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Complete Solutions to Competitive Theinking (4.4 Elastic and inelastic collision) of chapter FORCE of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

TARGET PUBLICATIONCompetitive Theinking (4.4 Elastic and inelastic collision)
Number Of Questions23
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A bullet hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a frictionless surface. In this process, which of the following is correct ?

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  2. In inelastic collision,

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  3. A ball of mass `M_(1)` collides elastically and head on with another ball of mass `M_(2)` initially at rest . In which the following cases the transfer of momentum will be maximum?

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  4. Two identiacal balls A and B having velocities of 0.5 m/s and `-0.3" m"//"s"` respectively collide elastically in one dimension. The velocities of B and A after the collision respectively will be

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  5. A bullet of mass 10 g moving with `300m//s` hits a block of ice of mass 5 kg and drops dead. The velocity of ice is

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  6. Two particles A and B, move with constant velocities `vec(v_(1))" and "vec(v_(2))`. At the initial moment their position vectors are `vec(r_(1))" and "vec(r_(2))` respectively. The condition for particle A and B for their collision is

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  7. Two particles of masses `m_(1),m_(2)` move with initial velocities `u_(1)` and `u_(2)`. On collision, one of the particles get excited to higher level, after absording enegry. If final velocities of particles be `v_(1)` and `v_(2)` then we must have

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  8. Dimensional formula for coefficient of restitution

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  9. A sphere of mass 'm' moving with velocity 'v' collides head-on on another sphere of same mass which is at rest. The ratio of final velocity of second sphere to the initial velocity of the first sphere is (e is coefficient of restitution and collision is inelastic)

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  10. A moving block having mass m, collides with another stationary block having mass 4m. The lighter block comes to rest after collision. When the initial velocity of the lighter block is v, then the value of coefficient of restitution (e) will be

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  11. A partical falls from a height `h` upon a fixed horizontal plane and rebounds. If `e` is the coefficient of restitution, the total distance travelled before rebounding has stopped is

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  12. A small steel ball bounces on a steel plate held horizontally. On each bounce the speed of the ball arriving at the plate is reduced by a factor e (coefficient of restitution) in the rebound, so that `v_("upward")=eV_("downward.")` If the ball is initially dropped from a height of 0.4 m above the plate and if 10 seconds later the bouncing ceases, the value of e is

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  13. A ball moving with velocity `2 ms^(-1)` collides head on with another stationary ball of double the mass. If the coefficient of restitution is `0.5`, then their velocities (in `ms^(-1)`) after collision will be

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  14. A ball is thrown vertically down from height of 40 m from the ground with an initial velocity 'v'. The ball hits the ground, loses `(1)/(3)rt` of its total mechanical energy and rebounds back to the same height. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10 `"ms"^(-2)`, the value of 'v' is

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  15. A ball is thrown vertically downwards from a height of 20m with an intial velocity `v_(0)`. It collides with the ground, loses 50% of its energy in collision and rebounds to the same height. The intial velocity `v_(0)` is (Take, g =10 `ms^(-2)`)

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  16. On a friction surface a block a mass `M` moving at speed `v` collides elastic with another block of same mass `M` which is initially at rest . After collision the first block moves at an angle `theta` to its initial direction and has a speed `(v)/(3)`. The second block's speed after the collision is

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  17. In a collinear collision, a particle with an initial speed v0 strikes a stationary particle of the same mass. If the final total kinetic energy is 50% greater than the original kinetic energy, the magnitude of the relative velocity between the two particles, after collision, is :

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  18. A `100g` iron ball having velocity `10m//s` collies with a wall at an angle `30^(@)` and rebounds with the same angle. If the period of contact between the ball and wall is `0.1` second, then the force experinced by the wall is

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  19. A ball moving with a momemtum 5 kg `"ms"^(-1)` strikes a wall. If the initial and final momenta make equal angles of `45^(@)`, then magnitude in change in momentum is

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  20. A 1 kg ball moving with a speed of `6" ms"^(-1)` collides head - on with a 0.5 kg ball moving in the opposite direction with a speed of `9" ms"^(-1)`. If the coefficient of restitution is `(1)/(3)`, the energy lost in the collision is

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  21. A bullet of mass `4.2xx10^(-2)` kg, moving at speed of `300" ms"^(-1)`, gets stuck into a block with a mass 9 times that of the bullet. If the block is free to move without any kind of friction, the heat generated in the process will be

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  22. A particle of mass m moving in the x direction with speed 2v is hit by another particle of mass 2m moving in they y direction with speed v. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the percentage loss in the energy during the collision is close to :

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  23. Two bodies of masses 3 kg and 2 kg collide head-on. Their relative velocities before and after collision are 15 m/s and 5 m/s respectively. The loss of kinetic energy of the system is

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Competitive Theinking (4.4 Elastic and inelastic collision) questions and complete solutions for chapter FORCE of TARGET PHYSICS (MARATHI ENGLISH) of Class 11