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Complete Solutions to COMPETITIVE THINKING of chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions88
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The angle made by incident ray of light with the reflecting surface is called

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  2. There is a small air bubble at the centre of a solid glass sphere of radius 'r' and refractive index `mu`. What wil be the apparent distance of the bubble from the centre of the sphere, when viewed from outside?

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  3. The refractive index of water and glass with respect to air is 1.3 and 1.5 respectively, what will be the refractive index of glass with respect to water?

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  4. A light of wavelength 6000 A travels from rarer medium to denser medium of refractive index 1.5, If its frequncy in rarer medium is `5 xx 10^(14)` Hz, then its frequency in denser medium will be

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  5. If ligth travels from vacuum to water, its wavelength

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  6. Light waves travel from optically rarer medium to optically deser medium. Its velocity decreases because of change in ______

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  7. Monochromatice light is refracted from air into glass of refractive index `mu`. The ratio of the wavelength of the incident and refracted waves in

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  8. A beam of light propagating at an angle `alpha_(1)` from a medium 1 to another medium 2 at an angle `alpha_(2)`. If the wavelength of light in medium 1 is `lambda_(1)`. The wavelength of light in medium 2, `(lambda_(2)`, is

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  9. A ray of light is incident on a glass plate of refractive index 1.5. The angle between the reflected and refracted rays is `90^@`. What is the ratio of wavelength of reflected t refracted rays ?

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  10. A beam of menochromatic blue light of wavelength 4200 Ål in air travels in water of refractive index 4/3. its wavelength in water will be

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  11. A wave of light having frequency `4 xx 10^(14)`Hz. And speed of light `3 xx 10^8` m/s enters glass of R.I. 1.5. Change in wavelength is

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  12. Light enters form air into a medium of refractive index 1.5. Percentage change in its wavelength is

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  13. The velocity of light in glass is `2 xx 10^(8)` m/s. If refractive index of glass with respect to water is 9/8, then the velocity of light in water is

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  14. The ratio of velocities of light in glass that in waters is ( refractive index of glass = 1.5 and refractive index of water = 1. 33)

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  15. The refractive index of water is `frac(4)(3)` and speed of light in air is `3xx10^8m//s.` Find the speed of light in water

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  16. The refractive index of glass W.t.r. a medium is `4/3` . If `v_m - vg = 6.25 xx 10^(7)`m/s. then the velocity of light in the medium will be

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  17. A ray of light is incident on the surface of separatio of a medium with the velocity of light at an angle `45^@` and is refracted int eh medium at an angle `30^@`. What will be the velocity of light in the medium ?

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  18. A thin oil layer floats on water. A ray of light making an angle of incidence of `40^(@)` shines on oil layer. The angle of refraction of light ray in water is `[mu_(oil) = 1.45, mu_(water) = 1.33]`

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  19. A light beam is incident at an angle twice the angle twice the angle of refraction. The angle of refraction is

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  20. A ray of light strikes a tansparent rectangular slab (of refractive index `sqrt(2)`) At an angle of incidence of `45^(@)`. The angle between the reflected and refracted rays is

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  21. A glass cobe is placed on a white paper having spots of red. Blue, yellow and green colour. Then, the one that appears least raised is

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  22. A plane glass is placed over a various coloured letters (Violet, green, yellow ,red ). The letter which appears to be raised more is

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  23. Two undentical beakers, one filled with water `mu = (4)/(3)` and the other filled with oil `(mu = 1.6)` are viewed from directly above. On comparison, which of the following statements is correct?

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  24. An air bubble in a glass slab with refractive index 1.5 (near normal incidence ) is 5 cm deep when viewed from one surface and 3 cm deep when viewed from the opposite face, the thickness (in cm) of the slab is

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  25. A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate of thickness `t`. If the angle of incidence `theta` is small, the emerging ray would be displaced side ways by an amount
    (Take `n` = refractive index of glass)

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  26. A ray of light passes through four transparent media with refractive index `n_(1) ,n_(2),n_(3) and n_(4)` as shown, the surface of all media are parallel If the emergent ray DE is parallel to incident ray AB, then

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  27. For total internal reflection to take place, the angle of incidence I and the refractive index `mu` of the medium must satisfy the inequality

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  28. A diamond sparkles because of its

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  29. A transparent solid cylindrical rod has a refractive index of `(2)/(sqrt(3))`. If is surrounded by air. A light ray is incident at the mid-poin of one end of the rod as shown in the figure.

    The incident angle `theta` for which the light ray grazes along the wall of the rod is

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  30. White light is incident on the interface of glass and air as shown in the figure. If green light is just totally internally reflected then the emerging ray in air contains

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  31. A green light is incident from the water to the air - water interface at the critical angle `(theta)`. Select the correct statement.

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  32. Critical angle of light passing from glass to air is maximum for _____

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  33. The critical angle for total internal reflection in diamond is `24.5^(@)` The refractive index of the diamond is

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  34. A light beam is travelling from Region I to Region IV (Refer Figure). The refractive index in Regions I, II , III and IV are `n_(0), (n_(0))/(2), (n_(0))/(6) and (n_(0))/(8),` respectively. The angle of incidence `theta` for which the beam just misses entering Region IV is

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  35. A ray of light passes from a medium A having refractive index 1.6 to the medium B having refractive index 1.5. the value of critical angle of medium A is _______

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  36. Consider telecommunication through optical fibres. Which of the following statement is not ture?

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  37. Assertion: in optical fibre, the diameter of the core is kept small.
    Reason: This smaller diameter fo the fibre should have incident angle more than the critical angle required for total internal reflection.

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  38. Assertion: There is no dispersion of light refracted through a rectangular glass slab.
    Reason : Dispersion of light is the phenomenon of splitting of a beam of white light into its constituent colours.

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  39. A prism `(mu = 1.5)` has the refracting angle of `30^(@)` . The deviation of a monochromatic ray incident normally on its one surface will be `[sin 48^(@)36' = 075]`

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  40. If the angle of prism is `60^(@)` and the angle of minimum deviaton is `40^(@)`, the angle of refraction will be

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  41. In the position of minimum deviation when a ray of yellow light passes through the prism, then its angle of incidence is

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  42. The graph between angle of deviation `(delta)` and angle of incidence (i) for a triangular prism is represented by

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  43. A ray of light is incident on an equilateral glass prism placed on a horizontal table. For minimum deviation which of the following is true?

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  44. The angle of minimum deviation for a prism is `40^(@)` and the angle of the prism is `60^(@)`. The angle of incidence in this position will be

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  45. Two beam of red and violet colors are made to pass separately through a prism (angle of the prism is `60^(@)`). In the position of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction will be

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  46. A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to 3/4 of the angle of the prism. The angle of deviation is

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  47. A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident on one surface of an equilateral prism. Angle of incidence is `55^(@)` and angle of emergence is `46^(@)`. The angle of minimum deviation will be

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  48. A prism of a refracting angle `60^(@)` is made with a material of refractive index `mu`. For a certain wavelength of light, the angle of minimum deviation is `30^(@)` . For this wavelength, the value of `mu` of material is

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  49. A ray of light is incident at an angle of `60^(@)` on the face of a prism with an angle of `60^(@)`. Then the refractive index of the material of the prism is (the prism is in minimum deviation position)

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  50. The angle of minimum deviation for an incident light ray on an equilateral prism is equal to its refracting angle. The refractive index of its material is

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  51. Angle of minimum deviation for a prism of refactive index 1.5, is equal to the angle of the prism. Then the angle of the prism is
    ______`(sin 48^(@) 36' = 0.75)`

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  52. A ray of light suffers a minimum deviation when incident on an equilateral prism of refractive index `sqrt(2)` The angle of incidence is

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  53. For an angle of incidence `theta` on an equilateral prism of refractive index `sqrt(3)`, the ray refracted is parallel to the base inside the prism. The value of `theta` is

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  54. The refractive index of the material of an equilateral prism is 1.6. The angle of minimum deviation due to the prism would be

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  55. The refracting angle of a prism is A, and refractive index of the material of the prism is `cot (A/2)`. The angle of minimum deviation is

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  56. The angle of incidence for a ray of light at a refracting surface of a prism is `45^(@)`. The angle of prism is `60^(@)` . If the ray suffers minimum deviation through the prism. The angle of minimum deviation and refractive index of the material of the prism respectively, are

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  57. In an experiment for determination of refractive index of glass of a prism by `i-delta`, plot it was found thata ray incident at angle `35^circ`, suffers a deviation of `40^circ` and that it emerges at angle `79^circ`. In that case which of the following is closest to the maximum possible value of the refractive index?

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  58. A small angled prism of refractive index 1.6 gives a deviation of `3.6^(@)`. The angle of prism is ________.

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  59. The refractive indices for the light of violet and red colours of any material are 1.66 and 1.64 respectively. If the angle of prism made of this material is `10^(@)`, then angular dispersion will be

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  60. A spectrum is formed by a prism of dispersive power `omega`. If the angle of deviation is `delta`. Then the angular dispersion is

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  61. A thin prism P of refracting angle `3^(@)` and refractive index . 1.5 is combined with another thin prism Q of refractive index 1.6 to produce dispersion without deviation. Then the angle of prism Q is

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  62. A thin prism having refracting angle `10^(@)` is made of glass of refracting index `1.42`. This prism is combined with another thin prism of glass of refractive index `1.7`. This combination produces dispersion without deviation. The refracting angle of second prism should be `:`

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  63. An achromatic prism is made by combining two prisms `P_(1)(mu_(v)=1.523,mu_(r)=1.515)` and `P_(2)(mu_(v)=1.666,mu_(r)=1.650)` Where `mu` represents the refractive index if the angle of the prism `P_(1)` is `10^(@)` then the angle of the prism P will be

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  64. Dispersive power depend upon

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  65. In the visible region the dispersive powers and the mean angular deviations for crown and flint glass prisms are `omega, omega'` and `d, d' respectively. The condition for getting deviation without dispersion when the two prisms are combined is

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  66. In the formation of a rainbow, light from the sun on water droplets undergoes

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  67. In the formation of primary rainbow, the sunlight rays emerge at minimum deviation from rain-drop after

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  68. Pick the correct statement from the following

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  69. According to Rayleigh's law, the amount of scattering of light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of its ___________________.

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  70. During scattering of light, the amount of scattering is inversely proportional to of wavelength of light

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  71. Blue colour of water in sea is due to

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  72. Assertion: A red objecty appears dark in yellow light.
    Reason : Red colour is scattered less.

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  73. On decreasing the wavelength of incident light from 8000 Å to 4000 Å. The intensity of the scattered light in Rayleigh scattering will become _________ time the initial scattered intensity.

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  74. Blue colour of sea water is due to

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  75. What will be the colour of the sky as seen from the earth if there were no atmosphere?

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  76. At sunrise or sunset, the sun looks more red than at mid-day because

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  77. Check the correct statements on scattering of light
    `S1`: Rayleigh scattering is responsible for the bluish appearance of sky
    `S2`: Rayleigh scattering is proportional to `1//lambda^(4)` when the size of the scatterer is much less than `lambda`
    `S3`: Clouds having droplets of water (large scattering objects) scatter all wavelengths are almost equal and so are generally white
    `S4`: The sun looks reddish at sunset and sunrise due to Rayleigh scattering

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  78. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vacuum is `30^(@)`, the velocity of light in the medium is

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  79. Which of the following is not a correct statement?

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  80. Each quarter of a vessel of depth H is filled with liquids of the refractive indices `n_(1), n_(2),n_(3) and n_(4)` from the bottom respectively . The apparent depth of the vessel when looked normally is

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  81. How much water should be filled in a container of height `21 cm,` so that it appears half filled to the observer when viewed from the top of the container `(mu=4//3).`

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  82. The angle of a prism is A . One of its refracting surfaces is silvered. Lihgt rays falling at an angle of incidence 2A on the first surface returns back through the same path after suffering reflection at the silvered surface. The refractive index. `mu`, of the prism is

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  83. The refractive index of the material of a prism is `sqrt(2)` and the angle of the prism is `30^(@)` .One of the two refraction surfaces of the prism is made a mirror inwards, by silver coating. A beam of monochromatic light entering. The prism from the other face will retrace its path ( after reflection from the silvered surface ) if its angle of incidence on the prism is

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  84. when a glass prism of refracting angle `60^(@)` is immersed in a liquid, its angle of minimum deviation is `30^(@)` . The critical angle of glass prism with respect to the liquid medium is

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  85. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on right angled prism. The refractive indices of the material of the prism for the above red, green and blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively.

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  86. A ray falls on a prism ABC (AB = BC ) and travels are shown in the figure. The minimum refractive index of the material of the prism should be

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  87. Assertion: By roughening the surface of a glass sheet its transparency can be reduced.
    Reason: Glass sheet with rough surface absorbs more light.

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  88. A ray of light passing through the point (1,2) reflects on the axis of x at the point A and the reflected ray passes through the point (5,3) . Determine the coordinates of the point A.

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COMPETITIVE THINKING questions and complete solutions for chapter REFRACTION OF LIGHT of TARGET PHYSICS (MARATHI ENGLISH) of Class 11