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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter AIIMS 2001 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterAIIMS 2001
Number Of Questions60
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two coherent monochromatic light beams of amplitude 3 and 5 units are superposed . The maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beams are in the ratio

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  2. Two masses are attached to a rod end to end . If torque is applied they rotate with angular acceleration `alpha`. If their distances are doubled and same torque is applied, then they move with angular acceleration.

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  3. A particle is revolving in a circle of radius R. If the force acting on it is inversely proportional to R, then the time period is proportional to

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  4. At a place earth's magnetic field, `5xx10^(5)` `Wb//m^(2)` is acting perpendicular to a coil of radius R=5cm . If `mu_(0)//4pi=10^(-7)` , then how much current is induced in circular loop ?

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  5. An engine is working . It takes 100 calories of heat from source and leaves 80 calories of heat to sink . If the temperature of source is `127^(@)` C, then temperature of sink is

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  6. Speed in kilometer per hour in S.I. unit is represented as

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  7. Colour of a star depends upon

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  8. Dimension of resistivity is

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  9. If mass of an atom is M moving with speed v, what will be its speed after the emission of an `alpha`-particle if speed of `alpha`-particle is zero ?

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  10. If electron is moving from A to B in wire AB, then current AB, then current induced in the coil is

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  11. A wire of length l carries a steady current. It is bent first to form a circular plane loop of one turn. The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is B. The same length is now bent more sharply to give a double loop of smaller radius. The magnetic field at the centre caused by the same is

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  12. A metal rod consumes power P on passing curreent . If it is cut into two half and joined in parallel, it will consume power

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  13. A body of mass M moving with velocity V explodes into two equal parts. If one comes to rest and the other body moves with velocity v, what would be the value of v ?

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  14. Which of the following physical quantities do not have same dimensions ?

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  15. A solid sphere and a hollow sphere are heated the same temperature . Point out the true statement.

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  16. The orbital velocity of an artifical satellite in a cirular orbit above the earth's surface at a distance equal to radiu of earth is v. For a satellite orbiting at an altitude half of earth's radius, orbital velocity is

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  17. The time period of a simple pendulum is T remaining at rest inside a lift. Find the time period of pendulum when lift starts to move up with an acceleration of g/4

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  18. 1 kcal of heat flowing through a rod of iron.When the rod is cut down to 4 pieces then what will be the heat flowing through each piece having same differential temperature ?

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  19. From the given figure find the frequency of oscillation of the mass m

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  20. From the figure find the capacitance of the capacitor ?

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  21. S.I. unit of velocity is

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  22. Mass of the proton is 1840 times that of electron. It is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 V. Find its kinetic energy.

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  23. Two spheres of same metal have radii a and b . They have been connected to a conducting wire. Find the ratio of the electric field intensity upon them.

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  24. The work function of a metal is 3.4 eV. If the frequency of incident radiation is increased to twice, then the work function of the metal becomes.

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  25. If red light is replaced by white light then width of diffraction pattern will

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  26. Maximum energy transfer for an elastic collision will occur if one body is at rest when

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  27. Which of the following is path dependent

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  28. If fundamental frequency is 50 and next successive frequencies are 150 and 250 then it its

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  29. If in a circuit lags behind EMF by `pi//2` . Then it is a/an

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  30. In Planck's oscillator energy is given as
    If K=0 , then energy would be

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  31. Temperature of the star is determined by

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  32. If hot water is mixed with cold water

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  33. For liquid to rise in a capillary tube , the angle of contact should be

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  34. Escape velocity of a rocket is 11.2 km/sec. It is released at an angle of `45^(@)` . Its escape velocity is

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  35. X-ray beams are affected by

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  36. The heat produced in a long wire is characterised by resistance , current and time through which the current passes. If the errors in measuring these quantities are respectively 1%, 2% and 1% then total error in calculating the energy produced is

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  37. If a unit positive charge is taken from one point to another over an equipotential surface ,then

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  38. Figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a charged body. If the electric field at`A` and `B` are `E_(A)` and `E_(B)` respectively and if the displacement between `A` and `B` is `r` then

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  39. A charge is placed at the centre of cube of side a then flux linked with one of its given faces will be

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  40. A small piece of metal wire is dragged across the gap between the pole pieces of a magnet in 10 s. The magnetic flux between the pole pieces is `8 xx 10^(-4)` Wb. Find the magnitude of induced e.m.f.

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  41. if the earth is treated as a sphere of radius Radn mass M, Its angular momentum about the axis of its rotation with period T, is

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  42. Antimony and bismuth are usually used in a thermocouple, because

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  43. A constant pressure air thermometer gave a reading of `47.5` units of volume when immersed in ice cold water, and 67 units in a boiling liquid. The boiling point of the liquid will be

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  44. Two particles are seen to collide and move jointly together after the collision . During such a collision, for the total system,

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  45. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way down to the centre of the earth if it weighd 250 N on the surface ?

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  46. For an enclosure maintained at 2000K, the maximum radiation occurs at wavelength `lambda_m`. If the temperature is raised to 3000K, the peak will shift to

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  47. A certain radioactive element has a half-life of 20 years . If we have a block with 10 g of the element in it, after how

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  48. What is the dimensional formula of gravitational constant ?

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  49. The equivalent resistance between A and C of the given circuit , is

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  50. A source is moving towards an observer with a speed of 20 m / s and having frequency of 240 Hz . The observer is now moving towards the source with a speed of 20 m / s . Apparent frequency heard by observer, if velocity of sound is 340 m / s , is

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  51. Assertion (A): Centripetal force does no work .
    Reason (R) : Force and displacement are perpendicular to each other

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  52. Assertion (A): Skiers uses air glasses.
    Reason(R) : Light reflected by snow is partially polarised.

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  53. Assertion (A) : LASER is used to measure distant object as moon.
    Reason (R) : They are highly coherent source of light.

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  54. Assertion (A) : Work done in uniform circular motion is zero.
    Reason (R) : Force is always directed along displacement .

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  55. Assertion (A): At pole value of acceleration due to gravity (g) is greater than that of equator.
    Reason (R) : Earth rotates on its axis in addition to revolving round the sun.

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  56. Assertion (A): During reverse, biasing a diode doesn't conduct current.
    Reason (R) : It narrows the depletion layer.

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  57. Assertion (A) : On increasing the frequency of light larger number of photoelectrons are emitted .
    Reason (R) : The number of electrons emitted depends on the intensity of incident light.

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  58. Assertion: soldiers are asked to break steps while crossing the bridge.
    Reason: The frequency of marching may be equal to the natural frequency of bridge and may lead to resonance which can break the bridge.

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  59. Assertion (A) : The time period of revolution of a satellite around a planet is directly proportional to the radius of the orbit of the satellite.
    Reason (R) : Artifical satellite do not follow Kepler's laws of planatory motion.

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  60. Assertion : Electric appliances with metallic body, e.g. heaters, presses etc, have three pin connections, whereas an electric bulb has a two pin connection.
    Reason : Three pin connection reduce heating of connecting cables.

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter AIIMS 2001 of AIIMS PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS of Class 12

All Exercises from AIIMS PREVIOUS YEARS Class 12 PHYSICS AIIMS 2001