eta` is coefficient of viscosity & Q is

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  9. Critical velocity of the liquid

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  10. Select the correct statement of the following statements for the following situation.
    When a steel ball is dropped in oil,……………

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  11. An aeroplane gets its upward lift due to phenomenon described by the

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  12. The rate of low of liquid through an orifice of a tank does not depend upon

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  13. A rectangular vessel when full of water, takes 10 min to be emptied through an orifice in its bottom. How much time will it take to be emptied when half filled with water?

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  14. One large soap bubble of diameter D breakes into 27 bubbles having surface tension T, the change in surface energy is

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  15. Two drops of equal radius coalesce to form a bigger drop. What is ratio of surface energy of bigger drop to smaller one ?

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  16. If a mercury drop is divided into 8 equal parts, its total energy

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  17. If a liquid does not wet glass, its angle of contact is

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  18. In a capillary tube experiment, a vertical, 30 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water, the water rises upto a height of 10 cm due to capillary action if this experiment is conducted in a freely falling elevator , the length of the water exists

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  19. Two capillaries of lengths L 2L and of radii R and 2R are connected in series the net rate of flow of fluid through them will (rate of the flow through singe capillary, `x = pi R^(4)// 8 eta L`) be

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  20. The rate of flow of water in a capillary tube of length l & radius r is V the rate of flow in another capillary tube of length 2l radius 2V for same pressure difference would be

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  21. The water from a tap of diameter 1.25 cm with a rate of `5 xx 10^(-5) m^(3) s^(-1)` the density & coefficient of viscosity of water are `10^(3) kg m^(-3)` & `10^(-3)` pascal the flow of water is

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  22. The SI unit of stress is ______.

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  23. The CGS unit of stress is _______.

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  24. Which of the following is dynamic viscosity.

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  25. The viscous force the relative motion between the adjacent layers of a fluid in motion which one of the following is absolutely fit ?

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  26. The viscosity of a fluid in motion is 1 poise. What will be it's viscosity (in poise) When the fluid is at rest ?

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  27. Tensile strain is equal to

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  28. Substances that elongate considerably and undergo plastic deformation before they break are known as

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  29. What is an ideal fluid ?

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  30. A liquid can easily change its shpae but a solid can not because

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  31. A baker contacting a liquid is kept inside a big closed jar if the air inside the far is continuously pumped out, the pressure in the liquid near the bottom will

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  32. Bernoulli theorem is based on conservation of

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  33. Water is flowing through a long horizontal tube. Let `P_(A)` & `P_(B)` be the pressure at two points A & B of the tube

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  34. A solid floats in a liquid in a partially dipped position.

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  35. A solid is completely immersed in a liquid the force exerted by the liquid on the solid will

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  36. In a streamline flow

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  37. Water flows throw 2 identical tubes A & B, A volume `V_(0)` of water posses throw the tube A & `2V_(0)` throw B in a given time. Which of the following may be correct ?

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  38. Water is flowing in streamline motion throw a tube with its axis horizontal consider two point A & B in the tube at the same horizontal levels

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  39. There is a small hole near the bottom of an open tank filled with a liquid the speed of water ejected does not depend on

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  40. When a metal wire is stretched by a load the fractional change in its volume W/V is proportional to

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  41. When water droplets merge to form a bigger drop

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  42. Air is pushed into a soap bubble of radius r to double its radius, of the surface tension of the soap solution is S, the work done in process is

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  43. If more air is pushed in a soap bubble, the pressure in it will

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  44. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube, then

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  45. The excess pressure inside a soap bubble is twice the excess pressure inside a second soap bubble, the volume of the first bubble is n times the volume of the second where n is

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  46. Water rises in a vertical capillary tube upto a length of 10 cm if the tube is inclined at `45^(@)`, the length of water risen will be

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  47. Viscosity is a property of

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  48. The force of viscosity is

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  49. The viscous force acting between 2 layers of a liquid is given by `(F)/(A) = eta(dv)/(dz)` = This F/A may be called

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  50. A raindrop falls near the surface of the earth with almost uniform velocity because

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  51. A piece of wood is taken deep inside a long column of water & released it will move up.

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  52. The rise of a liquid in a capillary tube depends on

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  53. The contact angle between a solid & a liquid is a property of

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  54. The properties of a surface are different from those of the bulk liquid because the surfce molecules are

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  55. When a capillary tube is dipped into a liquid the liquid neither rises nor falls in the capillary

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  56. A liquid is contained in a vertical tube a semicircular cross section the contact angle is zero. The force of surface tension on the curved part & on the flat part are in ratio

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Additional Questions (I. Multiple Choice Questions :) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES OF MATTER of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11