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Complete Solutions to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS of chapter WAVES of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A student tunes his guitar by striking a 120 Hertz with a tuning fork, and simultaneously plays the `4^(th)` string on his guitar. By keen observation, he hears the amplitude of the combined sound oscillating thrice per second. Which of the following frequency is the most likely the frequency of the `4^(th)` string on his guitar ?

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  2. A transverse wave moves from a medium A to a medium B. In medium A, the velocity of the transverse wave is 500 `ms^(-1)` and the wavelength is 5 m. The frequency and the wavelength of the wave in medium B when its velocity is `600 ms^(-1)`, respectively are

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  3. For a particular tube, among six harmonic frequencies below 1000 Hz, only four harmonic frequencies are given: 300 Hz, 600 Hz, 750 Hz and 900 Hz. What are the two other frequencies missing from this list?

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  4. A sound wave whose frequency is 5000 Hz travels in air and then hits the water surface. The ratio of its wavelength in water and air is

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  5. A person standing between two parallel hills fires a gun and hears the first echo after `t_(1)` sec and the second echo after `t_(2)` sec. The distance between the two hills is

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  6. An air column in a pipe which is closed at one end, will be in response with the vibrating body of frequency 83 Hz. Then the length of the air column is

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  7. The displacement y of a wave travelling in the x direction is given by `y=(2 xx 10^(-3)) sin(300t - 2x + pi/4)`, where x and y are measured in metres and t in second. The speed of the wave is

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  8. Consider two uniform wires vibrating simultaneously in their fundamental notes. The tension, densities, lengths and diameter of the two wires are in the ratio 8:1, 1:2, x:y and 4:1 respectively. If the note of the higher pitch has a frequency of 360 Hz and the number of beats produced per second is 10, then the value of x:y is

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  9. Which of the following represents a wave?

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  10. A man sitting on a swing which is moving to an angle of `60^(@)` from the vertical is blowing a whistle which has frequency of `2.0` KHZ. The whistle is `2.0` m from the fixed support point of the swing. A sound detector which detects the whistle sound is kept in front of the swing. The maximum frequency the sound detector detected is :

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  11. Let `y=1/(1+x^(2))` at t=0 s be the amplitude of the wave propogating in the positive x-direction. At t=2 s, the amplitude of the wave propogating becomes `y=1/(1+(x-2)^(2))`. Assume that the shape of the wave does not change during propogation. The velocity of the wave is

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  12. A uniform rope having mass m hangs vertically from a rigid support. A tranverse wave pulse is produced at the lower end. Which of the following plots shows the correct variation of speed v with height h from the lower end ?

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  13. An organ pipe A closed at one ends is allowed to vibrate in its first harmonic and another pipe B open at both ends is allowed to vibrate in its third harmonic. Both A and B are in resonance with a given tuning fork. The ratio of the length of A and B is

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  14. The disc of a siren containing 60 holes rotates at a constant speed of 360 rpm. The emitted sound is in uniso with a tuning fork of frequency.

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  15. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given `y= 5 sin (pi/2(100t -x))`, where x and y are in meter and time is in seconds. The period of the wave in second will be

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  16. If wave `y=A cos(omega t + kx)` moving alongs x-axis the shapes of pulse at t=0 and t=2s.

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  17. `y_(1) = 4 sin (omega t + kx), y_(2) =-4 cos(omega t + kx)`, the phase difference is

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  18. A wave equation is y=0.01 sin `(100 pi t- kx)` of wave velocity is 100 m/s, its number is equal to

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  19. A particle on the tough of a wave art any instant will come to the mean position after a time (7= time period)

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  20. An organ pipe of length l vibrates in the fundamental mode,the pressure variation is maximum

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  21. In an experiment with sonometer, a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz resonates with a length of 25 cm and another tuning fork resonates with a length of 16 cm. Tension of the string remaining constant, the frequency of the second tuning fork is –

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  22. An organ pipe open at one end is vibrating in first overtone and is in resonance with another pipe open at both ends and vibrating in thrid harmonic. The ratio of length of 2 pipes is

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  23. The fractional change in wavelength of light coming from a star is `0.014%`. What is the velocity?

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  24. The waves produced by a motor boat sailing in water are

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter WAVES of SURA PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 11