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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) of chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam)
Number Of Questions43
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `omega` is a cube root of unity but not equal to 1, then minimum value of `abs(a+bomega+comega^(2))`, (where a,b and c are integers but not all equal ), is

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  2. If one of the vertices of the square circumscribing the circle `|z - 1| = sqrt2` is `2+ sqrt3 iota`. Find the other vertices of square

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  3. If `z_1 and z_2`, are two non-zero complex numbers such tha `|z_1+z_2|=|z_1|+|z_2|` then `arg(z_1)-arg(z_2)` is equal to

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  4. If `1,omega,omega^(2)` are the cube roots of unity, then the roots of the equation `(x-1)^(3)+8=0` are

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  5. If `omega = z//[z-(1//3)i] and |omega| = 1`, then find the locus of z.

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  6. If `w=alpha+ibeta` where `Beta 0 ` and `z ne 1` satisfies the condition that `((w- bar wz)/(1-z))` is purely real then the set of values of z is

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  7. Find the value of `sum_(k=1)^10[sin((2pik)/(11))-icos((2pik)/(11))],wherei=sqrt(-1).`

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  8. If `z^2+z+1=0` where `z` is a complex number, then the value of `(z+1/z)^2+(z^2+1/z^2)^2+....+(z^6+1/z^6)^2` is

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  9. A man walks a distance of 3 units from the origin towards north-east to reach position A. from there he walks a distance of 4 units towards North west to reach position P. Then position of P in argand plane is

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  10. If `|z|=1 and z!=+-1,` then all the values of `z/(1-z^2)` lie on

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  11. If `abs(z+4) le 3`, the maximum value of `abs(z+1)` is

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  12. Let A, B, C be three sets of complex number as defined below: `A={z:Imge1}, B={z:|z-2-i|= 3},C:{z:Re((1-i)z)=sqrt(2)}` The number of elements in the set `AnnBnnC` is

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  13. Let A,B and C be three sets of complex numbers as defined below: `{:(,A={z:Im(z) ge 1}),(,B={z:abs(z-2-i)=3}),(,C={z:Re(1-i)z)=3sqrt(2)"where" i=sqrt(-1)):}`
    Let z be any point in `A cap B cap C`. Then, `abs(z+1-i)^(2)+abs(z-5-i)^(2)` lies between

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  14. Let A,B and C be three sets of complex numbers as defined below: `{:(,A={z:Im(z) ge 1}),(,B={z:abs(z-2-i)=3}),(,C={z:Re(1-i)z)=3sqrt(2)"where" i=sqrt(-1)):} `
    Let z be any point in `A cap B cap C " and " omega` be any point satisfying `abs(omega-2-i) lt 3`. Then, `abs(z)-abs(omega)+3` lies between

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  15. A particle `P` starts from the point `z_0=1+2i ,` where `i=sqrt(-1)` . It moves first horizontally away from origin by 5 units and then vertically away from origin by 3 units to reach a point `z_1dot` From `z_1` the particle moves `sqrt(2)` units in the direction of the vector ` hat i+ hat j` and then it moves through an angle `pi/2` in anticlockwise direction on a circle with centre at origin, to reach a point `z_2dot` The point `z_2` is given by `6+7i` (b) `-7+6i` `7+6i` (d) `-6+7i`

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  16. If the conjugate of a complex numbers is `1/(i-1)`, where `i=sqrt(-1)`. Then, the complex number is

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  17. Let `z=x+i y` be a complex number where `xa n dy` are integers. Then, the area of the rectangle whose vertices are the roots of the equation `z z ^3+ z z^3=350` is 48 (b) 32 (c) 40 (d) 80

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  18. Let `z=costheta+isintheta`. Then the value of `sum_(m->1-15)Img(z^(2m-1))` at `theta=2^@` is:

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  19. If `|Z-4/Z|=2` then maximum value of `|Z|` is equal to

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  20. Let `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` be two distinct complex numbers and `z=(1-t)z_(1)+iz_(2)`, for some real number t with `0 lt t lt 1` and `i=sqrt(-1)`. If arg(w) denotes the principal argument of a non-zero compolex number w, then

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  21. Let `omega` be the complex number `cos((2pi)/3)+isin((2pi)/3)`. Then the number of distinct complex cos numbers z satisfying `Delta=|(z+1,omega,omega^2),(omega,z+omega^2,1),(omega^2,1,z+omega)|=0` is

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  22. If `alpha` and `beta` are the roots of the equation `x^(2)-x+1=0, alpha^(2009)+beta^(2009` is equal to

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  23. The number of complex numbers `z` such that `|z-1|=|z+1|=|z-i|` is

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  24. If z is any complex number satisfying `abs(z-3-2i) le 2`, where `i=sqrt(-1)`, then the minimum value of `abs(2z-6+5i)`, is

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  25. The set `{R e((2i z)/(1-z^2)): zi sacom p l e xnu m b e r ,|z|=1,z=+-1}` is________.

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  26. The maximum value of `|a r g(1/(1-z))|for|z|=1,z!=1` is given by.

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  27. Let ` omega= e^((ipi)/3) and a, b, c, x, y, z` be non-zero complex numbers such that `a+b+c = x, a + bomega + comega^2 = y, a + bomega^2 + comega = z`.Then, the value of `(|x|^2+|y|^2|+|y|^2)/(|a|^2+|b|^2+|c|^2)`

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  28. Let `alpha and beta` be real numbers and z be a complex number. If `z^(2)+alphaz+beta=0` has two distinct non-real roots with Re(z)=1, then it is necessary that

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  29. If `omega(ne 1)` be a cube root of unity and `(1+omega)^(7)=A+Bomega`, then A and B are respectively the numbers.

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  30. Let z be a complex number such that the imaginary part of z is nonzero and `a = z^2 + z + 1` is real. Then `a` cannot take the value

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  31. If `z ne 1` and `(z^(2))/(z-1)` is real, the point represented by the complex numbers z lies

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  32. If z is a complex number of unit modulus and argument `theta`, then `arg((1+z)/(1+bar(z)))` equals to

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  33. Let complex numbers `alpha and 1/alpha` lies on circle `(x-x_0)^2(y-y_0)^2=r^2 and (x-x_0)^2+(y-y_0)^2=4r^2` respectively. If `z_0=x_0+iy_0` satisfies the equation `2|z_0|^2=r^2+2` then `|alpha|` is equal to (a) `1/sqrt2` (b) `1/2` (c) `1/sqrt7` (d) `1/3`

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  34. Let w = (`sqrt 3 + iota/2)` and `P = { w^n : n = 1,2,3, ..... },` Further `H_1 = { z in C: Re(z) > 1/2} and H_2 = { z in c : Re(z) < -1/2}` Where C is set of all complex numbers. If `z_1 in P nn H_1 , z_2 in P nn H_2` and O represent the origin, then `/_Z_1OZ_2` =

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  35. Let `S=S_1 nn S_2 nn S_3`, where `s_1={z in C :|z|<4}, S_2={z in C :ln[(z-1+sqrt(3)i)/(1-sqrt(31))]>0} and S_3={z in C : Re z > 0}`

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  36. Let `S=S_1 nn S_2 nn S_3`, where `s_1={z in C :|z|<4}, S_2={z in C :ln[(z-1+sqrt(3)i)/(1-sqrt(31))]>0} and S_3={z in C : Re z > 0}`

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  37. If `z` is a complex number such that `|z|>=2` then the minimum value of `|z+1/2|` is

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  38. A complex number z is said to be unimodular if `abs(z)=1`. Suppose `z_(1)` and `z_(2)` are complex numbers such that `(z_(1)-2z_(2))/(2-z_(1)z_(2))` is unimodular and `z_(2)` is not unimodular. Then the point `z_(1)` lies on a

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  39. Let `omega ne 1` be a complex cube root of unity. If `(3-3omega+2omega^(2))^(4n+3) + (2+3omega-3omega^(2))^(4n+3)+(-3+2omega+2omega^(2))^(4n+3)=0`, then the set of possible value(s) of n is are

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  40. For any integer `k ,` let `alpha_k=cos(kpi)/7+isin(kpi)/7,w h e r e i=sqrt(-1)dot` Value of the expression `(sumk=1 12|alpha_(k+1)-alpha_k|)/(sumk=1 3|alpha_(4k-1)-alpha_(4k-2)|)` is

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  41. A value of `theta` for which `(2+3isintheta)/(1-2isintheta)` is purely imaginary, is

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  42. Let `0 ne a, 0 ne b in R`. Suppose
    `S={z in C, z=1/(a+ibt)t in R, t ne 0}`, where `i=sqrt(-1)`. If `z=x+iy` and `z in S`, then `(x,y)` lies on

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  43. Let `omega` be a complex number such that `2omega+1=z` where `z=sqrt(-3)`. If `|{:(1,1,1),(1,-omega^(2)-1,omega^(2)),(1,omega^(2),omega^(7))|=3k`, then k is equal to

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Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) questions and complete solutions for chapter COMPLEX NUMBERS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12