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Complete Solutions to Exercise of chapter Question Paper 2014 of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
ChapterQuestion Paper 2014
Number Of Questions39
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The abscissa of the point of intersection of the less than and greater than ogives corresponds to

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  2. A frequency distribution of a variable can be represented by a frequency polygon when the variable is a

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  3. In symmetric unimodal distribution

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  4. The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 18 and 27 is

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  5. Which of the following is correct?

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  6. If f(0) = 1, f(l) = 4, f(2) = 10, then the value of `Delta^2` f(0) is

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  7. If `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma` are the roots of the equation `px^3 - qx + r = 0`, then the value of `alpha + beta + gamma` is

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  8. For any two events A and B. Which of the following is correct?

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  9. Two fair dice are thrown. If the sum of two numbers obtained is 8, then the probability that the first number is a 6 will be

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  10. If the number of educated persons is 65% of the population, then in Pie diagram…………angle is needed to mark the sector (Fill in the blank)

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  11. If the AM of 13, 15, 16, 12, x be y and that of 13, 15, 16, 12 , y be x, then find x and y.

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  12. If arithmetic mean and coefficient of variation of x is 6 and 50% respectively, then what is the variance of x?

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  13. If 2u = 5x and the harmonic mean of x is -0.4, then find the harmonic mean of u.

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  14. If `P(A uu B) = 2/3` then find the value of `P(A^C nn B^C)`.

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  15. If P(A | B) = a and P(B) = b, then express P(B - A) in terms of a and b.

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  16. What is the probability of drawing one white ball from a bag containing 6 red, 8 green and 10 black balls?

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  17. If P(A | B) = 1/4 , then what is the value of `P(A^C/B)`?

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  18. If `P(A_1) = 0.2`, `P(A_2) = 0.1` and `P(A_3) = 0.3` and these events are mutually independent, then what is the value of `P(A_1 nn A_2 nn A_3)`?

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  19. If the cost of a dozen eggs is Rs. 48. Let's find the cost of 32 eggs.

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  20. Write true or false: "Index number is unit free number".

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  21. Find the arithmetic mean of first n odd positive integers.

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  22. Find the harmonic mean of 1, 1/2. 1/3,………..1/n

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  23. If the standard deviation of the set of numbers 1,2,3,……….k is 2, then find the value of k.

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  24. What are the limitations of the classical definition of probability?

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  25. If P(A) = 1/2, P(B) = 1/3 and `P(A^C nn B^C) = 5/12` find P(A/B).

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  26. If `P(A uu B) = 7/12` and P(A) = 1/3 for two independent events A and B, then find value of P(B).

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  27. What are the differences between primary data and secondary data?

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  28. If a variable be such that np observations are all equal to 1 and the remaining nq observations are all equal to 0 (p + q = 1), then find the mean and standard deviation of that variable.

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  29. Write any three measures of skewness of a distribution.

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  30. If a, b and c are three positive real numbers, show that `a^2 + b^2 + c^2 ge ab + bc + ca`

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  31. What do you mean by interpolation? State Newton's backward interpolation formula.

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  32. Find the polynomial function f(x) of degree 3 for which it is known that f(0) = 1, f(1) = 2, f(2) = 11 and f(3) = 34.

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  33. For three event `A_1`, `A_2` and `A_3` state and prove Bonferroni's inequality.

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  34. If an integer X is randomly selected from the first 50 positive integers, then find the value of `p(x + 96/x > 50)`.

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  35. The probability of' the solving a problems in mathematics of three students are 1/3,1/5,1/6 . If they try to solve the problem together, find the probability that the problem is solved by at least one student.

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  36. Examine whetehr Fisher's index satisfies both the time reversal and factor of reversal tests.

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  37. Show that crude death rate can be expressed as weighted arithmetic mean of age-specific death rates.

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  38. For any two events `A_1` and `A_2`, prove that `P(A_1 nn A_2) le min{PA_1),P(A_2)}` where min`{PA_1),P(A_2)}` is the minimum of `P(A_1)` and `P(A_2)`.

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  39. Two coins A and B have probabilities of head 1/4 and 3/4 in a single toss respectively. One of the coins is selected at random and tossed twice. If two heads come up what is the probability that coin B was tossed?

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Exercise questions and complete solutions for chapter Question Paper 2014 of UNITED BOOK HOUSE of Class 11

All Exercises from UNITED BOOK HOUSE Class 11 MATHS Question Paper 2014