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Complete Solutions to Competitive Thinking Introduction of chapter MAGNETIC EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

TARGET PUBLICATIONCompetitive Thinking Introduction
Number Of Questions61
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The region surrounding a stationary electric dipole has

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  2. The magnetic field near a current carrying conductor is given by

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  3. The magnetic field due to current in a straight wire segment of length L at a point on its perpendicular bisector at a distance `r ( r gt gt L)`

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  4. Two indentical long conducting wires AOB and COD are placed at right angles to each other, with one above other such that is their common point for the two. The wires carry `I_(1) and I_(2)` currents respectively. A point P is at a height d above the point O, with respect to the plane of the wires. the magnetic field at P is,

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  5. A long straight wire carrying current of `30 A` is placed in an external unifrom magnetic field of induction `4xx10^(-4) T`. The magnetic field is acting parallel to the direction of current. The magnitude of the resultant magnetic inuduction in tesla at a point `2.0 cm` away form the wire is

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  6. A current carrying circular loop is freely suspended by a long thread. The plane of the loop will point in the direction

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  7. A current of `0.1 A` circulates around a coil of 100 turns and having a radius equal to `5 cm`. The magnetic field set up at the centre of the coil is
    (`mu_(0)=4pixx10^(-7)` weber/amper-metre)

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  8. A circular loop of radius 'r' of conducting wire connected with a Voltage source of zero internal resistance produces a magnetic field 'B' at its centre. If instead, a circular loop of radius '2r' made of same material, having the same cross section is connected to the same voltage source, what will be the magnetic field at its centre?

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  9. A long wire carries a steady current . It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is `B`. It is then bent into a circular loop of `n` turns. The magnetic field at the centre of the coil will be

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  10. The dipole moment of a circular loop carrying a current I, is m and the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is `B_(1)` . When the dipole moment is doubled by keeping the current constant, the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is ` B_(2)` . The ratio `(B_(1))/(B_(2))` is:

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  11. Two concentric coils each of radius equal to `2 pi cm` are placed at right angles to each other ` 3 ampere and 4 ampere` are the currents flowing in each coil respectively. The magnetic induction in `weber//m^(2)` at the centre of the coils will be
    `( mu_(0) = 4 pi xx 10^(-7) Wb// A.m)`

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  12. Magnetic field due to a ring having n turns at a distance `x` on its axis is proportional to (if `r =` radius of ring)

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  13. The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius `3 m` at as point on the axis at a distance of `4m` from the centre is `54 muT`. What will be its value at the centre of the loop/

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  14. The magnetic induction at the centre of a current carrying circular coil of radius `10cm` is `5sqrt(5)` times the magnetic induction at a point on its axis. The distance of the point from the centre of the coil in `m` is

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  15. A circular coil of radius r carries a current I. The magnetic field at its centre is B. At what distance from the centre, on the axis of the coil the magnetic field wil be B/8 ?

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  16. Magnetic fields at two points on the axis of a circular coil at a distance of `0.05m` and `0.2 m` from the centre are in the ratio `8:1`. The radius of the coil is

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  17. If a proton is projected in a direction perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field with velocity `v` and and electron is projected along the line of force, what will happen to proton and electron?

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  18. A charged particle moving with velocity vis subjected to electric field E and magnetic field B. The particle will go undeflected if

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  19. A charged particle is moved along a magnetic field line. The magnetic force on the particle is

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  20. A particle of mass 'm' and charge 'q' is incident on XZ plane with velocity 'v' in a direction making angle `theta` with a uniform magnetic field applied along X-axis. The magnetic field applied along X-axis. The nature of motion performed by the particle is

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  21. A charged particle is released from rest in a region of steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields which are parallel to each other . The particle will move in a

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  22. A positively charged particle projected towards east is deflected towards north by a magnetic field. The field may be

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  23. A loop of flexible conducting wire lies in a magnetic field of 2.0 T with its plane perpendicular to the field. The length of the wire is 1 m. When a current of 1.1A is passed through the loop, it opens into a circle, then the tension developed in the wire is

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  24. If a particle of charge `10^(-12)` coulomb moving along the`hat(x)`-direction with a velocity `10^(5)m//s` experiences a force of `10^(-10)` newton in `hat(y)`-direction due to magnetic field. Then the minimum magnetic field is

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  25. A proton is moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 2.5 tesla with 2 MeV kinetic energy. The force on proton is _______N. (Mass of proton= `1.6 xx 10^(-27)` kg, charge of proton `=1.6 xx 10^(-19)` C)

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  26. A current of 5 ampere is flowing in a wire of length 1.5 metres. A force of `7.5 N` acts on it when it is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 2 Tesla. The angle between the magnetic field and the direction of the current is

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  27. A conductor in the form of a right angle `ABC` with `AB=3 cm` and `BC = 4 cm` carries a current of `10 A`.There is a uniform magnetic field of `5 T` perpendicular to the palne of the conductor. The force on the conductor will be

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  28. 1 Tesla =

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  29. A particle of charge q moves with a velocity `vecv = ahati` in a magnetic field of `vecB = b hatj + c hatk` where a ,b and c are constants. The magnetic of the force experienced by the particle is

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  30. The electron in the beam of a television tube move horizontally from south to north. The vertical component of the earth's magnetic field points down. The electron is deflected towards.

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  31. A vertical wire carrying a current in the upward direction is placed in horizontal magnetic field directed towards north. The wire will experience a force directed towards

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  32. An electron moving with a uniform velocity along the positive `x`-direction enters a magnetic field directed along the positive `y`-direction. The force on the electron is directed along

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  33. Two free paralell wires carrying currents in opposite direction

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  34. Equal currents are passing through two very long and straight parallel wires in the same direction. They will _________

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  35. Two parallel beams of electrons moving in the same direction produce a mutual force

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  36. Two long conductors, separated by a distance `d` carry current `I_(1) and I_(2)` in the same direction . They exert a force `F` on each other. Now the current in one of them is increased to two times and its direction is reversed . The distance is also increased to `3d`. The new value of the force between them is

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  37. Two thin long paralel wires separated by a distance b are carrying a current 1 A each. The magnitude of the force per unit length exerted by one wire on the other is

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  38. Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance 'd' carry a current of 'i' A in the same direction. They will

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  39. Two long parallel wires carrying equal current separated by `1m`, exert a force of `2xx10^(-7)N//m on one another. The current flowing through them is

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  40. Two long parallel wires separated by 0.1 m carry currents of 1A and 2A respectively in opposite directions. A third current-carrying wire parallel to both of them is placed in the same plane such that it feels no net magnetic force. It is placed at a distance of

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  41. Two very long straight wires are set parallel to each other. Each carries a current I in the same directions and the separation between them is 2r. The intensity of magnetic field at point P as shown in figure is ______

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  42. Two parallel very long straight wires carrying current of 5 A each are kept at a separation of 1 m. If the currents are in the same direction, the force per unit length between them is ________ N/m. `(mu_(0) = 4pi xx 10^(-7)` SI).

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  43. Two long straight wires, each carrying current of 5.0 A, are kept parallel to each other at a separation of 2.5 cm. The magnitude by 5.0 cm of a wire is

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  44. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires placed perpendicular to plate of paper carrying same currents `i` along the same direction is shown in figure. Magnitude of force per unit length on the middle wire B is given by

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  45. A rectangular loop carrying a current i is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The area enclosed by the loop is A. If there are n turns in the loop, the torque acting on the loop is given by

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  46. A triangular loop of side `l` carries a current `I`. It is placed in a magnetic field `B` such that the plane of the loop is in the direction of `B`. The torque on the loop is

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  47. A current i flows in a circular coil of radius `r`. If the coil is placed in a uniform magnetic field `B` with its plane parallel to the field, magnitude of the torque that acts on the coil is

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  48. The magnetic moment of a current (i) carrying circular coil of radius (r) and number of turns (n) varies as

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  49. A current loop in a magnetic field

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  50. Magnetic dipole moment `vecM` of the coil, placed in uniform magnetic field of induction `vecB` does not depend on

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  51. A coil of `100` turns and area `2 xx 10^(-2) m^(2)`, pivoted about a vertical diameter in a uniform magnetic field carries a current of `5A`. When the coil is held with its plane in North-South direction, it experiences a torque of `0.3 N//m`. When the plane is in East-West direction the torque is `0.4 Nm`. The value of magnetic induction is (Neglect earth's magnetic field)

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  52. A metallic rod of mass per unit length 0.5 kg `m^(-1)` is lying horizontally on a smooth inclined plane which makes an anlge of `30^(@)` with the horizontal. The rod is not allowed to slide down by flowing a current through it when a magnetic field of induction 0.25 T is acting on it in the vertical direction. The current flowing in the rod to keep it stationary

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  53. When a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration `a_(0)` towards west. When it is projected towards north with a speed `v_(0)` it moves with an initial acceleration `3a_(0)` toward west. The electric and magnetic fields in the room are

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  54. A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are produced, pointed in the same direction. An electron is projected with its velocity pointing in the same direction. Then,

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  55. A rectangular loop of sides 10cm and 5cm carrying a current I of 12A is placed in different orienctations as shown in the figure

    If there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T in the positive z-direction, in which orientations the loop would be in (i) stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable equilibrium .

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  56. A conductor lies along the z-axis at `-1.5 le z lt 1.5` m and carries a fixed current of 10.0 A in `-hata_(z)` direction (see figure). For a filed of `vecB = 3.0 xx 10^(-4) e^(-0.2x) hata_(y)` T, find the power required to move the conductor at constant speed to x=2.0 m, y=0 m in `5 xx 10^(-3)` s. speed to x=2.0 m, y=0 m in `5 xx 10^(-3)` s. Assume parallel motion along the x-axis.

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  57. Two current carrying coils have radii r and 2r and have same magnetic induction at their centres. The ratio of voltage applied across them is

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  58. A very long straight wire of radius 'r carries current 'I'. Intensity of magnetic field 'B' at a point, lying at a perpendicular distance 'a' from the axis is `propto` ___________

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  59. Magnetic induction produced at the centre of a circular loop carrying current is B . The magnetic moment of the loop of radius R is

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  60. The electron in the hydrogen atom circles around the proton with a speed of `2.18 xx 10^(6)ms^(-1)` in an orbit of radius `5.3 xx 10^(-11)m`. What magnetic field does it produce at the proton ?

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  61. If two streams of proton move parallel to each other in the same direction, then they

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Competitive Thinking Introduction questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT of TARGET PHYSICS (MARATHI ENGLISH) of Class 11