Class 12 | BIOLOGY |
Chapter | EVOLUTION |
Number Of Questions | 20 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
A: During evolution pouched mammals of Australia survived.
R: Due to lack of competition from any other mammal due to continental drift.
A: Mesozoic is the era of dinosaurs but they suddenly disappeared from the earth.
R: Dinosaurs may have changed into birds or climatic changes killed them.
A: Mutations are non-directional.
R: Darwin's small variations are directional.
A: During industrialisation dark-winged or melanised moths were more abundant.
R: They were able to comouflage themselves, hide in the background and survied.
A: Tyannosaurus rex had fearsome dagger like teeth.
R: Tyrannosaurrus was largest dinosaur depending upon herbs and shrubs.
A: During evolution the early time period was without ozone layer.
R: Ozone layer absorbs U.V. rays to some extent.
A: Theory of biogenesis explains that life arises from pre-existing life.
R: Louis Pasteur finally disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation of life.
A: India fails under oriental realm out of other biogeographical realms.
R: World is divided in six biogeographical realms.
A: Archaeopteryx had free caudal vartebrae and toothed beak with teeth like reptiles.
R: It is missing link between heptiles and bird.
A: Placental wolf and Tasmanian wolf (a marsupial) show convergent evolution.
R: Like marsupials placental mammals in other parts of world also exhibit adaptive radiation in evolving into varieties of such placental mammals each of which appears to be similar to a corresponding marsupial.
A: There is 99% homology is haemoglobin of man and Gorilla.
R: Modern man is direct descendent of Gorilla.
A: Many countries have banned the use of antibiotics in the cattle feed.
R: Dairymen give antiobiotics in the feed to the cattle and it becomes breedig grounds for the antibiotics in the cattle feed.
R: Dairymen give antibiotics in the feed to the cattle and it becomes breeding grounds for the antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Assertion : Lycaenops is a mammals - like reptile.
Reason : Mammal - like reptiles originated in the Permian period.
A: Blood group analysis shows the human beings are more closely related to apes than to monkeys.
R: The blood groups A and B are found in apes but not in monkeys.
A: Due to bottle nect effect, among the survivors, certain alleles may be over-represented, some may be under-represented and some alleles may be totally eliminated.
R: The path extinction of a species cannot be reversed due to bottle neck effect.
A: Spotted cuscus and marsupial mole are the examples of marsuplai radiation.
R: Both are found in Australian region.
A: Similarities in proteins and genes performing a given function among diverse organisms give clue to coomon ancestry.
R: All the group of vertebrates arises from the common ancestor with great adaptation capability.
A: Sometimes, some babies have a small tail.
R: This is just a type of mutant variety.
A: Muscles of external ears are fully developed in humans.
R: These muscle helps in moving ear pinna in human.
A: A single large mutation called saltation can produce new species.
R: Mutations are directional.
SECTION-D ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS questions and complete solutions for chapter EVOLUTION of BIOLOGY (ZOOLOGY + BOTANY) of Class 12